I Don't Like

Dec 11, 2017
I agree that Mandela doesn't speak for all black people. But you do? Stop presenting your arguments like you're speaking for all of us. There are plenty of African Americans that don't live each day feeling like White America owes us something. You just don't hear from us as much as you should because we typically get shouted down and get coonified.

I'm not black but being an American and having lived on various coasts of America and based on everything I still see in and hear from America makes me of the opinion that white America owes you at least one thing: admission of the severity and prevalence of past and current, systemic racism. Seems like it'd be a good start to eventually reaching that whole "post-racial America" thing such an alarming number of white Americans believe exists. Just my opinion.


Oct 27, 2017

Technically true (via Reuters ongoing polling), but it's not an unforeseen fluctuation if you check the history of the polling data with African Americans, which looks a bit like a sine wave (also their web app doesn't appear to have error information so it could just be sampling error).

This is the worst thing possible smh even if the poll is unreliable the results are still fuel for this man's ego and Kanye's as well


Oct 28, 2017
I agree that Mandela doesn't speak for all black people. But you do? Stop presenting your arguments like you're speaking for all of us. There are plenty of African Americans that don't live each day feeling like White America owes us something. You just don't hear from us as much as you should because we typically get shouted down and get coonified.

Interesting choice of words using US.

Deleted member 22490

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Interesting choice of words using US.
I know, right? Black Americans have been exploited to hell and back not just with slavery, but also Jim Crow which allowed white families to get wealthier at the expense of black families, and even New Jim Crow which is doing the same thing currently. I'm not going up to white people all day demanding recompense from each and every single person, but what I do want is for them to recognize the problem and then help us solve it.
Nov 4, 2017
I continue to find it shocking that people go that crazy if he doesn't align with you politically. It's like people want to somehow disqualify him as a musician.

I listen to tons of metal music that's weird satanic shit, and I'm an atheist. I really can't be bothered to care too much if the music is awesome. I guess I didn't realize how much people think of the musicians they like as role models for their entire worldview. I'm usually just out to hear interesting music.
Oct 27, 2017
"Forgiveness" in this instance just seems like another way to absolve white feelings while America continues to commit crimes against melanin.


Oct 27, 2017
I continue to find it shocking that people go that crazy if he doesn't align with you politically. It's like people want to somehow disqualify him as a musician.

I listen to tons of metal music that's weird satanic shit, and I'm an atheist. I really can't be bothered to care too much if the music is awesome. I guess I didn't realize how much people think of the musicians they like as role models for their entire worldview. I'm usually just out to hear interesting music.
as a black man Gospel music make me angry so sometimes what music make you feel or inspire matters
humans have a lot of belief and faith in lots of bullshit, it matters what people believe and who they can inspire into that belief


Oct 27, 2017
I continue to find it shocking that people go that crazy if he doesn't align with you politically. It's like people want to somehow disqualify him as a musician.

I listen to tons of metal music that's weird satanic shit, and I'm an atheist. I really can't be bothered to care too much if the music is awesome. I guess I didn't realize how much people think of the musicians they like as role models for their entire worldview. I'm usually just out to hear interesting music.

Some people listen to music for the instrumentals, some people listen to music for the, the message, some for both. If an artist gives a positive message in their music, has a similar world view, and is in general a decent human being, it's not strange that people would look up to him or her. And if that person suddenly does a 180 and starts spouting hurtful messages and just speaking nonsense in general, it's understandable that people would be frustrated with that, and feel the need to lash out at the person.

Or you can not care and just listen to the music. Neither is wrong or right, but you can understand why people would be upset with Kanye at this moment. He's been crazy for a long time, but not this crazy.

Deleted member 22490

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
I continue to find it shocking that people go that crazy if he doesn't align with you politically.
Jay-Z doesn't align with me politically, but I still like him. Kanye is courting and definitely attracting elements that wish to do me and those who look like me, including Kanye, harm. He's becoming their useful idiot. So yeah, I don't like that at all.

Deleted member 16657

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017

Technically true (via Reuters ongoing polling), but it's not an unforeseen fluctuation if you check the history of the polling data with African Americans, which looks a bit like a sine wave (also their web app doesn't appear to have error information so it could just be sampling error).

Mar 10, 2018
I continue to find it shocking that people go that crazy if he doesn't align with you politically. It's like people want to somehow disqualify him as a musician.

I listen to tons of metal music that's weird satanic shit, and I'm an atheist. I really can't be bothered to care too much if the music is awesome. I guess I didn't realize how much people think of the musicians they like as role models for their entire worldview. I'm usually just out to hear interesting music.
Are satanists actively working to oppress people who look like you?


Oct 27, 2017
Agree or disagree, what I respect Kayne West for is the fact he speaks his own views and won't back down from his views under pressure from anyone.

That's something which is rare these days

These aren't his "own views", they're regurgitated white-nationalist opinion. The same bullshit that's said about Jewish people regarding the holocaust, or Koreans during occupation, or any other atrocity happened upon a specific group of people who were unable to defend themselves.

Kanye is not a Foucault, or even a John Lennon, speaking to power, shaking the system and trying to forge a new direction. He's parroting right-wing views that have been around for generations about the differences in mentality between races/cultures.


Oct 28, 2017
Agree or disagree, what I respect Kayne West for is the fact he speaks his own views and won't back down from his views under pressure from anyone.

That's something which is rare these days
Is it? I think it's as common as dirt. Kanye's just seen as special because he's popular and openly going insane.


Oct 30, 2017
I continue to find it shocking that people go that crazy if he doesn't align with you politically. It's like people want to somehow disqualify him as a musician.

I listen to tons of metal music that's weird satanic shit, and I'm an atheist. I really can't be bothered to care too much if the music is awesome. I guess I didn't realize how much people think of the musicians they like as role models for their entire worldview. I'm usually just out to hear interesting music.
I mean, I agree with your point about musicians and their worldviews not matching yours. But can you honestly not see how Kanye, one of the most famous people in the world, backing Trump, America's biggest problem, would be more far-reaching in effect than some metal band's satanism?


Oct 27, 2017
i'm not saying i disagree with you. but man, even mandela preached forgiveness. "forgiveness liberates the soul. it removes fear. that is why it is such a powerful weapon."
he even talks about taking anger and hatred with you as though imprisoning yourself in your mind. "As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn't leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I'd still be in prison."
which is kinda topical now, cause its in a similar vein to the shit kanye was talking about on that slavery bullshit tip.

and theres that other old saying about 'holding on to resentment is like swallowing poison and waiting for the other person to die'. easier said than though for sure.

No offense but Mandela was also a revolutionary and spent 27 years in prison for rightfully trying to overthrow the apartheid system of South Africa. The militant group he was a part of wasn't exactly all non-violent and peace loving because they were trying to overthrow a fascist government. Think of something similar to WWII resistance fighters in Poland/France, etc. It wasn't until the government of South Africa realized 27 years after Mandela's imprisonment that if they stuck with apartheid, people were going to revolt, civil war was going to break out and they would all probably be imprisoned/executed like the Nazis post WWII, so they released Mandela and he started a coalition government and reconciliation commission.

The difference in Kanye's case is he's preaching reconciliation with an unrepentant actor. It would be as if Mandela announced in the 1950s and 1960s that the solution to apartheid was forgiving the fascist government and submitting to its tyranny under the guise of forgiveness or reconciliation without first the fascist government conceding the unjustness of apartheid and also acknowledging South Africa's past of institutional racism.

Kanye is trying to negotiate in bad faith in the sense that Trump and the Alt-Right MAGA contingent of this country refuse to acknowledge America's institutionalized racism and ONGOING blatant instances of institutionalized racism. It's not peace he's trying to pander, it's appeasement and submission to social injustice.

In my honest opinion though, I think Kanye isn't very well informed politically and is easily influenced. I obviously think he is or, until now, used to be a talented musician, but seems like the kind of celebrity that has a hard time coping with being extremely famous. His ego is out of control, and I honestly think he thinks he's some sort of John Lennon-like figure or something, except he's advocating peace with fascists and Nazis. Also Kanye is mega rich. I'm also of the opinion that he's out of touch and because of his wealth, he probably leans more Republican because the GOP is the party of the rich.
Last edited:
Nov 4, 2017
I mean, I agree with your point about musicians and their worldviews not matching yours. But can you honestly not see how Kanye, one of the most famous people in the world, backing Trump, America's biggest problem, would be more far-reaching in effect than some metal band's satanism?
I can and I honestly can't. That ugly ass red MAGA hat is the biggest free troll item around. It's just the ultimate taboo hat, so he can't resist being drawn to it.

And I am not at all shocked that a super rich millionaire is voting republican. I'd be shocked if he was the only famous, rich musician that was. Even Chappelle had that bit in his latest standup about how politicians were working for him, not poor whites, because he is extremely rich. Anyone that rich, hanging out with Kardashians all day, what did people really expect?

I Don't Like

Dec 11, 2017
I continue to find it shocking that people go that crazy if he doesn't align with you politically. It's like people want to somehow disqualify him as a musician.

I listen to tons of metal music that's weird satanic shit, and I'm an atheist. I really can't be bothered to care too much if the music is awesome. I guess I didn't realize how much people think of the musicians they like as role models for their entire worldview. I'm usually just out to hear interesting music.

The parallel you've drawn here is way off base. I mean not even close.

Talking about slavery being a choice is more about than just not aligning politically. Backing people who deny systemic racism is more than just not aligning politically.


Oct 25, 2017
I can and I honestly can't. That ugly ass red MAGA hat is the biggest free troll item around. It's just the ultimate taboo hat, so he can't resist being drawn to it.

And I am not at all shocked that a super rich millionaire is voting republican. I'd be shocked if he was the only famous, rich musician that was. Even Chappelle had that bit in his latest standup about how politicians were working for him, not poor whites, because he is extremely rich. Anyone that rich, hanging out with Kardashians all day, what did people really expect?
You changed the argument from supporting his art to expectations, but if we're talking about expectations, people probably feel disillusioned because his music used to deride his current position. He changed his mind and it's not puzzling that people changed their minds about him or the authenticity of his words or his art. How are you shocked? Or is this just playing devil's advocate?
Nov 4, 2017
You changed the argument from supporting his art to expectations, but if we're talking about expectations, people probably feel disillusioned because his music used to deride his current position. He changed his mind and it's not puzzling that people changed their minds about him or the authenticity of his words or his art. How are you shocked? Or is this just playing devil's advocate?
I didn't change my position. I was just surprised that the reaction to Kanye not lining up with people politically was seen as such a huge shock that people wanted to literally disavow him as a musician. I just found it surprising. I'm not defending him, and I don't listen to his music at all, so I'm not familiar with any of his lyrics.

On a separate point, I would be shocked if he was the only rich musician that votes republican. Especially people that are new to money and not born into it probably freak out when its time to pay taxes. Regardless of what their lyrics say, I would guess a lot of people just vote for themselves in secret. And this guy literally is married to a Kardashian, so I just find it all surprising that people never considered the possibility that he's out to keep his money, and is a hypocrite. Caitlyn Jenner was also controversially openly republican; his wife's parent.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
Tempe, AZ
I continue to find it shocking that people go that crazy if he doesn't align with you politically. It's like people want to somehow disqualify him as a musician.

I listen to tons of metal music that's weird satanic shit, and I'm an atheist. I really can't be bothered to care too much if the music is awesome. I guess I didn't realize how much people think of the musicians they like as role models for their entire worldview. I'm usually just out to hear interesting music.

For a lot of us black folks, it has nothing to do with "aligning with us politically" and everything to do with his platform having so much power, and him using that power to further enable someone like Trump, who directly NEGATIVELY impacts the people that generally support his music.

That said, on that same note, it also rings extremely hollow because it is the very opposite of what he (at least seemed to) talk about in the past.

And EVEN IF YOU WANT TO GIVE HIM THAT! He is spewing factually wrong information that some of these alt-right stooges will use to beat us over the head with whenever possible, or in Trump's case, sell more of thise ugly-ass MUh-Guhhh hats. Hell, it's already happening en masse online.

And you know what? If he wasn't factually wrong and spewing something so heinous (slavery by definition is absent of fuckin' choice, this is first-grade level shit), I'd just write him off as a crazy convert and be done with it. But, come to find out (well it as assum d anyway due to what he's said in the past, but still), he doesn't even know the policies this man or this group he's signal boosting stands for.

So yeah, if it were a minor political difference like "we should be spending money on XYZ"? Yeah whatever, fine, personally have plenty of people in my life and artists/musicians/etc I disagree with. But when you're wearing a MAhh-Gaaww hat, talking about how you have "free thought" and other such nonsense, but someone asks you if you know about the Muslim ban and you're like "huh? What ban?"

Nah, that's not just an artist I used to like having a political difference from me. That's a man with a captive young black audience, tossing a grenade around on stage telling people "it's safe it's safe" but not knowing what happens if the pin gets knocked loose.

Maybe it's me, but that's not okay.

For the record: I haven't cared much about Kanye's work for a long time, but have tried to give him the benefit of the doubt over the years. He is far divorced from the rapper/producer I listened to on Common's albums, on College Dropout, etc.

Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
This whole episode just makes me miss Pac even more. Kanye has lost the plot.
Makaveli would have never sold out. Genuinely loved his people.
i'm not saying i disagree with you. but man, even mandela preached forgiveness. "forgiveness liberates the soul. it removes fear. that is why it is such a powerful weapon."
he even talks about taking anger and hatred with you as though imprisoning yourself in your mind. "As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn't leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I'd still be in prison."
which is kinda topical now, cause its in a similar vein to the shit kanye was talking about on that slavery bullshit tip.

and theres that other old saying about 'holding on to resentment is like swallowing poison and waiting for the other person to die'. easier said than though for sure.
Forgiveness for what? America and White Americans collectively haven't done a thing to deserve forgiveness. Nothing was done to make up for slavery once Reconstruction was abandoned, White folks in general are disinterested in making actual progress or substantively integrating, and slavery's vestiges are still a fact of life in America. The bare minimum we can do as a nation is properly educate our citizens, like others have pointed out (Germany), but still that's too fucking much for this country. I been out since Monday, please email me whatever strain of chronic you are smoking.
I continue to find it shocking that people go that crazy if he doesn't align with you politically. It's like people want to somehow disqualify him as a musician.

I listen to tons of metal music that's weird satanic shit, and I'm an atheist. I really can't be bothered to care too much if the music is awesome. I guess I didn't realize how much people think of the musicians they like as role models for their entire worldview. I'm usually just out to hear interesting music.
Please explain how "slavery was a choice" is a political position? Any Black person with a platform that uttered such garbage would be met with vitriol from Black people. It's absolutely disrespectful to our ancestry. I've knocked white racists flat on their ass for less.
Nov 4, 2017
Please explain how "slavery was a choice" is a political position? Any Black person with a platform that uttered such garbage would be met with vitriol from Black people. It's absolutely disrespectful to our ancestry. I've knocked white racists flat on their ass for less.
It's not my stance to explain. It's a musician saying weird shit. Did he ever explain what he even meant? I just saw the edited clips out of context. Not really sure how that subject even came up or what the context was supposed to be.

I don't think anyone with any grasp of history will take that kind of statement at face value.

Deleted member 22490

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
It's not my stance to explain. It's a musician saying weird shit. Did he ever explain what he even meant? I just saw the edited clips out of context. Not really sure how that subject even came up or what the context was supposed to be.

I don't think anyone with any grasp of history will take that kind of statement at face value.
The video is in the OP and if you want more context, the extended video is in the related videos. Why don't you go watch them first before posting?
Jan 10, 2018
For the very smart in the back who didn't hear it yet:

The issue is not Kanye being a Republican or him not being a Democrat.

The issue is him fully embracing a racist and his white supremacist buddies.
Last edited:

Gaga Dead Aunt

Alt Account
Oct 25, 2017
Agree or disagree, what I respect Kayne West for is the fact he speaks his own views and won't back down from his views under pressure from anyone.

That's something which is rare these days
lol, everyone does that. it's not special to be hard-headed. what's more acclaim-worthy is someone realizing when they've fucked up and then changing their viewpoint. kanye won't do it.

by the way, the latest kanye production is christina aguilera's "accelerate" and it fucking sucks. he's not even a good artist anymore. let's collectively let him go.

atomsk eater

Oct 25, 2017
lol, everyone does that. it's not special to be hard-headed. what's more acclaim-worthy is someone realizing when they've fucked up and then changing their viewpoint. kanye won't do it.

Thank you. I'm not sure why "never changes his mind, even when people explain factually, ethically, etc what is wrong with what he just said" is such a good quality to some people. Sometimes opinions are wrong or based on bad or a lack of information, and folks should be open to changing based on what they learn from listening to others. Being hard-headed is the far easier way.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Thank you. I'm not sure why "never changes his mind, even when people explain factually, ethically, etc what is wrong with what he just said" is such a good quality to some people. Sometimes opinions are wrong or based on bad or a lack of information, and folks should be open to changing based on what they learn from listening to others. Being hard-headed is the far easier way.

Flat Earthers and anti-vaxxers are the best people. The best! So strong minded.


Nov 14, 2017
Anyone wanna drop a quick summary of Kanye's foray into fashion?

It was alluded to a bit in the Sway interview, something about Kanye partnering with Louis Vitton or something? And it was an unsuccessful venture?

I mean I know about his shoes of course, just not sure of the story behind his other fashion shit


Oct 27, 2017
Vice City
Agree or disagree, what I respect Kayne West for is the fact he speaks his own views and won't back down from his views under pressure from anyone.

That's something which is rare these days

if sticking to your guns on white supremacy & riding for folks who openly pine for a white ethnostate via whatever means is something you admire? i wish it was far, far rarer

the people he now panders to & co-signs and garbage, and so are his defenders


Oct 25, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
Anyone wanna drop a quick summary of Kanye's foray into fashion?

It was alluded to a bit in the Sway interview, something about Kanye partnering with Louis Vitton or something? And it was an unsuccessful venture?

I mean I know about his shoes of course, just not sure of the story behind his other fashion shit

you mean literal rags that people somehow convinced themselves were high fashion
Dec 9, 2017
User warmed: Posting bad faith videos to further a disingenuous narrative
I've watched a few black people bringing up good points about what Kanye said.
I wasn't sure before, but after these videos I'm positive: Kanye had good intentions.
Mod edit: Please do not link to videos using proven wrong information to spread a narrative.
Last edited by a moderator:

Deleted member 8644

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I've watched a few black people bringing up good points about what Kanye said.
I wasn't sure before, but after these videos I'm positive: Kanye had good intentions.
First thing the guy says in the first video is the fake Harriet Tubman quote.
The second guy's defense, at least in the beginning, is that Kanye says stupid shit without doing any research. Duh
The depths people will go to defend this moron just because he makes good music...
Last edited by a moderator:
Jan 10, 2018
First thing the guy says in the first video is the fake Harriet Tubman quote.
The second guy's defense, at least in the beginning, is that Kanye says stupid shit without doing any research. Duh
The depths people will go to defend this moron just because he makes good music...

*looks at his most recent output*

Not anymore


Chicken Photographer
Oct 25, 2017
I can and I honestly can't. That ugly ass red MAGA hat is the biggest free troll item around. It's just the ultimate taboo hat, so he can't resist being drawn to it.

And I am not at all shocked that a super rich millionaire is voting republican. I'd be shocked if he was the only famous, rich musician that was. Even Chappelle had that bit in his latest standup about how politicians were working for him, not poor whites, because he is extremely rich. Anyone that rich, hanging out with Kardashians all day, what did people really expect?

I didn't change my position. I was just surprised that the reaction to Kanye not lining up with people politically was seen as such a huge shock that people wanted to literally disavow him as a musician. I just found it surprising. I'm not defending him, and I don't listen to his music at all, so I'm not familiar with any of his lyrics.

On a separate point, I would be shocked if he was the only rich musician that votes republican. Especially people that are new to money and not born into it probably freak out when its time to pay taxes. Regardless of what their lyrics say, I would guess a lot of people just vote for themselves in secret. And this guy literally is married to a Kardashian, so I just find it all surprising that people never considered the possibility that he's out to keep his money, and is a hypocrite. Caitlyn Jenner was also controversially openly republican; his wife's parent.

kanye actually got off his ass to vote? news to me

It's not my stance to explain. It's a musician saying weird shit. Did he ever explain what he even meant? I just saw the edited clips out of context. Not really sure how that subject even came up or what the context was supposed to be.

I don't think anyone with any grasp of history will take that kind of statement at face value.

cool how many people in the united states think the civil war had nothing to do with slavery
Dec 9, 2017
First thing the guy says in the first video is the fake Harriet Tubman quote.
The second guy's defense, at least in the beginning, is that Kanye says stupid shit without doing any research. Duh
The depths people will go to defend this moron just because he makes good music...
I think the reality is;
Kanye's slavery comment exposed a lot about the African American community right now
You would think Kanye's comment would piss off every single single black person in America...but apparently not. For god's sake look at the like ratios on those videos I posted
One side agrees with Kanye, saying we need to wake the fuck up.
The other side disagrees with Kanye saying he needs to shut the fuck up.

Does no one else see this as a problem???
Oct 26, 2017
It is kind of fucked up that we as a society have shifted to giving musicians or actors enough cultural clout that their uninformed ramblings can hold so much weight.
It's like asking a toddler how to cure cancer.


Oct 25, 2017
I continue to find it shocking that people go that crazy if he doesn't align with you politically. It's like people want to somehow disqualify him as a musician.

I listen to tons of metal music that's weird satanic shit, and I'm an atheist. I really can't be bothered to care too much if the music is awesome. I guess I didn't realize how much people think of the musicians they like as role models for their entire worldview. I'm usually just out to hear interesting music.

His music can be awesome and he can still be a piece of shit. You can separate the two but don't ignore one because you like the other.

Deleted member 22490

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
I think the reality is;
Kanye's slavery comment exposed a lot about the African American community right now

Exposed what?

You would think Kanye's comment would piss off every single single black person in America...but apparently not. For god's sake look at the like ratios on those videos I posted
You think every single one of those likes are from black people? You think YouTube can restrict access to videos based on race? Come on now.

One side agrees with Kanye, saying we need to wake the fuck up.
The other side disagrees with Kanye saying he needs to shut the fuck up.

Does no one else see this as a problem???
Nope and why should we? You're trying to make it seem like both sides have equal weight and population. They don't. The vast majority of people disagree with Kanye because Kanye is wrong. People who think like him are wrong. People who agree with him are wrong. Slavery was not a choice.

Don't try to pretend that there is some kind of schism in the black community in regards to this. There isn't one. You're not going to muddle this event by trying to find the few black people that agree with Kanye on youtube, both of whom are Trump supporters and one of them sits in front of a Blue Lives Matter flag. Fuck that and fuck this low effort trolling.
Oct 25, 2017
Bruh, Kaufman, really?

Kanye might be the musical GOAT, but he isn't fucking pulling an Andy Kaufman.

And if he is, I'll eat my hat, crow, and some humble pie.

This isn't some 7-dimensional mancala game Kanye is playing with media. Kanye's just had the fortune to be considered a genius and sometimes be right. "Yeezus" can be interpreted as a rant against modern consumerism, excess, whatever, but it's the product of a guy that was salty the fashion world wouldn't let him in.
He's not even the "musical GOAT", don't be silly. This unconditional love and respect the guy gets is troubling.


Oct 25, 2017
I can't believe people are comparing him to Kaufman. Kaufman knew when to pull back, and his act was never politically controversial(Unless you believed the wrestling women angle, you marks).

Deleted member 3058

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Exposed what?

You think every single one of those likes are from black people? You think YouTube can restrict access to videos based on race? Come on now.

Nope and why should we? You're trying to make it seem like both sides have equal weight and population. They don't. The vast majority of people disagree with Kanye because Kanye is wrong. People who think like him are wrong. People who agree with him are wrong. Slavery was not a choice.

Don't try to pretend that there is some kind of schism in the black community in regards to this. There isn't one. You're not going to muddle this event by trying to find the few black people that agree with Kanye on youtube, both of whom are Trump supporters and one of them sits in front of a Blue Lives Matter flag. Fuck that and fuck this low effort trolling.
It was pretty obvious what that poster was doing when almost the first words out the first dude's mouth was some fake-ass pro-slavery right wing propaganda. Like, why even watch people who are so low information that they spread pro-slavery fake news?

That's not a rhetorical question. Why are you posting racist garbage that isn't even true OVOCanadaBooth ?

Harriet Tubman never said that fake ass quote that your YouTube link proports to be true:

Rice University professor (and slavery historian) Dr. W. Caleb McDaniel wrote that circulating this particular fake quote is actually harmful both to Tubman's legacy and to current efforts of anti-slavery activism:

Modern historians know the truth: enslaved people resisted their condition in countless ways, large and small. If they were not able to attain freedom, it was not because they didn't want it or because (as the fake Tubman quote would have it) they "did not know they were slaves." It was because powerful forces were arrayed against them. The idea of "tacit consent" distracted attention from that fact.

I worry that the fake Tubman quote could have the same "red herring" effect in conversations about modern trafficking. It encourages activists who quote and read it to believe that the only thing standing between modern slaves and freedom is knowledge, self-awareness, education, and a willingness to actively dissent. But the corollary comes uncomfortably close to the paternalistic idea that those who somehow "choose" not to be freed or don't "know" they are slaves must tacitly consent to their own exploitation.

It is pleasant to think that the only obstacle abolitionists face is "false consciousness" on the part of trafficked persons. Unfortunately, that idea may encourage true believers in the quote to underrate the power and complexity of the forces arrayed against them today.​

So here's my challenge to you OVOCanadaBooth : question why the people that you watch are lying to you about the nature of Harriet Tubman.

Why would they like to make her seem less anti-slavery?
Why are they trying to fool you into thinking slavery wasn't as bad as it was?
Why are you spreading this bullshit here?


Oct 27, 2017
Tempe, AZ
Finally got around to watching the extended cut of the TMZ interview just now, and I'm fucking done with this dude forever x 2.

"Black people only care when it's a white person killing them"

Are you for fucking real? He's spouting alt-right white supremacist talking points like THAT?

This motherfucker is all the way lost, no signal, no GPS, no car

Son Lamar

Oct 27, 2017
Finally got around to watching the extended cut of the TMZ interview just now, and I'm fucking done with this dude forever x 2.

"Black people only care when it's a white person killing them"

Are you for fucking real? He's spouting alt-right white supremacist talking points like THAT?

This motherfucker is all the way lost, no signal, no GPS, no car
LOL on a way I get he's saying it's only a big deal but I know that wasn't his intent behind it tho so yea


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
It's not my stance to explain. It's a musician saying weird shit. Did he ever explain what he even meant? I just saw the edited clips out of context. Not really sure how that subject even came up or what the context was supposed to be.

I don't think anyone with any grasp of history will take that kind of statement at face value.

I gotta call shenanigans on your above it all replies, lol. If Watain showed up for a press release makeup free talking about they are now evangelicals and all the interviews they gave about an upcoming album was all about the power of Christ and that most black metal fans were lost sheep who just didnt get it you would freak the fuck out too.

Black metal fans are THEE most close minded people on their fandom, so im surprised where you're like "Hey, i listen to satanic shit so everythings all good to me!" as if that has edge in 2018. They may be cool with the Lord Satan but if it doesnt fit a very narrow version of what they feel their genre is, its haram
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Oct 25, 2017
I think the reality is;
Kanye's slavery comment exposed a lot about the African American community right now
You would think Kanye's comment would piss off every single single black person in America...but apparently not. For god's sake look at the like ratios on those videos I posted
One side agrees with Kanye, saying we need to wake the fuck up.
The other side disagrees with Kanye saying he needs to shut the fuck up.

Does no one else see this as a problem???

I know exactly why Kanye is doing what he's doing;
He's trying to get out of the "box" people (mostly African Americans) put him in.
He said so himself plenty of times.
Just because Kanye is black, he's supposed to act a certain way, talk a certain way, think a certain way & the subject of his music should only be about certain things.
Kanye said fuck that. Im gonna be my own person. I respect that 100% even if I don't agree with what he's saying.

Hearing peoples reaction toward Kanye is super interesting.
(This is pre "slavery was a choice" though. That opinion got people messed up lol)

That is an interesting channel and choice selection of "reactions".

Other informative videos:

"Why I support President Donald Trump"
"Was Charlottesville Completely Staged? Watch this."
"Is Trump's Border Wall Racist & Hateful?"
"Gun Control & Immigration: The Media Is Lying!"
"Trump & Russia: When Will Media Lies End?"
yeah, that reporter did seem a little biased lol