
Oct 30, 2017
'This is a war': FM urges Gaza-style temporary evacuation of Palestinians in West Bank

This is pretty concerning, both due to the escalation of violence and the push for "temporary evacuations". We know what that really means, and this is land they've been annexing at a record pace.

"We need to deal with the [terror] threat exactly as we deal with terror infrastructure in Gaza, including the temporary evacuation of Palestinian civilians and any other step needed," Israel's [Foreign Minister Katz] tweeted, calling the operation "a war in every sense."


May 4, 2023


Oct 25, 2017
"An argument made often by top Biden officials in private is that withholding weapons to Israel wouldn't make a difference; Israel would continue bombing Gaza regardless."

That is an absolute hell of a string of words, isn't it? This sort of faux-helpless apathy is almost even worse than Netanyahu's aggressively open bloodthirst.

Just rotten at the core.
It's an argument often made here as well and if it were even remotely true we wouldn't have liberals leaping into formation to make up excuses anytime someone has the gall to suggest withholding weapons and money for the genocide.


Oct 25, 2017
It's buried in a longer post above, but I wanted to highlight the members of the House and Senate who have been willing to sign onto letters to the Biden Admin, about stopping arms to Israel.

If your member of Congress is not on this list, it might not hurt to put in calls, asking why.

I've heard some folks say that staffers basically write down a one-sentence summary of each constituent call, and I've also heard that calling more frequently than once a week on the same issue may not help (the staffer might not relay the message the second time).

The House members that signed onto letters that urge the Biden administration to enforce existing U.S. laws (& in effect, halt arms to Israel):

The Senate members that signed onto amendments/letters that urge the Biden administration to enforce existing U.S. laws (& in effect, halt arms to Israel):

Maybe something like this:

Just wanted to jump in and thank you for this. I missed the first post on Monday and was only aware of the House letters. This is an excellent roundup.
Oct 28, 2017

Tulkarem refugee camp, two hospitals under siege by Israeli forces: Report

Israel must not extend war on Gaza to occupied West Bank: EU

EU foreign policy chief says Israel must not bring the ‘full-scale destruction’ seen in Gaza to the occupied West Bank.
Israeli forces have besieged Tulkarem refugee camp in the occupied West Bank following a dawn raid by Israeli special forces, who infiltrated the area as snipers took up positions on top of nearby buildings, the Wafa news agency reports.

Israeli aircraft are flying at low altitude over the camp and Israeli soldiers have attacked a house with rifle-fired antitank shells, Wafa's correspondent reports, adding that a fire has erupted in the targeted building but it is not known if there are casualties as rescue workers cannot enter the camp.

Israeli forces are reported to be "firing randomly at everything moving in the camp", according to Wafa, and have also besieged the Thabet Thabet Governmental Hospital and the al-Israa Specialised Hospital.


Jan 17, 2018

Tulkarem refugee camp, two hospitals under siege by Israeli forces: Report

Israel must not extend war on Gaza to occupied West Bank: EU

EU foreign policy chief says Israel must not bring the ‘full-scale destruction’ seen in Gaza to the occupied West Bank.
Is this the end of even a hypothetical Palestinian state while the entire world watches in silent approval?

Feels like this escalation deserves its own thread.


Dec 7, 2017
The softest of finger wags. One man means nothing - an arms embargo from Germany is a good place to start.
Ha! As if! The German parliament is bound to pull another anti-BDS-style resolution on October 7th, this one to stifle "antisemitism" by the lousy IHRA definition.

(English text in the latter half)

Dokumentation Protestbrief: „Ablenkung von der größten Gefahr“

Jüdische Intellektuelle kritisieren den Entwurf für eine Antisemitismus-Resolution des Bundestags. Hier veröffentlicht die taz den Protestbrief in Deutsch und Englisch.
Oct 28, 2017

Fighting rages in Gaza as Palestinians hope for a pause for polio vaccinations

Palestinians in Gaza were waiting on Thursday to see if there would be a pause in fighting to allow a polio vaccination campaign to begin, as the conflict raged across the besieged enclave, killing at least 34 people.

The United Nations is preparing to vaccinate an estimated 640,000 children in Gaza, where the World Health Organization confirmed on Aug. 23 that at least one baby has been paralysed by the type 2 poliovirus, the first such case in the territory in 25 years.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this week denied media reports Israel was preparing for a generalised humanitarian truce, saying that a more limited plan had been presented.

"These are not pauses in the fighting to administer polio vaccines but only the allocation of certain places in the Gaza Strip," he said in a statement.

Senior Hamas official Izzat El-Reshiq reiterated the group's support for the UN and international organisations' initiative for an urgent humanitarian truce across the enclave to allow the polio vaccination campaign.
On Thursday, Israeli forces continued to bombard areas across the Gaza Strip in their battle against Hamas-led militants. Palestinian health officials said Israeli military strikes have so far killed at least 34 people.

One strike on a house in Gaza City killed eight Palestinians, including children, they said, while three others were killed when an Israeli missile hit a motorcycle in Rafah, near the border with Egypt.
A neighbour of the bombed Gaza City house said they had managed to lower a ladder into the building to rescue a family trapped inside, but had only managed to extract one young girl.

"After that, the fire consumed them and we could not reach them," he said.
Oct 28, 2017

Israel, Hamas agree to zoned three-day pauses for Gaza polio vaccinations, WHO says

The Israeli military and Palestinian militant group Hamas have agreed to three separate, zoned three-day pauses in fighting in the Gaza Strip to allow for the vaccination of some 640,000 children against polio, a senior WHO official said on Thursday.

The vaccination campaign is due to start on Sunday, said Rik Peeperkorn, the World Health Organization's senior official for the region.

He said the campaign would start in central Gaza with a three-day pause in fighting, then move to southern Gaza, where there would be another three-day pause, followed by northern Gaza. Peeperkorn added that there was an agreement to extend the humanitarian pause in each zone to a fourth day if needed.


Oct 28, 2017

Well that's sweet and caring. Vaccinate them then blow them all up! Hey Biden/Harris how about you end your genocide already you murderous fucks! I'm so curious just how bad Harris will be on this in the Dana Bash interview. Dana and Tapper are super anti-Palestinian and pro-Israel so Dana will absolutely try and test Harris's allegiances and I guarantee she fails miserably.

Vaccination pauses in the midst of an ethnic cleansing campaign lol. The population is scattered and always moving, the idea that these will at all be effectively dispensed is laughable. All for show.


Jan 6, 2021
Well that's sweet and caring. Vaccinate them then blow them all up! Hey Biden/Harris how about you end your genocide already you murderous fucks! I'm so curious just how bad Harris will be on this in the Dana Bash interview. Dana and Tapper are super anti-Palestinian and pro-Israel so Dana will absolutely try and test Harris's allegiances and I guarantee she fails miserably.

Vaccination pauses in the midst of an ethnic cleansing campaign lol. The population is scattered and always moving, the idea that these will at all be effectively dispensed is laughable. All for show.
I think the interview is going to be pre-recorded so it will be interesting to see what makes the final cut and how much say they have in what gets aired. Not trying to make a conspiracy theory out of this but I'm skeptical Palestine will even get mentioned unless it's a softball generic question


Oct 25, 2017
Well that's sweet and caring. Vaccinate them then blow them all up! Hey Biden/Harris how about you end your genocide already you murderous fucks! I'm so curious just how bad Harris will be on this in the Dana Bash interview. Dana and Tapper are super anti-Palestinian and pro-Israel so Dana will absolutely try and test Harris's allegiances and I guarantee she fails miserably.

Vaccination pauses in the midst of an ethnic cleansing campaign lol. The population is scattered and always moving, the idea that these will at all be effectively dispensed is laughable. All for show.
Yeah this doesn't really make sense from Israel's perspective and I'm shocked they agreed to it. I wonder what happened.


May 4, 2023
Yeah this doesn't really make sense from Israel's perspective and I'm shocked they agreed to it. I wonder what happened.

As Grue says it gives them the cover to keep going by pointing to their great display of magnanimity by saving some kids from Polio.

Makes it easier for western allies to say it isn't a genocide.


Oct 25, 2017
It's buried in a longer post above, but I wanted to highlight the members of the House and Senate who have been willing to sign onto letters to the Biden Admin, about stopping arms to Israel.

If your member of Congress is not on this list, it might not hurt to put in calls, asking why.

I've heard some folks say that staffers basically write down a one-sentence summary of each constituent call, and I've also heard that calling more frequently than once a week on the same issue may not help (the staffer might not relay the message the second time).

The House members that signed onto letters that urge the Biden administration to enforce existing U.S. laws (& in effect, halt arms to Israel):

The Senate members that signed onto amendments/letters that urge the Biden administration to enforce existing U.S. laws (& in effect, halt arms to Israel):

Maybe something like this:
Thank you for this.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Well that's sweet and caring. Vaccinate them then blow them all up! Hey Biden/Harris how about you end your genocide already you murderous fucks! I'm so curious just how bad Harris will be on this in the Dana Bash interview. Dana and Tapper are super anti-Palestinian and pro-Israel so Dana will absolutely try and test Harris's allegiances and I guarantee she fails miserably.

Vaccination pauses in the midst of an ethnic cleansing campaign lol. The population is scattered and always moving, the idea that these will at all be effectively dispensed is laughable. All for show.

knowing the tactics israel use they'd probably add poison to the vaccines tbh


Oct 28, 2017
Yeah this doesn't really make sense from Israel's perspective and I'm shocked they agreed to it. I wonder what happened.

There is no way this is for humanitarian reasons because this entire IDF offensive is an atrocity fest and the West keeps sending weapons to perpetrate it. So a theory is that as much as all of the genocide is bad, a Polio ridden populace is enduring. They want to erase Palestinians but if they can't do that then at the very least they will want to erase this particular moment in history so they can't be having droves of polio sufferers 30-40 years down the line reminding everyone of what Israel did.

That is only of course if this is an actual effort to stop this which I don't think it is. It's more pier stuff. A paltry effort to placate concern at the demands of the WHO because the genocide case keeps getting stronger. Again the populace is nomadic now so they could never even nearly effectively inoculate a relevant amount of Palestinian children in 3 days. How do most of the Palestinians even to know this is happening much less travel to where it is happening. It's logistically nightmarish. They are all exhausted and starving, they just stay put and conserve energy for when they have to move again. Obviously the WHO will try because they genuinely want to help but the IDF are maniacal death squads now so I expect they will still kill Palestinians in these "safe zones."

I hope the WHO is successful though.
Oct 26, 2017
Sorry for what is probably an ignorant question, but why is "Israel has a right to defend itself" such a popular phrase? Has there ever been a time in history that anyone has said or acted otherwise? It's been driving me more and more mad this last week, and hearing her say it again is triggering. I have to be missing something. Anyone brings up Israel and Palestine to these politicians, and it's like someone pulled the pullstring on Woody and that comment comes right on out.


The Fallen
Mar 27, 2019
Sorry for what is probably an ignorant question, but why is "Israel has a right to defend itself" such a popular phrase? Has there ever been a time in history that anyone has said ot acted otherwise? It's been driving me more and more mad this last week, and hearing her say it again is triggering. I have to be missing something. Anyone brings up Israel and Palestine to these politicians, and it's like someone pulled the pullstring on Woody and that comment comes right on out.
I feel like they always say it because they are afraid of being accused of being antisemitic if they don't.

I imagine the bigger reason is because they are being funded by AIPAC and need to show their support, but it really does feel like people who always go "I'm a feminist but-" "that person is horrible but-" lol


May 8, 2018
Amherst, MA
Sorry for what is probably an ignorant question, but why is "Israel has a right to defend itself" such a popular phrase? Has there ever been a time in history that anyone has said ot acted otherwise? It's been driving me more and more mad this last week, and hearing her say it again is triggering. I have to be missing something. Anyone brings up Israel and Palestine to these politicians, and it's like someone pulled the pullstring on Woody and that comment comes right on out.
It's the United States' official stance that Israel's actions are in self defense because of the pressure that the international community is putting on them for war crimes, violations of the Leahy law and credible evidence of apartheid and genocide. If they stick to the self defense talking point, they can deflect against any accountability because the US would be complicit in all of Israel's actions because they use our bombs.

It's also why the state department says that Israel needs to investigate itself whenever the press pushes them on the brutalities that the IDF and Israel engages in. It's very clearly positioned to defend the US' position as a staunch ally, and maintain that whatever crimes are being done are "self-defense." The same never applies to Palestinians, because not once have I heard that they have a right to defend themselves from US State Department officials. Even though legally, an occupied population can resist occupation, and engage in armed struggle against the occupying forces if necessary.


Dec 2, 2017
Fuck her. That's just stopping short of saying that all Palestinians have to die, no empathy whatsoever.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
Sorry for what is probably an ignorant question, but why is "Israel has a right to defend itself" such a popular phrase? Has there ever been a time in history that anyone has said or acted otherwise? It's been driving me more and more mad this last week, and hearing her say it again is triggering. I have to be missing something. Anyone brings up Israel and Palestine to these politicians, and it's like someone pulled the pullstring on Woody and that comment comes right on out.
Gotta validate continuing to sell weapons under the guise of protecting Israel without commenting on what those weapons are actually being used for.


Oct 25, 2017
Sorry for what is probably an ignorant question, but why is "Israel has a right to defend itself" such a popular phrase? Has there ever been a time in history that anyone has said or acted otherwise? It's been driving me more and more mad this last week, and hearing her say it again is triggering. I have to be missing something. Anyone brings up Israel and Palestine to these politicians, and it's like someone pulled the pullstring on Woody and that comment comes right on out.
Supporting Israel has been the cornerstone of US foreign policy for three quarters of a century, and changing that status quo is a third rail in politics. So politicians often couch any mild criticism of Israel or support for Palestine with "I support Israel's right to defense, BUT"
Oct 28, 2017

Israeli military launches fatal airstrike on humanitarian aid convoy in Gaza

Israeli military launches fatal airstrike on humanitarian aid convoy in Gaza

IDF claims ‘armed assailants’ tried to hijack vehicle leading convoy of medical supplies, but aid organiser says those killed were transport company staff
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have said they carried out an airstrike on a humanitarian aid convoy in Gaza aimed at "armed assailants" trying to hijack it but the charity that organised the aid said people killed in the strike were employees of the transport company it was working with.

The convoy, organised by the US-based NGO Anera, was carrying medical supplies and fuel to an Emirati-run hospital in Rafah on Thursday evening at the time of the attack. Its route had been coordinated in advance with the IDF, under a deconfliction process intended to prevent aid vehicles being bombed.
Anera's Palestine country director, Sandra Rasheed, said: "This is a shocking incident. The convoy, which was coordinated by Anera and approved by Israeli authorities, included an Anera employee who was fortunately unharmed.

"Tragically, several individuals, all employed by the transportation company we work with, were killed in the attack. They were in the first vehicle of the convoy."

Unconfirmed reports from Gaza said five people were killed in the airstrike.
Anera confirmed that the convoy did reach the hospital, but said only one person travelling in the convoy was an Anera employee. The rest worked for its partner transport company, which was not named.

"We are urgently seeking further details about what happened," Rasheed said.

The airstrike on the convoy came hours after Israeli soldiers opened fire on a World Food Programme (WFP) vehicle clearly marked with UN insignia, travelling in a convoy of two.


Oct 25, 2017
Listening to Kamala's answer, she almost accidentally hints that Israel has done too much, but then she very deftly word salads around really saying anything at all.

"Israel must defend itself, too many Palestinians have died, there should be a two state solution." She very conspicuously doesn't answer the question.


Sep 1, 2018
I guess Israel only option to protect itself is to kill every single palestinian. Cant be safe unless they're all dead.
Wasnt really expecting thing to change with Harris and its sad to see I was right to have no hope. They all dont give a shit about palestinians.
Dec 9, 2018
New Jersey
Listening to Kamala's answer, she almost accidentally hints that Israel has done too much, but then she very deftly word salads around really saying anything at all.

"Israel must defend itself, too many Palestinians have died, there should be a two state solution." She very conspicuously doesn't answer the question.
Being a VP with a cold hearted administration hellbent on giving everything Israel wants is likely the reason why she keeps dodging questions and reiterating the Biden admin's talking points. It might be copium on my part but I do feel she might pivot once she's elected, but it will continue to be a thorn on her side until November.


Oct 25, 2017
Being a VP with a cold hearted administration hellbent on giving everything Israel wants is likely the reason why she keeps dodging questions and reiterating the Biden admin's talking points. It might be copium on my part but I do feel she might pivot once she's elected, but it will continue to be a thorn on her side until November.
She's losing easy votes by waiting. Yeah, it's cope.


Oct 25, 2017
Being a VP with a cold hearted administration hellbent on giving everything Israel wants is likely the reason why she keeps dodging questions and reiterating the Biden admin's talking points. It might be copium on my part but I do feel she might pivot once she's elected, but it will continue to be a thorn on her side until November.
I think she's more likely to pivot than Biden, since this isn't a lifelong, spiritual thing for her like it appears to be for him. But I still won't believe in any pivot (or ceasefire) until it actually happens.

All we can do is do what we can and hope for the best. Unfortunately.
Oct 28, 2017

UN official says war on Gaza challenges world's commitment to 'international legal order'

Polio vaccination to begin on Sunday amid limited pause in fighting: WHO

Planned start of polio vaccination in Gaza as World Health Organization says time-specific pauses in fighting agreed.
Joyce Msuya, acting UN under-secretary-general for humanitarian affairs, has told the UN Security Council of the severe hardships in providing aid to desperate people in Gaza and Israel's orders to forcibly dislocate the population that "appear to defy the requirements of international humanitarian law".

"We cannot plan more than 24 hours in advance because we struggle to know what supplies we will have, when we will have them or where we will be able to deliver," Msuya told the UNSC.
"Civilians are hungry. They are thirsty. They are sick. They are homeless. They have been pushed beyond … what any human being should bear," she said.

"More than 88 percent of Gaza's territory has come under an [Israeli] order to evacuate at some point," Msuya said, adding that civilians, "in a state of limbo", were being forced into an area equivalent to just 11 percent of the Gaza Strip.
"What we have witnessed over the past 11 months … calls into question the world's commitment to the international legal order that was designed to prevent these tragedies," she added.

"It forces us to ask: What has become of our basic sense of humanity?"
Dec 9, 2018
New Jersey
I think she's more likely to pivot than Biden, since this isn't a lifelong, spiritual thing for her like it appears to be for him. But I still won't believe in any pivot (or ceasefire) until it actually happens.

All we can do is do what we can and hope for the best. Unfortunately.
Yeah that's where I'm at. I can only wishcast, but until she actually changes something, the situation isn't going to change. The US will feign powerlessness while supplying the tools Israel needs to carry out their genocide.


Jan 31, 2021
Being a VP with a cold hearted administration hellbent on giving everything Israel wants is likely the reason why she keeps dodging questions and reiterating the Biden admin's talking points. It might be copium on my part but I do feel she might pivot once she's elected, but it will continue to be a thorn on her side until November.

No pivot is happening

There will be a regional war after the election


One Winged Slayer
Mar 14, 2018
Trying to talk about this issue anywhere else on this website where it would feel like it's appropriate, like the politics thread, leaves me coming away feeling like I did after watching the videos of the people coming out of the DNC who were sticking their fingers in their ears while a list of dead kids was being read out. Just very disheartening.
Too many people here idolize the Democrats even when they show themselves to be blood thirsty.

The whole political system is broken and works for lobbyists and the military industrial complex, party loyalists don't want to hear that.