
More helpful than the IRS
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I don't go to sex events with play partners or whatever, I just have sex with a girl I'm attracted to if she's clearly into it. I've not gone wrong so far with simple signs like flirtatious eye contact, body language, reciprocation. You know, all that simple, instinctual human interaction stuff.

"Do you mind if we have sex?"

What kind of question is that? It's just weird man and you'll come across like an idiot, you won't convince me otherwise.

And nice straw man with your "rape is bad" comment. Come on man...

It's not a strawman. Rape is bad. Rape is frequent. Rape isn't usually stranger in a dark alley. But that's not kinky, so I don't see the point of going down that path. Rape is sex with lack of consent.

Anyhow, when we talk about consent in the kink scene-- uh, you should NOT be playing with new partners without verbally establishing first what is okay and not okay, and you should NOT assume sex is okay unless you specifically verbally establish that beforehand.

If you're not talking specifically about play partners and BDSM parties, then whatever you do you.

But if you're going to play parties and playing with new people, you better damn well be sure you get actual verbal consent to penetrate them. This is basic etiquette and any party that doesn't follow those rules is a shitty party with shitty behavior. No thanks.

Bless your heart, but the only person who looks like an idiot here is the person who doesn't obtain consent.

Though I will add that the reason why I, and most people (especially subs), refuse to play with scene newbies is because so many of them fail to understand consent and don't respect boundaries. So you're not alone, if that makes you feel better :).


Oct 28, 2017
To be fair, if you're into some out there kinks with strangers at a sex party then I guess "do you mind if we..." isn't such a weird question. This discussion is being conducted in a fairly skewed setting, the majority of people don't go to sex parties and ask strangers if they can suck custard out of their ass with a straw or whatever.

But fairly standard sex with someone you're pretty comfortable with shouldn't require verbal consent, the consent should be implicit unless you rarely interact with humans or something.

How far do you take it?

"Do you mind if I kiss you."

"Can I take your clothes off."

It's madness.


Oct 25, 2017
Tel Aviv
Where do you draw the line though? You assume there's some standard package "normal sex" that is communicated by default when someone is interested in anything sexual, but I think your definition of fairly standard sex is not as universal as you might think. I mean, some people see oral as "fairly standard", but you would still ask the girl if she's going to blow you, no?
As was said, you do you if that works out for you, but I don't quite get what is bothering you so much about verbal consent.
For the record though, there ARE non verbal ways to give consent, but I think it's fairly obvious you should try to minimize doubt as much as possible and talking about it is the surest way to achieve that. If the girl is practically guiding you into her, yeah, I'd say you're good.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I get that. Not trying to judge, just curious, but would you mind if I asked what about snuff you find arousing? Totally don't need to say anything if it's uncomfortable.
For me it's all about giving everything for the person I'm with. Snuff takes that to the extreme by having me imagine giving my life for my my partner for whatever reason. It's for that reason most of my fantasies about it involve my partner using my body for something after I've died, like making art with it.


Oct 25, 2017
  • Gender? Male
  • Sexual Orientation? Hetero
  • Age? 18
  • Are you a Top, Bottom, or Switch? Switch
  • What are your fetishes and kinks of note? I'm vanilla as fuck but basic shit like spanking, biting, scratching, power play, light bondage
  • Porn or No? If so, what kinds? Porn: Trying to find HD black on black porn is hard guys
  • What's the best position? Have only had sex one and a half times so *shrug*
  • Favorite games? Of the video type? MGS 2, MGR, RDR
  • Favorite music genres? Hip-Hop, Rap, R&B, Jazz, Reggae, Neo-Soul, Electronic, Synthpop, EDM, Pop...
  • Favorite food? Baklava
  • Would you give up sex for life or food for life? Sex as in P in V or oral as well?


Oct 26, 2017
For me it's all about giving everything for the person I'm with. Snuff takes that to the extreme by having me imagine giving my life for my my partner for whatever reason. It's for that reason most of my fantasies about it involve my partner using my body for something after I've died, like making art with it.
That's pretty interesting actually. Thanks for answering.


Oct 29, 2017
Yo peeps. Glad I found this topic:
  • Gender? Cis Male
  • Sexual Orientation? Pansexual
  • Age? 29
  • Are you a Top, Bottom, or Switch? Top
  • What are your fetishes and kinks of note? Lite bondage, spanking, watching partners crossdress, dirty talk, pregnancy, non-con roleplay
  • Porn or No? If so, what kinds? Porn. Real, erotica and erotic art of guys or gals with wide hips and big behinds
  • What's the best position? Missionary
  • Favorite games? Spelunky, Kingdom Hearts, Mario Galaxy, Overwatch
  • Favorite music genres? All. I'm not picky. I've got K-Pop, Top 40, Video Game Soundtracks and Show Tunes in my library
  • Favorite food? Shrimp Fried Rice
  • Would you give up sex for life or food for life? Food if for nothing else other than the money it would save


Oct 25, 2017
  • Gender? Male
  • Sexual Orientation? Hetero
  • Age? 18
  • Are you a Top, Bottom, or Switch? Switch
  • What are your fetishes and kinks of note? I'm vanilla as fuck but basic shit like spanking, biting, scratching, power play, light bondage
  • Porn or No? If so, what kinds? Porn: Trying to find HD black on black porn is hard guys
  • What's the best position? Have only had sex one and a half times so *shrug*
  • Favorite games? Of the video type? MGS 2, MGR, RDR
  • Favorite music genres? Hip-Hop, Rap, R&B, Jazz, Reggae, Neo-Soul, Electronic, Synthpop, EDM, Pop...
  • Favorite food? Baklava
  • Would you give up sex for life or food for life? Sex as in P in V or oral as well?

HD black on black porn is hard to find because people don't buy it. I've had producers I trust tell me that directly. There's only two black male performers who have enough cache to make a black on black movie and get it distributed (Prince and Lex), so if you don't like those two its slim pickings. There was an all black feature that came out a year or two ago from Wicked which was good.

Edit: And about the consent thing, it doesn't have to go as far as "would you like to have sex now", since yes that can be pretty clunky. Just a simple checking in at various intervals should be enough most of the time. A simple "are you okay" during can easily be seen as affirmative consent, IMO, and is much more natural.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
I get that consent is important, of course it is. But it's this insistence that you get verbal consent that is baffling to me. If you're so socially inept that you can't read obvious signals that someone isn't vibing off your advances then you probably have bigger problems than asking an awkwardly redundant question mid sex.

Obviously if you're into some weird kinks that you think someone might find inappropriate or just plain not OK, then use your judgment and ask first. But actually asking someone flat out if you can have sex with them will never not sound really awkward to me.

Basically don't be a creepy weirdo, read the cues and use some judgement.

You're not filling in a survey.
Just an observation but you're coming off incredibly negative and condescending here. Promoting verbal asks and checking in with partners has zero downside. You don't think you've ever needed to, great, do you. Calling people awkward or creepy weirdos for checking has no purpose.


Oct 28, 2017
I see the connection you're making between asking and "being a creepy weirdo", but that wasn't my intention so apologies. I just meant, in the grander scheme of things of sex in general, do these things and you'll probably be OK unless, as I say, you're into some really kinky stuff. And to be fair one person basically equated not asking to rape, which is insane.

But with regards to there being zero downside I disagree. I think it shows a lack of confidence and assertiveness, not exactly sexy traits in the bedroom.

As I say, if you feel more comfortable asking then more power to you, but don't insinuate those that don't are borderline sex offenders.
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More helpful than the IRS
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Given how common rape and sexual assault is, and how many times it comes down to "but I thought the signs were obvious" *coughcough shower, then yes I feel comfortable stating that not having consent can easily turn out to be rape. And in the kink scene, I can say that if you're playing with a new partner and you haven't agreed to sex beforehand, you're going to be the sex offender in many of those cases.

You can think my position is extreme, but I would wager that many, many women (not just women, though) can talk about at least one experience in their life when they didn't really want sex but their partner didn't stop or listen.


Oct 28, 2017
Fair enough, you make a reasoned argument. But I still maintain that non-verbal signals should be plenty in most cases.

She initiated the kissing, started undressing herself, puts her hands down your pants, she's probably into it.

Looks uncomfortable, stiff body language, isn't reciprocating in any way, probably not into it.

And if you're not sure then obviously ask. But this steadfast insistence on "wait, stop what we're doing will I ascertain legally binding consent" is madness to me.


Oct 25, 2017
Fair enough, you make a reasoned argument. But I still maintain that non-verbal signals should be plenty in most cases.

She initiated the kissing, started undressing herself, puts her hands down your pants, she's probably into it.

Looks uncomfortable, stiff body language, isn't reciprocating in any way, probably not into it.

And if you're not sure then obviously ask. But this steadfast insistence on "wait, stop what we're doing will I ascertain legally binding consent" is madness to me.

No one is saying that things like this aren't indicators of consent, but first of all, they aren't going to be present in every sexual situation. Second of all, remember that consent can be revoked at any time, so even if that's how the encounter started, that's no guarantee that consent has been maintained throughout the whole process, which is why checking in would be important. Like, yes, if she undresses herself in front of you in a romantic/intimate setting, or initiates the contact, then you probably don't have to stop right there and ask if she's willing to have sex with you at that moment. But checking in later in the process is never going to be a bad thing, and can absolutely be done in ways that don't kill the mood.


Oct 28, 2017
Again, I appreciate your point and you're right, consent can be asked in a way that isn't awkward and formal. I just think it's one of the many ways to clarify the situation.

Obviously you're a massive rapist if you continue after she's just said stop, but her discomfort should be pretty apparent anyway by that point.


Oct 27, 2017
  • Gender? Male, he/him pronouns
  • Sexual Orientation? Queer, mostly I'm into guys, but I'm into some ladies and transguys
  • Age? Male
  • Are you a Top, Bottom, or Switch? I'm going to say switch, because it really depends on my partner.
  • What are your fetishes and kinks of note? Flogging, CBT, rope play,
  • Porn or No? If so, what kinds? Yep! Mostly gay, some bi MMF, some female-friendly/female-centric things
  • What's the best position? Threesome, with me in the middle, getting to top and bottom at the same time.
  • Favorite games? Mostly an RPG guy, but Horizon Zero Dawn and Cuphead are my current favorites.
  • Favorite music genres? Indie rock, indie electronica, old school jazz and soul
  • Favorite food? I've got a sweet tooth, but I don't give into it much. Other than that, probably fried chicken.
  • Would you give up sex for life or food for life? If it meant not having the urge for sex, probably sex. Food is too social of a thing to give up (though my sex life tends to include my friends a lot). That said, not having to eat would save a lot of time and money...
Anyway, I'm still fairly new to being a kinkster myself. I've had a great group of friends in the Chicago region that were kinky, and I always loved the community. I described myself as kink-adjacent for a long time, because even though most of it didn't appeal to me, I loved that other people enjoyed it.

That changed a bit earlier this year when I went to be a booth babe for a friend of mine at CLAW (Cleveland Leather Annual Weekend), and ended up getting flogged for the first time. It was initially by a gal who was still pretty new and we were both willing to explore, but after a bit, she asked if she could turn the handle over to her friend, who was this incredibly sexy daddy type who wielded that thing amazingly. I ended up not being able to sit too comfortably for the next day or so, but I really, really enjoyed it. Since then, I guess I have to consider myself far more of a member of the community than an encouraging outsider.
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More helpful than the IRS
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
BernardoOne - thanks!

I'm bumping this thread for visibility. I think sometimes people are somewhat confused about what kink is, and more importantly, what consent is.


Oct 25, 2017
Tel Aviv
Yeah, Sunstone is pretty nice. I never read it in full even though I bought it a while ago - But both the art and story are quality.

I went to another local munch yesterday. Was quite fun, met some very cool people. I'm starting to feel like I'm not just another new guy anymore.


Oct 27, 2017
Posted about this guy in Dating ERA called Dr. NerdLove, a pretty progressive dating and relationship columnist I've been following for quite a long time. He just dropped a podcast episode on consent that I thought was highly appropriate for listening to even if you're already confident on what consent is and what it looks like.
There's a dating thread? I think the search function isn't working cause I've searched for threads with "dating" in the title and gotten no results. Could you link me to it?


Oct 25, 2017
Hey everyone! I'm so excited to join Yay!! I've always wanted to be apart of a forum and make friends! Haha xD
  • Gender? Female
  • Sexual Orientation? Straight (maybe a closeted bisexual)
  • Age? 25
  • Are you a Top, Bottom, or Switch? Bottom
  • What are your fetishes and kinks of note? I like to be spanked I guess
  • Porn or No? If so, what kinds? I watch porn in secret, yes
  • What's the best position? I like doggy style
  • Favorite games? Mario Kart
  • Favorite music genres? I like a bit of everything actually mostly alternative though.
  • Favorite food? Sushi
  • Would you give up sex for life or food for life? Sex, ya I'm chubby and the reason is because I like food, actually I love food


Oct 29, 2017
Welcome Queenvee!

Has anyone used any of the Kink "dating" apps that are around? I've mostly stuck to Fetlife but I was reading this article about the several different kink apps out there for a new avenue. I've definitely used Tinder and the like for standard dates but I was wondering about peoples experiences with kink-specific apps, if there were any to relate.

VICE said:
KinkD is an app promising to help users "fulfill their golden shower fantasies." Essentially Tinder for kinky folk, the app's developers see their creation as an innovative platform for people looking to find niche sexual co-conspirators, or to easily explore their erotic desires. But KinkD isn't quite as novel as it might seem.

The last two years have seen the launch of a number of kinky Tinder parallels—like Kinkstr, KNKI, and Whiplr, which Gawker called "Tinder in leather chaps." Whiplr hit a million downloads earlier this year, but spokespeople from KNKI and KinkD tell me they have tens of thousands of regular users and are logging thousands more every month. Openly riding on kink's pop exposure in the post-Fifty Shades era, these apps all seem to believe they're doing something good for the kinky community—and humanity—by facilitating some casual S&M exploration.

"Everyone has the potential to be kinky, and most people have a reserved desire to be," said KinkD co-founder Jeffrey Cheung, who found domination via porn relatively recently and used it to rekindle his married sex life. "Dating apps will help the kink community expand quickly."

But to some in kink society, these apps aren't such a simple good. For many, kink is more than just a set of acts. It involves community and education, helping kinksters and the curious alike explore their boundaries, meet others, and learn and adopt the norms of safe and consensual best kinky practice. "Fundamentally, what makes [it] a subculture is that it is social," said Michal Daveed of The Eulenspiegel Society (TES), America's oldest fetish education and community group. "It's always been part of how we grow as individuals and a community, share skills, strengthen our values of communication, and care for one another. There's a degree of safety to this, as well as an established behavioral etiquette." Such social spaces are major venues for kinksters to meet one another, but also for newbies to learn vital ropes—sometimes literally.


More helpful than the IRS
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I haven't tried any kinky apps, no. When I used OKC I would just put it in my profile.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't know how to tell my husband because he actually thinks I'm pretty boring and innocent about sexual things but I think I have a liking for oral sex and I'm trying to bring it up but I'm not sure how... any advice?


Oct 29, 2017
I haven't tried any kinky apps, no. When I used OKC I would just put it in my profile.
I did the same when I used OKC. Decided to download Whiplr + KinkD to see what they bring. I'll give it a few weeks to see if it produces any results since it's more focused.

I don't know how to tell my husband because he actually thinks I'm pretty boring and innocent about sexual things but I think I have a liking for oral sex and I'm trying to bring it up but I'm not sure how... any advice?
Start by asking him to open up about things he's fantasized about. You can't really couch it in anything since it's simply about sex. There's no talking about the weather or the bedsheets and hoping it just naturally comes up. He might have things he wants to try that you've never known and would ask the same of you so you can bring up what you enjoy. If you do watch porn and he does you could watch some together that leans into Fetish X that you're interested in.


Oct 25, 2017
I did the same when I used OKC. Decided to download Whiplr + KinkD to see what they bring. I'll give it a few weeks to see if it produces any results since it's more focused.

Start by asking him to open up about things he's fantasized about. You can't really couch it in anything since it's simply about sex but he might have things he wants to try that you've never known and would ask the same of you so you can bring up what you enjoy. If you do watch porn and he does you could watch some together that leans into Fetish X that you're interested in.
Well part of the problem is he doesn't really watch porn, or at least not around me. He also says he doesn't have any fetishes. He's very hard to get information out of in that regard.


Oct 27, 2017
Well part of the problem is he doesn't really watch porn, or at least not around me. He also says he doesn't have any fetishes. He's very hard to get information out of in that regard.
That sounds like you've asked him before and like the two of you can talk about these things with each other, though. In that case, I'd suggest just being open about it and telling him. (Or do you have any reason to believe that he'd react negatively?) Maybe do it in increments. Start with something relatively tame and see how he reacts to it, then build on that. Perhaps you could bring it up during sex? That way, if he's willing to (and if he's already turned on because you're going at it, he may be more willing to), you'll be able to try it out right away and see if he likes it.


Oct 25, 2017
That sounds like you've asked him before and like the two of you can talk about these things with each other, though. In that case, I'd suggest just being open about it and telling him. (Or do you have any reason to believe that he'd react negatively?) Maybe do it in increments. Start with something relatively tame and see how he reacts to it, then build on that. Perhaps you could bring it up during sex? That way, if he's willing to (and if he's already turned on because you're going at it, he may be more willing to), you'll be able to try it out right away and see if he likes it.
When we were 18 we talked a bit about those things but nothing ever comes of it because he won't talk


Oct 27, 2017
When we were 18 we talked a bit about those things but nothing ever comes of it because he won't talk
Hm, I see the problem. Well, if talking isn't an option, maybe you can show him? Maybe tell him that there's sth you'd like to try out and ask if he'd be okay with that? Unless it's sth you want him to do to you in which case you obviously would need to instruct him first which would have to involve talking.
Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
I don't know how to tell my husband because he actually thinks I'm pretty boring and innocent about sexual things but I think I have a liking for oral sex and I'm trying to bring it up but I'm not sure how... any advice?

When just lounging around with a dude I usually just say something like "Hey I'll suck your dick if you munch the rug in return" and I usually get a positive response and that shit happens!
Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
Oh shit, I didn't realize you were back from the ban. Pump up the cannons and fire off that 21 cumshot salute!



Oct 25, 2017
"We have removed your avatar after it received complaints. Do not use avatars that are NSFW or that look like they are NSFW. Ignoring this will likely result in a ban."



Oct 25, 2017
"We have removed your avatar after it received complaints. Do not use avatars that are NSFW or that look like they are NSFW. Ignoring this will likely result in a ban."


Really someone complained about that? I didn't even notice it! I thought it was just a random anime character lol


Oct 26, 2017
I wasn't personally bothered by it but it's pretty obvious why people would take issue with it >.>
Oct 27, 2017
Hi guys and gals.

I think I have a thing for people watching me in the act, it gives me a rush of adrenaline and I love it.

I know for sure I have a thing for lifting. Way back in high school I watched a porno where a guy lifted a girl up in the air and ate her out. That's when it hit me, that's what I wanted to do.

Almost six years of going to the gym (it's the only reason I go to the gym) I finally decided to give it a go last year while on vacation in Japan because if I failed It would be with some one on the other side of the world I would never see again. Managed to lift twice while there and since then I've done it 12 more times ( yes I'm keeping count ). All my friends think it's a dumb reason for working out but it is what it is I guess lol.

Now back to being watched.... so a couple months ago myself and two other friends rented out what I'd call a mini mansion. Two master bedrooms up top and downstairs with a pool, Jacuzzi, sauna, and stripper pole. We went out drinking and ended up coming back with a bunch of strippers. Friends called dibs on the rooms so I had all downstairs for myself. Got down to business and since the kitchen was downstairs they'd walk down on occasion to get more alcohol. That's when they'd obviously walk in on me and they'd laugh but it made me more excited? I don't know but it definitely gave me a rush.

I lurk around this thread but I might as well post. Not sure what to call what I like. Kinks or fetish?


Oct 26, 2017
Oh yeah I guess I haven't introduced myself
  • Gender? Female
  • Sexual Orientation? pansexual
  • Age? 22
  • Are you a Top, Bottom, or Switch? Bottom
  • What are your fetishes and kinks of note? denial, exhibitionism, submission
  • Porn or No? If so, what kinds? mostly hentai manga >.>
  • What's the best position? pfft
  • Favorite games? Metroid series, Zelda, Ace Attorney, Danganronpa
  • Favorite music genres? Rap, Orchestral
  • Favorite food? Fettuccine alfredo, pizza
  • Would you give up sex for life or food for life? Food


Oct 27, 2017
Almost six years of going to the gym (it's the only reason I go to the gym) I finally decided to give it a go last year while on vacation in Japan because if I failed It would be with some one on the other side of the world I would never see again. Managed to lift twice while there and since then I've done it 12 more times ( yes I'm keeping count ). All my friends think it's a dumb reason for working out but it is what it is I guess lol.
Hahaha omg, that's perfect. You must really love lifting, because from my experience, you need a very good motivation for going to the gym for so long. Congrats!

So how did you like it? Does it pay off all the effort?

As for myself, I'd love to be lifted, but I'm a 1,88m man, so it's not gonna happen lol

Lady Murasaki

Scary Shiny Glasses
Oct 25, 2017
As for myself, I'd love to be lifted, but I'm a 1,88m man, so it's not gonna happen lol

Man, it is really a bummer for tall people. It doesn't help that media carved into our minds [specially for women] that is one of the best things EVER.

Not mentioning the white shirt after sex trope. Anyone really does that?


Oct 27, 2017
I realized I never introduced myself, so here it goes
  • Gender? Male
  • Sexual Orientation? Gay
  • Age? 27
  • Are you a Top, Bottom, or Switch? Bottom (when I top, I'm pretty vanilla)
  • What are your fetishes and kinks of note? Submission, maybe a little humiliation, pissing, suffering for my top's pleasure, exploring my limits
  • Porn or No? If so, what kinds? Oh yes, I love porn. I like gangbangs, breeding, all the dirty stuff
  • Favorite games? Zelda, Pokemon, Nintendo in general, rpgs
  • Favorite music genres? I like pretty much anything that gets me on the right mood
  • Favorite food? Ice cream, sweets in general
  • Would you give up sex for life or food for life? I'd give up food.
Oct 27, 2017
Hahaha omg, that's perfect. You must really love lifting, because from my experience, you need a very good motivation for going to the gym for so long. Congrats!

So how did you like it? Does it pay off all the effort?

As for myself, I'd love to be lifted, but I'm a 1,88m man, so it's not gonna happen lol
Oh hell yeah it was worth the time I put in. My favorite part is the reaction I get from the other person. It gives do I describe it.. something like a boost of adrenaline. I'll never forget the first time. There's this one thing I want to try where the girl sits on one of your shoulders while arching her back that you're supporting with your stretched out arm and her other leg is a little stretched over your other arm/shoulder. I just don't know how to being it up or if I can even do it lol. I'm kinda of afraid of failing.

I lost a lot of weight going to the gym and became way healthier than I used to be so that's a plus lol. Only thing now is that it's such a habit that if I miss a day of working out i fell off and uncomfortable but I'm not complaining. Thought about giving up the gym after lifting the first time but I don't know what I'd do haha. So I just keep going.

I've seen some strong women out there, hell a lot of them can lift more than I can while not looking huge. So you never know, you could find some one who could lift you :)


Oct 26, 2017
Hello everybody.
  • Gender? Male
  • Sexual Orientation? Bi/Pansexual
  • Age? 32
  • Are you a Top, Bottom, or Switch? Mostly bottom but I'll switch for the right person
  • What are your fetishes and kinks of note? Getting choked, nipple play, some other things that I don't feel comfortable sharing yet. Some people in real life know my screen name.
  • Porn or No? If so, what kinds? Hentai, cartoons, creampies, breeding, anything where the bottom is moaning a lot, if that makes sense? Sound turns me on a lot. Might count as a kink/fetish?
  • Favorite games? Zelda, Pokemon, Mario, Xenoblade, Bayonetta, Mario Kart, Smash, Sonic Mania/the older games, Resident Evil, all kinds.
  • Favorite music genres? I mostly go with what I like. I tend to believe talent is more important than genre.
  • Favorite food? Hard to answer. Pizza, burritos/Mexican food, hot dogs, hamburgers, sushi, ETC.