
▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
South Central Los Angeles
I play online 5-7 hours a week, 20-28 hours a month.

I pay $60 for a year's subscription, so it's $5 a month.

I pay $8 a month for Hulu and all I've used it for was watching 4 episodes of The Good Place (less than 2 hours total) in the last month.

Cokie Bear

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I spent more on cocktails last night than a yearly PS+ sub costs. It's a negligible amount, I don't think twice about paying it.


Oct 27, 2017
Plus has not been worth it to me since Sony unceremoniously dropped the Vita from getting new games. Most of the PS4 games on Plus I buy on other systems. I only play 1-2 games per year on PS4 and have in fact not even turned on the PS4 since Spider-Man so no, Plus is not worth it to me.
Aug 10, 2019
I usually buy a year around e3 at a discounted price. For online play of course it's worth it, but I could give two shits about the free games.


Prophet of Regret
Jul 4, 2018
Cost is minimal, and it allows me to play Madden And CoD with old college roommates, so I guess?


Oct 26, 2017
I don't know if DS will require PS+ for its online interaction but if it will then PS+ is about to be even more worth it.
PS+ gave me Bloodborne so I'm happy with the service. Cloud saves are cool, I don't have to worry about my saves all that much. It's 60 bucks a year for multi player, a couple of games monthly and cloud saves. That's something that I can afford so I'm cool with the service.


Oct 26, 2017
Was better value when it included PS vita and PS3 games. Was a great way for me to start with indies at the beginning of the gen but now I will wait a bit before subscribing. Street Fighter was the only game I played occasionally, but ever since they nerfed the point system I have less of an incentive to even play it anymore.

Currently I am rushing through Detroid og Sonic Mania to get the last value before I wait to subscribe again. Might subscribe again after half a year or some decent year deals but with Gamepass I will not be in a hurry. Only game I cared for this year that was included was Last of Us and Sonic Mania.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 30, 2017
Eh, probably not worth for me personally. Most of my PS4 gaming is with single player titles, and there's only been a few PS+ free games that have gotten me excited.


Oct 25, 2017
No, I subscribe to it when I need it for online multiplayer, but I don't think it is worth the asking price.

The games are a nice perk, but I don't ever play any of them.


Jun 3, 2019
I save enough on the extra PS+ discounts to cover the cost of the yearly subscription in like 3 months. Free games every month (with some months being specially good, like this month)... so yes, it's worth it.

Sloane Ranger

Oct 27, 2017
New Albany
I would rather not have to subscribe for online, but so far the discounts + enough new games per year (that I enjoy) I feel pay for the cost - making it a "meh" for me.


Oct 27, 2017
No. I almost never play the PS4 online, and haven't bothered installing one of the 'free' games in well over a year. I will not be renewing when my sub is up next month.


音楽オタク - Comics Council 2020
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
A mountain in the US
Now that I don't get Vita and PS3 games, and nothing replaced them, no. I don't play most of the games I get from them and rarely play ps4 online, so I'm not paying more for now. May re-up for a month some time when I wanna play any of the games I've gotten. I'm a Japan PS+ subscriber, though, and I did like most of the library more than other regions' offerings. That hasn't been the case so much lately.
Jun 24, 2019
Back in the days when I played Dark Souls and Bloodborne, yeah. I wouldn't sub now and thereafter, unless From makes another game with pvp.

Deleted member 33567

User requested account closure
Nov 17, 2017
I want online but not the games. Feel online only should be free, with a separate sub for Netflix type games service


Oct 27, 2017
I've moved back to Xbox and PC mostly now, so it's not really worth it....but a lot of my friends are still on PS4, so I keep paying. 🤷‍♂️


Oct 29, 2017
It used to be worth it when discounts were better and free games included premier indies like Binding of Isaac. Also they stopped full supporting automatic game updates sometime in the last couple of years which is a major drag. This used to drastically minimize patch download hell and for me was one of the major features of PS+. I cancelled this month and won't be back unless something really compelling comes along in the monthly free games.


Oct 25, 2017

Its more like they forced my hand in that many of the games i play on PlayStation need plus to play online

The free games library is nice and sometimes we get something awesome but not often enough to have made me pay for the service on its own.


Oct 27, 2017
No, I don't play much online anymore and if I had any interest in the monthly free games I'd have bought them well before they come to the service.


Oct 28, 2017
At the moment no. I think I'm going to dump it. I usually don't like or played the free games and I haven't played a mp game in a year.

Garrett 2U

Oct 25, 2017
Nope. I only have a PS4 for the exclusives, and PlayStation really lacks in compelling multiplayer experiences. And I'm perfectly happy with that situation, they have a bunch of really great action adventure games.

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
If not for monster Hunter world, I probably wouldn't keep my sub active.


Oct 25, 2017
I have one more year from the Target price mistake from ages ago. Once that is up, I won't be re-upping.


Oct 25, 2017
Not really. Mainly play single player games with the exception of ffxiv, which doesn't need a ps+ subscription


Nov 14, 2018
Costa Rica
Kinda? The monthly ps+ games kinda justify it for me but I barely play anything online, recently I only play DOOM(2016), Destiny 2 and Souls games online from time to time.


Oct 27, 2017
Nope, not anymore with those crappy two games per month, and I don't play online with PS4 since Uncharted 4, so... and still Sony just got a subscription record... soon they are going to remove the monthly games and ppl will still buy it since they only want to play online.


Feb 19, 2018
Not in the slightest. I only pay for the online play functionality. Don't give a flying fuck about the rest.
But to be frank, it's the same with NSO... And I play even less online games on there, so... Meh.

Those services really aren't aiming at me as an RPG fan first and foremost. But I guess it's great for the platform holders to keep getting the money from all those COD, BF, Fifa, Splatoon and whatever else folks.

Though the PS Plus "free" games really get on my nerves sometimes. That, in combination with the higher price, really makes it feel like a rip-off to me.


Mar 30, 2019
Absolutely yes for me but I buy the (annual) renewal only when I find a heavy discount (usually during the back friday); I definitely agree with the OT point especially with the total cost during the life cycle; but I think people don't realize how difficult is keeping an online infrastructure 24/7 for 365 days located in different part of the world (there are hundred of variable to manage.. lot of people involved... etc) is not an easy task. And it requries money as everything else.
I am also sure that soon (when the next gen start) the PS network subscription will change; 2 or maybe 3 different packages and prices . But the basic package will not be free.

Anyway... just for completition... people always forget that what you pay is the ability to play online, NOT the "free" games which is something added to the package; it's a service and a service is not free unless the company can converter the user usage data in real money.

Also.. I'm always hearing stuff like "during the ps3 era was free"... yes it was... but during those years Sony market share was behind MS so they tried (successfully) to compete with MS by offering a free service but with less feature. Now the market is the opposite and MS is trying to recover market share with it's game pass service almost sold for free.


Oct 27, 2017
The only reason I got PS+ was to play Monster Hunter World online because I couldn't wait for the PC version so no, it's never been worth it for me. Here's hoping World 2 releases on PC the same time as consoles so I never have to sub to PS+ again.

Matty H

Oct 31, 2017
I don't really play online multiplayer on PS4, the free games lately tend to be ones I have already bought or do not want to play, and I feel like cloud saves should be free.

Ever since they dropped the Vita games, the value seems quite poor.

Wood Man

Oct 30, 2017
To be honest I'm not sure why I keep it around. I really should just drop it. But there always that surprise game I get for free maybe twice a year.


Oct 30, 2017
No. I've stopped being a subscriber since I don't play online and the "free" games are almost always game I already own. But there is a pretty decent value if you can get it on sale.