
Oct 27, 2017
No. I am not interested in the rented games anymore somehow. I would be interested into a (much) cheaper sub to play some online games occasionally; but as I'd play really rarely, it's not worth it.


Nov 6, 2017
PCs are not cheap in UK. Even building it yourself it costs far more.

I'm reading prices right now and they are basically on par with stuff here in the states.

edit- regardless outside of the UK you can absolutely have a comparable gaming PC for the cost of the ps4+psplus over 7 years, not to mention the ability to easily upgrade the hardware.


Oct 27, 2017
Not at all for me, and I won't be subbing when I get a PS5 unless there are any good Sony-exclusive multiplayer games that I can't resist (SOCOM when?). Maaaaaaybe for GT.

Otherwise all my MP is on PC, as are all multiplats moving forward. And I'm already swimming in games, so PS+ games aren't a huge draw for me.


Good Vibes Gaming
Oct 24, 2017
It's a bill that you have to pay if you want to play online, just like all console subscriptions. I wouldn't say it's worth it but you also don't have much of a choice.

I think the only PS+ game I took proper advantage of was Rocket League, I just don't have the time or interest most of the time

Deleted member 15447

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Oct 27, 2017
Worth it alone for either the included games or just the online stuff for my gaming.

Obviously value is subjective but I think it's super cheap and great value.
Oct 27, 2017
95% of my gameplay is done online so yes. It is my only option. I grew up in arcades and competition was the entire point of gameplay. It's stuck with me to this day.
Jan 29, 2018
Nope. Though I'm excited to try Nioh. I rarely play online and I don't think I've played any of the 'free' games in six months.


Nov 2, 2017
I get my money back from the plus games but honestly if i didn't need to have it I could go without. Xbox Gold is a bit better but gamepass has devalued the service a ton.

I would like to see online included with the consoles or at least the price cut closer to Nintendos fees.


Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
It's become a giant money pit.

My download list is a chaotic mess of complete fucking shit. It's a tire fire trying to navigate that disappointing effort at whatever they cobbled together. And every time you renew, it bumps that ever-growing stack of crap right back up to the top, so tracking down what you want becomes harder literally every week.

Then there's the fact I can't literally purchase digital titles that I have 'rented' using PS+. Ducktales Remastered is now gone from the store, but my 'purchase' of it is tied to PS+. That means I literally WANT TO GIVE SONY MONEY AND I CAN'T.

Their system is broken, has been broken, and will continue to be broken.

I only really use it for the online save backups.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I've been of PS+ for most of the generation, the only reason I picked it up this year was to try out FUT for a year.

Outside of that it's completely worthless to me. The game selection is pretty bad for me and I don't really play online that much.


Oct 25, 2017
For me it's worth it (I'll only buy it at $40/year) but only because I use all 3 PS consoles, and use the Vita a lot so the easy save backups are really handy, especially for the Vita which has the whole thing of deleting the games meaning deleting the saves too. If it weren't for that I wouldn't be subscribed, and even as it is now I am not really impressed with the service. The game selection has only started getting better since just before they dropped PS3 and Vita games, but often gives out stuff that I'm not interested in. The discounts are handy but I've switched to buying mainly physical games. I also don't play online.

Deleted member 9486

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Oct 26, 2017
You can do all of that on PC for free. There is no reason we should be paying for the online portion, it's just a trick to get more people to buy into their service. My main consle is playstation and it's not close. I haven't played my PC in ages, so I buy psplus, but listing stuff that should be free behind a paywall as a 'perk' is missing the point. The real question becomes is it valuable because of the discounts and "free" games. For some people I can most definitely see the advantage. if you buy a lot of digital games, or if you find even a small handful of the free games are something you would've bought, it's technically worth it, but again I would never want to be forced to pay for it on the gamble that I'll get some deals or discounts I like.

All true. I'm just not big into gaming on PC anymore (doubt I'll upgrade mine again) and none of my real life friends I'm currently gaming with do PC gaming. Co-op gaming with them is my favorite type of gaming and the main way we talk.

Should that be free? Of course. But my wife and I both make good money and have no bad debts so I'm not going to care that much about dropping $40ish a year for it. I get that it sucks more for people on tight budgets


Oct 25, 2017
I do grab a year during the sales this time of year when it's about 40% off, and the discounts I get through it I imagine are quite a bit more than the actual cost, so yes it's worth it, but I really wish we didn't have to pay for online. The games are a nice bonus for me, sometimes things I play, but more often not.


Graphics Engineer
Oct 27, 2017
No, I stopped paying for both Live and Plusa while ago - I couldn't do it anymore. Neither service is worth a fee. Got me a PC and the rest is history.


Nov 21, 2017
I dont know how expensive it is in US but in my country it is equal to 40 dollars for 1 year sub. So yeah kinda worth it, and it doesnt even include with special discount


Apr 24, 2018
No it's not worth it to me because i don't play online games anymore. I know it comes with free games, but i just rather just use that money to buy the games i want instead of the random games that i may not like. Besides most of the games they put up are dirt cheap by the time they hit Ps+.


Oct 25, 2017
It's never been worth it, at least to me. If I cared much about playing modern MP games online then I'd invest in a gaming pc over buying into a shitty subscription service.
Oct 25, 2017
This is a difficult answer for me to give, since I love SFV (onlline) and having PS Plus is a must if I have to body scrubs online with my Guile. having said this, I cannot for the life of me think of any other reason why I would want PS Plus.
Oct 27, 2017
I don't like paying for it but I do (and fuck Microsoft for making paid online a thing). I never pay over $40 for it though, and I probably make most of that back from sales throughout the year so it's whatever. It could be worse.

That being said depending on if I keep my gaming PC, and if cross play continues the way COD does it then I won't sub as I will just play MP games on PC.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I've been subscribed almost the entire gen, and I'm not sure why. I never really play online this gen since there was no SOCOM for me. I really am going to reconsider if it's worth it for me to resub when my current one expires. I guess I just keep it going for the "Free" games I've accumulated through it.


Nov 6, 2017
All true. I'm just not big into gaming on PC anymore (doubt I'll upgrade mine again) and none of my real life friends I'm currently gaming with do PC gaming. Co-op gaming with them is my favorite type of gaming and the main way we talk.

Should that be free? Of course. But my wife and I both make good money and have no bad debts so I'm not going to care that much about dropping $40ish a year for it. I get that it sucks more for people on tight budgets

This is pretty irrelevant to the conversation. I get that you saved it at the end with for people on a tight budget, but I don't think 40 dollars a year is going to "break the bank" perse... the point is, even for people that can afford it comfortably, WHY should we be paying for this? It's yet another monthly maintenance type bill that we really shouldn't be paying for.


Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
not anymore, thinking about not renewing in November. had it mandatory for Destiny 2 and stuff but i don´t play that anymore and honestly, i don´t care about the Plus games or discounts

Nope. Though I'm excited to try Nioh. I rarely play online and I don't think I've played any of the 'free' games in six months.

you can buy Nioh at 20 bucks new for months now, don´t see the value in that at all tbh.


Oct 27, 2017
Nope. The only reason I have ever used PS+ was either due to a free trial, or to play Dark Souls and Bloodborne online with a friend. Whenever that occurs, I back everything up in the cloud, but also keep physical backups.

The free games and discounts are a great incentive, but rarely is there one that I feel compelled to play, and if it is one, it's one that I probably already played when it first came out.

Deleted member 9486

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
This is pretty irrelevant to the conversation. I get that you saved it at the end with for people on a tight budget, but I don't think 40 dollars a year is going to "break the bank" perse... the point is, even for people that can afford it comfortably, WHY should we be paying for this? It's yet another monthly maintenance type bill that we really shouldn't be paying for.

I mean I do agree with that. It's just not on my list of things to really give a shit about as I want to play online, don't really enjoy the PC gaming experience--and it's moot as none of my friends game online on PC and I don't play with randoms--and it's not even an noticeable expense on my income.

I totally agree that online play should be free. I just put the "tight budget" disclaimer on there to be sensitive to the fact that people who are less fortunate than I can't shrug it off as easily. For me it's a minor expense AND it usually pays for itself with the extra discounts in PSN sales and getting a couple "free" games that were things had otherwise planned to buy most years so it's not something that bothers me enough to complain about. In that sense, it's kind of like my Costo membership. It's kind of asinine to pay for the privilege to shop somewhere, but I save so much on things I have to buy like Dog food, allergy medicine and other things that are so much cheaper there vs other stores that it more than pays for itself.

But that of course varies across people as people who don't buy games digitally (or very few) and/or rarely every like (or planned to otherwise buy) any of the "free" games aren't getting that value. And they could always cut online play out of PS Plus and make it just free games and extra digital sale discounts like it was on PS3. That was the best way to do it IMO, and they just got greedy as they knew they could charge for online play and get more subs and MS was doing it (and now Nintendo too) so console only gamers have no options for free online.

So again, I do agree online play should be free. It's just such a minor thing to me that it's not on my list of things to be annoyed by, much less up in arms over. It just is what it is and has been the norm for me since Xbox Live on the original Xbox. So I'm beyond used to it, despite thinking it's something that really should be free on all platforms.
Last edited:


Jul 25, 2018
The PS3 launch price inflation adjusted to 2013 was $700. The PS4 was $400. Effectively, I saved money on the console and spent the savings on their subscription, which also gave me some good free games. Therefore despite it being mostly a multiplayer tax, considering the big picture I don't mind it.

Plus being required for MP was the biggest contributing factor to me not getting an Xbox though. In previous gens I got two or three consoles each. This time I only went with Sony, because while last gen I paid for Live Gold, moving forward I didn't want to pay for both Live Gold and Plus.


Oct 27, 2017
No. Since I moved mostly to PC it doesn't make much sense anymore. Sure, I won't play MP games, but it is not like Sony keep pumping exclusive MP games all the time.

The games they offer I usually buy really cheap in sales, so the "free" games don't appeal to me as well.


Apr 27, 2019
Yes. The discounts and SOMETIMES, like the upcoming month, the PS+ games are good. Also, with three players in one household, there's always someone playing online. Def worth it for me/us.


Oct 27, 2017
Not anymore. There was a time when I'd have never let my sub lapse, but now that most of my online time is spent playing Overwatch on PC and I have maxed out time in Game Pass Ultimate (which includes LIVE), PS+ just looks shabby in comparison and it's been inactive since early this year with zero plans to re-up. I guess I'd better manually back up my saves lol cuz if my Pro dies and I lose progress in all these games, I don't plan to start over on a PS5.
Jan 9, 2018
I wouldn't say so, no. It's a bit too expensive for what I use it for, which is mainly to occasionally play online. I always add all of the games, but the games I actually play are few and far between. Maybe if it entailed permanent ownership of said games, but since they are basically glorified rentals I don't think they are entirely worth it.
Sep 25, 2018
I stocked up on these at $30 per year at the beginning of this gen. it's about to run out in 2020 and I don't know if I'll subscribe again. Full retail price for here in Canada is $70 which is nuts. The free games are nice and all but I don't game a lot online anymore.

Looking at the full cost of ownership for these consoles, it's getting untenable for me. Consoles cost hundreds, plus hundreds for online over the course of a gen plus the cost of games and accessories. I'm looking at PS5 a lot more critically than I did when PS4 came out. PS plus cost is a big reason for that.

since ps4 launch I got two 3 months and one 1month

thats my whole ps plus resume

doubt i get it for a year with ps5 or Xbox if I switch over