
The Wise Ones
Oct 27, 2017
Hmm, so it sounds like God of War and FFXVI are PS5/next-gen exclusive, so really this only applies to games up to Horizon? Doesn't seem like a big deal...yet.


Well, Tosca isn't for everyone
Oct 31, 2017
First-party support for the PS3 dried up as soon as the PS4 was released.

I'm not advocating for leaving an established user base in the dark, but this messaging has been executed poorly so far.

I know that scope it's different, but Left Behind (the closer to Miles Morales here) and Grand Turismo 6 was released after the PS4 launch, and it's obvious that Ps4 would have better support, the userbase is bigger. This is closer to a PS2 situation


Oct 25, 2017
People believing that Sony will abandon the 100+ million PS4 users just like that are the silly ones.

This is not the jump from PS2 to PS3, or PS3 to PS4 anymore. Games are not Playstation's main revenue now, it's the services and digital goods. They can't just abandong the dozens of million PS+ subscribers who are still stuck on PS4 for years to come. The majority of PS4 users play service games, and that's where the money come from. Not from us enthusiasts who buy every exclusive.


Oct 27, 2017
This isn't really that surprising but lots of people here did believe that ps5 games would be new Gen only


The Wise Ones
Oct 27, 2017
Horizon, Miles, SackBoy are the only announced cross gen titles so far.
Yeah, makes sense. Horizon is admittedly pretty surprising, but I'm not concerned about this "holding back" future titles until we see some late 2021 games be announced as cross gen (other than the expected culprits like sports games, CoD, etc).

welcome to shambles-land. corporations aren't your friends. stop trusting them wholeheartedly.
Also, this lol. Don't get me wrong, I'm a filthy consumer but I at least acknowledge that Sony isn't my friend and is "betraying" me.


Nov 23, 2017
The PS3 was supported for over a decade, well after the PS4 launch. Same with the PS2. 10 years of PS4 support would wind down in about 2023. Don't get the controversy here.

Sure, but Sony never pushed their AAA first parties to be cross-gen. Most cross-gen games were smaller titles or multiplats.


Oct 25, 2017
I dont know why people are for some reason conflating this and the 3 cross gen games. The latter is perfectly fine to complain about since they did go on and made it seem like they were PS5 exclusives until today. Hell even Im upset about that. This though is the standard thing Sony does every gen.


Oct 25, 2017
If nothing else this thread shows how many people lack critical thinking. They always did this guys. They won't drop PS4 on day one. But the majority of first party game will be primarily on PS5.


Oct 25, 2017
Not surprising. They just chose a different way to market it. They probably saw how MS got panned for it and they've decided to announce some of these would have PS4 versions at the last minute. At the very least if you can't get the console you can still get the games.

It was pretty dumb to be angry at MS for having cross gen games and so it's still is for this too. This is also the same place that asked if PC would hold back the PS5.


Oct 27, 2017
Mmmmmm nah I'm disappointed because Horizon could have been PS5's first major showpiece where Guerilla got to flex its muscle and blow the scope of gameplay out to interesting new places. Instead its going to be shackled to an 8 year old Jaguar

Yep. To me it's about truly revolutionizing game design, which is what these new consoles offer. That doesn't happen if the games are also built for ancient hardware (which it truly is relative to the new consoles).

I was incredibly disappointed to learn that Halo: Infinite is being built to run on the Xbox One, and I was equally disappointed today to learn that Horizon: Forbidden West is coming to the PS4.

I didn't feel like this for the PS4/XO compared to the 360/PS3. I guess it's because other than GPU performance, the XBO and PS4 weren't really that big of jumps from the previous generation in terms of performance and capabilities.

But the hardware in the PS5 and Series S|X represent one of the largest and most significant increases in CPU performance and I/O that we've ever seen. This hardware has the potential to drastically change how games are built and designed - everything from AI, physics, to world size and complexity. It's unfortunate that we'll have to wait until 2025+ for some of these franchises to take advantage of that, since their upcoming iterations are tied down by the limitations of old hardware.


Oct 27, 2017
If nothing else this thread shows how many people lack critical thinking. They always did this guys. They won't drop PS4 on day one. But the majority of first party game will be primarily on PS5.
It wasn't just this thread though. Digital Foundry was drinking the kool aid. They had a whole video about how Sony was going the Next Gen route.


Oct 29, 2017
Disagree. Most of the people upset about this cross gen news are not mad that they can't use this as a talking point against the Xbox, but rather that this was used as a talking point and it was unfair.
Except the talking point was true.
They're making DS, Ratchet and Clank as next gen only games during the launch period. Which was literally the only thing Sony promised.


Oct 30, 2017
this non-generational approach really turns me off, i'll probably just stick to PC


Feb 5, 2018
One big thing that seems to be the case unless someone has seen something different is that the PlayStation Plus Collection of those PS4 games is only for PS5 owners on PS+, which seems really messed up if PS4 owners who are paying the same PS+ subscription wouldn't get these PS4 games too.


Oct 29, 2017
so a game that was already in production before being bought and a game thats already out amount to all ms games being crossgen
This is why MS was getting criticized.
MS said:
You won't be forced into the next generation. We want every Xbox player to play all the new games from Xbox Game Studios. That's why Xbox Game Studios titles we release in the next couple of years—like Halo Infinite—will be available and play great on Xbox Series X and Xbox One. We won't force you to upgrade to Xbox Series X at launch to play Xbox exclusives."

Difference is, PS5 has day 1 next gen exclusives. Which was exactly what they promised.

And this message from Jim Ryan doesn't contradict that promise.


VFX Rendering Pipeline Developer
Jun 8, 2020
There are implications to what Horizon will be able to do with streaming assets, that's why some are rightfully unhappy about the news. However it's good news for the sales of Horizon and for people who won't upgrade right now. And it's hard to imagine the game won't look great, it already looks amazing.

Sony was clear they wouldn't change the generation transition formula. They always do some ports, some cross-gen, and some true next-gen to really show off the platform. It's always been a mix for the first couple years, and progressively just next gen titles as the new games are designed for next-gen only. With the hardware being much easier to do cross-gen, we should see more games that are cross-gen. There's no reason to make a game next-gen only unless it requires hardware features that cannot be downscaled without changing the gameplay, or level design, or having to write a different lighting model (baked stuff instead of no RT).

I think GDC post-mortems will be interesting next year.


Oct 26, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
People acting like they already bought the PS5 versions and beat them and then the PS4 versions were announced. System isn't even out yet. You don't have to buy it or the games on next-gen.


Jul 22, 2019
He saw how people around here kept saying how anti-consumer Sony was for not supporting the PS4 in favor of the PS5 so he changed their plans.

Good guy Jimbo.

Deleted member 224

Oct 25, 2017
Except the talking point was true.
They're making DS, Ratchet and Clank as next gen only games during the launch period. Which was literally the only thing Sony promised.
Fuck that.

Let's not change the narrative after months of this shit going on.

Sony announced Horizon and Spider Man as PS5 titles months ago. They just now announced PS4 versions of those games and others the same day preorders for the ps5 went live across multiple major retailers like GameStop and Walmart.

And we're acting like they didn't mislead people? Like they didn't lie by omission? Like thread after thread after thread wasn't derailed, locked, or created on this site over the issue? Like the consensus from everyone here wasn't that those titles were ps5 exclusives, and people who believed the PS4 leaks for Spider Man weren't labeled as trolls and mass reported?

This was the plan. Sony didn't announce those games as cross-gen titles. Why?


Dec 13, 2017
Yeah, basically this. It's really fun to watch this unfold though. People looking really silly going back with some of the comments on how certain games could be only done on the PS5 lmao
I think its more to do with Sony not being up front about it. Sony has been saying for months now that they believe in generations, many of their 1st party games were announced as coming to PS5 with no other consoles mentioned till today. If from the start all these games were announced as crossgen, I'm sure many would be surprised, but not really outraged.


Oct 25, 2017
It's fucking mind-blowing that some don't see Sony use the generations as a marketing ploy all summer in their favor while letting MS take all the criticism for cross-gen. It's obvious why they waited till now say Horzion and Spidey are also coming to PS4. No shit, not every game will be cross-gen well news flash EITHER is Xbox. Avowed, Everwild, Fable, and HB2 are only on next-gen. Actually MS only has 1 cross-gen right now and its Halo.


Oct 25, 2017
lol, we all know why they did it. and it worked. just take it as a lesson going forward. be more discerning when dealing with these companies. that's it.

it really is shitty that they hid it and kinda talked out both sides of their mouths, but it is what it is. that's sony now, apparently.

and yes, it is something that happens every gen, but i don't blame people for being upset about being misled because they were.

it makes sense that they wouldn't straight up abandon their ps4 user base. the problem lies in what they said previously.


Oct 27, 2017
Sony says this every gen, they keep their old system around and 3rd parties keep it alive. The next year or so will be a mix of cross gen and full on PS5 titles, then it'll be all PS5. I don't believe we'll have crossgen 1st party titles from Sony in year 2-3-4.