Opposite of Salt

  • Sugar

    Votes: 640 77.4%
  • pepper

    Votes: 187 22.6%

  • Total voters
Oct 28, 2017
There is a story to this but typing on mobile is the work of Satan.

Edit after #45 post
Actually Sugar Is the opposite of Pepper.
Last edited:


Fat4All Ruined My Rug
Oct 26, 2017
Salt and Pepper works nice together.

Salt and Sugar rarely works outside of a few dishes.


Oct 25, 2017
Neither, but you can usually cover up minor over salting with a little sugar. Starch and liquids work better though

Google Salt and Sugar recipes, then Google Salt and Pepper recipes.

I know some dishes using salt and sugar, but one taste usually overpower the other one, and only a few that combines their taste in a balanced way.

this is a such a wild set of statements that I don't know where to even begin. Do me a favor and sprinkle some salt onto a piece of chocolate or some ice cream next time you have some. Or chocolate dipped pretzels, which are salted. Salt and sweet is a widely used combination

Version 3.0

Oct 27, 2017
Neither of those is the opposite of salt. The opposite of salty would be...not salty. Bland?

It sure as hell isn't pepper, and it even more certainly isn't sugar.

It's sugar. Ever have something salty and then want something sweet? There you go!

Literally never. I've only ever heard of this strange idea from your post, and from Newman saying the same nonsense in Jurassic Park. Er, I mean Nedry.
Oct 28, 2017
Neither. There are five types of flavors. Salt and sugar are two of them by name. Pepper is a third (spice).



Oct 26, 2017
Neither, salt has no opposites, but if I had to pick one it'd be sugar. As others have said, salt and pepper are complentary in most cuisines in the world.



Taiwanese Salt and Pepper Ribs

By now you probably already know how seriously we Taiwanese take our street foods. One of the most popular street food vendors is the fr...


Oct 25, 2017
It absolutely is sugar.

If you have a dish that's too salty, sugar can help balance it out.

You can eat a lot more of something if it has both salt and sugar because your tastebuds don't get overwhelmed.

Just look at western Chinese food. Copious amounts of sugar and salt.
Oct 28, 2017
Salt and Pepper come as a two pack for a reason; they're not opposites. They go together on almost everything. Theyre both savory.

Sugar is the opposite (tho they can still be quite tasty together!)


Oct 27, 2017
Annapolis, Maryland
Google Salt and Sugar recipes, then Google Salt and Pepper recipes.

I know some dishes using salt and sugar, but one taste usually overpower the other one, and only a few that combines their taste in a balanced way.

I don't have to google anything, I've got plenty of experience cooking and baking. Besides, how many dishes do you think there are where the black pepper shines above all? It probably doesn't counter the myriad of sweet and savory dishes out there.

That's ignoring just how much a healthy (and I mean healthy) dose of salt elevates sweets and desserts.

Version 3.0

Oct 27, 2017
Why do you think movie theaters sell sugary drinks with popcorn? Why do you think fast food restaurants sell sugary drinks with fries and other salty foods?

Because those are popular, and cheap to make? If they were opposite, you'd taste nothing, they'd cancel out. They're different, not opposite. You don't sell opposite things together.


Oct 26, 2017
salt and pepper is complimentary, that's why they're offered together


Fat4All Ruined My Rug
Oct 26, 2017
I don't have to google anything, I've got plenty of experience cooking and baking. Besides, how many dishes do you think there are where the black pepper shines above all? It probably doesn't counter the myriad of sweet and savory dishes out there.

That's ignoring just how much a healthy (and I mean healthy) dose of salt elevates sweets and desserts.

Yeah, I concede that Sugar and Salt works perfectly on baking. That flew on my head.

I still think Sugar and Salt are more opposites than Salt and Pepper.


Jan 3, 2018
Salt in its purpose is used to add flavor to bland food, so the opposite would be something to dilute flavor, like water.