
Oct 28, 2017
I feel as if Nintendo is just taking time to reload its gun and is just coasting until the next full wave. I still need to finish other games, so I'm cool with that. Most of the complaints in the OT was always there, and people knew for awhile that Nintendo was going to do this.

Speaking of the honeymoon period, it is amazing for me to see how much we still talk about BOTW.

Sly Chimera

Alt Account
Oct 29, 2017
How long are those Pokémon and Smash speculation threads. E3 is 5 min away just calm down.


Apr 17, 2018
I was pretty tempted to get one after the 1-2 punch of Zelda and Mario.

Now I'm happy to wait and see what they have next.


I'm actually waiting on third party stuff right now like Ace Attorney and Professor Layton, also other point-and-click-esque adventure games.. Basically stuff the DS and 3DS was famed for.

To be honest there's little in the way of "home console experiences" the Switch can do to win me over now. As well reviewed as games like SMO and BotW are, there are equally high quality home console experiences with far far better production values and performance on the PS4. I can live without Zelda as I have Horizon and GoW, as good as Zelda might be.

So basically I'll buy it for handheld games like Ace Attorney and Professor Layton or comparable.
Oct 25, 2017
Australia. Nintendo Land
i really don't think its over, it is still getting so much attention and "breaking records' and i don't even think that Nintendo have started with all the surprises and ways to blow peoples mind. "Labo" might be a slow burner, but Nintendo did say they have other big "game" changing ways coming. i think we have so many surprises left and wtf moments and 'Omg yes' moments.

as they carpenters would say


"we've only just begun"


Jan 17, 2018
Oh gosh no....I'd say that it's success is just the beginning.

Over the next several months some of my most anticipated releases are finally gonna hit. Little Nightmares, 19 Mega Man games...19! Hyper Light Drifter (Finally on a handheld where it belongs), Bayo 3, Wolf 2, Metroid Gungeons and Draguns update for EtG..and those are what I am aware of....E3 is when the devs who have been working on new multiplats and exclusives should finally be ready to deliver the goods.
Even without E3...this year....based solely on what is 100% confirmed...will be better than last IMO.

I'd say the honeymoon phase is just starting. Year 1 was foreplay with mostly enhanced ports (which I love...don't get me wrong) but year 2 will see...well more enhanced ports, but also much more multiplat releases and exclusives.

As for multiplat...if RE2 REmake gets announced for Switch...I'll be the happiest ever.


Oct 29, 2017
Really week first half of the year. I've barely touched my Switch this year, so yes, the honeymoon is over for me.

Deleted member 35618

Dec 7, 2017
My friend was so bored by his Switch that he essentially forced it upon me when lending it. And I haven't touched it except to play Breath of the Wild.

And the Wii charging full price for ports such as Bayonetta 2 and Tropical Freeze is inexcusable in my book.


Oct 25, 2017
brazil, unfortunately
I think 2018 will be remembered as a great year for Switch if, and only if, Pokemon, Smash, Fire Emblem, get confirmed as 2018 games.
Those, alongside with the already confirmed Mario Tenis, Octopath, Crash, DK and Dark Souls, will make this a great year for Nintendo.


Oct 30, 2017
Even if they drop megatons after megatons, it doesn't erase the terrible first half of the year. We're not going to suddenly get huge games for the summer. Late August is the earliest possibility and that would probably eat away September, so even in a best case scenario we're probably looking at 3 big games for the rest of the year. And then there's the realistic scenario of one big game and then a couple of smaller ones. Things like Yoshi are going to be in there, and after the first half of the year, Yoshi just isn't cutting it.

Well unless you have some internal information we dont, the 3 big games is a big if. And if Smash and Pokemon are all 2018, then most people will forget the "terrible" first half of the year.


Oct 27, 2017
IMO the honeymoon started once Zelda launched as it was an instant classic and a massive reason to own the console.
It's the best game I've ever played but a lot of naysayers existed before a critical consensus emerged. People were mad about day 1 DLC Season Pass, frame drops in forests, gyro puzzles in handheld mode. I think...maybe by April a lot of that had faded...dunno.


Oct 27, 2017
Nintendo developed and published two AAA GOTY titles in 2017. In my opinion they have a pass for the first half of 2018, at the very least.


Oct 25, 2017
It's just ports right now, it's getting super boring on that front. Imma still buy them only cause I have GCU and coupons but ya know if they wanted to harbor some goodwill they wouldn't charge full price for them.

Also wasn't drought not supposed to happen because 3DS support is anemic too? It's kinda bullshit that Wii U died a miserable early death because they were going full steam switch and yet we still in this position.


Jan 5, 2018
Nintendo really pushed for the first year of the Switch to be amazing with Mario, Zelda and a handful of other great games to fill in the gaps. This current season has given us Kirby and a Wii U port of Donkey Kong along. By no means are they bad, but they're not really that enticing.

Deleted member 2340

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I still adore my Switch but there are a couple things I'm burnt out on or just don't like.

I don't care or mind the ports from Wii U or anywhere else. The price of the ports bothers me.

Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze should not be 60$ at all.

Skyrim - I bought this but kicked myself because I felt the 60$ was too much after I started playing the game. Should've been cheaper.

DOOM - fucking fun game but 60$.. come on.

What really got me was South Park Fracture but Whole. I would've paid the 60$ or even 70$ if it came in with The Stick of Truth bundle in like when it originally launched on the PS4. No DLC included nothing. 60$ off the back.

I'm exhausted at the 60$ port fee for a year plus older game. I am not getting Wolfenstein at 60$.

There are games we know is coming but no official word about them from Nintendo in awhile. At the beginning of the year I was so hyped for this year but with Nintendo having shown nothing I'm interested in the recent directs my honeymoon period is over for the Switch. Every time I see a YouTube channel mention Nintendo is aiming to sell 20 million this fiscal year I chuckle.
Oct 27, 2017
Idk it's selling so well. Everyone goes through ups and downs, don't think we can say everyone is doing it

I hadn't been playing mine recently with MHW and GOW. This month I've been out of town for work a lot and my switch with Bayo and Stardew has been amazing in that time

It's okay to go through periods where you don't use it.


Jan 31, 2018
I'm having a hard time discerning whether or not people saying that it's dead and has no system sellers are being sarcastic.


Nov 21, 2017
Complaints have always existed for the Switch, from its redundant mobile app for chat, terrible battery life, to other issues I haven't been bothering to keep up. They were just drowned out by all the platform warriors' collective warcry, that unless you really paid attention, you wouldn't remember or even notice them. The few I listed are ones I remember seeing in almost every Nintendo-related threads since before the Switch launched. However, I don't think we're, or will ever, enter a phase where platform warriors will happily accept the faults of their favourite platforms. After all, you fight for your platform for life, not for a honeymoon period.

To be honest, you've got to ask yourself this right now: Is it quieter because there isn't anything major to talk about, or is this supposed "honeymoon period" ended? We wouldn't say PS is dead simply because people stopped talking God of Wars or their next big game, why is Nintendo different? Besides, people are talking about Pokemon and such in their relevant threads, they just don't bleed into the outside since there is so little worth bleeding out, you wouldn't go into a Halo thread to speculate about the next Pokemon. I'm hyped for their upcoming JRPG ports and games, Scarlet Grace and Octopath, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. But what else is there to talk about when there is little to no news?


Jan 8, 2018
The Honeymoon is over and I'm already planning the divorce.

But first I'm excited for Smash, Pokemon, Yoshi this year....and eventually Prime 4 and Bayonetta 3.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
E3 baby. Atleast for me It's nice to have some downtime to play on the ps4.


Oct 25, 2017
Don't get all the sarcastic and misguided "dead" comments, reading the OP properly without going on the defensive wouldn't go amiss. I personally have not touched my Switch in onths and Nintendo missing functionality in the year 2018 is a big reason why.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
I still adore my Switch but there are a couple things I'm burnt out on or just don't like.

I don't care or mind the ports from Wii U or anywhere else. The price of the ports bothers me.

Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze should not be 60$ at all.

Skyrim - I bought this but kicked myself because I felt the 60$ was too much after I started playing the game. Should've been cheaper.

DOOM - fucking fun game but 60$.. come on.

What really got me was South Park Fracture but Whole. I would've paid the 60$ or even 70$ if it came in with The Stick of Truth bundle in like when it originally launched on the PS4. No DLC included nothing. 60$ off the back.

I'm exhausted at the 60$ port fee for a year plus older game. I am not getting Wolfenstein at 60$.

There are games we know is coming but no official word about them from Nintendo in awhile. At the beginning of the year I was so hyped for this year but with Nintendo having shown nothing I'm interested in the recent directs my honeymoon period is over for the Switch. Every time I see a YouTube channel mention Nintendo is aiming to sell 20 million this fiscal year I chuckle.

I agree. Nintendo's pricing is horrible. I want DK Tropical Freeze but no way am I paying $60 for it. It should be $40 at most.

Phil Good

Apr 25, 2018
Do you think the creative teams have been using all their time to make sure the Wii U ports run well?

I reckon the creative teams have been knee deep in prototypes and art styles for the last 6 months.

Things are looking rosy in my mind.

I want to believe ! But IMO Kimishima did a lot of harm to Nintendo's in terms of prioritizing money over anything else, especially creativity. A recent interview of a Nintendo employee confirmed this, he said he was worried with Kimi's policies.

So I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if, say, the bulk of H1 2019 is made of Wii U ports again. Mind you, Smash Switch might also end up being a port - we haven't seen anything from that game.


Oct 27, 2017
I actually returned to my 3DS recently to play some Alliance Alive. But then had a friend over tonight and we made the Labo fishing rod. He was at first not convinced by the Labo idea, but I showed him the house and he wouldn't let go until we'd discovered most of its features. Then we made the fishing rod and he was just blown away the whole time.

Nintendo has lost their mind and I still love my Switch.
Oct 26, 2017
I want to believe ! But IMO Kimishima did a lot of harm to Nintendo's in terms of prioritizing money over anything else, especially creativity. A recent interview of a Nintendo employee confirmed this, he said he was worried with Kimi's policies.

So I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if, say, the bulk of H1 2019 is made of Wii U ports again. Mind you, Smash Switch might also end up being a port - we haven't seen anything from that game.
I'm pretty sure that was an employee who hasn't worked with or on Nintendo for quite some time and was merely going off of hearsay. That and Nintendo prioritizing money isn't anything nor does it come at the expense of everything else. They all prioritize money. There's a lot of Wii U ports at the moment because games take more and more time to make and Nintendo can't pump out games like a factory. This isn't different than what other recent systems went through during their first few years, like the PS4/XB1

Nintendo wouldn't headline E3 with an enhanced port


Oct 29, 2017
For me at least i bought it for Zelda and Mario then i sold it :-/. If metroid is any good i may get one for that.

Johnny bravo

Apr 27, 2018
User warned: Inflammatory drive-by posting, trolling.
This is going to get me flamed but this is my opinion on the switch and Nintendo in general.

Nintendo has a nostalgia to it. Nintendo is always given leeway for their choices, pricing, region lock and lack of deviating from the formula.

I liked playing Super Nintendo, n64 and game boy colour.

What has Nintendo done since then? They release the same games over and over again. Nintendo fans love it because they eat it up. But how far will Nintendo fans take the switch?

It's like zoolanders looks.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
I haven't bought a game on mine in months and barely play the thing. I already have the ports and the while the weird indie stuff on the e-shop might be good I'm not gonna plop down $15 on something with no demo from a dev I've never heard of that I might end up hating. Sometimes things go on sale but Nintendo only knocks off a few bucks, I'm all set with that. No netflix, no web browser, no real voice chat, terrible store layout, no virtual console, on and on. I regret my purchase, and I would sell the thing if my kids didn't use it sometimes.

I miss my vita that got stolen, that really scratched the itch that I thought the switch would :/


Oct 25, 2017
New Zealand
If it wasn't for the fact that I made a conscious decision to play some of my ps4 games, I would be still playing nothing but switch. for 70% of 2017 I only played on switch. This year so far its been closer to 50% switch 40%ps4 10% 3ds.


Oct 25, 2017
The first half of the year is absolutely brutal. To rub salt in the wound Kirby was garbage and Labo honestly isn't that appealing. Overpriced ports don't help the matter. Clearly the honeymoon is over but maybe can start something new in the second half. They seem confident in getting 20 million but they are not off to a good start

Xx 720

Nov 3, 2017
Last year was so epic with zelda/splatoon 2/ mk/ mario it's unreasonable to expect that volume of output. But they have smash, maybe pokemon this year plus theres still some wii u stuff they can bring over, i want mario 3d world


Oct 26, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
I don't think the honeymoon is over. The Switch is still a fantastic device and I'm excited for it's future.

2018 has definitely been a major disappointment for me so far, though. People will say what we're getting is still above and beyond what a new console would usually get in its second year on the market, but I think that fails to take into consideration how utterly dire the situation was on the Wii U for the last, what, two years before the Switch released? I thought that must mean that Nintendo's teams had put in work on making sure the stream of new releases would be pretty consistent, but that doesn't appear to be the case given how reliant they are on Wii U ports.

There are other issues that are harder to excuse as time goes on. The online service being delayed over a year after launch is frankly ridiculous, and the save file backup situation is even worse. Services like virtual console still not making an appearance is also disappointing. I really don't understand what Nintendo's issue is with stuff like this. They're doing really well. If they don't have the infrastructure in place to handle stuff like that...hire people to do it. Even the most mediocre online team could have had an online system set up by now.


Oct 25, 2017
It's too early to really discuss this imo. Wait till after E3 when we actually know what the rest of the year looks like.