Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
This is going to get me flamed but this is my opinion on the switch and Nintendo in general.

Nintendo has a nostalgia to it. Nintendo is always given leeway for their choices, pricing, region lock and lack of deviating from the formula.

I liked playing Super Nintendo, n64 and game boy colour.

What has Nintendo done since then? They release the same games over and over again. Nintendo fans love it because they eat it up. But how far will Nintendo fans take the switch?

It's like zoolanders looks.

If you actually believe the bolded, then you're probably very selective about the Nintendo games that you choose to acknowledge. Just because two games belong to the same IP or franchise doesn't make them 'the same game'.

Also, I can't imagine a worse recent example than the Switch to use to support your perspective, considering that - aside from Mario Kart 8 - Nintendo's most successful Switch games are IP reinventions and new franchises. Breath of the Wild is very dissimilar to previous 3D Zelda games, and Super Mario Odyssey might as well have been Banjo Kazooie 4. Alongside them sit games like ARMS, Splatoon 2, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, and Pokken Tournament DX. I might have seen your point a few years ago during the late Wii era and throughout the Wii U's life, but even then I would have suggested that you widen your perspective a bit, because Nintendo killed it (in terms of original content) on the DS and 3DS all-the-while.
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Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 20, 2017
Pokemon is kind of cut and paste.The only ones to try something different were the mystery dungeon games and battle revolution.


Oct 31, 2017
It's been over for me.

It's obviously not over for a lot of people, but I see so many posts about how great games are coming out for the thing all the time and I just do not see it? It's a bummer when nothing coming out interests you.

It feels a lot like the WiiU at this point. I'll buy the Nintendo games but it'll collect dust until the next big release.

Happy for the people that are still red hot about the Switch.

Phil Good

Apr 25, 2018
I feel that the main takeaway from this thread is that Nintendo cannot pump out great hits on a frequent basis. And they make up for it with less exciting content (Wii U ports, play-it-safe Kirby sequel).

For those bothered by that, the honeymoon period is over.
For those who aren't, it's not.

Herb Alpert

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Paris, France
Ho we are already in the "collect dust" period ? Lol
Mine is fine, second half of the year promises to be crazy. At least this meh first half year allowed me to catch up with the games I hadn't time to play last year.

Johnny bravo

Apr 27, 2018
User Banned (1 Day): console warring
zelda was honestly overrated, change the character and name and put it on another platform and it would tank. And again it brings me back to my point of Nintendo gets treated differently because they're Nintendo. Their fans are on another level compared to Sony and Microsoft.

The games all have the same style, the online sucks, the pricing sucks. Nintendo don't even try. Grab an old one, change it up a bit and it will sell regardless. Quick another Pokemon game, Mario, look Mario is now an ant.

I don't see it doing well as the fans and casuals who want one have moved on


Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
i will rewrite what i said in the Pokemon thread:

all in all, i see not much difference between Wii U and Switch...really NEW games are rare, now they got more ports and indies than Wii U but i don´t know, the outcome is the same as before: months of waiting till anything comes along. Zelda was originally a Wii U title and suffered from no touchscreen menus and Mario, well, it was cool but not the second coming of Mario for me

at the age of 36 i couldn´t care less about Pokemon (i was playing on the Playstation the time Pokemon came along in the 90s, therefore i was never interested in the franchise ) and Smash Bros...

gimme new stuff to play and not yesteryear´s warmed up coffee. Switch is gathering dust since Fire Emblem Warriors came out, played that for a month, stopped playing, nothing came along since then. it´s a Wii U 2 for me with the bonus of being portable. Not impressed.

in addition to that: for me there never was a honeymoon, i was very skeptical of the console from the get go..because i was one of the people who got a Wii U and those software droughts were really abysmal..


Apr 26, 2018
To be honest, you've got to ask yourself this right now: Is it quieter because there isn't anything major to talk about, or is this supposed "honeymoon period" ended? We wouldn't say PS is dead simply because people stopped talking God of Wars or their next big game, why is Nintendo different? Besides, people are talking about Pokemon and such in their relevant threads, they just don't bleed into the outside since there is so little worth bleeding out, you wouldn't go into a Halo thread to speculate about the next Pokemon. I'm hyped for their upcoming JRPG ports and games, Scarlet Grace and Octopath, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. But what else is there to talk about when there is little to no news?

People 'stopped' talking about GOW because they're too busy playing it, and they just finished MHW, FighterZ and Ni No Ku Ni/Yakuza.

(I actually didn't know the amount of talking was a metric)


Oct 27, 2017
I got bored of mine and sold it to pick up an X. I had games like BOTW, Odyssey, Mario Kart 8 and Mario+Rabbids, but my favourite game was actually Golf Story.

The only game I would like to play in the future is Metroid Prime 4, so if Nintendo release a Switch Pro then I may consider picking one up again.


Oct 28, 2017
zelda was honestly overrated, change the character and name and put it on another platform and it would tank. And again it brings me back to my point of Nintendo gets treated differently because they're Nintendo. Their fans are on another level compared to Sony and Microsoft.

The games all have the same style, the online sucks, the pricing sucks. Nintendo don't even try. Grab an old one, change it up a bit and it will sell regardless. Quick another Pokemon game, Mario, look Mario is now an ant.

I don't see it doing well as the fans and casuals who want one have moved on
Is this satire? If so, I like it.

Let's do it, works both ways after all:
God of War is honestly overrated, change the character and name and put it on another platform and it would tank.

And again it brings me back to my point of Sony gets treated differently because they're Sony. Their fans are on another level compared to Microsoft and Nintendo.


I hope this makes you realize that most of what you said can be applied to any game and any console.

That said, given that you have just 2 posts in Era, my bet is that yours is an alt account.
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Phil Good

Apr 25, 2018
We need to keep in mind that Nintendo doesn't really have 3rd party support as of now, so they're kind of left having to make the honeymoon happen by themselves.

Slam Tilt

Jan 16, 2018
It does seem a little odd to whine that Nintendo just recycles their stuff when the hot topic du jour for other systems are another God of War and Tomb Raider games. :-)


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
Not enough 3ds jrpg quality Japanese 3rd parties yet


Oct 25, 2017
I got mine late so I'm still playing through some first year releases but yeah, not much this year has released to get me super pumped. I think Celeste is the only 2018 game I've played on it, and I check the eshop all the time.

More to come this year though. Looking forward to Octopath and I'm sure E3 will have some news for 2018 releases.

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
zelda was honestly overrated, change the character and name and put it on another platform and it would tank. And again it brings me back to my point of Nintendo gets treated differently because they're Nintendo. Their fans are on another level compared to Sony and Microsoft.

The games all have the same style, the online sucks, the pricing sucks. Nintendo don't even try. Grab an old one, change it up a bit and it will sell regardless. Quick another Pokemon game, Mario, look Mario is now an ant.

I don't see it doing well as the fans and casuals who want one have moved on
This is some Gamefaqs-level gradeschool ranting, and you're almost certainly someone's alt acct lmao
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▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
See I dunno, maybe because I only just bought a Switch myself this past January, but I feel like people look at the Switch's launch year with rose-tinted glasses.

Having two GOTY contenders in the form of BoTW and Odyssey was awesome, but look past that and you see a year full of remasters and older third-party ports. Not to say I don't get wanting more killer apps, I totally understand that, but the abrasiveness to Wii U titles getting ported is just weird to me.

Phil Good

Apr 25, 2018
Neither does BotW or Mario Odyssey, yet some people will say that.

Me? I say play whatever you like.

Exactly. There is not nearly as much of a recycling problem as people make it out to be. I would say though that Nintendo seems to rely more heavily on last gen ports to put a bandaid over their dry periods.


self-requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
at the age of 36 i couldn´t care less about Pokemon (i was playing on the Playstation the time Pokemon came along in the 90s, therefore i was never interested in the franchise )

I also saw this comment of yours in that other thread and each time this part caught my eye, and I am just curious as to what this means? Why couldn't you play a Pokemon game in the 90s when they first came out, even though you had a PlayStation? Millions of others did, they are not mutually exclusive events after all...

And I do fully recommend you give the series a chance regardless. It's really great and fun.


Oct 28, 2017
See I dunno, maybe because I only just bought a Switch myself this past January, but I feel like people look at the Switch's launch year with rose-tinted glasses.

Having two GOTY contenders in the form of BoTW and Odyssey was awesome, but look past that and you see a year full of remasters and older third-party ports. Not to say I don't get wanting more killer apps, I totally understand that, but the abrasiveness to Wii U titles getting ported is just weird to me.
This is especially weird given that not only were there so few WiiU owners, only a few of those even bought these games... I was a WiiU owner and the only games I had on the WiiU from the ports are Mario Kart and El Capitan Todd, and given how much most WiiU games sold, I am the rule and not the exception (except maybe in enthusiast forums)...

The mental gymnastics people make. So many people were fine with all the PS3 to PS4 ports that the PS4 got, despite there having been over 80 million PS3s...


Oct 26, 2017
Not quite sure what people were expecting? Switch had BOTW and Odyessey and is getting Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Smash.

Now if you didn't want any of those games, you should get a PS4 instead?

As for a drought - even the PS4 had a drought until Bloodborne arrived.
Oct 28, 2017
I mean it's pretty much like every other Nintendo console. But - like every time - there are people trying to convince themselves "this time it's different!".

Having said that though, I bought one because Nintendo always has a few really good exclusives, the console is region free and I like the hybrid aspect.

Currently, I only have 3 games (all physical): Zelda, Dragon Quest Builders, and the Seiken Densetsu Collection. Next I will buy Hyrule Warriors and Dark Souls. On the distant horizon is SMT5. So it's certainly not my "main" console.


Dec 1, 2017
I sold mine, it was great but I played all the big Nintendo releases on it already. Maybe I'll get a new one when Smash comes out if it's really good. Or if there's a Slim version eventually.
Nov 4, 2017
2018 seems a little droughty compared to 2017, which is hard after my PS4 has been getting rocked by bangers like SotC and GoW. Since finishing Mario Odyssey last month, I haven't really touched my Switch. However, this isn't that big a deal to me as I bought it to be a tertiary after my PC & PS4. Also every Nintendo system I've owned since the N64 has always been in the shadow of another platform due to the droughts etc. I never expected my Switch to assault me with too many games.

$90 for digital titles is joke though...


Oct 27, 2017
I'm only in it for the exclusives personally. I have Rabbids, Odyssey and Kirby. Waiting for Yoshi and Octopath. Might be missing more but I forgot what else is coming. I might buy Pokemon for the first time ever, if it plays like an old school jrpg.

Would've bought Zelda, Mario Kart, and DKTF if I didn't already have them on Wii u. Need more exclusives!

Would love Luigi's mansion on Switch.


Nov 18, 2017
I've had a blast with mine and continue to do so. Xenoblade, Odyssey, Breath of the Wild, Mania, Golf Story, Mario Kart, Splatoon, Kingdom Battle, etc, have all been amazing for me.

And tomorrow I'll be starting Tropical Freeze.

I'm certainly benefitting from rarely using my Wii U, but I think there's been plenty to play regardless.

Celeste is on my hit list, and I can't wait for Aces, Smash and Hollow Knight later in the year - not to mention DLC for some of the aforementioned games I already have.

Having said all of that, there's no doubt the start of this year has been slow... but I've still played my Switch a lot.

It's a lifestyle thing for me - I love being able to sit with my partner playing something like Mario Kart, while she watches TV. Playing a game like Odyssey in bed is a real treat too.

And at any point I can stick the Switch in its dock and play on the TV myself.

Basically, it means I can play games wherever and whenever I want while still being able to spend time with her.

She's obsessed with TV, so it's a cool way of both of us getting what we want. lol

Deleted member 5491

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Everyone at some point has a time when they don't really have something big to play on a platform.
That's how it is. Nintendo fired out of all cylinders last year and now there is some time to play
some indies, work on your backlog or go and use one of your other systems.
And if you don't own a Wii U (which many do), then go grab Bayo and DKCTF.

Once Mario Tennis and Octopath are out I will have a lot to play.


Oct 26, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
$60 dollar games suddenly overpriced. Alright.
When Sony is putting out actual remasters of The Last of Us, Shadow of the Colossus and the entire PS3 Uncharted trilogy at $40-50, I think it's fair that some people are raising their eyebrows at Nintendo charging full price for 5+ year old ports. Some of which are actually being sold for more than the original price (Tropical Freeze).


Dec 4, 2017
When Sony is putting out actual remasters of The Last of Us, Shadow of the Colossus and the entire PS3 Uncharted trilogy at $40-50, I think it's fair that some people are raising their eyebrows at Nintendo charging full price for 5+ year old ports. Some of which are actually being sold for more than the original price (Tropical Freeze).
If Sony could charge those prices they would ;)

Deleted member 36186

User requested account closure
Dec 14, 2017
I'm honestly disappointed with the switch after being hyped at the start. It is a great system, but at the moment it relies heavily on indies and Wii U ports, or ports from older games that I have already played on other systems. The upcoming Nintendo games don't appeal to me much unfortunately, except fire emblem.

I wish there was more 3rd party support for new games.
Going to the store and seeing a flood of so many random indie games reminds me of the vita, and that's not a good thing in my book :(

Zelda has shown what the system is capable of, but for the moment it is basically an indie machine unless you haven't played all the older games ports.


Oct 27, 2017
My honeymoon period ended sometime in late December.

Once they stopped curating the eShop and all the big releases stopped coming I lost interest. Dying for some goodies and I keep getting Gut Punched when a 3DS game comes out that would had been better off on the Switch.

(And releasing Bayonetta 2 without a way of getting a physical version of Bayonetta 1 here in the states didn't help, since now I'm ignoring the re-release entirely).


Oct 31, 2017
I still like it a lot but I was never over the moon for it, would have used it way more if Monster Hunter was in english or if DeadCells was already available.


Oct 25, 2017
If I didn't wait to play xenoblade 2 until this year I wouldn't have turned my switch on all year. There's been nothing worthwhile to play that wasn't extremely overpriced.

The pricing is ridiculous. For all the talk of being a "family friendly" console their pricing is not friendly at all.
Oct 29, 2017
It has not started yet. But 2019 could be a game changer with a revision and both Atlus and Square Enix games... and SEGA AGES is a cool bonus. I have no hope with Nintendo with what they have been doing especially to Yoshi and Kirby for years now. I did not enjoy anything from them on both the Wiiu/3ds (i consider Smash to be a Namco game).... expect Xenoblade X.


Oct 26, 2017
I still have a fairly big backlog, the Switch has been great to me. Finishing up Fire Emblem Warriors now, will probably work on Doom next.


Apr 13, 2018
The honeymoon period (gushing about it) definitely feels to be over and I'm sure financially the system will continue to do well and do even more impressive numbers. Nintendo does need third parties though. Sony releases about the same amount of exclusives as Nintendo does but with the third parties releasing big games every month to the point it becomes overcrowded, Sony just dosent have to worry about dry spells.

An online game like fortnite or overwatch would be great for the switch to have.

If Sony could charge those prices they would ;)
It's sad that you feel this way... I'm sure if you are buying dktc you would be more happy to save 10-20$ on it than gloat about how your fav gaming company could do this and get away with it easy on a forum.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
For me it is. No big games on the horizon.

They're obviously holding back for e3 or near-e3, but I bet it'll be another stolid month.