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Nov 10, 2017
I guess I just am not bothered by the little things then. Once the game is started, that's what I care about. If I'm playing a 80 hour RPG or whatever, I'm not worried about the 2-second process of starting the game. I'm worried about the 80 hours I'm playing it, what is that experience like? Is it 30fps, 60fps or 144 fps for those 80 hours? Is it 1080p or higher? Is it ready to load and being right when I sit down or do I need to do some updates first? Does it take forever to load areas? So yeah, the launching of the game is the thing I care about the least when I play games.

If I played one game at a time in one 80-hour session, I agree these issues would be minor.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
I respect your opinion and if I had a different life with different history, situation, preferences etc I'm sure I could think similarly. But as is I have to say I disagree with basically every point of the OP.

Not only is it the best time to be playing games, I really think right now is just pc gaming perfection. I'm so thankful for my pc, I wish I could take the next fifteen years off work because there's so much to play.

PC will always be the indie king which is so valuable, the wider support of gamepads has made genres traditionally linked to consoles much better on PC, PC remains the only way to play many many games at 60 fps and beyond, modding and cheating on PC has never been better (of course you can't mod multi-player games why on earth is that a bad thing lol) and on and on.

As long as there are Bloodborne's, Mario's and Halo's exclusively on consoles, I'll be happy to own and play games on console. But something crazy would have to happen for PC to ever stop being my preferred platform.

Deleted member 27315

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017
WoW BfA shits on both together. Prof me wrong ;)
lol without going to Metacritic, but 79 on Metacritic?

If you like it it's ok. This is something else.

I respect GOTY games I don't like and I will never say that all you are biased except me if i don't like for example halo. But WoW BfA its not goty material. :)


Nov 14, 2017
So how would you play StarCraft 2 or the upcoming remaster of WarCraft 3? Do they work well with a gamepad (I'm honestly not sure - I know Diablo 3 manages, but not sure about those).

The answer is, you wouldn't; just like console players aren't going to. (I don't even know if Diablo 3 does manage to handle a controller on PC; maybe they patched it).

There are going to be games that require a mouse and keyboard, and while it would be great if everyone was willing to embrace a steam controller for that purpose, the reality is, if a user wants to play those games, they're going to have to step away from a controller. But that's fine; it's the users choice.

But there is a lot more devs and Windows could do to support controllers, and I would love to see that.


Oct 30, 2017
lol without going to Metacritic, but 79 on Metacritic?

If you like it it's ok. This is something else.

I respect GOTY games I don't like and I will never say that all you are biased except me if i don't like for example halo. But WoW BfA game will never be GOTY :)
Lol metacritic. Some few random people over the world with questionable opinions, just like people giving GOTY awards. Lmao. Learn to form your own opinion.


Oct 29, 2017
WoW BfA shits on both together. Prof me wrong ;)

Look at most general impressions from the community for your proof lmao. This is from someone who had multiple level 40+ necks before season 2, and pugged dual AotC while doing lots of key pushing. BFA is one of the last games I'd try to prop up as better than the heavy hitters. "Oh, they simplified the game AGAIN, and took away class sets(for 3 generic looks per tier)......but we got Islands that everyone loves!

Just disengage. They will just move the goalposts.

In this instance the Metacritic score is pretty in line with overall community engagement/feeling. "Beta For Azeroth" memes are prevalent for a reason. They missed the mark on the majority of new features and killed some older ones that worked well.


Nov 10, 2017
The answer is, you wouldn't; just like console players aren't going to. (I don't even know if Diablo 3 does manage to handle a controller on PC; maybe they patched it).

There are going to be games that require a mouse and keyboard, and while it would be great if everyone was willing to embrace a steam controller for that purpose, the reality is, if a user wants to play those games, they're going to have to step away from a controller. But that's fine; it's the users choice.

But there is a lot more devs and Windows could do to support controllers, and I would love to see that.

Yea it's not like I want keyboard and mouse games to go away. I think my preferred way to play them would be streaming from my powerful living room PC to a low-powered laptop on the kitchen table. Of course that re-opens even more cans of worms when doesn't play nice with Steam at all.


Oct 27, 2017
If I played one game at a time in one 80-hour session, I agree these issues would be minor.

Your issues are personal/specific to your preferences and don't reflect an actual issue with the platform. It seems, based on reading most of your posts, that plug-and-play is more important to you than any other benefit PC brings to the table by a significant margin. So, since PC currently doesn't have an easy way to do literally everything with a controller, it's a worse experience for you than consoles.

I just... I can't imagine a world where clicking a couple icons before playing the rest of the game with a controller is so aggravating that I'd choose to play on consoles instead or argue that they are superior UI experiences.


Oct 25, 2017
For me is not a big deal. GTA at 30fps sold more than all games you ever played. So you have to respect any taste.

"You have to respect any taste"
"Well 79 on metacritic..."

Also, basing your argument on goty awards isnt only flawed, it doesnt make sense.
Following your logic, that'd mean one to 3 games would be worthwile to play every year. It's nice that GoW gets a goty award. Doesn't change the fact I couldn't give two shit about that serie.

As for the goty awards themselves, well, most of the press is console centric. As you brought Metacritic on the table: How many games gets reviewed once they land on consoles ?


Oct 27, 2017
How is CB/4K not a thing on PC yet? I seen someone mention HDR is catching up to console, In what capacity? Will my OLED be utilised in 4K/HDR as it is on the pro/new consoles? Like i said i wont be giving up my TV since i spent a fortune on it. 4K/60/HDR/ultra not possible? so would i have to drop to console settings( med/high ) to achieve that. Also HDR game mode a thing on PC?

Just curious as dont wanna drop the money on the Area 51 if it's not going to totally utilise my TV like the consoles do/will.

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
lol without going to Metacritic, but 79 on Metacritic?

If you like it it's ok. This is something else.

I respect GOTY games I don't like and I will never say that all you are biased except me if i don't like for example halo. But WoW BfA its not goty material. :)
lmao, you're being silly. I could cite some multi-million selling lauded franchises on PC, and you'd instantly dismiss their 'goty-worthiness' based on the fact that they're not as highly ranked on Metacritic as some first party AAA spectacle on console - which in and of itself is an extraordinarily shallow way to judge a game and its impact or value, especially when you've chosen to remain ignorant of the reasons behind why some kinds of games tend to score higher than average than some others for the sake of this argument of yours

you know, I played and beat every one of those console games you listed earlier? GoW, BoTW, UC4, etc. etc. Some of those games rank among my favorite games! I wouldn't put one of them ahead of ArmA 3, though - a game I'm sure you know literally nothing about, but probably wouldn't hesitate to dismiss based on arbitrary number scores attributed to paragraphs written years before the game and its community grew into their own.

It's amazing, because through ArmA 3, I've experienced moments and sequences of gameplay that couldn't possibly be replicated elsewhere, on any platform... the kind of stuff some FPS gamers would dream of, tense and unbelievable multiplayer situations backed by an intricate combat simulation and massive worlds. I was playing Battle Royale through ArmA 3 a looooong time before the creator of that ArmA 3 mod, PlayerUnknown, based his newest project (PUBG) after it. I could go on about individual stories I can recall throughout my years of playing, stories that have really stuck with me. I'm not alone in having that experience, and as a result ArmA 3 has sold millions of copies and is still to this day one of Steam's most played games. so tell me all about how it can't be GOTY worthy, because it's not some basic console-exclusive big-budget single-player spectacle like Uncharted.
Last edited:


Oct 30, 2017
Look at most general impressions from the community for your proof lmao. This is from someone who had multiple level 40+ necks before season 2, and pugged dual AotC while doing lots of key pushing. BFA is one of the last games I'd try to prop up as better than the heavy hitters. "Oh, they simplified the game AGAIN, and took away class sets(for 3 generic looks per tier)......but we got Islands that everyone loves!
And I give zero fucks about your opinion, the community opinion, the metacritic, GOTY awards. Because, opinions. Just like people opinions about PC gaming being shit.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't care what some of you vomit on the keayboard but saying that WoW:BFA is anywhere near the word "good", much less GOTY material, is a crime against humanity.


Oct 29, 2017
How about for once we not try to convince the other side that there's a "better" way and just enjoy playing how we want? Literally no one changes what they like or how they approach gaming from them, and the point isn't really to have a discussion. It's all "my platform is better than yours" on repeat. Every platform has distinct advantages over the others, or no one would buy into them plain and simple. Let's just leave it at that.


Nov 10, 2017
Your issues are personal/specific to your preferences and don't reflect an actual issue with the platform. It seems, based on reading most of your posts, that plug-and-play is more important to you than any other benefit PC brings to the table by a significant margin. So, since PC currently doesn't have an easy way to do literally everything with a controller, it's a worse experience for you than consoles.

I just... I can't imagine a world where clicking a couple icons before playing the rest of the game with a controller is so aggravating that I'd choose to play on consoles instead or argue that they are superior UI experiences.

It's less of a problem if you game at a desk with a keyboard/mouse. Increasingly, if a game supports both kbm and gamepad, I enjoy the gamepad more.

If you play in your livingroom and don't want a bunch of peripherals laying around, it's annoying. Not to mention it just does actually suck to switch between physical inputs because a game needs you to accept a EULA or enter a textfield and didn't implement gamepad controls for that UI element. There's a ton of little issues like this.


Nov 4, 2017
"You have to respect any taste"
"Well 79 on metacritic..."

Also, basing your argument on goty awards isnt only flawed, it doesnt make sense.
Following your logic, that'd mean one to 3 games would be worthwile to play every year. It's nice that GoW gets a goty award. Doesn't change the fact I couldn't give two shit about that serie.

As for the goty awards themselves, well, most of the press is console centric. As you brought Metacritic on the table: How many games gets reviewed once they land on consoles ?

Can you give me new exclusives on pc that are AAA ?


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, outside of Nintendo platforms, I would say it's the other way around. It used to be that consoles and PC had pretty distinct types of games released for them, and it really meant that you had to buy a console if you wanted something like Final Fantasy or Tales of. Nowadays, most games are released on most platforms and PC ports have become significantly better than they used to be, so why would I bother with the option that gives me worse performance at a higher (per game) cost? If Nintendo ever went multiplatform, I don't think I'd ever buy a console again.


Oct 29, 2017
And I give zero fucks about your opinion, the community opinion, the metacritic, GOTY awards. Because, opinions. Just like people opinions about PC gaming being shit.

You ended with "prove me wrong" and I basically stated that those 2 games are revered far more by their players than BfA is by its players. That's as close to proof as you can get, and there's no point to posting if you're going to just go "well I don't care blah blah blah" at the end anyway.

Funny enough, I actually agree with you that BfA is better than GoW(I haven't played RDR2 because it looked so boring to me), but your argument is ridiculous. None of them would be close to my GoTY last year though.


Oct 25, 2017
Can you give me new exclusives on pc that are AAA ?

Not really and for a good reasons:
We moved to a multiplatform industry. Who's making exclusive AAA games nowadays ? First parties. Heck, if you count the real meaning of exclusives, which is one platform, only Sony is making AAA exclusives. No 3rd party publisher is making AAA exclusives anymore. They may have a temp deal for like a year at most, but it's what it is: a temporary deal.

Making AAA games cost a shiton of money. To the point they release on every platforms under the sun. And PC being a platform with no 1st party, you wont see a AAA exclusive. Now summing up gaming to AAA is already a mistake by itself.


Oct 28, 2017
Another pc pro is that on pc, you can use any controller you like, where on a console, you are limited. On pc and steam I can use a 360 controller, an xbox one controller, a ps4 controller or a switch controller, plus others. You don't have that kind of flexibility on consoles.


Nov 14, 2017
For me is not a big deal. GTA at 30fps sold more than all games you ever played. So you have to respect any taste.

What a weird outlook. Opinions and all that but "AAA or bust" means you miss out on a huge amount of incredible and diverse games. Playing only AAA media darlings would be so boring. It'd be like if you only watched summer blockbuster movies. Yikes.


Oct 27, 2017
You get what you pay for. If you want better performance than you get for a few hundred bucks, then you need a PC. It's that simple.

If you think about it, it's odd that hardcore gaming discussion online has always centered on consoles, these not-so-powerful mass-market machines. You would think that gaming enthusiasts, like photography enthusiasts or audio enthusiasts, would be the ones with exacting standards, who demand more, who have no problem learning new things to get better results. In fact, it's largely the opposite. For as long as I've been posting on gaming forums there's been widespread dismissal of PC gaming as "too expensive" or "too complicated." And these are the enthusiasts. Yet the fact remains: the $1500 machine is better than the $400 machine, and it's always going to be that way.

Deleted member 27315

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017
"You have to respect any taste"
"Well 79 on metacritic..."
Is completely different to respect a taste and again recognize a game as good or bad independently of your taste.
I can't say that HL2 was bad but if I don't like it i will respect that it was a goty material. Because it was a masterpiece.

I will not answer again the console-centric argument. We underestimate the value of dialogue.


Oct 30, 2017
You ended with "prove me wrong" and I basically stated that those 2 games are revered far more by their players than BfA is by its players. That's as close to proof as you can get, and there's no point to posting if you're going to just go "well I don't care blah blah blah" at the end anyway.
Tons of people here don't exactly like GoW with it's shity câmera + spider sense to compensate the shitty camera. This is proof tha the game sucks or only the media/most people opinion matters? Plus whats the standards of WoW players vs the standards of those GOTY players? ;)


Oct 29, 2017
Not really and for a good reasons:
We moved to a multiplatform industry. Who's making exclusive AAA games nowadays ? First parties. Heck, if you count the real meaning of exclusives, which is one platform, only Sony is making AAA exclusives. No 3rd party publisher is making AAA exclusives anymore. They may have a temp deal for like a year at most, but it's what it is: a temporary deal.

Making AAA games cost a shiton of money. To the point they release on every platforms under the sun. And PC being a platform with no 1st party, you wont see a AAA exclusive. Now summing up gaming to AAA is already a mistake by itself.

I appreciate the sanity in this post.

Tons of people here don't exactly like GoW with it's shity câmera + spider sense to compensate the shitty camera. This is proof tha the game sucks or only the media/most people opinion matters? ;)

It's "as close as" proof can get, because at the end of the day, two people can go around in circles about what game is the better and neither ever be right. It's a flawed discussion point to begin with. It just stood out to me that you brought up BfA with how hated it is by so many that play, to the point that they have completely changed significant portions of the core mechanics and basically promised that a system like Azerite will never return. Transistor and Super Mario 3D World are the best games to release this gen(since 2012) btw ;).


Nov 14, 2017
How is CB/4K not a thing on PC yet? I seen someone mention HDR is catching up to console, In what capacity? Will my OLED be utilised in 4K/HDR as it is on the pro/new consoles? Like i said i wont be giving up my TV since i spent a fortune on it. 4K/60/HDR/ultra not possible? so would i have to drop to console settings( med/high ) to achieve that. Also HDR game mode a thing on PC?

Just curious as dont wanna drop the money on the Area 51 if it's not going to totally utilise my TV like the consoles do/will.

I'm somewhat confused as to what you're looking for.

Things that PCs are currently not good with:
-HDR - It just varied game by game and doesn't seem like the current system level implementation is where it should be. Some games will work just fine, others will not.

Things PCs are currently good with:
-4k - Given a strong PC, you'll have no issues with this resolution. If you look to consoles, _most_ AAA console games are not at 4k, even on pro models. And even if they are...
-Ultra settings - Given a strong PC, you'll have no issues with these settings unless they are unreasonable performance hogs. Consoles aren't running games at these settings, and definitely not if they're at 4k (Probably running mid to low on some of these settings). If you're trying to do 4k and ultra settings, you'll need a very capable video card, but PC is the only place you'll be able to achieve these kinds of settings.

So HDR is the one area I think PC is really potentially lacking, though it still varies from game to game. Everything else, a good PC is going to be better than even a pro version of a console in 4k and settings.

Akita One

Oct 30, 2017
LOL...The OP post literally sounds like:

"PC gaming was cool when it was more hardware expensive over time and had less options to get that would have never been on PC before now, and are launching at cheaper prices...even FREE...then they used to...but now it's all popular and I don't feel as cool when modding and coming up with cheats! And these filthy casuals don't have to upgrade their new computers as frequently as I did, to play the vast majority of games on the market...but how about those GPU prices! Suckers!"

"I mean, people nowadays aren't as dependent on key resellers because there are other companies besides G2A and Steam that launch the same games at affordable prices! The travesty!"


Deleted member 2533

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
For me it was the other way around. I loved my PS2 and PS3 thanks to their japanese exclusive games like tekken, disgaea, yakuza, final fantasy, tales of, atelier and the list goes on but now I don't even have a PS4.

Same. Not just Japanese games, but also a lot of 3rd person action like Gears of War or Quantum Break would never have appeared on PC before.

Some of my fav games the last couple of years like MGSV, Dragon's Dogma, and MHW I would have never imagined appearing on PC during the PS3 era.

It also goes the other way, with indies like Super Meat Boy, or tradition computer games like Diablo 3 or D:OS appearing on console.

I used to be a console/PC gamer, but I stopped feeling the need to carry both. I miss the PS exclusives, but I still have the MS exclusives, so it works out. I could see some people dropping PC for console though. It's just not as necessary to be in multiple spaces.

Deleted member 27315

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017
lmao, you're being silly. I could cite some multi-million selling lauded franchises on PC, and you'd instantly dismiss their 'goty-worthiness' based on the fact that they're not as highly ranked on Metacritic as some first party AAA spectacle on console - which in and of itself is an extraordinarily shallow way to judge a game and its impact or value, especially when you've chosen to remain ignorant of the reasons behind why some kinds of games tend to score higher than average than some others for the sake of this argument of yours

you know, I played and beat every one of those console games you listed earlier? GoW, BoTW, UC4, etc. etc. Some of those games rank among my favorite games! I wouldn't put one of them ahead of ArmA 3, though - a game I'm sure you know literally nothing about, but probably wouldn't hesitate to dismiss based on arbitrary number scores attributed to paragraphs written years before the game and its community grew into their own.

It's amazing, because through ArmA 3, I've experienced moments and sequences of gameplay that couldn't possibly be replicated elsewhere, on any platform... the kind of stuff some FPS gamers would dream of, tense and unbelievable multiplayer situations backed by an intricate combat simulation and massive worlds. I was playing Battle Royale through ArmA 3 a looooong time before the creator of that ArmA 3 mod, PlayerUnknown, based his newest project (PUBG) after it. I could go on about individual stories I can recall throughout my years of playing, stories that have really stuck with me.

but tell me all about how it's can't be GOTY worthy because it's not Uncharted and it's not 'AAA', whatever you think that means
ok I like flappy bird more that assassins creed.

I am glad you like whatever you like.

Deleted member 27315

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
Valve still makes games. And even then, they dont believe in exclusives. They bought Campo Santo a few months ago. Their next game is still releasing on consoles too.
Heck, Portal 2 was also on consoles.

That's what I meant by "not a guarantee". I do think if - IF - Half Life 3 is ever made, there's a chance that one might be PC-exclusive.


Oct 25, 2017
PC gaming is so HOT and PROFITABLE that Valve even stopped making games and just focus on selling them.....



Oct 29, 2017
Valve still makes games. And even then, they dont believe in exclusives. They bought Campo Santo a few months ago. Their next game is still releasing on consoles too.
Heck, Portal 2 was also on consoles.

Left 4 Dead, The Orange Box.....what was the last non-DOTA, non-Artifact exclusive they made?
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