
Oct 25, 2017
Have a 2016 Touchbar MBP. Used daily, traveled to three different continents with it. No issues.

spam musubi

Oct 25, 2017
All of my coworkers use the pro (given to us by work) and I've never seen anyone have an issue. Hard to get a sense for it.
Oct 25, 2017
I really like the keys on their current magic keyboard. They have some click like the MBP keyboard does, but have more travel and softer bottom out, so they are more pleasant to type on. But they also don't feel rubbery like the other chiclet style keyboards.

I say this like every Apple keyboard thread these days, current Magic Keyboard is the best keyboard they've ever made and I DEEPLY wish the current laptops had the same.
Nov 1, 2017
Sister's 2018 (2017?) MacBook Pro already had to be taken in once to have one of the keys fixed (the "R" key would get stuck/not respond). I'd hold off if you can.


Dec 14, 2017
A friend of mine is a huuuge Apple fan and he literally has a USB keyboard (+dongle) to connect to his Macbook all the time because it is really bad to type on. He never said he had problems with it, though.


Oct 25, 2017
South East Asia
I've had a few stuck keys on older touchbar models. Hard to avoid dust and lint cause I like to write outdoors so I take it with me everywhere. I am a heavy typist and 10,000 every day would strain any keyboard.

Haven't upgraded to the new condom ones. After dealing with staingate, this and even iPad Pro's smart keyboards crapping out I just gave up on Apple in general. Got tired of the back and forth with Apple's service centers, Malaysia ain't a priority for them so even simple repairs take weeks, if not months to process.

Now I just use Thinkpad Carbons. God-tier keyboards and they haven't failed once.
Oct 27, 2017
I have an X1 Extreme and while I love most about it, I despise the trackpad in comparison to my 2015 MBP. Keyboard is dope though.
Yeah, MacBook track pads are ahead of everything else. But the rest of the laptop makes the trackpad not worth it. I don't picture myself writing a lot on those keyboards. Also, I wish I had a ThinkPad, the nub mouse makes it very enticing for writing both text and code without taking hands off the keyboard.


Sumo Digital Dev
Oct 24, 2017
i was thinking of getting one of these, have you had any issues with it at all? And did you order directly from Lenovo?

Got it from them. Some work apps don't play too nicely in 4k, but everything else has been sweet so far. Need to get the stylus as well.
Yeah, MacBook track pads are ahead of everything else. But the rest of the laptop makes the trackpad not worth it. I don't picture myself writing a lot on those keyboards. Also, I wish I had a ThinkPad, the nub mouse makes it very enticing for writing both text and code without taking hands off the keyboard.
Yeah, that's why I haven't changed my 2015 MBP as of yet as it was a gen before the Touch Bar and new keyboard. Plus it'll be a solid machine for ages.


Dec 12, 2017
So if you are in the market for a new Macbook Pro, you have to worry about the LCD lighting cable going out by opening the lid beyond 90 degrees and about the keyboard going out due to dust. And you have to pay premium for the privilege of having such worries.



Oct 29, 2017
As far as I know this is still an issue. I got to see it myself as a student of mine with a brand new MacBook (2 weeks), had a key completely fail and we found it together during a lesson. I told him to take it immediately to the Apple store nearby and kick up a storm till they replace it.


Oct 31, 2017
I've had mine for more than one year and no big issues so far. Some keys did get a little "stuck" for a bit but they went back to being fine so the mechanism didn't break.

Still, I feel like I have a time bomb in my hands which sucks. MacOs is an amazing operating system but honestly it's hard to recommend their laptops given all these problems.
Oct 25, 2017
We better hope to god they don't go with this:


Consumers: "We generally like your laptops but your keyboards are really fragile and prone to failure, can't you just go back to the old design?"

Apple: "We're gonna make them out of glass now"

Consumers: "But that'll just make them more fragile and expensive to repair"

Oct 25, 2017
Mac trackpads are glass and aren't fragile or expensive to repair.

Yeah fair point, we're talking about different things though right? Glass trackpads are a known quantity that drew upon Apple's experience in touch devices. A glass key set within a glass frame that buckles and deforms with your keypresses sounds like a bit of a leap from what we're currently working with.