
Dec 5, 2017
SSX 3 was great specifically because of the connected world imo. Doing the 20 min race down the entire mountain was so much fun and Steep manages to capture that to some extent. Steep however lacks any interesting track design. I think a big modern open world-ish SSX could be amazing. I highly doubt EA is going to invest in this or Skate though, as those IPs are never going to be as profitable as FIFA


Oct 26, 2017
the middle of the woods
That would be glorious. Loved SSX3. Also Amped 2 remaster - only game I need - would buy the fridge for that game.

Steep was ok, lacking trick system and no landing zones held it back for me.


Oct 28, 2017
I still want them to keep PS3/360 gens physics model, because I love how many more ways there were to build momentum and trick off things vs. the more restrictive tracks of the previous gsmes.

Just ditch the tracks centered around sliding on ice or any of the other survival stuff.

Dr. Mario

Oct 27, 2017
I loved SSX3. I think Steep however shows that this is definitely not the right time for a revival, because the GAAS sucked all the fun right out of the game. Current game design is no longer about the sense-pleasure of sliding down the mountain at breakneck speed doing crazy stuff, but about barf-illing the stuff you can compartmentalize and monetize for achievement style gaming. Until there's a paradigm shift in AAA gaming, they can leave the memory of these games nicely intact.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh man, give me another SSX any time. I'm done with EA just sitting on the IP.

That said, I do personally disagree with a lot that the OP says, like
- I'll take the SSX3 style over the Tricky style any day.
- I don't feel like either point the OP made under 'Ditch Open-World' are actually faults that were caused by the game being open-world, both points could easily be addressed while still also keeping the open-world design (which mind you, was essentially nothing more than just the ability to string multiple single tracks together).
- I don't want create-a-boarder to return, as I personally feel like the generic characters were a huge part of SSX on Tour missing so much personality. The over the top characters from Tricky and 3 were a huge part what made SSX imo.
- I personally much rather have a very well designed mountain with deliberate designs and limited set pieces than some elaborate tool to allow me to play the janky ass stages that the users might make. I would probably have loved to see such a feature pop up if the SSX series was ongoing and succesful, but at this point they need to prove if they can still make a good SSX game. An mediocre SSX with editor will always be mediocre, while a good SSX without that can still get it in a sequel without the series going under the ice for another decade.

Because a lot of the games after Tricky and SSX3 are usually dismissed, I also wanna sum up some of the good things those games have added to the series, cause while 3 and tricky are evergreens, all the games in the series were fun for their own merits.

- SSX on Tour despite being somewhat of a low budget affair in a bunch of places, still had a lot of very cool and unique track designs, definitely holding up to the games before it if you can look through the somewhat cheap aesthetics. It also opened the series up to more music styles that fit the game well.

- SSX Blur while failing at the gameplay part by continuing the On Tour slomo tricks, poorly implemented motion controls and lack of new content, the game added a very interesting style to the game which imo worked a lot better than some of the more realistic interpretations of SSX. It could've very well been one of the best SSX games ever made if it wasn't for the controls, as the game basically combined some of the best SSX3 maps with the best SSX on Tour maps and made a new mountain out of it. My dream sequel would probably follow the same idea Blur had and combine all the best tracks from all the SSX games into a new mountain. The Junkie XL soundtrack deserves a shoutout as well, as it was very well implemented (just hard to appreciate in a series where almost all games have an amazing soundtrack).

- SSX 2012 was in many ways a dream game to good to be true. By using their 'scan the mountain' technology they were able to create a huge amount of tracks, which while also creating a bunch of bad tracks and similarly themed tracks, there were also a bunch of amazing tracks which allowed for a lot of variety in the different modes. In peoples memory mostly all the fall off stages get remembered which is a shame cause there were a lot of really good track designs as well. Combined with a online system that had online events you could join that allowed for asynchronous multiplayer that can mostly be described as a trackmania kind of experience (later on in its life a more traditional multiplayer experience got patched in as well), this game was taken to another level if you had some friends that were into the game as well as it allowed for a cozy "jump from event to event with your friends" type of experience. The deadly descents part of the game, while occasionally adding unwanted mechanics to races and trick events, can also be very fun ways to play the game when the pure focus was on survival. There were definitely a couple of trash ones, but stuff like dodging trees through a foggy forest, making your way through a dark mountain with just a headlamp or surviving the (non-reversed camera'd) avalanche tracks made for some of the most exhilarating gameplay experiences in that game. So much so I still wonder to this day if this game would've turned out better if it didn't try to please the SSX crowd as much as it tried after the initial Deadly Descents reveal.

Just for reference with the things I said, this would how I'd personally rank the games:
1: SSX3
2: SSX Tricky
3: SSX 2012
4: SSX on Tour
5: SSX
6: SSX Blur

That said I still highly appreciate every entry in the series and still play the top 4 of those games pretty much yearly, so yeah, any type of new game or remake or remaster would be appreciated at this point.
Mar 25, 2019
SSX 3 was great specifically because of the connected world imo. Doing the 20 min race down the entire mountain was so much fun and Steep manages to capture that to some extent. Steep however lacks any interesting track design. I think a big modern open world-ish SSX could be amazing. I highly doubt EA is going to invest in this or Skate though, as those IPs are never going to be as profitable as FIFA
I think avoiding the open world design would help cut back on development costs, though, making it a less risky project. It would be more of a throw-back title than a true modernization. They could try for modernization if the throwback product moves
Mar 25, 2019
- I don't feel like either point the OP made under 'Ditch Open-World' are actually faults that were caused by the game being open-world, both points could easily be addressed while still also keeping the open-world design (which mind you, was essentially nothing more than just the ability to string multiple single tracks together).

I dunno; maybe I'm just old and crotchety, but I feel like the Open World gimmick is really shoehorned into a lot of game genres; this one included. I'm ok with multiple tracks being strung together, but at the same time, I just don't want to have to deal with "realism". I don't want to worry about canceling out of an event because I went "off-course"


Oct 25, 2017
My PS2 is still connected to my TV just in case I get the SSX itch. Tried emulating them on PC but they had the odd thing here or there wrong, or I was doing it wrong. I only want to fire them up and feel the SSX 1-3 goodness. Don't want to replay them fully. So yeah I am always of the mind that it is time. Not sure they could make anything as good as SSX 1-3 - personally speaking of course. They are intrinsically tied to me and my PS2 - loved those games.


Oct 25, 2017
I dunno; maybe I'm just old and crotchety, but I feel like the Open World gimmick is really shoehorned into a lot of game genres; this one included. I'm ok with multiple tracks being strung together, but at the same time, I just don't want to have to deal with "realism". I don't want to worry about canceling out of an event because I went "off-course"
I mean, I personally don't feel in SSX' case the mountain ever added realism to the game. At most it more realistically put the rougher tracks at the top of the mountain and the more urban tracks near the bottom, which isn't unlike the progression in the first two SSX game at all imo. The only game that really felt like it put more realistic concepts into the game was SSX 2012, but even there the more realistic looking tracks was a result of the base of those tracks actually being build from real life geographical data, the courses themselves were still very much single way tracks that had a start and a finish.

In none of the SSX games are you actually able to 'cancel out an event' by going off course. I think SSX on Tour had the biggest path variation with some races allowing you to pick a track midway through the race at a split path which could cause you to pick a bad route, but even there the two tracks would come back together into the next track before the race ends. The game would just respawn you on the right path if you for some reason managed to miss all the clear signs on a potential split. In SSX 2012 you could technically die, but outside of specific survival events you can just rewind yourself out of that. None of the games had stuff that's even comparable to Burnout Paradise actual open world structure, at best the actual single tracks got bigger over time allowing for more potential routes through a single track. All the SSX games just string single tracks together for the bigger events, it's all the same A to B racing and freestyling action as the originals just longer. It's mostly other decisions that made some of the entries feel less arcady and I'm convinced that they could even go even further into the open world side of things (like Steep levels of open world) and still make the game feel more like Tricky than the other sequels did. Not that I personally want that, I just don't believe that the open world-ness has to have anything to do with it.
Feb 8, 2018
just let the players decide when they want to be competitive and it'll be a gem for everyone. I don't think it'll come back, someone created a EA IP thread with the ones from the ps3 era and earlier I believe and Yup most of them are dead.

this project never returned since the reveal:
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Editor-in-chief at
Oct 28, 2017
just let the player decide when they want to be competitive and it'll be a gem for everyone. I don't think it'll come back, someone created a EA IP thread with the ones from the ps3 era and earlier I believe and Yup most of them are dead.

this project never returned since the reveal:

That was confirmed to be shut down, sadly.

I would go out and buy whichever console had a rebooted SSX on day one. I even quite enjoyed the reboot (got the plat in it), but I would absolutely kill for a Tricky like reboot!

Deleted member 21411

Account closed at user request
Oct 28, 2017
It's always time for ssx I just don't trust ea with it these days. Although I am one of those that actually really enjoyed the last effort too but monetization wasn't a thing
Oct 28, 2017
Would people ITT settle for a new Amped or 1080 failing an SSX return?

I guess :(

But SSX had a style and look all it's own. The bright colored markings on the snow, the bright sun, the awesome fireworks on a big jump.



Oct 27, 2017
Too bad it would end up being budget and looking like a mobile game (and probably releasing on mobile anyway).

Remember THPS5? :\


Honest Work
Oct 28, 2017
EA Big is no longer a thing. I would love for this to come back, but who would make it?
Given how much love the SSX games have gotten in it's absence I'm actually surprised there hasn't been an indy developer attempting to bring back an SSX style genre back.

And yeah I would absolutely love a new SSX game, EA really need some games like that to try to continue to get positive momentum after Fallen Order & NFS Heat.


Oct 26, 2017
Yes it is, but in the vein of the first and second ones. Art style, charisma, music, gameplay and lots of pretty fireworks.


Dec 29, 2017
Lisbon (Amadora), Portugal
Given how much love the SSX games have gotten in it's absence I'm actually surprised there hasn't been an indy developer attempting to bring back an SSX style genre back.

And yeah I would absolutely love a new SSX game, EA really need some games like that to try to continue to get positive momentum after Fallen Order & NFS Heat.

Pure is basically SSX without the fireworks, snow and snowboards.

As close as we've gotten to it and it was actually and pretty, pretty good game.


Feb 26, 2018
I miss EA BIG in general, they were just about fun and I definitely had a ton of fun playing the first 3 ssx games and the first two nba street in particular