
Oct 25, 2017

Cum one, cum all! You begged, you pleaded. Well, here it is. The Sex-General/Fetish/BDSM Community thread, dedicated to all pleasures carnal. This is the hangout for pretty much all of your sexual needs. Originally, I thought about resurrecting the BDSM thread, but I realized that, we need to go BIGGER and BOLDER, and that sex is too big of a topic to confine to any one specific niche or sub-community. I wanted to create a community for absolutely anyone's sexual needs and curiosities. So ANYTHING sex, this is the thread for it! And it's gonna be a BIG one.

A little bit about me, as a preface. I'm Cream, and I've had a diagnosed sex addiction since I was 14 years old. I've done more reading and learning and talking to professionals about sex than most people, and there literally isn't a moment in any day of my life when sex is not at the very least background noise running through my mind. So the thread is in good hands. I'll take a little time to answer some questions, with the help of the BDSM thread regular Pet.


There's actually a variety of views on what constitutes sex. Some people think sex is only penetrative (i.e. a penis going into a vagina or a butt). Some people think sex includes oral. In common progressive vernacular, "Sex" refers to physical intimacy involving the genitals, including non-penetrative sex acts such as cunnilingus (eating out). For the human race, and other mammals, one important purpose of sex is of course, reproduction. But the other, and the main topic of this thread is sex for the purpose of pleasure (very dedicated impregnation fetishes notwithstanding!) Ultimately, what is considered "sex" differs from person to person. What may be considered "Home Base" by one couple, may be "Third Base" to another. You get what I mean.

Now, this may be my own biases talking, but sex is kind of a big deal. Like, it's literally my favorite thing ever. Most of the human race are sexual beings. Sex can be very fun. It can be transformative. It can be spiritual. It can be exercise. It can be entertainment. It can be power. It can be pain. It can be trauma. It can be a lesson. It can be a party.

That said, respect and consideration for our asexual friends is absolutely important, and having sex, or having had sex in the past is not at all a measure of worth, and it's not at all a necessity to have sexuality in your life. Never let anyone tell you that sex will solve your problems or add worth to your life. You aren't a "stud", a "loser", or a "slut" based on how much sex you've had. Trust me, it's high school shit. Virginity, as a concept, is frankly, outdated and needs to be put away. It's been a societal tool to pit men against men, and women against women, and people against people. It's fueled toxic masculinity, and oppressive misogyny. There are many awful cliches that have been used to propagate these ideas (hotdog in a hallway is a myth. Having more sex does not make a vagina looser). Just because you've never had sex, or you've had a lot of sex, doesn't make you any more or less of a person. Above all, your sexuality, or lack thereof, is your own, and no one else can take it away from you, or has a right to judge you for it.

The important thing to remember is that if you do plan on having sex, it should be Safe, Sane, and Consensual.


The commonly known definition is safe sex is any sex engaged in by people who have taken proper precautions against sexually transmitted infections and diseases (STIs/STDs). A lot of people also use it to mean sex mindful of preventing unwanted pregnancy. This includes the use of birth control and contraceptives such as condoms, UTIs, and the pill. This can also be called "protected sex", with the opposite, where these measures are not taken being called "unprotected sex". But, in the world of kink, it's widened to include sex that takes into consideration the mental and emotional stresses that can often arise when having sex. Many people are at their most vulnerable, open and unguarded when naked and allowing someone else to touch the most intimate parts of their body. It's ripe for abuse, intentionally and unintentionally.

There are around 20 million new case of STDs annually in the US every year with Chlamydia, Syphilis and Gonorrhea being the most common. Make no mistake, STDs are everywhere. And the simple fact of the matter is, if you choose to have sex, with anyone, anywhere on Earth, you are taking a risk. A risk that you may get infected. A risk that someone will get pregnant. A risk that someone will get hurt. And it's VERY important to note that it's literally impossible to completely prevent these things from ever happening. But with proper education, care, precaution, communication, common sense and respect for one's sexual partner, these risks can be mitigated heavily, turning sex into a fun activity that one need not fear.


This could just as easily go in the next section, but I want to mention it here. The reason we say that minors do not have the ability to consent is because they do not have 1) the proper mental facilities and development and 2) the proper education and more importantly, experience to make informed decisions about sexual intercourse. Sex has to be sane. You have to be in the right frame of mind. You have to know what you're doing, or at least be very sure about what you want to do and the potential consequences of that if you've never done it before and don't have a lot of experience. No matter how small or how big, any sex act can have consequences, and a very important part of sexuality is knowing yourself well enough to stop and think, "Is this the right move for me?", "Is this what I really want to do?", "What may happen if I do this?", "What could happen if I don't do this?". Impulses can be a difficult thing to control. Trust me, I know. I've spent a very long time trying to get a hold on my impulses and learning the importance of treating each potential sexuality encounter as important as the last. As with all things in life, think before you act.

You aren't going to know everything about your own sexual being right away. I'm only 23 years old, and I know there's so much more I have to learn about myself and my sexuality. There have been many people who didn't even realize they were gay until well into their 30s, 40s and 50s, just as an example. You have your entire life to discover what kind of sexual being you are, and every facet of how your sexuality manifests itself. And this sexual being can change and evolve. Don't feel obligated to the same behaviors and patterns just because that's what you've always done, or it's what society has taught you is the right way to do something.

Communication is key. Just as you need to be confident in how your own sexuality manifests yourself, you need to be sure of your sexual partners as well. Mystery and secrecy can be very sexy yes, but there needs to be healthy dose of trust in every relationship, even just a fling that ends up in a fun one night stand. And this transitions very well into the next question.


It's literally the most important aspect of sex. You must ALWAYS have consent before proceeding with any sexual acting of any kind. If they don't want you to do what you're doing, that's sexual abuse, sexual assault, and/or rape, depending on the act. All parties involved must consent. No matter what anyone tells you, every person has the right to say no. And it's very important to remember that consent can be revoked at any time. If the person you're having sex with is enjoying it at first, but tells you that they want you to stop at any point, their initial consent is no longer valid and you must stop. Also important to remember is that consent involves those around you that aren't engaging in the actual sex. Having sex in public is considered to be public indecency and illegal in many places for a reason. You must have the consent of all parties around you. Flashing people in public, even spanking your partner can be considered an overstepping of public bounds, with those around you did not consent to seeing these things. If you take pictures of other people without their explicit permission, you are violated their consent.

A common question and topic of debate is that "Consent is not sexy". Many people will say that very explicitly asking someone "Can I have sex with you?" stifles romance, ruins spontaneity. They say it "spoils the moment". I say that it doesn't have to. I think a lot of people greatly overestimate the "unsexiness" of explicit consent. Firstly, in my opinion, the risk of overstepping your sexual bounds and the consent of another is much more important than the potential risk of a "ruined moment" or a "lost opportunity for sex". But at the same time, yes, there are plenty of people that don't need a specific and verbal "yes". As I'll say in a later part, many sexual encounters have been started without words. But the important part to note and remember is that consent is still ALWAYS given, in some form. The complex nature of language is that humans can learn many different ways to communicate. It goes back to the elements of trust that I was talking about earlier. A big part of this comes from experience, common sense, introspection and respect. Take each situation as they come. There is a small aspect of "pushing", for lack of a better term, that needs to be considered with these things. There's big pushes and small pushes. Generally, I think small pushes are far more appropriate most of the time. This can be something as simple as someone asking if they could "get more comfortable" and take off some clothing, increasing the level of physical intimacy and contact, or changing the topic of conversation to a sexual tone or subject matter. But remember that NONE of these things are guarantees to sex, and that if you try any of these things and the other person is not receptive, to immediately disengage, and if necessary, apologize. Signals do exist, but they are not set in stone, there are no rules to them, and they are not obligations. Also, and this goes back to the sane part, remember that what you think may be a signal might very well not be a signal at all. Always second guess yourself, and don't allow yourself to become hostile and angry when what you believe to be a signal you discover is not.

Use your brain, guys. Men, read what women have to say on this subject, please. The nature of our society is that the deck is heavily stacked in men's favor here, and from my observations, guys are far more often to be worried about this idea of explicit consent "ruining the moment." I'm just saying, seriously, use your brain. I've had a lot of sex. Like, a lot of it, with guys and girls. And it's really not hard to take everything by a case-by-case basis and be smart, tactful and respectful. Treat others the way you want to be treated, and please put yourself in the other person's shoes. It's really, REALLY, not difficult at all.


Right. Fetishes and Kinks. My favorite part. There's a lot of different kinds of sex, guys. Like, a lot. But first, it's important to note the difference between a kink and a fetish, because a lot of people don't actually know. Typically, a kink usually involves sexual practice with another person or people, such as BDSM or Group Sex. While a fetish is usually related to a more specific object, concept or activity, which can often by non-sexual in most contexts, but as a fetish is made sexual, such as feet worship. Fetishes also tend to start developing early. The walls of your teenage bedroom may have screamed boy-band obsession, but it's the more subtle sightings that can subconsciously trigger a fetish. "During the flood of hormones in puberty, momentary exposure to any number of visual or sensory stimuli – the flash of lace under a woman's blouse, the sharp clack of a heel on the concrete – can get stuck in a person's sexual turn-on ritual for the rest of their lives," reveals Dr Tiger Devore, who specializes in sex education and fetish lifestyles. One study, which focused on unraveling a 30-year-old man's sexual fetish, traced its origins back to when he was just five or six. It's thought that some fetishes develop in response to childhood trauma, when we start associating a specific object (a teddy, say) with comfort. Dan Harmon, the creator of Rick and Morty and Community has reminisced about moments in his childhood where he would play under the dinner table while his parents and their friends mingled. He would see the fashionable and sharply dressed legs of women under the table many many times, and he believes this led to his affinity for panty-hose and stocking covered legs.

But fetishes don't always come from earlier experiences or from trauma, this is also very important to remember. Sometimes, it's totally random why we like the things that we like. It can be fun and maybe even informative and healthy to consider the possible origins of your own sexual interests. But remember that it's just speculation. Don't assume that just because someone has a spanking fetish, they were spanked as a child, even if there are a lot of people with spanking fetishes that were spanked as children. One interesting thing I want to note is the increasing amount of "e-fetishes", that is fetishes specifically born out of, and cultivated on the internet. A lot of people like cybering (roleplaying sex in internet conversations and messages), sexting, webcam sharing and the like.

Here, I'll list a bunch of kinks and fetishes, literally off the top of my head. I'll limit myself to things that are legal for the sake of conversation. The list will surely get weirder as I go along:

Domination, Submission, Bondage, Spanking, Humiliation, Watersports (Urine Play), Scat Play (That's Poop), Master/Slave, Swinging and Group Sex, Cross Dressing, Feet, Voyeurism and Exhibitionism, Rubber/Latex/Leather, Roleplaying, Raceplay, Ageplay, Incest, Animal Play which is similar but not to be confused with Furry and is usually referred to as Zoophilia a popular form being pony play, tickling, orgasm denial, Rape (as a fantasy or roleplay), Necrophilia as a fantasy or roleplay, Cuckolding (male SO getting pleasure from female SO having sex with someone else, while watching or otherwise), Cuckqueaning (female SO getting pleasure from male SO having sex with someone else, while watching or otherwise), CBT (cock and ball torture, like ball-kicking and stuff), Balloons and Balloon Popping, Clowns, Cake-Sitting (exactly as it sounds), Chastity (usually involving some kind of cage), Shibari (specific kind of japanese rope bondage), as well as a very wide variety of sexual "situations" and "scenarios" including but not limited to doctor/patient, teacher/student, prisoner/warden, etc.

There's a LOT more obviously. I didn't even scratch the surface of the surface. One last thing I'll say for this section, and I want to be as clear as possible on this. There are many fetishes, that if taken outside the realm of roleplay and fantasy, would be ILLEGAL, and possibly MORALLY REPUGNANT, such as rape, incest, ageplay, zoophilia. Please, I know it will be difficult for many to look past their biases, but I believe that the nature of human sexuality allows a person's sexual interests to not always speak for what kind of person they are in general. That is to say, just because a girl likes Daddy Dom/Little Girl roleplaying doesn't mean she actually wants to fuck her father (or was ever abused or had issues with her father like the very popular but sexist myth of "Daddy Issues"), and just because someone has rape fantasies doesn't mean they actually want to commit rape, want to actually be raped, or care less about actual rape.


I'm glad you asked! This is gonna be the kinkiest, lewdest, sexiest, wettest, hottest thread on GAF. We're gonna be dipping our toes (among other things) into some very saucy territory, and it's very important to remember some guidelines. These rules are all for the purpose of maintaining civility, comfortability and maturity. We want to have fun here. Don't ruin it for everyone else. It would be SO easy for this thread to all go poof with just one dumb post. So please follow these rules.

  1. NO NSFW PICS OR LINKS. EVER. NO LINKING TO PORN OF ANY KIND. Articles and things containing sexual information and stories are general okay, but be smart.
  2. ALWAYS RESPECT BOUNDARIES. Do not probe or prod for more information in a disrespectful way. Questions are okay, but they have to be respectful and tactful. If someone doesn't want to share anymore, respect this.
  3. NO BRAGGING, STEALTH OR OTHERWISE. Seriously, we are gonna be watching like hawks for this. No one cares how much people you've fucked this week. The only reason I even mentioned having a lot of sex in this OP was to give my credentials.
  4. NO CYBERING IN THE THREAD. As fun as it would definitely be, if you feel the urge to roleplay with another member, take it to PM. Don't even ask someone if they wants to cyber in PM in the thread. Just take it to PM.
  5. DON'T BE GROSS JUST FOR THE SAKE OF BEING GROSS. This is a complex one, and will have a really fine line, but it requires some common sense, and taking each case as they come. Just bring maturity and intelligence to your posts, please.
  6. NO SEXISM, RACISM, AGEISM, HOMOPHOBIA, OR TRANSPHOBIA OF ANY KIND. Again, this is a complex one. As noted previously, these things can sometimes be an aspect of fantasy and roleplay, but remember that consent is above all, right? Don't push your fetishes and kinks on other members, especially when you don't know how receptive others will be. You may be a fan of raceplay, and personally, I'd love to debate on that in this thread, but that is absolutely not an invitation to bring your racist fantasies into this thread.
  7. NO KINKSHAMING. Seriously, I mean it. Just be respectful. Again, use common sense. It's okay to express discomfort with certain fetishes or ideas. But please leave out the aggression and judgements. Try your absolute hardest to not let a person's fetishes and kinks determine how you see them as a person, please. Keep away the insults. No one wants to hear about how much you hate furries.
  8. DON'T FILL THE COMMUNITY WITH YOUR WOES. There's already a dating thread, people. Seriously, we really don't want to clog up the thread with someone sad about how they can't get laid. This is gonna be a tough one, because on the one hand, I think it should be okay to ask for advice about sexual topics of course, but I will be very watchful for people monopolizing conversations and just asking how they can get laid. As a general rule, bring in your specific questions and concerns regarding sex. Don't ask us to fix your life for you.


Ah yes! Here's a little questionnaire to get the conversation started so we can learn a little more about each other. Feel free to answer as many or little questions as you want.

  • Gender?
  • Sexual Orientation?
  • Age?
  • Are you a Top, Bottom, or Switch?
  • What are your fetishes and kinks of note?
  • Porn or No? If so, what kinds?
  • What's the best position?
  • Favorite games?
  • Favorite music genres?
  • Favorite food?
  • Would you give up sex for life or food for life?
Have fun, guys! Please don't fuck this up for me. Also, I hope you like the banner i made <3
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Oct 25, 2017
In this next section, Pet will explain a bit about the realm of BDSM, not just because it's one of the largest and most encompassing sexual sub-communities, but also out of respect for the large and popular BDSM community from the other side.


BDSM is a multicronym. In no rank of importance- bondage, dominance/submission, slave/master, sadism/masochism. Of course, there are 1,000,000 different subflavors of kink, and one large category of "rope play" which I'm not sure falls under any of the BSDM words. If you ask any seven kinky people "in the scene," as we say, you'll find eight hundred arguments about three different classifications. (To confuse you further, a "scene" also means a play session/interaction.) If you're not kinky, you're "vanilla." But no, kinky people do not label themselves as chocolate. Rather, we're more like literally every other flavor.

Often in kink, a "no" isn't a "no." People may want to roleplay, or be lost in a scene, where they're screaming "nooooo" and struggling. However, there has to be a way to "stop" the scene, because no matter what you may think, kink is about consent. This is where the safeword comes in. People will have a safeword, something unusual phrase or word, that signals "stop." When a safeword is used, the activity is ceased immediately. Failure to do so is the same as assaulting or raping someone. When someone's mouth is gagged, there is a hand signal or some other physical motion. Some people, for example, hold something in their hand (like a bell or scarf), and drop it to safeword.

Some people also have "soft" safewords. This is like a traffic light yellow. It means-- proceed with caution, this is starting to head towards a red (a safeword), etc. It's helpful when the bottom is attempting to warn the top that the direction of scene is progressing in a way the bottom does not want.

Consent is arguably the most important concept in the kink world. Once trust is broken, it's very hard to take back, and if you are labeled as a predator or rapist you may face serious, legal consequences. Always negotiate a safe word before any play.

Many people will bring up "limits," which is anything that is not permissible under any circumstances. Some of the common limits are, children, animals, blood, permanent damage, and not-previously-agreed-upon bodily fluid exchange. However, that does not mean everything else is okay. Some people may say feces are a limit. For others, it is anal. Some may not do any sort of penetration at all. Some may specify hard wooden paddles are a limit. You should always make clear before a scene what your limits are, and respect what your partner(s) limits are. Again, this plays into consent. Not all scenes can or will be choreographed step by step, and limits are your way of knowing what is allowed and what isn't allowed.

Munches are informal, non-kinky meetups for kinky folk. Usually taking place in a "vanilla" setting, like a restaurant, it's a way to socialize with your friends. It's also great for newbies to meet other kinky folks in a setting without any pressure. Oftentimes, groups will not allow you to attend play parties or events without first going to munches.

Play parties are what they sound like. Kinky folks gather together in dungeons (spaces with toys and equipment), and play together. This is not necessarily an orgy-- some people go just to watch, some go to play with their partner(s) only, etc. Like all things covered before, the emphasis here is consent. If you find yourself at a party, do not think it is some buffet where you can do what you wish. Do NOT interrupt another person's scene. Do NOT touch another person's toys. Do NOT touch other people unless you ask. Do NOT assume anything at all. You are an adult. Use your words. Accept "no," and do NOT push. Kinky people are not automatically sexually permissive.

Simply put, a top and bottom refer to the dynamic, or who gives and who receives. A switch is someone that switches between the two roles. In a sadist/masochistic situation, the top is the sadist, the masochist is the bottom. In bondage, the person tying is the top, the person being restrained is the bottom, and etc.

Some people have dynamics (relationships) where the play is bedroom only. Others have it only during predetermined periods (Fridays, or 2pm to 6pm, or this evening, etc). A few may even have 24/7 dynamics, which refer to always on.

Note on pronouns here- some people insist all "tops" have Uppercase Pronouns, such as Sir, Dominant, Master, etc, and all "bottoms" have lowercase pronouns, such as submissive, slave, pet, babygirl.

Aftercare is what it sounds like. Aftercare is the attention a top and bottom receive after they play, often from each other but honestly from anything that provides them comfort. BDSM, and play, can trigger endorphins or other hormonal reactions, and after a scene there may be a "crash." It can leave a person feeling cold, shaky, dizzy, scared, or even confused. A top may have feelings of disgust for themselves, or concern for their loved ones.

Everyone has their own idea of aftercare, but it involves tending to bruises (arnica gel is popular), and making sure all members are mentally and physically okay. It also involves being available for feedback, and being responsible to the other parties until everyone is functioning normally.

Many people suggest hugging, cuddling, pillow talk, warm blankets (as people often are cold), soothing drinks, a bit of food, and a comfortable place to relax.

The internet is a great place. is also a wonderful resource, but it is NOT a dating site or a personals page. It's more like Facebook, but for kinky folks. Some circles have training for new doms, where a person new to the scene will shadow an experienced dominant to learn more about BDSM. There is no experience requirement, but all the knowledge and theory in the world will not be enough to consider yourself an experienced top.

What's covered below - Bondage, Dominance/submission, slave/Master, Sadism/masochism, Roleplay, and Other

Bondage safety
- do not tie too tightly, and reduce suspension as much as possible. It is VERY easy to hurt your loved ones with rope. You can cut off circulation, or damage nerves. Always, always have a pair of emergency scissors on hand. Never leave someone tied up/confined unsupervised. You never know what could happen. This applies to any sort of bondage or restraint system where the bottom can not escape. Be sure to first negotiate what is acceptable.

Shibari, or kinbaku, is the most known form of bondage in the kink world. This refers to the art of tying people up in ropes. Please utilize google for pictures.

Note that shibari is often nonsexual. It is not uncommon for the rigger, or the one that ties, to not engage sexually with the bottom. Many people practice shibari because they find it beautiful or peaceful. If you are interested, there are often rope classes offered. Fetlife is a great source.

Latex often falls under bondage, due to the constraints it provides. I am not familiar with latex, but tips- use baby powder before going into a suit. Do not stay in a suit for too long, as your skin will be unable to breath, which is unhealthy. Be careful.

Breathplay also falls under bondage. Breathplay covers choking and other forms of control. Again, safety first. If someone passes out, stop play and wait until they have resumed consciousness. Call 911 or your emergency services if necessary.

D/s safety - for bottoms, remember that you are still a person worthy of respect. Be careful with strangers you meet. Do not trust anyone who calls themselves a Dom/me. You always have the right to say no. Tops, whatever toy or instrument you play with, be it impact play, electric play, or breathplay, know the safety considerations and risks for each item.

D/s is often considered mental play, though for some people it may also include physical aspects. People will also refer to this as power exchange, a concept you'll find mostly often with "total power exchange" or TPE. In a D/s dynamic, the submissive, or bottom, gives the dominant, or top, power. This is often power over the sub's actions. Like all power exchanges, this is negotiated before the scene. It can be a list of rules the sub must obey, it can be commands the dom gives. Whatever it is, the dom can usually punish the sub for not obeying. Punishments are negotiated beforehand. Punishments are not necessarily physical.

D/s is also not always sexual. Someone may be a "service sub," which means a person that enjoys serving others. A sub can say their hard limit is anything sexual, which means in the context of that dynamic, the Dom cannot and should not ask their sub for sexual favors.

Trust, respect outside of the dynamic, and consent are crucial in this dynamic, as in all dynamics.

S/M is another dynamic which is very similar to D/s. It usually has the underlying implication of a more "serious" ownership than D/s. In practice, it is usually the more intense and involved dynamic of D/s. Some people may take this further, by "collaring" their bottoms. This is the act of giving your bottom a literal collar, to indicate ownership.

Despite the name "slave," consent is crucial in this dynamic. Some may roleplay a lack of respect, but like all play, this is fantasy. Humiliation can be involved, but consent is always present.

S&M safety
includes never striking the skull or even the head (yes, be very careful with face slapping), never striking bones and joints, and being careful where on the body impact play is done. The spine is fragile, so if you decide to spank someone on their bottom, do not go too high and hit the spine. It's also important to control your strokes - if you cannot control your implement, do not play with it. Lastly, impact play carries the risks of bruising and cutting (bleeding). Be sure to talk to your partner about what is and is not acceptable. Be sure to test your implements to see if they will open skin or cause bruising.

A sadist is someone who enjoys inflicting pain, and a masochist is someone who enjoys receiving pain. Some masochists enjoy pain physically, others enjoy the fact that it is painful, but not the pain itself. Some enjoy only mental pain, some like both.

Impact pain is the term for any play that involves striking another person. It may be a hand, a ruler, a paddle, a whip, a crop, a shoe, etc. Some people play with household objects. It is important for a top to be mindful of impact play, as permanent damage is possible. My personal advice to all tops interested is to always test a new toy (implement) on yourself first.

Another kind of s/m play is humiliation. This is where the term "cuck" is found-- the idea is the humiliation of watching your partner with someone else. There are other types of mental masochism-- for example, a person may want their partner to call them a "whore" or to tell them they are "useless." I caution communication here, as these things may be emotionally fraught. Be sure to clear with your partner what can and cannot be said, what topics are off limits, etc.


More helpful than the IRS
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
It looks amazing! Good job :).

For reference re: the BDSM section, I'm a now-married kinkster. Since I was young, I've always been fascinated with kinky stuff (before I knew what sex was), so I spent a LOT of my childhood/teen years/adult life online, learning as much as I could. However, theory is no substitute for practice! My husband and I are in a monogamous, 24/7 D/s dynamic, with total power exchange (in theory). He refers to me as his property and pet, and I think of him as my owner. He's also a sadist, which is perfect for me, a masochist. I'm not as much into bondage, but he enjoys it so we do dabble. We're not extremely active in our local TNG group (The Next Gen, which refers to kinksters between the ages of 18 to about 35) due to my job, though we do try and go to their events and munches regularly.

If any of y'all would like clarification or have questions about the BDSM section, please feel free to @ me and ask! I'm happy to answer..
  • Gender? - Chick
  • Sexual Orientation? Straight
  • Age? 29
  • Are you a Top, Bottom, or Switch? Bottom
  • What are your fetishes and kinks of note? 24/7 TPE, Dom/sub and sadist/masochistic dynamic, but in a more loving owner/pet kind of way.
  • Porn or No? If so, what kinds? Not really, most stories.
  • What's the best position? Missionary, but with knees bent to chest and partner pinning forearms down.
  • Favorite games? Uh.. Betrayal, Terraria
  • Favorite music genres? Metal, rock, pop, and EDM
  • Favorite food? sushi, xiao long bao, ramen mashed potatoes with gravy, creamed corn, brisket and sausage with lots of bbq sauce (can't pick one)
  • Would you give up sex for life or food for life? Sex for life, honestly. Food is amazing.
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Oct 25, 2017
Tel Aviv
So, to get the conversation rolling, a story:
Me and my SO were having fun yesterday, a tail-plug was involved. After we were done, we cleaned it and left it in the bathroom to dry. A friend came over later, and used the bathroom at least once. After they left, we realized that we forgot the tail in there. She never said anything, but I'm not sure how to deal with the situation now lol. Do we bring it up? Do we apologize? Do we ignore it and never speak of it again?

Thanks for the BDSM section Pet ! It's really informative and well done.
I'm in a DDLG relationship with my SO, but we're not really 24/7, more of a "living the lifestyle when we can" sort of thing.


Oct 25, 2017
So, to get the conversation rolling, a story:
Me and my SO were having fun yesterday, a tail-plug was involved. After we were done, we cleaned it and left it in the bathroom to dry. A friend came over later, and used the bathroom at least once. After they left, we realized that we forgot the tail in there. She never said anything, but I'm not sure how to deal with the situation now lol. Do we bring it up? Do we apologize? Do we ignore it and never speak of it again?
Personally if it was me, I might apologize. Depends on the friend though.

Also thanks everyone!


Circumventing ban with an alt account
Oct 26, 2017
Do I need to buy the 18+ DLC to see the images or is my browser just fucked?


Oct 25, 2017
Tel Aviv
Personally if it was me, I might apologize. Depends on the friend though.

Also thanks everyone!
Well, she's a rather closer friends. she's not kinky herself but she knows we're kinky, we don't hide, but we also don't go into any sort of detail. It's not a matter of being afraid or uncomfortable to talk to her about it, I just wonder if bringing it up will draw unnecessary attention to the incident.


Oct 25, 2017
Now we just gotta wait for this baby to fill up

Edit: Seems like this forum is having some problems with imgur.
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Oct 25, 2017
I don't know how much I'll post in this thread, but I'll certainly be lurking. Thanks for making it!


More helpful than the IRS
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
This is possibly the most thorough and informative OP I've ever seen God damn

We were tried of people getting sex and kink just plain "wrong."

And by wrong I mean clueless about what BDSM actually entails. It's referenced everywhere in pop culture, but there's soooooo much information and so many unspoken rules that I thought it'd be really helpful to try and cover the "basics" of BDSM.

There's a lot of literature out there, but by having this brief summary it'll be easier for people to narrow down what they want to try and to learn about it specifically instead of being lost.

For example, when I met my husband seven years ago, he was 24/25 and didn't even know what a dominant was!!!!! But, from the moment we met I could tell he was a dominant sadist, and once I asked him those exact words "are you a dom sadist" he googled it and was like oh shit there's words to describe me.

The problem with porn, imho, is that a lot of rough sex calls itself BDSM, especially with humiliation and tears. They might say things like "fucking my slave," but a person who doesn't know about the scene will think that's what BDSM is.

It's not! BDSM can be and is often loving, gentle, tender, etc. I always address my husband as "Sir," I follow arbitrary rules he sets down about my vanilla behavior as well as sexual life, and most of our sex isn't like... violent like in porn with the chick's mascara running down her face. He has never and will never refer to me as "slut" or use any degrading names (it's not our kink). There's a lot of love and respect-- we just happen to also have the dynamic where he has complete ownership over me.

So yeah. Information is always better than none.


Oct 25, 2017
Tel Aviv
Well said, pet. BDSM can actually be a lot more intimate and close than vanilla sex IMO. Not to mention certain dynamics are based around care and protectiveness.


More helpful than the IRS
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Well said, pet. BDSM can actually be a lot more intimate and close than vanilla sex IMO. Not to mention certain dynamics are based around care and protectiveness.


(That's why he calls me 'pet' :>). It's not roleplay pet, it's about the dynamic of an owner and a cherished, and only slightly spoiled, pet!


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
We were tried of people getting sex and kink just plain "wrong."

And by wrong I mean clueless about what BDSM actually entails. It's referenced everywhere in pop culture, but there's soooooo much information and so many unspoken rules that I thought it'd be really helpful to try and cover the "basics" of BDSM.

There's a lot of literature out there, but by having this brief summary it'll be easier for people to narrow down what they want to try and to learn about it specifically instead of being lost.

For example, when I met my husband seven years ago, he was 24/25 and didn't even know what a dominant was!!!!! But, from the moment we met I could tell he was a dominant sadist, and once I asked him those exact words "are you a dom sadist" he googled it and was like oh shit there's words to describe me.

The problem with porn, imho, is that a lot of rough sex calls itself BDSM, especially with humiliation and tears. They might say things like "fucking my slave," but a person who doesn't know about the scene will think that's what BDSM is.

It's not! BDSM can be and is often loving, gentle, tender, etc. I always address my husband as "Sir," I follow arbitrary rules he sets down about my vanilla behavior as well as sexual life, and most of our sex isn't like... violent like in porn with the chick's mascara running down her face. He has never and will never refer to me as "slut" or use any degrading names (it's not our kink). There's a lot of love and respect-- we just happen to also have the dynamic where he has complete ownership over me.

So yeah. Information is always better than none.
Sounds like you have a super cute relationship!

I know that aspect of BDSM took me by surprise when I first started reading into it more. The whole idea that BDSM doesn't have to be violent or aggressive. It's a shame that people's first exposure is something awful like 50 shades.


Oct 25, 2017
Tel Aviv
There's a lot of misrepresentation of BDSM in media. Even The Secretary which was OK overall and showed the relationship as more than just sex was really iffy about consent.


Oct 25, 2017
That's the coolest OT in Era. BDSM is great as long as your partner wants. I had an huge interest in the past, this is one of my deepest, darkest secrets.

So, all the secret enthusiasts,



Oct 25, 2017
Really wish there was a big movie where the woman was the dominating one, and it was treated seriously, not played for laughs.

Any time I've ever seen it in movies and TV, the guy is the butt of the joke. I did like Deadpool agreeing to get pegged for International Women's Day tho.


Oct 25, 2017
Can we talk about prostate orgasms in here?

I've been trying to achieve it for a while, not quite there though I think I've been close.

Secret Fawful

Oct 25, 2017
I've tried prostate as well, but it hasn't worked for me yet. I need to get a good toy for it, but I just don't have the money.


Oct 25, 2017
Tfw your friends always ask "what was that super high quality porn we watched the other day"

I'm a pusher. After the first, they hooked


Oct 25, 2017
Everyone, I posted a questionnaire into the OP. Here it is!
  • Gender?
  • Sexual Orientation?
  • Age?
  • Are you a Top, Bottom, or Switch?
  • What are your fetishes and kinks of note?
  • Porn or No? If so, what kinds?
  • What's the best position?
  • Favorite games?
  • Favorite music genres?
  • Favorite food?
  • Would you give up sex for life or food for life?


Oct 28, 2017
  • Gender? - Male
  • Sexual Orientation? - Bisexual
  • Age? - 30
  • Are you a Top, Bottom, or Switch? - Top
  • What are your fetishes and kinks of note? - Nonconsensual Consent and BDSM are two of my more prominent kinks.
  • Porn or No? If so, what kinds? - Sure. Whatever I feel like in the moment.
  • What's the best position? - Undecided
  • Favorite games? - Shining Force
  • Favorite music genres? - Too many to list, but some of my favourite artists are Bowie, Waits, Costello, Bad Religion, Asgeir
  • Favorite food? - Okonomiyaki
  • Would you give up sex for life or food for life? - Sex


Oct 25, 2017
  • Gender? - Male
  • Sexual Orientation? - Bisexual
  • Age? - 30
  • Are you a Top, Bottom, or Switch? - Top
  • What are your fetishes and kinks of note? - Nonconsensual Consent and BDSM are two of my more prominent kinks.
  • Porn or No? If so, what kinds? - Sure. Whatever I feel like in the moment.
  • What's the best position? - Undecided
  • Favorite games? - Shining Force
  • Favorite music genres? - Too many to list, but some of my favourite artists are Bowie, Waits, Costello, Bad Religion, Asgeir
  • Favorite food? - Okonomiyaki
  • Would you give up sex for life or food for life? - Sex

When you say Nonconsensual Consent, in what way do you mean? Like rape roleplay, or like no verbal consent needed and can just go for it when you want?


Oct 25, 2017
  • Gender? : I'm a woman
  • Sexual Orientation?: Pansexual
  • Age?: 24
  • Are you a Top, Bottom, or Switch?: Bottom.
  • What are your fetishes and kinks of note?: Bondage and humiliation. Lately I've been getting interested in knife play
  • Porn or No? If so, what kinds?: I tend to listen to audio porn.
  • What's the best position: I'm still a virgin so I wouldn't know.
  • Favorite games?: Zelda games, Mario games, Souls games, and monster hunter games just to name a few.
  • Favorite music genres?: Classical.
  • Favorite food?: I don;t really have one. I suppose if i had to choose then i would say pasta salad.
  • Would you give up sex for life or food for life?: Food.


Oct 25, 2017
How do you properly keep a butt clean for eating? How do you shave it properly? These are things I probably need to master soon.


Oct 25, 2017
  • Gender? : I'm a woman
  • Sexual Orientation?: Pansexual
  • Age?: 24
  • Are you a Top, Bottom, or Switch?: Bottom.
  • What are your fetishes and kinks of note?: Bondage and humiliation. Lately I've been getting interested in knife play
  • Porn or No? If so, what kinds?: I tend to listen to audio porn.
  • What's the best position: I'm still a virgin so I wouldn't know.
  • Favorite games?: Zelda games, Mario games, Souls games, and monster hunter games just to name a few.
  • Favorite music genres?: Classical.
  • Favorite food?: I don;t really have one. I suppose if i had to choose then i would say pasta salad.
  • Would you give up sex for life or food for life?: Food.

What kind of audio porn? Is it like, narrated story, sounds of people fucking?


Oct 28, 2017
When you say Nonconsensual Consent, in what way do you mean? Like rape roleplay, or like no verbal consent needed and can just go for it when you want?

Both. My partner and I have safe words and gestures just in case, but we rarely (if ever?) have to use them as we're both pretty good at reading each other.

  • Gender? : I'm a woman
  • Sexual Orientation?: Pansexual
  • Age?: 24
  • Are you a Top, Bottom, or Switch?: Bottom.
  • What are your fetishes and kinks of note?: Bondage and humiliation. Lately I've been getting interested in knife play
  • Porn or No? If so, what kinds?: I tend to listen to audio porn.
  • What's the best position: I'm still a virgin so I wouldn't know.
  • Favorite games?: Zelda games, Mario games, Souls games, and monster hunter games just to name a few.
  • Favorite music genres?: Classical.
  • Favorite food?: I don;t really have one. I suppose if i had to choose then i would say pasta salad.
  • Would you give up sex for life or food for life?: Food.

Audio porn? I haven't ventured into that before. Is it just recorded erotic stories and things of that nature?


Oct 25, 2017
How do you properly keep a butt clean for eating? How do you shave it properly? These are things I probably need to master soon.
Look into water enemas, which you can buy at most pharmacies and I think grocery stores as well. Basically cleaning out your booty with water. You use it in the shower, and the key is to get all the water in there and keep in there for 3 to 15 minutes, depending on if you ever done this before. Longer for a more thorough clean actually. When doing it, before sure to rotate often to cover the whole colon. Also, the day before/the day off the butt play, a high-fiber diet, solid foods. Prunes, popcorn, flaxseed (try on yogurts or salads), oatmeal, rice, spinach, beans and yogurt, etc. Make a smoothie and put some fiber in there. Drinking a lot of water helps as well.

For shaving, having both an electric razor for the cheeks, and a manual razor for the anus is best. You can buy a dual one. Also you'll want a handheld mirror. Trust me, don't just feel it out. You want to be looking at your work. Brave Soldier Shower Shave is a great silicone based shaving gel, it's what I use. You DEFINITELY want an antiseptic. If you don't use one, you increase the risk of infection. It also soothes and cools the skin and closes up pores. A body power/moisturizer is good to have too because without all the hair, you won't be able to ventilate the area as well. Get an exfoliating cloth or gel for when hair starts growing back to help it grow evenly and prevent irritation.

Hot water to start, like in the shower, then after you get the cheeks, lay the handheld mirror on the floor, squatting over it so you can see while you shave your anus and inside the cheeks. Make sure you rinse the razor frequently while shaving, like every few seconds. Rinse off with cold water. Apply the antiseptic right after, while still wet. Allow that to dry. You're also gonna want to apply that every day, for a few days. Then the body power once your dry. You should also do the body power every day.

After a few days, exfoliate your butt. Stops ingrown hairs and skin irritation. Do this every few days.

This will ensure you have the cleanest most immaculate booty that they won't get enough of <3


Oct 25, 2017
What kind of audio porn? Is it like, narrated story, sounds of people fucking?

Audio porn? I haven't ventured into that before. Is it just recorded erotic stories and things of that nature?

I listen to PoV stories. The storyteller talks about the tings they're doing to you and the things you're doing to them along with grunts and moans. Sometimes there's story involved but it's usually just fucking.


Oct 25, 2017
I listen to PoV stories. The storyteller talks about the tings they're doing to you and the things you're doing to them along with grunts and moans. Sometimes there's story involved but it's usually just fucking.
The only similar thing I've checked out for myself is humiliation audio. You know, insults, scenarios with the characters laughing and teasing you, things like that.


More helpful than the IRS
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Happy to be back. Hello all.

So happy you're here! Hi!

I listen to PoV stories. The storyteller talks about the tings they're doing to you and the things you're doing to them along with grunts and moans. Sometimes there's story involved but it's usually just fucking.

I've heard a couple of these. There's a whole subreddit full. TBH it didn't do much for me but I can see why people would enjoy it.


Oct 25, 2017
Pretty funny how Pet and I are basically the opposite in that her relationship is loving and the like, and I want to be degraded and treated like the trashy piece of garbage that I am :)