
Nov 27, 2017
I'd laugh like I did at first in the Trump thread. But this is going to end the same way, where he ends up fine and his shithead followers use it as an excuse to downplay COVID even more.


Oct 25, 2017
Apparently you don't know what the vaccines do then, because they don't block you from getting it as much as they do stop hospitalization. Every person with the vaccine who gets it is an incubator for a vaccine resistant strain.

The vaccines ALSO make you far less likely to actually get infected. That means that statistically, the more people are vaccinated, the less likely EVERYONE is to eventually get the virus.

The vaccine is simply even more effective at keep8ng you from getting very eick, but it also very much makes you less likely to be infected. I personally know of people who live with people who got COVID and, being vaccinated, didn't get the virus at all. Tested and all.


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 21, 2019
Are monoclonal antibodies something anyone can get from their doctor or is it something only wealthy people with connections can get?

I think my mom was talking this shit up this past weekend. The hospital near where they lived is apparently giving it to some of their ICU patients. "only about 30 are allowed so far" and I'm sitting here thinking "those numbers aren't really something to tout compared to how many people are getting hospitalized."

Cool if it works, but I think there's another way to keep from getting sick.....that's free....... I wonder what it could be.


Oct 25, 2017
You just know he's going to go "I got it and it was just a few days of discomfort and I was fine without vaccine"

Dude is taking everything but the vaccine.


Mar 7, 2019
who started the dewormer cure narrative? It is such a fucking stretch and such a random drug, I feel like it's trolls coming up with the stupidest shit just to see if people will latch onto it.


Nov 1, 2017
Sonoma County, California.
This feels like an op. I wouldn't be surprised if it's just some stunt and he posts some vagary for a week then says "it was fine. Just hydrate and eat horse paste and it's all good. Why is this country not getting back to normal?"

But if he does have it. And dies. Nothing of value would have been lost.


Oct 27, 2017
Niigata, Japan
I hate to say this but nothing better could happen to help alleviate online disinformation than for this guy to have a really bad case of covid (I don't want the guy to die or anything, just get a wake-up call).


The Fallen
Jul 28, 2018
He looks fucking terrible.

What a moron.
That's not COVID, that's just how he looks in everyday life.
I hate to say this but nothing better could happen to help alleviate online disinformation than for this guy to have a really bad case of covid (I don't want the guy to die or anything, just get a wake-up call).
He's taking horse paste, forgive me if I don't believe there's a "Come to Jesus" moment about COVID treatments in his future.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah after seeing the vid, he's on monoclonal antibodies. He's going to be fine and probably going to credit ivermectin going forward… "I got Covid and I was fine. Don't know if it was the ivermectin or the antibodies. Who really knows? Ivermectin is proven to blah blah blah, main stream media."
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Deleted member 896

User Requested Account Deletion
Oct 25, 2017
who started the dewormer cure narrative? It is such a fucking stretch and such a random drug, I feel like it's trolls coming up with the stupidest shit just to see if people will latch onto it.

My understanding is the original push came from poorer areas that lacked access to better medicine/vaccines. Why it became a darling of the MAGA world? I have no idea. It's even more baffling because they already had the cure in hydroxychloroquine. That plus zinc was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to be the definitive cure that even God Emperor Trump hyped up. Why did we need another miracle cure?


Oct 25, 2017
I hate to say this but nothing better could happen to help alleviate online disinformation than for this guy to have a really bad case of covid (I don't want the guy to die or anything, just get a wake-up call).
His followers would just think Fauci-Hillary had him killed even if Covid did do him in. There's always another conspiracy for these scum to avoid learning from reality.

Garrett 2U

Oct 25, 2017
Imagine taking ivermectin after receiving regeneron, and then having the audacity to thank modern medicine after they begged you not to take a horse dewormer.


Oct 25, 2017
That gif is making me want to look for Newsradio and stream it. I tried a while ago but don't think I found anything.


Feb 25, 2018
Taking monoclonal antibodies doesn't sound like someone who is trusting is immune system.

Fucking hypocrite.


Oct 27, 2017
At this point I'm confident to say that if you're not vaccinated Delta variant will eventually find you.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
I'm flabbergasted (I'm actually not, but let's just say that flabbergasted is how I feel I should feel right now).

We've seen these people, for months, express skepticism in the science, in the doctors, and in the government as their reasoning for not trusting the vaccine.

But then some of these same people, will flock to who? the doctors and make themselves the test dummy for every experimental or rumored-to-be-effective drug they heard about on Facebook.

So it's not a fear of drugs, doctors, the lack of data, or the government. It's not even belief in your own immune system (clearly, in Rogan's case).

It's just denialism. It's not just believing in a conspiracy; it making that conspiracy a part of your very identity.


Oct 25, 2017
You're inaccurate here. Vaccines absolutely prevent infection. It's just not 100 percent perfect. Breakthrough cases can happen, but they absolutely lower the risk of contagion.


As Delta spread, Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness against infection fell from 90% to 66% in one key study

The effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccines at preventing infection fell in one study from roughly 90% to 66%, as the Delta variant emerged and became dominant in the country.

The vaccines ALSO make you far less likely to actually get infected. That means that statistically, the more people are vaccinated, the less likely EVERYONE is to eventually get the virus.

The vaccine is simply even more effective at keep8ng you from getting very eick, but it also very much makes you less likely to be infected. I personally know of people who live with people who got COVID and, being vaccinated, didn't get the virus at all. Tested and all.
Unfortunately what truth this had left with Delta and the waning effectiveness of the vaccine with time. Right now the breakthrough cases are happening more rapidly and people who are vaccinated cary a much higher viral load.

While less people will get infected with the vaccine, higher exposure to the virus still helps it spread. You should be wearing mask and still taking precautions even when vaccinated, and being vaccinated does not mean you are immune to helping the virus spread.
Oct 25, 2017
At this point I'm confident to say that if you're not vaccinated Delta variant will eventually find you.
I told my unvaccinated coworkers exactly this, and that the vaccine is just going to improve your chances of surviving, and they literally had nothing to say.

The crazy thing is that I came back from vacation two weeks ago and tested positive for covid the day before I was supposed to go back to work despite being vaccinated, joking that I don't want to accidentally kill them.


Oct 25, 2017
who started the dewormer cure narrative? It is such a fucking stretch and such a random drug, I feel like it's trolls coming up with the stupidest shit just to see if people will latch onto it.
There are studies that show Ivermectin (the one meant for humans and is actually used in treatments) may possibly be effective in helping with COVID, much like there was with Hydroxychloroquine early on.

However scam doctors tried using both as the "new miracle but not yet approved drug which can save you from covid" as a way to appeal to people who were easy marks.

Then when the prices on human Ivermectin shot up, the people they were duping started gravitating to the animal variant and taking it in much higher doses than they should, not that you should ever take animal meds to start.

So there is a kernel of truth behind Ivermectin being something for covid that has snowballed by people trying to make a buck, but health professionals have yet to determine how much, when it should be administered, or if it is effective as a treatment. So no one should be taking it unless it's part of a doctor approved trial program... by actual doctors and not telemedicine grifters.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 31, 2018
who started the dewormer cure narrative? It is such a fucking stretch and such a random drug, I feel like it's trolls coming up with the stupidest shit just to see if people will latch onto it.
If I recall correctly, there was this group called Frontline Doctors of America or something similar that touted the drug along with hydroxichloriquine under the Trump Admin in 2020. Long story short, hydroxy didn't sell, so they proped up the human version of ivermeticin based on a promising study, demand far outstripped their supply and folks who couldn't afford it, can't get a perscription or can't afford to wait went for the livestock/farm version instead.

I'm flabbergasted (I'm actually not, but let's just say that flabbergasted is how I feel I should feel right now).

We've seen these people, for months, express skepticism in the science, in the doctors, and in the government as their reasoning for not trusting the vaccine.

But then some of these same people, will flock to who? the doctors and make themselves the test dummy for every experimental or rumored-to-be-effective drug they heard about on Facebook.

So it's not a fear of drugs, doctors, the lack of data, or the government. It's not even belief in your own immune system (clearly, in Rogan's case).

It's just denialism. It's not just believing in a conspiracy; it making that conspiracy a part of your very identity.
Pretty much, yeah. The problem isn't that pepole trust or don't trust science, burearcacy, or corporations per se, but its who those authoritative figures represent socially, cultrally, or politically and how much they want them to affect their lives. Its why people have no problem buying cold medicine or vitamins from the same big pharma companies offering the vaccine.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Joe "If your healthy you don't need to take the vaccine" Rogan


Oct 25, 2017
On bright side, survive or not, many will follow taking horsepaste and shit their guts out more.


Oct 25, 2017
It'd be a real shame if his breathing made it difficult to talk into a microphone for several months.


Oct 27, 2017
lol "it was nothing that I could control, it is what it is"

Yeah if only there was something he could've done to protect himself.

Fam I said the same fucking thing. FUCK this guy. He has such influence and is such an obvious grifter. I have some friends I consider(ed) really smart who swear by this guy. Just dont get how people get finessed.


Oct 25, 2017
Unfortunately what truth this had left with Delta and the waning effectiveness of the vaccine with time. Right now the breakthrough cases are happening more rapidly and people who are vaccinated cary a much higher viral load.

While less people will get infected with the vaccine, higher exposure to the virus still helps it spread. You should be wearing mask and still taking precautions even when vaccinated, and being vaccinated does not mean you are immune to helping the virus spread.
I completely agree with this but to say we'll all get it eventually is wrong and what I was responding to