
Oct 26, 2017
Sarasota, Florida
If your definition of a draw is limited to Hogan, The Rock, Austin, and Cena, then no.

If your definition of a draw is more reasonable, then yes. He's in the Orton, Lesnar, Macho, Angle, Taker, WWF Flair, and Michaels tier.

Comparing anybody to the big 4 WWE draws is not fair. Nobody else comes close to them, and will not in the future, due to the company's desire for the actual WWE Brand to be the draw rather than individual stars.


Oct 25, 2017
Vancouver, BC
Can't have a HHH thread without this:

Does a fantastic job of exploring the man as well as his career.
Also he's a B+ player at best.
Oct 25, 2017
If your definition of a draw is limited to Hogan, The Rock, Austin, and Cena, then no.

If your definition of a draw is more reasonable, then yes. He's in the Orton, Lesnar, Macho, Angle, Taker, WWF Flair, and Michaels tier.

Comparing anybody to the big 4 WWE draws is not fair. Nobody else comes close to them, and will not in the future, due to the company's desire for the actual WWE Brand to be the draw rather than individual stars.

He was not on Macho, Taker, and Michales tier

Orton and Lesnar, probably


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 27, 2017
Sadly even during the reign of terror more people probably tuned in to see trple H then than there are people watching wrestling right now
Lol at him main eventing Wrestlemania 7 times though.

Croc Man

Oct 27, 2017
To a degree. It's easy to minimise his role but you need someone compelling enough to go against the top faces. Austin Vs HHH was way better than Austin Vs Rikishi. He's far above the likes of Miz, Del Rio, Mahal that have held the WWE championship in recentish times.

They also sold shows and international tours on DX reunions. Even with crappy spirit squad opponents.

On the flip side he drove a lot of people away.


Well, Tosca isn't for everyone
Oct 31, 2017
If your definition of a draw is limited to Hogan, The Rock, Austin, and Cena, then no.

If your definition of a draw is more reasonable, then yes. He's in the Orton, Lesnar, Macho, Angle, Taker, WWF Flair, and Michaels tier.

Comparing anybody to the big 4 WWE draws is not fair. Nobody else comes close to them, and will not in the future, due to the company's desire for the actual WWE Brand to be the draw rather than individual stars.

Uh, careful friend. CM Punk fans might get upset at this.

There are people who think that Cena was never a draw

I agree with you though. I'd say below Taker, WWF Flair and HBK, but with Orton, Lesnar, Angle, Macho etc.


Oct 25, 2017
To a degree. It's easy to minimise his role but you need someone compelling enough to go against the top faces. Austin Vs HHH was way better than Austin Vs Rikishi. He's far above the likes of Miz, Del Rio, Mahal that have held the WWE championship in recentish times.

They also sold shows and international tours on DX reunions. Even with crappy spirit squad opponents.

On the flip side he drove a lot of people away.

People aren't saying he wasn't above Miz, Rikishi, and others. But if we have a tier list, he's a step below the top of the card and ones who exceeded the industry.

S: Rock, Austin, Hogan, and Cena - Ones who either escalated the WWE to new heights or reached past wrestling in general.
A: Macho Man, Michaels, Hart, Undertaker, Foley, etc. - Ones who could sit on top of the industry, but never punch through the higher ceiling.
B: HHH, Jericho, Angle, Brock, etc. - They are great villains, not quite as good baby faces. No issue with them holding the title, but you place the belt on them to get someone else over.


The Wise Ones
Oct 27, 2017
Am I crazy if I say Batista was a bigger draw in the mid 00s than HHH? Cena was obviously the #1, but it felt like Batista was everywhere as well.


Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
He was a very good wrestler and I definitely believe that he absolutely loves the wrestling business considering he grew up idolizing Harley Race and Ric Flair.

That said, there was never really anything compelling about him especially during his big run. In 2000-2001 he buried everyone and put a stop to what was the biggest angle at the time between Angle and Stephanie. Then in 2002 during the Evolution days, he continued to bury everyone and Smackdown was way better as a show due to it.

WWE only really hypes him up as this legend now because their actual legends aren't in the company anymore.


Oct 25, 2017
People aren't saying he wasn't above Miz, Rikishi, and others. But if we have a tier list, he's a step below the top of the card and ones who exceeded the industry.

S: Rock, Austin, Hogan, and Cena - Ones who either escalated the WWE to new heights or reached past wrestling in general.
A: Macho Man, Michaels, Hart, Undertaker, Foley, etc. - Ones who could sit on top of the industry, but never punch through the higher ceiling.
B: HHH, Jericho, Angle, Brock, etc. - They are great villains, not quite as good baby faces. No issue with them holding the title, but you place the belt on them to get someone else over.
Brock Lesnar is S/A tier if only because how well he did in UFC which makes him a bigger reach than HHH or Jericho.

He was Orton tier. The top guy because they lacked options.
Agree on this. HHH was a decent / big deal inside WWE, buit not a big draw for anyone outside or great at expanding the audience.


Prophet of Regret - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
He was the main heel in arguably the last year where the WWF was universally praised and I would argue the best booked "authority" champion in that company ever

He would have never launched an boom period like austin did or become the mega star than the rock is, but he is definitely a top 5 wrestler in that particular era, and compared to all modern wrestlers now he is a big draw.

I recall a time when the WWE had to replace Roman Reigns and Bray Wyatt for a PPV due to a meningitis break in the locker and Vince was forced to fly Aj Styles and someone else from Chile in the middle of the tour to save the PPV. As replacement HHH flied to Chile and wrestled in the main event. The general consensus was that the show went from B-tier to S-tier and most people regret not buying tickets for that night only because HHH was added.

Also the big issue with HHH is that he ruined his legacy with hardcore fans when he was booked post 2002 as someone way above his capabilities, burying most up and coming talent left and right and being responsible for some of the most boring television that the company has ever produced, which no matter how you look at it was the beggining for the constant decline that the company has in mainstream media, but at the same time, must non fans stopped watching regularly, and I think that they still

My consensus, he is much better than what fans want to believe and he is much worse than what the WWE and him wants you to believe
Last edited:


Oct 31, 2017
Below Rock, Austin, Cena, and Hogan.

I think wrestling fans vastly overstate how well non-wrestling fans know people like Taker, Piper, Hart, Micheals, and even Foley. If you aren't absolute top tier, don't play a major character in a major movie (Batista), and don't have an easily memed wild catchphrase (Macho), you basically don't exist to most people.

Many if not most people literally don't know Dwayne Johnson was a wrestler.

Sometimes people can get known due to having an extreme body. A lot of people don't recognize the Brock name but would be like 'oh yeah, that guy' if you showed them a picture. Braun Strowman seems to be weirdly known to non-wrestling fans for this reason, although not to the level of Brock.


Oct 27, 2017
He was the guy who worked with the guys who drew money. Great Performer, at one time, but not a significant draw.

Big Boy

Oct 25, 2017
"The Game" I think was arguably one of the best heels of the late attitude era. He was never the main draw but I don't think heels ever really are.

I think the marketing around him was quite clever looking back. He was the bad guy, and was often made out as the favourite in his matches, meaning you watched him because you wanted to see him lose. People naturally support the underdog and he was made to never be that, so it worked pretty well I think.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Sean Waltman is X-Pac.

I swear I thought that was Dan Ryckert at first.

Never had a real problem with HHH. His matches were pretty by the numbers and I felt the better ones were because of who he worked with. Thought he made for a great heel, but was always thrown in at the top for far too long that it got real tiring.

Plenty of moments with him I appreciate from the tag team match where he appeared far too groggy after coming down on a boot, losing to the Brooklyn Brawler, letting a kid backstage after staying in character and making him cry, etc.

Host Samurai

Oct 27, 2017
People seem to forget that Brock was the biggest UFC draw for a few years. HHH is definitely below Lesnar if you count that.
Aug 7, 2020
You mean the co star of blade trinity?

He is one of the biggest draws in wrestling today.
Triple H was the worst actor in the world . That awards belongs to John "I can't do emotional scene " Cena .


Oct 27, 2017
The North, England
There are a few Triple H big wins that always bugged me but I always just put it down to me being an Austin/Rock fanboy.

- Triple H winning the main event of WM16 after Rock had chased the title for a year.

- Rock losing the title to Triple H at JD2000 just one month after he won it after a year long chase.

- Rock wins the title back at KotR 2000 but has to pin Vince to do it.

- Steve Austin returns to gain revenge but at Survivor Series 2000 he inexplicably doesn't pin Triple H despite him being out in the middle of the ring.

- Triple H defeats the unconquerable Steve Austin in a 2 out of 3 falls match at NWO2001. The results feels a bit awkward since Austin is due to challenge Rock for the title at X-Seven. It's been forgotten about since due to the amazing My Way promo but the build up lacked momentum in the beginning in part due to Triple H beating Austin in this match.

The Triple H title reigns of doom which followed from late 2002 to 2005ish were horrendous as well and probably pushed me away from being a full time watcher as much as anything else.

Sibersk Esto

Changed the hierarchy of thread titles
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Tokyo, Japan
HHH book himself to win against Sting's first WWE match on a Wrestlemania and still hasn't managed to become a draw.

The only memorable days of his are from Degeneration-X.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
During his time as the leader of DX, absolutely. The time during his belt hogging while burying everyone else during the McMahon-Hemsley era in the early 2000s was when he went down. His last truly great match was against HBK at Summerslam 2001 or 02.

Also, don't forget about his racist promo he cut on Booker T leading up to their match at WM 19. The only reason Booker let Hunter say that shit to him was that the plan was for Hunter to lose the title to him at WM. But Hunter stepped in, and made them change their mind meaning that Booker got to have racist shit said to him and lost at WM as well.


Oct 27, 2017
As someone who used to watcb wrestling ages ago, HHH always seemed like an average guy with a big ego who was forced down our throats. I never found him interesting or cared about anything he did, unless he was carried by the stars at the time like the rock and surrounded by dx. I haven't watched in almost 20 years, and well, guess being married to the bossv daughter paid off. No way he'd be a name off his own skills alone.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 2, 2017
Am I crazy if I say Batista was a bigger draw in the mid 00s than HHH? Cena was obviously the #1, but it felt like Batista was everywhere as well.

You could argue that he was a 1B for Cena at times. Buyrates with him on it were increasing, and some people cried when he had to relinquish the title. I think WM21 was the 2nd biggest Mania at the time too.


Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
During his time as the leader of DX, absolutely. The time during his belt hogging while burying everyone else during the McMahon-Hemsley era in the early 2000s was when he went down. His last truly great match was against HBK at Summerslam 2001 or 02.

Also, don't forget about his racist promo he cut on Booker T leading up to their match at WM 19. The only reason Booker let Hunter say that shit to him was that the plan was for Hunter to lose the title to him at WM. But Hunter stepped in, and made them change their mind meaning that Booker got to have racist shit said to him and lost at WM as well.
I remember that. Remember tbe rumour they let HHH win so he could lose to Goldberg, and then HHH beats Goldberg...

Soupman Prime

The Fallen
Nov 8, 2017
Boston, MA
He was a star but if I didn't watch wrestling I probably wouldn't know who he was at all. He was like 2nd tier at the time but just about everyone was behind Austin and The Rock though.

Dude knew how to make people look great though. The selling he did for Bryan here was insane lmao


Apr 24, 2018
He was a star but if I didn't watch wrestling I probably wouldn't know who he was at all. He was like 2nd tier at the time but just about everyone was behind Austin and The Rock though.

Dude knew how to make people look great though. The selling he did for Bryan here was insane lmao

I actually thought that HHH was a really good seller. He was always fantastic at making people look good. I never liked his offense moves though. They were kinda bland with too many knee moves, lol