Deleted member 1849

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Dude have Asperger's or something?
You know what would be nice.

If, in the face of seeing a prick show his ass on the internet, people didn't just suddenly start making shit jokes linking it to ASD when there is no evidence of him having ASD.

It spreads awful stereotypes about what people with ASD are actually like, and quite frankly you can fuck right off with making that kind of link.
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Oct 25, 2017
...what does Phil Fish have to with this?
For some reason people just NEED to drag Phil Fish through the dirt. Again and again. The dude was abrasive, but generally didn't subscribe to particularly shitty politics. It is amazing that after he was already harassed by the gamer gate crowd (because, once again, he generally isn't a shit head, and he opposed them when everyone else was turning a blind eye) people STILL feel the need to pile on, despite his biggest crime amounting to him saying that Japanese games suck. It feels like the dude has paid his due a hundred times over at this point.


Oct 25, 2017
Keep forgetting Blow blocked me on twitter. I have no idea what for because I've never engaged with him before, but I'm not surprised a self righteous arrogant asshole who probably huffs his own farts is this this stupid.

hope everyone stops playing his shitty games too now


Oct 25, 2017
Phil and Blow are two entirely different scenarios. And honestly, I wish back then Blow had been the one to be pushed out the industry.

Phil was a talented developer who was extremely vocal about a lot of things he didn't like in the industry. He would probably be shitting on Blow right now with the rest of us if he still had public social media, given the many times he stood up for the right thing at the expense of getting targeted by the GG lot (defending women in games, etc) at a time when Blow's biggest concern was journalists blacklisting GG supporters.

People's insistence on throwing Phil and Blow together as if they are one and the same always confuses me, given that when games are not the topic of discussion they seem to be completely opposite people.

There's nothing to compare between the two. As much as Phil had zero tact with people, he didn't have irrevocable bad positions. He supported Zoe Quinn and took a clear position against the GamerGater crowd. People are so fucking bitter over his comment over Japanese videogames, years and years later. It's beyond pathetic.


Oct 25, 2017
I think Jonathan Blow is a brilliant game creator who is brilliant at nothing else, yet seems to believe he's an equally brilliant philosopher, sociologist, writer, etc.

Way too often we seem to listen or hear stuff from celebrities (in whatever field/capacity); and way too often it's dumb takes on shit they're nowhere near qualified to answer... I dunno, it's like you become a big enough public figure feel the need to weigh in about every damn thing.
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Durham, NC
Dude have Asperger's or something?


you chose to just post that huh


Sep 28, 2021
Can't say I'm surprised by this or the anti-vax tweets. Dude was favoriting Jordan Peterson videos on his public YouTube channel years ago. He's irreparably, eternally up his own ass.


Oct 27, 2017
Never got good vibes from this man. Anybody who goes to the lengths he did to let you know how far he can shove is head up his ass is never a good sign.


This Guy Helps
Oct 27, 2017
You know what would be nice.

If, in the face of seeing a prick show his ass on the internet, people didn't just suddenly start making shit jokes linking it to ASD when there is no evidence of him having ASD.

It spreads awful stereotypes about what people with ASD are actually like, and quite frankly you can fuck right off with making that kind of link.
This. Dude's an asshole. Dude's been an asshole. Let's just leave it at that.


Feb 27, 2020
You know what would be nice.

If, in the face of seeing a prick show his ass on the internet, people didn't just suddenly start making shit jokes linking it to ASD when there is no evidence of him having ASD.

It spreads awful stereotypes about what people with ASD are actually like, and quite frankly you can fuck right off with making that kind of link.

Well said. Thanks for this post.


Nov 4, 2017
Let's not forget the man literally made a game about going to extreme measures to connect the dots between arbitrary objects.

The aha moment in The Witness is seeing hidden connections in the world and feel like a genius for finding them. It's basically QAnon as a game mechanic.

So similar to how you connected the dots of blow being an asshat and the witness being a puzzle game with dots. This also doesn't fit, since QAnon is about imagining and making up dots and then connecting them.

I don't thin Blow is some QAnon mastmind who hides his believes in his game, he is just an ass who thinks he is smarter then everyone else.


Oct 30, 2017
Hopefully he boycotts himself into irrelevancy...if he hasn't reached that point already.
Oct 25, 2017
User banned (1 month): Trolling a thread about sensitive topics
Well, I couldn't agree more with him on this particular subject. Cancel culture is cancer.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
Man, what happened to this guy. I loved braid and his talks and articles on game design were so interesting a decade ago. Feels like he started getting weird (the bad weird, not his previous weird) in like 2016/2017. Or maybe he was always that way and it just didn't come up idk.


Apr 18, 2018
Anyone else watch his Twitch stream occasionally? I've tuned in every once in awhile for years. I don't know why I subject myself to it. Partially morbid curiosity and partially because sometimes I find his ideas about programming interesting. It's interesting watching somebody develop a new compiler, and then build a game with it.

But holy shit. His Twitter is tame compared to the stuff he regularly spews on his Twitch stream. The guy legitimately thinks almost everyone else in the world is a moron except for him. He's a classic narcissist. He's released two games, and considers himself one of the greatest game designers of our age.

Remember a year or two back when he shat on other indie devs, saying that there's a lack of creative and new ideas in indie games? The dude has made a puzzle platformer and a puzzle game about connecting dots. In the period between Braid and now, there has been an absolutely incredible number of amazingly creative indie games released, but apparently they don't live up to the incredibly high standards of the "one great game design mind of our generation".


Oct 27, 2017
Man, what happened to this guy. I loved braid and his talks and articles on game design were so interesting a decade ago. Feels like he started getting weird (the bad weird, not his previous weird) in like 2016/2017. Or maybe he was always that way and it just didn't come up idk.

He always had weird, bad takes. Like trashing all of Japanese game design based on Zelda having too many tutorials.


Apr 18, 2018
I thought this was Phil Fish no?

Though it seems like he does share the opinion I guess. What a class act.

It was both of them. The event that whole thing started at was Phil saying Japanese games suck or whatever, and then Jon immediately swooping in and saying he agreed with him.

The difference being Phil got entirely off social media after his meltdown, whereas Jon has been spreading his horrible opinions constantly ever since.


Oct 6, 2020
You know what would be nice.

If, in the face of seeing a prick show his ass on the internet, people didn't just suddenly start making shit jokes linking it to ASD when there is no evidence of him having ASD.

It spreads awful stereotypes about what people with ASD are actually like, and quite frankly you can fuck right off with making that kind of link.
Whenever someone in Era shits on people with autism, I'm just like... This is a gaming enthusiast forum. This is a place with a bunch of people who consider gaming an important enough part of their life to want to post about it in more depth/make more longform posts than other platforms like Twitter or Discord allow, for people who have games as their main hobby, special interest, hyperfixation, or whatever description is most apropos. Where do you think you are? Do you think no one who would take offense can hear you?

I swear I see more shitting on neurodivergent people here than any other social media platform, which aside from being bizarre to me, just sucks as someone with autism and ADHD.
There's nothing to compare between the two. As much as Phil had zero tact with people, he didn't have irrevocable bad positions. He supported Zoe Quinn and took a clear position against the GamerGater crowd. People are so fucking bitter over his comment over Japanese videogames, years and years later. It's beyond pathetic.
For some reason people just NEED to drag Phil Fish through the dirt. Again and again. The dude was abrasive, but generally didn't subscribe to particularly shitty politics. It is amazing that after he was already harassed by the gamer gate crowd (because, once again, he generally isn't a shit head, and he opposed them when everyone else was turning a blind eye) people STILL feel the need to pile on, despite his biggest crime amounting to him saying that Japanese games suck. It feels like the dude has paid his due a hundred times over at this point.
It wasn't just a "comment over Japanese video games" and it didn't just "amount to him saying that Japanese games suck".
The Canadian indie developer made the comment during an open Q&A following a screening of Indie Game The Movie at GDC, attended by Develop.

An unknown Japanese developer asked the panel, which included Fish and Braid creator Jonathan Blow, what they thought of modern Japanese video games.

Fish replied: "your games just suck."

Following the Q&A, Fish took to his Twitter page to follow-up on his comments.

"At tonight's IGTM Q&A, some Japanese guy asked us what we thought of modern Japanese games, and I said I thought they sucked," he wrote.

"So I guess I'm some kind of big racist now.

"I'm sorry Japanese guy! I was a bit rough, but your country's games are f*** terrible nowadays."
You can say the backlash was disproportionate (which it was, especially compared to the backlash or lack thereof Blow has gotten) without downplaying the stuff that caused it.


Jul 25, 2021
It was both of them. The event that whole thing started at was Phil saying Japanese games suck or whatever, and then Jon immediately swooping in and saying he agreed with him.

The difference being Phil got entirely off social media after his meltdown, whereas Jon has been spreading his horrible opinions constantly ever since.

Amazing. What a wombo combo.

Deleted member 1849

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I thought this was Phil Fish no?

Though it seems like he does share the opinion I guess. What a class act.

Loosely, it was both.

Blow complained about Japanese developers generally over tutorializing games, and described them as "joyless husks"

Phil then came in and compared the original Zelda to "modern Zelda" (at the time that meant TP and Skyward Sword), and made comments about the original dropping you into a world and leaving you to learn for yourself, while the modern ones hold your hand the whole way through, and in his mind that ruined a lot of the surprise and mystery of the game.

And, Phil being his abrasive self aside, I think most people post-botw would see that he kind of had a point there.

It was both of them. The event that whole thing started at was Phil saying Japanese games suck or whatever, and then Jon immediately swooping in and saying he agreed with him.

The difference being Phil got entirely off social media after his meltdown, whereas Jon has been spreading his horrible opinions constantly ever since.

Really burying the reason why Phil got off social media there.
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Apr 18, 2018
Hey, I just remembered the secret ending of The Witness, and how incredibly stupid it was.

I accidentally got spoiled on it before I beat the game, and it completely destroyed any desire I had to keep playing. It was just a perfect example of how he wraps up his poorly thought out ideas in layers of mystery, to hide the face that there isn't really any substance underneath.