Comrade Grogu

Comrade Grogu

Jun 20, 2020
I had a co-worker who tried to Both sides the insurrectionist coup attempt today.

I shut that chuckle fuck down real fast

Anyways, I'm going to lie down. I understand that not everyone's going to read my long-winded OP. I mostly made it to blow off steam and settle down, I suppose.

Let's just... call it what it is.

Bye (for real this time).


Oct 26, 2017
The Netherlands
The reluctance to call this an attempted coup comes from people narrowing their focus on January 6 and the MAGA clowns puttering around the Capitol with no tangible result... yeah, in isolation that's not a coup attempt. But it comes off the back of an unprecedented and sustained effort to de-legitimize the election results from right-wing media, legislators, lawyers and misinformation directly from the highest office.

The US has been in a slow-motion coup d'Ă©tat attempt since the first week of November. Conspiracy nutters attacking and defiling the government is distracting but they are just one faction in a larger offensive.

While historically most coups are military coups, involvement of the military isn't required. It's just that the military ones are usually the most successful and grim. But any combination of factions can attempt to overthrow a government.


Oct 28, 2017
It was an insurrection, not a coup. once inside they didn't know what to do. I belive a coup has a different quality and actually requires some sort of plan to obtain or keep political power without legitimization.

I would say it's likely we don't know the full details of Trump's plot yet. Those desperate calls to Tuberville etc. to delay things and give them an extra day to do... something... quite possibly means they were working on something else, for instance.

The mob of idiots didn't need a plan beyond go in that direction and cause havoc. People focus on their aimlessness as proof there was no larger plot. They just weren't informed. Security was strangely very light and was refused reinforcement. Who knows who was mixed in with the group or what they might have tried if the national guard wasn't eventually sent in, overriding Trump's refusal to send them in.

I wonder if any of the mob have realized they were used by Trump as useful idiots.


Jun 13, 2019
Good post đź‘Ť

I told my fiancé tonight; the United States fucked up by not punishing the Confederacy and the fascist white supremacist aristocracy that orchestrated it. (I have other thoughts regarding how poor whites in the South fucked themselves for generations by not fighting to lift their black brothers and sisters out of bondage and turning on those inhuman bastards, won't go into it now)

Sherman's March was a damn good start. It should've been repeated across every Confederate state; slave owners drug into the street, shot or hung and left for the crows. Disposed of their property, and then of their lives.

This did not happen. White supremacy was allowed to flourish and thrive. The traitors were not punished to any active extent.

Today, we have a chance to right that wrong, even in a small but meaningful and absolutely necessary way.

Every single subhuman scum that stormed the Capitol should be charged to the fullest extent of the law. Their right to vote should be stripped forever.

Trump, Hawley, Cruz, Brooks, Giuliani and their ilk should be charged as enemies of the state for attempting an insurrection/coup against the United States. They should be labeled as the traitors they are and have their citizenship revoked.

You want to Make America Great Again? Let's start here.

Bad Advice

Jan 8, 2019
The reluctance to call this an attempted coup comes from people narrowing their focus on January 6 and the MAGA clowns puttering around the Capitol with no tangible result... yeah, in isolation that's not a coup attempt. But it comes off the back of an unprecedented and sustained effort to de-legitimize the election results from right-wing media, legislators, lawyers and misinformation directly from the highest office.

The US has been in a slow-motion coup d'Ă©tat attempt since the first week of November. Conspiracy nutters attacking and defiling the government is distracting but they are just one faction in a larger offensive.

While historically most coups are military coups, involvement of the military isn't required. It's just that the military ones are usually the most successful and grim. But any combination of factions can attempt to overthrow a government.
Totally agree. Thankfully they were too dumb for that and the institutions too strong. You can't buy yourself a judge like Trump thought. Unfortunately their anger resulted in attacking the Capitol.

Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
Has anyone here said it wasn't a coup attempt? If so they should probably be banned
I hope no one here is still in denial LOL we all saw that!

There was a healthy chunk of delusion for years that this wasn't possible. People like OP, who's family come from overseas and had already seen a dictatorship, were the minority voice that kept getting ignored. If you are an immigrant or first generation American with ties to other places, you can see the multitude of ways people take the US for granted or how "American exceptionalism" can be a bad train of thought, even subconsciously.

The "coup" word needs to be normalized, I hope all the non-right news orgs got their act together and stopped using euphemisms.

Herb Alpert

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Paris, France
It was a coup imo.
But the execution was dumb and moronic .

You should thank the sheer stupidity and dumbness of Trump and his advisers, but now it's time to put them in jail.
Oct 31, 2017
Oh it was, for sure. "Fascist coup attempt/insurrection" is 100% the correct language to use.

I've seen academia who studies fascism stop the accountability buck at the GOP politicians, but I actually don't think that goes far enough. The fascist public and those who sympathize with them are also accountable/culpable, IMHO.


Oct 13, 2018
Officials in the Federal Government downplayed the threat of a attack, prevented, delayed reinforcements from the Capitol, before, and during the crisis, infiltrators/sympathizers helped the rioters locate offices, members of the mob were armed, prepped for taking hostages, the mob itself vocally called to kill members of the Government including Pence. Bombs were planted at multiple locations in DC.

Pretty clear at this point if the mob pushed harder and faster, and if the remaining defenses didn't hold, we could have seen at least some people taken hostage or killed, and at the very end a huge body count from the Secret Service mowing down the mob had they breached to the VIPs.

The mob of idiots didn't need a plan beyond go in that direction and cause havoc. People focus on their aimlessness as proof there was no larger plot. They just weren't informed. Security was strangely very light and was refused reinforcement. Who knows who was mixed in with the group or what they might have tried if the national guard wasn't eventually sent in, overriding Trump's refusal to send them in.

I wonder if any of the mob have realized they were used by Trump as useful idiots.

If nothing else, had the mob gotten their hands on Pence or Pelosi or AOC or anyone else high-value....yeah, it doesn't matter if they were in on a plan or not, the rhetoric and atmosphere would have been enough to get them killed ad hoc by someone in the mob.


Mar 29, 2020
It was a coup, a really shitty coup, but a coup none the less.

I'd really like to know what Trump honestly thought was going to happen that day. I mean, if everything played out exactly as he wanted, what was the winning scenario in his head? Somewhere between 'using protest to intimidate officials during a crucial electoral process and damn the possibiltiy of civilian casualties' and 'burn down the Reichstag Capitol.' At what stage during that day did he get the first inklings that things weren't necessarily playing out the way he hoped?


The Fallen
Dec 3, 2017
Exactly. It's only laughing at memes and how ridiculous it seems because it failed. Trump has been laying the groundwork for the last four years and the coup attempt is not just the invasion of the capital. It's the undermining of norms, the attacks on voting, the judiciary and the media, the demonisation of political opponents. It could have gone very differently.


The Eggplant Queen
Oct 25, 2017
New York City
People have been mostly referring to it as an insurrection. Insurrection is too broad.

Insurrection: a violent uprising against an authority or government.
Coup: a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.
It is important to make the distinction, but the term coup has been used pretty prolifically as well.
Nov 18, 2020
The fascist coup attempt started the minute that Trump began claiming that the elections were fraudulent and stolen. THE MINUTE Democracy is called into question by governing bodies, the entire system starts to fall apart. We no longer have a United States of America or a Constitution, and Authoritarianism officially begins to rise. The USA flag is replaced by the Trump flag.

It was critically important for the majority of Republicans in Congress and for Mike Pence to sign off on the legitimacy of the Electoral College votes. If they didn't, that coup attempt would have succeeded. They knew it and that's why they fell in line at the last possible moment.

Ultimately the Capitol Building is just that...a building. They executed a terrorist attack on it, but that was never going to succeed in changing the balance of power. The real attempted coup was millions of people---including election officials---buying into the fraud claims. We almost completely destabilized our Republic and there's no guarantee this shit isn't going to happen all over again in 2024.

That's why sometimes I think we're inevitably going to break up as a country. Sometimes I think the USA is just too fragile to remain tenable in this sort of environment that's supercharged by social media.