Deleted member 20630

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
As seen in my edit I know I said in my original post film critics and he's not, but still a respected person in the industry.

I'm not trying to say I disagree with flaws that Kojima has in his writing, but the "he'd get annihilated by film critics" posts seem a bit much when you have people who are highly respected in that industry praising lots of aspects of his work.

I also don't want him to make films either as we lose his unique approach to gameplay

I actually agree with that 2nd graf. I was personally too hasty and as a result went into hyperbole. I'm still not totally convinced he'd make a well-reviewed movie, but I was being way too hasty in saying he'd get savaged based on writing alone. As others have pointed out, he has some really decent chops for cinematography. Appreciate the links!
Oct 31, 2017
I wish I could cross-post to Reddit because most of these posts defending Kojima are prime /r/IAmVerySmart material. It's more than appropriate the game got a commercial from Rick and Morty but they should have thrown in a tv spot by Brian Griffin while they were at it.

Shpeshal Nick

Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
If you say so.

I just think if you are literally going to class something as "irredeemable garbage" you may as well give the score the suits that statement.

Im trying to get what you're arguing here?

You wanted the reviewer to give a zero to a functioning game that's visually great with decently high production values just because he doesn't like it and called it irredeemable garbage?

Under the circumstances 3.5 or 4 seems about right. 4 or less is definitely a "bad game" which is clearly how he views it.

But it works, it's not buggy and is visually stunning. 4 seems about right.


Oct 25, 2017
I blame Geoff Keighley


Oct 28, 2017
Man, i wish i was this unware of myself as kojima. He must live in a house of mirrors. Is this guy even married to someone or have kids? He much worse than cristiano ronaldo.


Oct 25, 2017
Im trying to get what you're arguing here?

You wanted the reviewer to give a zero to a functioning game that's visually great with decently high production values just because he doesn't like it and called it irredeemable garbage?

Under the circumstances 3.5 or 4 seems about right. 4 or less is definitely a "bad game" which is clearly how he views it.

But it works, it's not buggy and is visually stunning. 4 seems about right.

If he had such a strong reaction to the game he should've given it a lower score, that's all.

3.5 suggests really terrible but not without merit

Not what the reviewer states at all.


Oct 25, 2017
This is the kinda response I'd expect from a man who is constantly being called a genius by everyone around him.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Mostly the people that hate him try to frame him as this high art, avant-garde genius.

People that like him just think he's made some fucking excellent game with great characters which meant a lot to them.

Also Kojima makes no bones about how he is inspired by movies, he even calls Snake Plissken in MGS2 lol.
My guess is that back then stories that were told in games were still really rudimentary. Then he comes along with campy as fuck stories and characters, adds a shitton of convoluted nonsense that some people see as "deep" storytelling, and suddenly he's a genius and gaming's messiah. Something like that.

The truth has to be between these two extremes, doesn't it?

His statements in the OP go against the taste he's previously demonstrated, so it can't be just a change only in the perception of angry nerds. There's definitely something that changed in his own mind as well.

Additionally, he was praised for his storytelling in games over a period of years, so I'd have to think that it was more than pure novelty like the original Ninja Gaiden's cutscenes. And however you might feel about his ability to pull it off, he was genuinely attempting to tackle some varied and complex subject matter by Metal Gear Solid 2. So I don't think it's purely a matter of being at the right place at the right time.

I think Kojima's a creator who comes up with a lot of good ideas but often needs a guiding hand to temper them out into something workable and separate the wheat from the chaff. There are a lot of creators like that. But whether you think he's good or bad, there's still a clearly recognizable shift from westaboo otaku to auteur that must have happened somewhere.
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Oct 25, 2017
Honest question: when did Kojima start being framed as high art? Whether by himself or other people. At the start of his career he was obsessed with popcorny American action movies and blatantly ripped from them.



I can't believe all those movies copied Kojima, it's absolutely shameless lmao.

Just goes to show how creatively bankrupt Hollywood is compared to a true visionary like Kojima.


Oct 25, 2017
If he had such a strong reaction to the game he should've given it a lower score, that's all.

3.5 suggest really terrible but not without merit

Not what the reviewer states at all.
Why are you constantly asking for the reviewer to lower the score just for dramatic effect instead of what the reviewer thought the game deserved?

Deleted member 35618

Dec 7, 2017
Mostly the people that hate him try to frame him as this high art, avant-garde genius.

People that like him just think he's made some fucking excellent game with great characters which meant a lot to them.

Also Kojima makes no bones about how he is inspired by movies, he even calls Snake Plissken in MGS2 lol.

LOL. What kind of retcon.

And Kojima nonsense per usual. He's been a hack since MGS3.


Alt account banned
Oct 2, 2019
Still gave it a 4/10, if you listened to that review most would steer clear of the game.

I haven't even played it yet but i'm surprised how many people who were wary are ended up loving it.
I always take those first weekend impressions with a big grain of salt. A lot of the people buying this game day one had long ago decided to do so.

Also, DS is a very long game and by most accounts it goes on far longer than it should and the slog eventually takes its toll.

It will be interesting to see the consensus opinion a month from now.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
North Carolina
That's the dumbest shit. Just accept that your game ain't perfect. I guess it make sense for someone so full of themselves to be so insecure. Fuck. Also that art gallery shit is ridiculous. Guy needs a reality check.


Oct 25, 2017
Why are you constantly asking for the reviewer to lower the score just for dramatic effect instead of what the reviewer thought the game deserved?

Because he called it "irredeemable garbage" like... if you're going with that then give it a score that fits the statement is all i'm saying.

I don't care about the drama of it, whatever that means, I just think his words and score don't align.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
Dude, I like the walking. I like finding stuff people have left behind and I like managing my gear as I go out to the world. There is a very zen-state that I can get into it.

The problem is the absolutely hackneyed philosophizing, masturbatory pontifications on society's relationship with technology (this communication device is so useful, BUT REALLY IT'S HANDCUFFS WHAAAAAAA), and grotesquely paced cutscenes where they need to explain all these fucking characters. Frankly, the game didn't need any of this shit. It could have just had a small story about someone carrying shit from one place to the next (no, not the president's son...), and it could have been fine.

Instead, the game is screaming for you to bask in its hollow self-importance.


Oct 25, 2017
I always take those first weekend impressions with a big grain of salt. A lot of the people buying this game day one had long ago decided to do so.

Also, DS is a very long game and by most accounts it goes on far longer than it should and the slog eventually takes its toll.
Reviews have said the game only gets better and that the first part is the worst so?


Oct 28, 2017
I don't want to shit on him because he's undeniably talented even though I'm no fan, but the more he opens his mouth and the more he of a prick he seems. Why can't he just accept that his game is probably flawed, and while some people may still love it, there's gonna be a substantial minority who are just not going to be into it?
Becase he is hideo kojim! The mN with the most followers on the internet. He received a prize for that.

Shpeshal Nick

Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
It's real, I took the pic myself at the pop-up gallery last Friday. You can read about the event here:

What that blog doesn't tell you is that after your reservation gets read and you get past that nice lit hall with the Ludens statue, the very first thing you see is a showcase of Kojima's conference passes and Death Stranding's pre-release awards:


Not only that, but the gallery's walls were plastered with Kojima quotes.



But what really struck me is that despite the event being a gallery, NOTHING was labeled except for the selfie wall.
So I had no idea who made any of this gorgeous concept art.




Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
So did he have a smile on his face kind saying this in jest? Or is he really that fucking stupid?


May 7, 2019
Lol kojimas butthurt. Kinda pathetic to see him stoop to the "go play an FPS!!!1" defense. Can't believe people stan for this overrated baby. It's been pretty evident that this tool has been anti American for a while.
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Oct 25, 2017
The Stussining
Honestly the game is just weird lol. I don't say that as a knock against the game just that it's a really odd game and I'm not surprised it's polarizing to people. Hell I'm on episode 2 and I still don't know how I feel about it. Might need a Monster Energy to help me figure it out.


Oct 25, 2017
Dude, I like the walking. I like finding stuff people have left behind and I like managing my gear as I go out to the world. There is a very zen-state that I can get into it.

The problem is the absolutely hackneyed philosophizing, masturbatory pontifications on society's relationship with technology (this communication device is so useful, BUT REALLY IT'S HANDCUFFS WHAAAAAAA), and grotesquely paced cutscenes where they need to explain all these fucking characters. Frankly, the game didn't need any of this shit. It could have just had a small story about someone carrying shit from one place to the next (no, not the president's son...), and it could have been fine.

Instead, the game is screaming for you to bask in its hollow self-importance.
Also in a game about human connection, I'd have liked a bit more talking to people that aren't holograms,


Nov 6, 2017
Dude, I like the walking. I like finding stuff people have left behind and I like managing my gear as I go out to the world. There is a very zen-state that I can get into it.

The problem is the absolutely hackneyed philosophizing, masturbatory pontifications on society's relationship with technology (this communication device is so useful, BUT REALLY IT'S HANDCUFFS WHAAAAAAA), and grotesquely paced cutscenes where they need to explain all these fucking characters. Frankly, the game didn't need any of this shit. It could have just had a small story about someone carrying shit from one place to the next (no, not the president's son...), and it could have been fine.

Instead, the game is screaming for you to bask in its hollow self-importance.

Looks like we got an American here boys, get em!


Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
tbh i don´t believe for one second that he said it exactly in this way, this seems lost in translation somehow...not surprising when it was translated from italian to english to japanese and back


Drive-In Mutant
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
So then why did you shoehorn a bunch of half baked combat into it? The game would be infinitely better without BTs, mules, and brain dead bosses.


Oct 29, 2017
Is this the dude that made that assassin character who doesn't talk because of language parasites and needs to wear a skimpy outfit because she breathes through her skin?


Oct 25, 2017
Have they though? Because all the Giant Bomb and Game Informer people I listened to on podcasts said it only gets worse and the ending is a huge let down.

The vast majority of what I read said that the slog is the first 7 to 10 hours. After that, things get going and it's much better.

Strangely enough, that was the exact case for me, personally. It went from "I'm not sure if I like this" to my goty


Oct 25, 2017
tbh i don´t believe for one second that he said it exactly in this way, this seems lost in translation somehow...not surprising when it was translated from italian to english to japanese and back
Idk, it sounds like something he'd say. Maybe not word for word, but the sentiment. Wouldn't be the first time people in general take a shot at American intelligence/sensibilities from abroad.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
More and more I'm beginning to believe that Konami had a point.
It'll be super interesting if we end up getting more information about that years down the line. There were a whole bunch of games that seemed to only exist because of Kojima, or had Kojima's imprint on it. He seemed massively powerful in the company. Then he got booted and it seemed like Konami was the evil corporate overlord. Then there were a bunch of narratives flying around that were all totally made up by people trying to push some goofy agenda or another.