
Oct 25, 2017
How do you know when you can level up and unlock new perks?

I also got this symbol of a pig on the bottom of the screen. Like when you're tired or hungry you get a symbol, but this one is of a pig and I'm sure what it means.


Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
How do you know when you can level up and unlock new perks?

I also got this symbol of a pig on the bottom of the screen. Like when you're tired or hungry you get a symbol, but this one is of a pig and I'm sure what it means.
There'll be a notification at the left corner of your screen. You can see your unspent points to gain new perks from you Character sheet.

That's overeating debuff. Try not to eat too much passing 100 nourishment.


Jan 9, 2018
How do you know when you can level up and unlock new perks?

I also got this symbol of a pig on the bottom of the screen. Like when you're tired or hungry you get a symbol, but this one is of a pig and I'm sure what it means.

Each skill also says which level you unlock perks at if you press the more information button on it in the skills menu.


Nov 3, 2017
isnt that the normal game price in the UK?

I think £55 or £55 is but most places sell games for £40. The cheapest I've seen this though is £48.

Think it's in fairly short supply. Sold out in a few places. £55 on Amazon! I picked it up the day of release from Tesco direct for £39 on ps4 using a £5 off code.

Yea, that's probably why. Eesh, £55! I guess I'll get Monster Hunter in the meantime and wait for it to come down.


Nov 1, 2017
What sort of stats on each location are considered good or high in terms of armor? 30-40?


Oct 25, 2017
Had a thought regarding the treatment/lack of interesting female/foreign characters in this game.

Two characters, namely the Rattay executioner and the Uzhitz priest, are considered outsiders. The executioner is given a wide berth by everyone, to the extent that the widow of one of his victims is advised that if she keeps hanging around him she'll be spat on etc. There's no *historically accurate* reason that Henry should feel any different right? If he's a person 'of this time', then he too should be disgusted by this executioner, or offended by this drunken fornicator of a priest. And yet, in both cases, you're able to help these people out, even befriend them, even though the rest of the townsfolk would frown upon such actions.

Women and foreigners/refugees are treated similarly to the executioner and priest in this world, in particular any who overstep their bounds. A woman who wants to arm herself and fight bandits for example, or become a blacksmith. Or a travelling merchant who isn't allowed to sell his goods in the market square because he looks like the Cumans.

There is definitely room for these stories and I don't think anyone coming across the above examples would immediately think "well this is just unbelievable! Preposterous!" The rules of historical accuracy seem to be bent for white male outsiders, but there's no room for the same treatment for women or people of colour?

Isn't lady Stephanie a pretty strong woman?
married of at the age of 18 to a much older man that was impressioned and held captive for 7 years. She had to go through a lot and finally convinced the court to condemn the kidnapping. Which didn't help at all, so she had do raise money to buy off her husband on her own. That's a pretty strong woman if you ask me. She might not swing a sword, but she definitely is a fighter.

Then there is of course Theresa. She not only saves Henry's life by risking her own but also strongly cares about her community and demand from Henry to support people in need during a certain quest. She is quite a leader and people turned to her for guidance.

Then there is Alanna (?). Only an unimportant side character during a quest. But she comes off as a much more strong character then any other man during the "carrying water" quest. She is willing and able to do a man's work, while all the men are flawed, lazy, incompetent or assholes.

Then there is this girl in the monastery that fights like a lioness for the refugees, while nobody else (except one monk) gives a shit and treats the refugees as "scum". They even had to position a guard at the hospital, because the male higher ups see her as a thread (and because she hit one of them).

All together, people in KCD are often portrait as assholes. They dislike strangers, even if they are their neighbours from a close village. They are selfish and have strange ideals (from our pov). For example people refuse to take a job that involves carrying shit in a Sidequest (for double pay) and would prefer to starve and beg. Carrying shit is unchristian after all and society would push them out for doing such a (necessary) work.

What I'm trying to say: most people are terrible beings in KCD. But the longer I play the game, the more I have the feeling that people are searching for certain characteristics, while not able to see the whole picture. Women were oppressed during that period of time and still KCD portraits some of them as stronger and better human beings then most of the men. Which is a fine idea to show of that women are strong.

About the people of colour controversy. Did they exist in the 15th century, in the middle of Europe, somewhere in the province? Sure. But I still think they were rare enough for KCD not having the obligation to put them in that region. Can you even imagine how the people in KCD would treat and react to a black person? I don't think such an encounter would end good. It is a very valiant and ignorant society. Also keep in mind, KCD wasn't developed by a u.s. studio. Not every part of the world has the same cultural problems, background and ethical agreements. It maybe didn't cross their minds that including people of African heritage is necessary this days.

The lack of Jews leaves a bitter after taste in my mouth though. As far as I know, Jews were a prominent part of the medieval society and in 33h of playtime I haven't encountered one single Jewish person, in a game that tries to simulate medieval society. That's strange.

I think KCD is mostly a fine game, made by many fine people. But the director is a burden to the game studio, poison to the game and a source of bad press. His opinions and statements are very problematic. It would be best for him and the people at war horse if he would seek new challenges somewhere else.

About if Henry should also dislike the executioner: the problem here is; you are Henry and you are making that decision for him. You are even making the decision for the woman, which is also illogical, but in the end, KCD is a game made by many people and not a political manifest by one racist.
Last edited:
Oct 27, 2017
Has anyone encountered a bug where they can't walk through doorways? I paid the innkeeper in Uzhitz for a night and couldn't walk through the door into the frigging building. It had been a while since I saved as well so I had to reload to about 30 minutes earlier. Was really frustrating.
Oct 26, 2017
Has anyone encountered a bug where they can't walk through doorways? I paid the innkeeper in Uzhitz for a night and couldn't walk through the door into the frigging building. It had been a while since I saved as well so I had to reload to about 30 minutes earlier. Was really frustrating.

Yes I've had this happen once; a work-around I read about that worked involves dropping an item (anything, like an apple) and it will push you out the door.


Jan 25, 2018

A pretty good write-up. Very much agreed. i'd even say the portrayal of women in KCD is very much modern. I suspect 600 years ago women were infinitely less independent and emancipated like they are portrayed in KCD. I still remember visiting my great-grandfather as a little girl, the male dominance in small Czech villages and towns back then was downright terrifying. When the family was sitting around the table the wife and the children were not even allowed to speak - the head of the family wanted to eat in peace. Looking at it now it almost seems like a relationship between a master and a slave instead of a husband and a wife. I guess THAT's what the position of women in the society looked like for the majority of human history. The suffragette and feminist movements happened for a reason.

As for the POC inclusion - yeah, agreed. It's not that black people could or couldn't live in 1400s rural Bohemia - nobody can ever prove either. It's that even if they did lived there including them would be tokenism, nothing more. The call for including black people in KCD comes from the uniquely American perspective. Black representation in American media is very much proper and necessary but only because black Americans are 20% of the population. What if there's a country with 1 black person out of 10 million people, should this person be represented in all the books, films and games set in this country?

I can use the same argument - where are the Russians in, say, Dances with Wolves? Can you prove no Russians existed in the 1860s Sioux territory? Where are the Polynesians in Gone with the Wind? Where are the Indonesians in Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid? Where is the representation of hundreds of different ethnicities in all those great American movies? There is none because the low ratio of these ethnicities in those particular places and time periods wasn't high enough to justify any. People, especially those from America, have to understand that.

And anyway, I don't think the reason for the controversy surrounding KCD is the lack or representation of POCs in the game, most people are unhappy about Dan Vavra supporting GamerGate, that's what I gather from various comments, videos and podcasts.


Oct 27, 2017
This is a good read.


The 'world' of #KingdomComeDeliverance is a small patch of Czech countryside in the year 1403, centering around a few villages and towns, a monastery and a castle or two. Moreover, it's a rural backwater, about 50km away from Prague.

t's wrong to say that people didn't move about in the Late Middle Ages. Many people traveled in the 15th century - traders, pilgrims, soldiers, traders, diplomats, nobles, etc. They could walk up to 25 - 30 km a day, far more than us by foot. machaut.weebly.com/travel-in-the-…
However (and this is a big one), long distance travel was restricted to main routes, dictated by natural resources, landscape and population centres. If you didn't need to be there, you didn't go - the risks were too great. Bandits, wild animals and natural hazards lay in wait.

What does this mean? Away from the routes themselves - even as far as a few kilometres - people largely kept to what they were doing and didn't travel far. There were obligations - farming, trading that meant travel was restricted to short(ish) distances, at regular intervals.
Medieval European travel - heck, travel up to only a few centuries ago - was heavily granulated. A lack of speed and energy required to get people from A to B quickly and efficiently, coupled with poor roads, kept people close to home.
In the game, linger around a tavern long enough and you'll hear two farmers talking in wonderment about a black person that one saw on a rare trip to Prague (I think?). No erasure or abuse here - these guys just never had access to places where travelers from afar congregated.
Now, if we were talking about a game set in Prague, things might be different. In the late medieval period, it was, for a time, centre of the Holy Roman Empire. Odds are, you would come across foreign merchants and people of colour. (Image: Prague, Nuremberg Chronicle, 1493)

However, there's very few reasons for PoC in the form of traders to visit places like Rattay, Uzhitz or Ledetchko, let alone places clustered around an monastery, like Sasau. I'm not saying it never happened, but it would be a huge deal. (Pictured Sasau/Sasava Monastery)
Let me just say one more thing though - in the game, I've embarked on quests that seriously look at the issues raised by refugees, portrayed in a sensitive manner. I've tried to talk heretics out of martyrdom and argued passionately about zealotry
...for a game supposedly dripping with 'toxic white male supremacy', the game can be incredibly 'SJW' at times. It's got me to think not only about the world of 1403, but our world, and what I can to leave it a better place.
So, to sum up, I think the @WarhorseStudios have created something that is accurate, true to the spirit of the time and place, but also an incredibly immersive, thoughtful experience.


Nov 13, 2017
I wonder if Bohemian people would take offense in the portrayal of some of the historical figures in the game, heh. They're just game characters to me, I'm not a history buff.


Oct 27, 2017
I suppose that I'm still in the beginning of the game somewhere but I just went hunting squirrels with someone and using the bow is so difficult that it feels so satisfying when I actually hit something. I'm enjoying this game way more than I thought I would.


Oct 25, 2017
I suppose that I'm still in the beginning of the game somewhere but I just went hunting squirrels with someone and using the bow is so difficult that it feels so satisfying when I actually hit something. I'm enjoying this game way more than I thought I would.
Just you wait until you get even better with the bow, its sooooo good.

wish more games would implement that type of system.

His Majesty

Oct 25, 2017
I suppose that I'm still in the beginning of the game somewhere but I just went hunting squirrels with someone and using the bow is so difficult that it feels so satisfying when I actually hit something. I'm enjoying this game way more than I thought I would.

KC:D archery


It's like a cold shower to Skyrim stealth archer afficionado's.


Using multiple alt accounts
Oct 28, 2017
I caved and enabled the archery crosshair in the cfg, it feels dirty but I couldn't hit anything before.


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, lockpicking seems fine to me but I seem to be in the minority.

Same thing with pickpocketing. Pickpocketing is way too easy in other games. It actually feels tense in Kingdom come.


Oct 27, 2017
ahah, frame-rate oscillations...

That is understatement of the year. The game runs like absolute turd in dense areas on ps4...


Jan 9, 2018
Honestly, lockpicking seems fine to me but I seem to be in the minority.

Same thing with pickpocketing. Pickpocketing is way too easy in other games. It actually feels tense in Kingdom come.

With you there. Would be disappointed if they made it too easy. If they change it I hope they at least add an option to keep it as it is now.


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly, lockpicking seems fine to me but I seem to be in the minority.

Same thing with pickpocketing. Pickpocketing is way too easy in other games. It actually feels tense in Kingdom come.

I think console needs a bit of work, heard controller is rough for lockpicking but I agree woth you, it is in a good place on PC.

Pickpocketing isnt as bad as most people make it out to be, but I do think it needs to be slightly more forgiving. They catch you a bit too easily during the "grope" phase.


Jan 9, 2018
I think console needs a bit of work, heard controller is rough for lockpicking but I agree woth you, it is in a good place on PC.

Pickpocketing isnt as bad as most people make it out to be, but I do think it needs to be slightly more forgiving. They catch you a bit too easily during the "grope" phase.

I'm on PS4 and have no trouble at all. Not sure why people have difficulty unless they're new to using a controller.

Deleted member 2109

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Somebody bought this for me and my Xbox One X got hot and loud as hell during the opening missions. First game I've ever had an issue with. I'm nervous about playing it so I will probably get a refund.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Are there any tips to get better at sword fighting?

Im about mid-way throught he first arc about
finding the kilelrs in the sable[/spolier] and I went back to do a small side quest about killing a bandit leader.

I get WRECKED if I go in with melee.

Is there a place you can actually practice and not get crunched? The fact that you can die to the captain is irritating in just a spar. How do you actually get better?


Oct 27, 2017
Somebody bought this for me and my Xbox One X got hot and loud as hell during the opening missions. First game I've ever had an issue with. I'm nervous about playing it so I will probably get a refund.
Yep Kingdom Come is generally poorly optimized for the consoles, I wouldn't expect a proper solution to the "jet engine" problem. You should be fine as long as you don't experience any artifacts, freezes or crashes and besides your XONEX should still have a warranty. It's better to check for overheating immunity now and not after the warranty has expired. ;)


Oct 27, 2017
The biggest problem with pickpocketing is not the mechanic, but rather that it seems high risk, low reward.

Lockpicking seems safer and more lucrative in general. No reason to bother with pickpocket.
Oct 25, 2017
Are there any tips to get better at sword fighting?

Im about mid-way throught he first arc about
finding the kilelrs in the sable[/spolier] and I went back to do a small side quest about killing a bandit leader.

I get WRECKED if I go in with melee.

Is there a place you can actually practice and not get crunched? The fact that you can die to the captain is irritating in just a spar. How do you actually get better?

You can die against Bernard? He always stops if he gets off a flurry and kicks my ass real quick. If you elect to fight with real weapons, he even says he won't kill you, but he won't patch you up either. Regardless, you can press the surrender button (default is [G] on PC) when sparring and that will stop the contest.

Besides training with Bernard, there are Wayfarers you will meet along the road that will spar with you. The Knight will do it for honor (or 250 groschen bet vs a piece of his armor if you prefer). The Mercenary will do it for 50 groschen. Then there is a wimpy knight who will spar with you. None of these battles are to the death unless you force it that way, and they all respect a surrender.

Those guys, getting my ass beat by Bernard over and over, plus some perks turned me into Geralt of Rivia. Make sure to learn Master Strikes and Combos from Bernard when you get the chance.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
You can die against Bernard? He always stops if he gets off a flurry and kicks my ass real quick. Regardless, you can press the surrender button (default is [G] on PC) when sparring and that will stop the contest.

Besides training with Bernard, there are Wayfarers you will meet along the road that will spar with you. The Knight will do it for honor (or 250 groschen bet vs a piece of his armor if you prefer). The Mercenary will do it for 50 groschen. Then there is a wimpy knight who will spar with you. None of these battles are to the death unless you force it that way, and they all respect a surrender.

Those guys, getting my ass beat by Bernard over and over, plus some perks turned me into Geralt of Rivia. Make sure to learn Master Strikes and Combos from Bernard when you get the chance.
Thanks for the tips. I was sparring with Bernard and he almost killed me. I had to use all my bandages to heal and sleep for a whole day. This was WITH wooden swords.


Oct 25, 2017
Lockpicking is disproportionately difficult in the beginning rather than later. There is no reason easy locks should be so difficult in the beginning of the game. After leveling it a bit, it finally becomes tolerable and the mechanics are manageble.

Now I hope that patch fixes the issue with the R2 button not registering unless I slam it as hard as possible, this is a really frustrating issue.


Oct 27, 2017
I've played about 17 hours. I've killed only 5 enemies.

I love this game.
You butcher!

Thanks for the tips. I was sparring with Bernard and he almost killed me. I had to use all my bandages to heal and sleep for a whole day. This was WITH wooden swords.

I would advise to take off all expensive clothing and armor before you spar with Bernard. It can easily get damaged and with high quality gear the repairs can cost you hundreds of Groschen if you don't have the skill and the repair kits.

Also, if you're only interested in increasing your skills, it's best to agree to repeating certain tutorials with him (like master strike or perfect blocks) instead of picking the free fight. You still get xp from hitting and blocking him and he doesn't use all of his skills to fight back.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
You butcher!

I would advise to take off all expensive clothing and armor before you spar with Bernard. It can easily get damaged and with high quality gear the repairs can cost you hundreds of Groschen if you don't have the skill and the repair kits.

Also, if you're only interested in increasing your skills, it's best to agree to repeating certain tutorials with him (like master strike or perfect blocks) instead of picking the free fight. You still get xp from hitting and blocking him and he doesn't use all of his skills to fight back.
Those are good tips. I'll try this next time. (Just so I'm clear, don't pick the "fight with wooden swords" option...just one of the tutorial ones?)


Oct 27, 2017
Yep he doesn't go easy on you even when you're fighting with wooden swords. :)

I restarted the combos and block lessons a few times, you can even pick a type of weapon you want to use. It's very useful when you start encountering heavily armored enemies and you want to learn using stuff like blunt weapons.
Oct 30, 2017
Can someone tell me what to press when and enemey grapples with me?

I know you can win the grapple exchanges but mashing all the buttons unsurprisingly isnt helping!

Deleted member 1635

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I've played about 17 hours. I've killed only 5 enemies.

I love this game.

Unfortunately, that changes very quickly as you start getting better weapons and armor and your stats improve. There's definitely a point where you start turning into an unstoppable badass who can (and will) slaughter foes by the dozen.

I *think* it's a strength check and completely out of your control, but I'm probably wrong.

I'm pretty sure you're right. If you do nothing you will lose, but if you have better stats and quickly press the corresponding button, you will always win.


Oct 25, 2017
Unfortunately, that changes very quickly as you start getting better weapons and armor and your stats improve. There's definitely a point where you start turning into an unstoppable badass who can (and will) slaughter foes by the dozen.

i'm 65 hours in I only killed about 3 people. it all depends how you want to approach the game.

Deleted member 1635

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
You only need to kill
1 guy
while doing all the main quests. There's even a trophy for that.

I stand corrected. Does that mean you just go about knocking out all of your opponents?

Anyway, the point I was trying to convey is that by engaging with the combat and acquiring new gear, you quickly turn into a highly competent killer that can easily take on many foes at once.