Comrade Grogu

Jun 20, 2020
So... I normally don't talk about politics on here, especially on gaming forums, and I have other social media to vent, but I kinda feel like I need to be away from my circle of friends to define my thoughts and put them down. If the mods want to close this thread, that's perfectly fine. I don't want to reveal too much about myself here so I'll be a bit vague.

Look, I have family in the Dominican Republic. They talk about how the United States invaded the island and deposed Juan Bush with some aid from the CIA. And my friends in Turkey (and I have some family there too) talk about how there were multiple coups in that country, sometimes with the aid of the CIA as well. Fascism was pretty much rife in both cases, I would say, from what I know.

I was also in Bolivia in 2019. I think what happened there was also a fascist coup. I remember seeing a crowd of dozens of people do a "sieg heil" to a Christian cross, or at least I saw many in the crowd do so. And from what I remember, there was a lot of hatred against Evo Morales and indigenous people living in Bolivia. The last President before the recent election in Bolivia (the one in 2020) called them "savages," if I recall correctly. There was also a massacre with several people dead at least.

When I was in Bolivia, there was lots of racism against indigenous people and Christian nationalist imagery and street fights leading up to the coup and the family I was staying with warned me to go back to the USA in order to save myself from an uprising. There were rumors of an incoming coup around and while I was in the plane, barely out of Bolivia, Evo Morales (the first Native American President of Bolivia) was forced to step down. I remember other Bolivian friends telling me on the Internet that things were pretty violent and hectic, and there was lots of racism and charges of fraud against MAS and especially their Native American and rural supporters. Trump's administration along with Republicans and Democrats recognized the new fascist government in Bolivia led by Jeanine Anez (the same person that called Native Americans in Bolivia "savages" and "pagans") and that was that.

Okay, before you all despair while reading all this: I'm not here to make anyone feel bad. I'm just venting. The situation is not at all hopeless. But I felt the need to type all this because I know people close to me who are liberals who are in denial about all this. I won't say who. They think it was not a coup attempt. They think it was not fascist. But the lead-up to the uprising and the actual uprising reminded some of my Latin American friends of coups in their own countries (usually with the aid of the CIA or billionaires or fascists or narco-criminals or a mix of several of these types of people). And frankly, the storming of the main capitol building in DC along with the attacks around the country on government buildings in places such as Georgia seemed to go beyond what happened in Bolivia.

Alright, I'll wrap this up and get everything out there. Basically, I kinda saw the country reaching a certain level of instability. But I also saw that there was a dark side to this country as well. A racist white rich kid in my school used to make racist insults toward me along with other people around him for several years. Nobody did a thing. I faced racism, sure, but at the same token, I have to say that a lot of this seems to be the result of upper-middle-class whites (and there are going to be a minority of non-whites in this category). I would say that even before 2016, they could definitely be construed as racist, alt-right, classist, and even fascist. Now, people in my school who were poor or at least had certain issues economically (and they could be white, brown, black, Asian, etc.) never had a bad thing to say about me. And look, being neurodiverse certainly made others look down on me with my "staring eyes" or my nasal voice.

What I'm saying is this: it wasn't much of a stretch for the idiots that I met at school and university to be fascist. I remember my Russian friends telling me about how the Nazis, quite literally, wanted to exterminate all Slavs. Outside of the Holocaust, which was horrible, millions and millions of more people were killed. So maybe it's a tall order to say that it doesn't take much to be as immoral as the Nazis. But you gotta believe me: I saw it. Instead of questioning why the United States had troops occupying the countries in the Middle-East (spurring many Muslims and Arabs and so on to take up arms against this country), among other reasons that angered the people there, I think it was telling that people looked at them as "hating our freedom" or something. And other people in my school, including myself, faced racism. We also faced classism, though I would say that the classism was more low-key and insidious.

Maybe I'm making a stretch here, but look: rightwing terrorism was growing during the Bush years, Obama years, and of course, the Trump years. And a lot of the racist bullies in school joined the military or National Guard or police or what have you. I saw hatred against non-whites. I saw hatred against poor people. And God help you if you were a poor non-white. And many people noticed that the economic situation has declined since at least the 1980s for some reason, or so they've always said. And people at school one day didn't show up because they died from opioids or people near me knew people that died from opioids. So honestly, even back then, I thought (and maybe because I can be a pretty extreme person sometimes, I admit) that the country as a whole wasn't THAT far away from fascism. The ingredients were there.

I'll get to the larger point because I could cite many more examples so I'll just say this: let's not be in denial about this. We need to be objective. We need to see things for what they are. I think in what people call the "neoliberal" era, it's very possible for stuff like this to happen. But to me, personally, many liberals seemed to turn a blind eye to George W. Bush not being tried as a war criminal for his crimes on the Iraqi people, for example. Given that some people that I know being in denial about there having been a fascist coup attempt recently, I felt the need to vent and maybe make a lengthy reminder: let's not act like what happened wasn't fascism or a coup attempt.

Last paragraph: the United States had it good in terms of stability compared to, say, the World War 2 years. Well, we're going through the "World War 2 years" again and with the current pandemic and decades of economic decline, there's going to be fascist groups taking advantage. So honestly, what I'm worried about is that we don't at least have the courage to call a spade a spade. So look: instead of going "doomer" or some shit, let's be careful about this. In Latin American countries, people have fought far-right groups in the streets because they knew what they were up against. But honestly, I just hope that we recognize and be on guard about a possible fascist threat to the people of this country.

Okay, last paragraph FOR REAL this time: humanity has been through this rodeo before and, I would say objectively, this is less harmful to most people than some of those "rodeos" back then (no doubt there will still be doomers in the comments anyway, I'm sure). Of course, it still fucking sucks to be living through history, to be "living in interesting times." I'll just say: it's time to forget the comfy life that we thought most of us would have for the next several years and that partly means BEING CAREFUL. I'm not asking for much from all of you except to just be careful, believe your lying eyes when you see fascism or racism or classism or any other threat, and not act like things are just "peachy" or "hunky-dory." When the current crisis is over, many will have the scars, I'm sure, but we can't act like threats like fascism aren't a problem because they totally can be. What happened recently was a coup attempt done by fascists. Let's at least identify the possible threat. That is all.

If the mods want to close this thread since we kinda already have a thread like this or maybe move this post to that one, that's fine, but I'm glad that I could vent this all out so thanks for reading till the end of this long-winded and verbose rant or whatever we're calling this. 😅

Hey, I'm not in despair, but let's be careful so more people aren't possibly hurt by the end of this, yeah?

Take care!


Darryl M R

The Spectacular PlayStation-Man
Oct 25, 2017
If you don't report anyone you know who attended this coup attempt, you are complicit. Don't care if you know whether they stormed the Capitol or not. Let the FBI figure that out.
Comrade Grogu

Comrade Grogu

Jun 20, 2020
Anyone arguing otherwise is either delusional or deliberately going to bat for fascists.
I hope you and everyone else at least reads the entire post (or maybe skims through) because I did kinda put a lot of work into this one, lmao.

But hey, I agree and I guess your post is the "tl;dr" version of mine. 😂


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Every news source I've seen has been calling it an insurrection, which is roughly on the same level of bad as coup


The Fallen
Dec 5, 2018
I highly doubt anyone on Era is calling the fascist coup anything but a fascist coup, considering everyone here is mostly leftist.

My uncle likened it to last summers' protest and I didn't have the energy at the time to respond.
Comrade Grogu

Comrade Grogu

Jun 20, 2020
Has anyone here said it wasn't a coup attempt? If so they should probably be banned
Frankly, this was more of a vent post, but I saw some on social media and, unfortunately, my family members basically argue with me that it wasn't. At length.

That spurred this entire post.

Really, I'm just burning off steam.



Oct 25, 2017
Columbia, SC
I hope honestly that the television media networks excluding fox news (who are probably having the equivalent of the puppy bowl right now) don't try to soften the language and the reality around what just took place.
Comrade Grogu

Comrade Grogu

Jun 20, 2020
I highly doubt anyone on Era is calling the fascist coup anything but a fascist coup, considering everyone here is mostly leftist.

My uncle likened it to last summers' protest and I didn't have the energy at the time to respond.
I can handle uncle.

I can't handle several of my family members at once.

Again, I was mostly venting.
Comrade Grogu

Comrade Grogu

Jun 20, 2020
I hope people here will take the time to read everything or most of what I said in the OP.

Really folks, I'm just venting after I argued at length with several people that refused to call this a coup attempt and a fascist one at that. 😅


Oct 25, 2017
Yea, it was a coup attempt.

Perpetrated by pro-Trump terrorists.

Incited and orchestrated by Donald Trump himself.

They all deserve a traitor's punishment.
Aug 30, 2020
The only key part that is missing from the discussion is we have to treat this as seriously as any major attack by terrorists. There can be no quarter for these individuals attacking from within. They cannot ever be given a moment's freedom from now on.

Hitler was jailed for only 5 years after his coup attempt. We must never make the same mistake again.


2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017

Anyway, I'm interested in what others think of the OP, but really, I just needed to get this off my chest, though if others want to have a discussion about this, then be my guest. 👍
Yeah I mean yeah some people aren't calling this what it was. Literally storming a branch of govt while in session is a coup attempt. most news outlets are calling it what it is, fox is still downplaying the severity but we literally could've had parts of congress and the senates killed or taken hostage


Oct 25, 2017
As yet another guy from a country that suffered from a CIA orchestrated coup that left my father fatherless.

It was a coup, a really shitty coup, but a coup none the less.
Comrade Grogu

Comrade Grogu

Jun 20, 2020
Yeah I mean yeah some people aren't calling this what it was. Literally storming a branch of govt while in session is a coup attempt. most news outlets are calling it what it is, fox is still downplaying the severity but we literally could've had parts of congress and the senates killed or taken hostage
That's the thing: some people that I've seen online and in my family use the argument that the whole thing was "stupid."

...So what? Even if it was doomed from the start in the long-run, why should it matter? It was a fascist coup attempt. It doesn't matter if the long-run was poorly planned. It was an attempted armed fascist coup.

What about that is so hard to understand?

I'm sorry, but if you read my OP, then you get a sense of the stuff I said against these people and even then it didn't work.

People need to stop "debating" this shit (and I should stop getting into arguments with people that literally deny this shit).

I went through life people saying outright that "racism doesn't exist in this country" Now I see idiots saying "fascism doesn't exist in this country." Oh, but of course, they're all speaking "generally."

"Of course, we mean that there are some cases, but they don't mean much."

What about this was a rare case?

There were fascist terror attacks for years now and now there's a fascist insurrection.

Whatever. I'm done. I'm done arguing and being "polite" or "civil" about this particular thing.

Sorry, there I go again losing my cool. 😓


Oct 28, 2017
We can be relieved his power base is built upon a army of idiots.

Imagine if he had the backing of one or more security services and this would've gone a lot worse


Oct 28, 2017
Since the American media seems to have something against referring to something like this happening in the U.S. as a coup, at least they seem to be settling on insurrection now, rather than protest or pro-trump mob.


Dec 15, 2018
My parents said they were just doing the work our politicians should be doing :/

Granted my mom has dumb brain from years of fox news but at least my dad seemed kind of uncomfortable through it
Comrade Grogu

Comrade Grogu

Jun 20, 2020
We can be relieved his power base is built upon a army of idiots.

Imagine if he had the backing of one or more security services and this would've gone a lot worse
I get the feeling that there were supporters higher up in the hierarchy that probably covertly supported the fascists or just let things happen, but I'm not going to get all conspiracist here.

I'll just say: even then, it wouldn't matter if the fascists were idiots because they're dangerous. It may be the most stupidest coup we've ever seen, but it was a coup nonetheless.

I just... hope that nobody starts convincing themselves otherwise.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think it's most of us here you need to be worried about. We know it's a coup, and many of us have seen/have live through coups. We're the ones trying to tell the US that this is what it's been. For some reason the US media and generally white Americans don't want to admit it, maybe because they think they are above things that happen in "third world countries" or stuff that "Brown people have happen to". They don't want to admit it has happened to them


Oct 27, 2017
This is one of the dumbest coup in the history of mankind. Uneducated sheep herders of antiquity would laugh their ass off if they had witness it themselves.
Comrade Grogu

Comrade Grogu

Jun 20, 2020
My parents said they were just doing the work our politicians should be doing :/

Granted my mom has dumb brain from years of fox news but at least my dad seemed kind of uncomfortable through it
This is what I'm ranting against: people online, within our own families, or just in general acting like this wasn't what it was.

Yeah, I think I'll trust my "lying eyes" over whatever it may be called in the future by conservatives and even liberals at times.


Oct 25, 2017
I think everyone who didn't see this coming 4 years ago should go and read some Hannah Arendt.

The Nazis were the most prominent fascist coup and people like her went to great lengths to analyze what happened, how and why, and what the telltale signs were so that future generations can spot them before it is too late.

I am German, so Arendt is the obvious choice for me.
But I am sure, as many countries have experienced fascist coups, that there are many more authors who did just the same.
Comrade Grogu

Comrade Grogu

Jun 20, 2020
I don't think it's most of us here you need to be worried about. We know it's a coup, and many of us have seen/have live through coups. We're the ones trying to tell the US that this is what it's been. For some reason the US media and generally white Americans don't want to admit it, maybe because they think they are above things that happen in "third world countries" or stuff that "Brown people have happen to". They don't want to admit it has happened to them

This is what I'm talking about.

And again: the OP was just me venting.

(Though I hope you read or others read it because I did put a lot of effort into).

Jokes aside: you're right.
Comrade Grogu

Comrade Grogu

Jun 20, 2020
This is one of the dumbest coup in the history of mankind. Uneducated sheep herders of antiquity would laugh their ass off if they had witness it themselves.
I know you're not defending what happened at all (or at all denying its severity).

So don't take this the wrong way when I say: it doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter if the fascist coup attempt was doomed to fail.

The point is: it was an armed uprising led by fascists that clearly wanted to run things or dictate how the next years would be run.


2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017
That's the thing: some people that I've seen online and in my family use the argument that the whole thing was "stupid."

...So what? Even if it was doomed from the start in the long-run, why should it matter? It was a fascist coup attempt. It doesn't matter if the long-run was poorly planned. It was an attempted armed fascist coup.

What about that is so hard to understand?

I'm sorry, but if you read my OP, then you get a sense of the stuff I said against these people and even then it didn't work.

People need to stop "debating" this shit (and I should stop getting into arguments with people that literally deny this shit).

I went through life people saying outright that "racism doesn't exist in this country" Now I see idiots saying "fascism doesn't exist in this country." Oh, but of course, they're all speaking "generally."

"Of course, we mean that there are some cases, but they don't mean much."

What about this was a rare case?

There were fascist terror attacks for years now and now there's a fascist insurrection.

Whatever. I'm done. I'm done arguing and being "polite" or "civil" about this particular thing.

Sorry, there I go again losing my cool. 😓
Yup it's time to not be civil about this stuff. If a few people were a little more organized in that mob we'd have one of the darkest days in modern American history. Just bring up that picture of the damn pipe bomb and the guy with ziptiesZ sure there were some useful idiots in the mix but some people were there to do serious damage.
Comrade Grogu

Comrade Grogu

Jun 20, 2020
Since the American media seems to have something against referring to something like this happening in the U.S. as a coup, at least they seem to be settling on insurrection now, rather than protest or pro-trump mob.
At the expense of sounding like a Trump supporter myself: I do not at all like our media here in the United States.

They have the power to be sensationalistic at the best of times while passive and downplaying at the worst of times.


Oct 25, 2017
Even if it was a badly planned coup with a small army of idiots, you had actual elected officials and law enforcement inciting them.

Those fascist politicians will stay in office. So far the worst thing that happened is one of them lost a book deal.

We will see if Trump faces any serious consequences besides social media bans.


Oct 27, 2017
What did Trump expect to happen, exactly? What was he hoping to achieve?

Pressure Pence into committing treason and become dictator? Start a civil war?

Just shit all over the proceedings as petty revenge?
Comrade Grogu

Comrade Grogu

Jun 20, 2020
Yup it's time to not be civil about this stuff. If a few people were a little more organized in that mob we'd have one of the darkest days in modern American history. Just bring up that picture of the damn pipe bomb and the guy with ziptiesZ sure there were some useful idiots in the mix but some people were there to do serious damage.
We'll probably learn about even more cases like that as time goes on.

Look, I think I've said my piece.

Really, I hope everyone read my OP, but other than that, I just hope that people get smart about this.

Because many seriously do need to get smart. We're living through history so let's stop acting like the next few years will be "normal" or some shit. Better to brace ourselves and get through this than to act like things aren't happening the way they are.


Oct 27, 2017
My parents said they were just doing the work our politicians should be doing :/

Granted my mom has dumb brain from years of fox news but at least my dad seemed kind of uncomfortable through it

To be fair, smearing shit on walls is a great metaphor for what Trump has been doing to the institution of government for four years. They weren't there to actually fix anything. Rage. Might makes right. Opportunism.

HIs supporters know he lost, but this isn't really about the law. This is about the right to have agency to be an asshole and oppress others, the only right that matters (and exists) in the minds of entitled martyrs.
Last edited:

Bad Advice

Jan 8, 2019
It was an insurrection, not a coup. once inside they didn't know what to do. I belive a coup has a different quality and actually requires some sort of plan to obtain or keep political power without legitimization.
Comrade Grogu

Comrade Grogu

Jun 20, 2020
Even if it was a badly planned coup with a small army of idiots, you had actual elected officials and law enforcement inciting them.

Those fascist politicians will stay in office. So far the worst thing that happened is one of them lost a book deal.

We will see if Trump faces any serious consequences besides social media bans.
Yep. We'll see.

Like I said to platocplx: I've said what I wanted to say for now. But really everyone, I'd rather identify the problem than act like it's not there.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I mean, we had people on here going to bat for the white woman who got shot saying we should feel empathy for a traitorous terrorist.

People really want to just believe this wasn't nearly as serious as it is and think things will just go back to "normal".
Comrade Grogu

Comrade Grogu

Jun 20, 2020
As yet another guy from a country that suffered from a CIA orchestrated coup that left my father fatherless.

It was a coup, a really shitty coup, but a coup none the less.
I think I answered this comment already, but before I leave: yeah, you're right, and sorry for what happened.

I just hope that we start taking this stuff seriously and honestly is all.

Hence the OP.

Anyway, goodbye folks. Take care.


2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017
It was an insurrection, not a coup. once inside they didn't know what to do. I belive a coup has a different quality and actually requires some sort of plan to obtain or keep political power without legitimization.
Yeah I think insurrection is the correct term that should be used.