
Oct 25, 2017
NM already dun got folks super whaling for those 6★ cards. I just saw someone sharing a 30k Orochi Iori and someone else with a 33.5k Orochi. Yikes.


Oh hey, besides the datamine, in the Codex we have KoF XIII added, with 0/0 for the moment. Kyo is most def the next FEST banner.

Jesus christ, will base pools EVER update? Or why selector ticket and exchanges even exist at this point.
Well, they at least added K', Kyo 95 and Iori 98...
Still missing Maxima 99, King 97, Mr. Big 96, Xiangfei 99, Whip 99, Kula 00, Wolves Banner and Agent Banner. *Sigh*
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Into the Woods
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Parts Unknown
I like how this update slapped a time remaining on the Starving Wolves banner, where it previously did not have one IIRC. It's going away in only 2914599 days, so get those pulls in while you can



Oct 25, 2017
I've done all of their streams and have my email attached to my account. Yet I never receive promotional emails from them, ever.


Oct 26, 2017
I tried out championship mode and the live pvp works a lot better than it did before. People don't seem to have cards equipped though. Having leveled up full set of cards (not really skill level) is night and day to how fast you die. People getting bopped in one combo and I'm barely taking any damage.

The funny thing is I don't have enough sets upgraded myself so what I did is I put Orochi, Terry 03 and Jin on my squad as scarecrows and put my cards on the other guys haha. At least two of them have been banned every time
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Oct 25, 2017
Bleh, I didn't get one either. Was it meant to be guaranteed if you filled out the survey, or just randomly-distributed?


Oct 25, 2017
Seems like the o.iori buffs are active.

His fire ball move gave super armor and his damage I'd absolutely ridicules


Oct 25, 2017
Where do we even enter these codes if we never got an email? Doesn't seem to be any easy links anywhere, lol


Into the Woods
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Parts Unknown
I didn't get shit, even though I did the survey and also got the random email codes last time

I used this one. Other one was lurked. Thank you.

Where do we even enter these codes if we never got an email? Doesn't seem to be any easy links anywhere, lol
Cog in the top right -> Enter Coupon -> "E-mail coupon" if you're on Android.
I seem to remember iOS users needing to go to a special website when the last sent of email codes were sent out
2 gifts from Sought After


Official Giveaway Bot
Mar 7, 2018


Hello, I am bot! I come bearing 2 gifts from Sought After Sought After!

This is a first-come first-serve giveaway. Any claimed prize will instantly be delivered.

Sought After said:
You can redeem the coupons here:

These are our awesome prizes:

  • Mobile Mobile: KOF: Valentine Battle Card Selector - Won by auicc auicc (1 entry)
  • Mobile Mobile: KOF: Valentine Battle Card Selector - Won by Minataur Minataur (1 entry)


Oct 25, 2017
Cog in the top right -> Enter Coupon -> "E-mail coupon" if you're on Android.
I seem to remember iOS users needing to go to a special website when the last sent of email codes were sent out
Yeah, I'm on iOS and no such option exists :c

Had to enter through a link sent in an email when the New Years selector tickets went out, and without that email I guess I'm SOL

EDIT: lol nvm


Oct 25, 2017
I'll never turn down free goodies, but, unless this is a completely different one than what we are going to get for doing to survey, I should have known better when they said they were giving us a card selector. The selector from this email code is for one of the eight 4★ option cards they made for the event, and not for one of the three 5 ★ each of the event girls have that give score/coin bonus %.

Edit: If their Facebook event goes successful, we'll be able to get all 8 of the 4★ cards for free, too.


Nov 27, 2017
I went ahead and got the Kula tickets. I mostly wanted her battle card to use on H. Kula + AS souls to limit break AIW Yuri (only lvl 65 atm).

7 free + 300 paid roulette pulls
Kula - 1
Battle Card - 0
Kula Souls - 239
AS Souls - 412 (+2 x2 in holding, waiting for a third)
KoF Souls - 306

Hopefully I get 1 (2 would be even better) of the battle cards for free over the next 13 days this is up.
I bought 300 Kula tickets as well, and these are my results:
Kula - 1
Battle Card - 0
Kula Souls - 342
AS Souls - 376
KoF Souls - 292

I got Kula on the seventh ticket, which made me question if I really needed to go all-in with all the tickets. But at least this made it easy to get the battle card and I have a ton of souls for limit breaks.


Oct 25, 2017
You def did better than I did, getting ~50 more souls total than I did. I had a few bingos I missed out on because I would get 3-5 of something while was stubbornly holding on to 2 of something else. I also didn't get Kula herself until I was down to the last 60 or 30 tickets.

Although, I just see this as my luck evening out from last time. In the Whip roulette I got her 4 or 5 times and her battle card once as well. Ended up with enough souls at the end of the event to get her to 90 w/ 16 or so left over. All that while focusing more on AS souls than Whip souls.


Into the Woods
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Parts Unknown
unless this is a completely different one than what we are going to get for doing to survey
I'm still operating under this assumption, but I also would not be surprised if the survey reward also just ends up being this, especially since they're both called "Valentine Battle Card Selector"

I just got the email, so they're still sending them out. GiftBot will go up in a second
3 gifts from rpm


Official Giveaway Bot
Mar 7, 2018


Hello, I am bot! I come bearing 3 gifts from rpm rpm!

This is a first-come first-serve giveaway. Any claimed prize will instantly be delivered.

rpm said:
Android users: Cog in the top right -> Enter Coupon -> "E-mail coupon"
iOS users:

These are our awesome prizes:

  • Android/iOS Android/iOS: KoF:AS Valentine Battle Card Selector - Won by FluffyQuack FluffyQuack (1 entry)
  • Android/iOS Android/iOS: KoF:AS Valentine Battle Card Selector - Won by OhSatan OhSatan (1 entry)
  • Android/iOS Android/iOS: KoF:AS Valentine Battle Card Selector - Won by hikarutilmitt hikarutilmitt (1 entry)
1 gift from Hamster0


Official Giveaway Bot
Mar 7, 2018


Hello, I am bot! I come bearing 1 gift from Hamster0 Hamster0!

This is a first-come first-serve giveaway. Any claimed prize will instantly be delivered.

Hamster0 said:
Valentine day e-mail coupon

These are our awesome prizes:

  • Mobile Mobile: Valentine’s Day E-mail coupon code - Won by ccbfan (1 entry)


Into the Woods
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Parts Unknown
Not gonna bother with any surveys from now onward. Not only streams are terrible to watch, rewards don't even come.
I think we're still within the stated timeframe for the survey rewards, IIRC they say 10 days and it's been 6, so I haven't given up hope yet

Personally, I just set a notification for the stream's end time to do the survey, I don't actually watch the stream


Oct 25, 2017
Hmm... so I got the roulette tickets as usual (since AS souls are most valuable to me)

I really dislike posting gacha my results in general, because I know how frustrating it is to see someone get that thing with ease that you're struggling to obtain. There's gotta be some kind of leprechaun looking out for me today or something though. I got a lot of nothing (other than AS souls) from Whip's roulette.

Kula - 3
Card - 1
Kula Souls - 377
AS Souls - 504
KOF Souls - 288

Maybe someone feels bad for me after all the FES banners I've had to pity.
2 gifts from Hours Left


Official Giveaway Bot
Mar 7, 2018


Hello, I am bot! I come bearing 2 gifts from Hours Left Hours Left!

This is a first-come first-serve giveaway. Any claimed prize will instantly be delivered.

Hours Left said:
Vday Cards!

These are our awesome prizes:

  • Mobile Mobile: KOFAS Vday Card Selector - Won by Ynnek7 Ynnek7 (1 entry)
  • Mobile Mobile: KOFAS Vday Card Selector - Won by Kewlmyc Kewlmyc (1 entry)


Dec 7, 2017
I have a league ticket, if I didn't use it today I'll lose it, right? I think I lost one before.

I also have a code:
3 gifts from hikarutilmitt


Official Giveaway Bot
Mar 7, 2018


Hello, I am bot! I come bearing 3 gifts from hikarutilmitt hikarutilmitt!

This is a first-come first-serve giveaway. Any claimed prize will instantly be delivered.

hikarutilmitt said:
Just found mine! I took one from here earlier but go for it!

These are our awesome prizes:

  • Mobile Mobile: Valentine Battle Card Selector - Won by toastyToast toastyToast (1 entry)
  • Mobile Mobile: Valentine Battle Card Selector - Won by Master Milk Master Milk (1 entry)
  • Mobile Mobile: Valentine Battle Card Selector - Won by SecretCharacter SecretCharacter (1 entry)


Oct 28, 2017
Anyone managed to get a championship
Match yet?? Been trying all day and it just says failed to create room


Oct 27, 2017
Got 7 of the 30 tickets for kula roulette and was able to get the kula and enough to craft the battle card. The banner for the epic quest episode 1 characters is only 100 pulls for pity so I am going to focus on that (wanted to get regular vanessa anyways lol.)