
Nov 13, 2017
Played the hell out of it last night, got to the second boss and kinda got stuck on it. The game is AMAZING. As someone who is very familiar with the build engine and making Duke3D levels using the same level editor that Ion Fury was made with, the amount of work that's gone into the levels here is absolutely STAGGERING.


Jan 22, 2018
Anyone else have issues with the enemy ai? The enemies are constantly getting caught on items in the level and the corner of doorways or even just constantly running into a wall. I'm hoping its a bug or something because the rest of the games pretty great.


Oct 27, 2017
So, Ion Fury or Blood: Fresh Supply?

Didn't play Blood beyond the first level back in the day so both will be new to me. Which one would you say is better?


Oct 27, 2017
Is anyone else epxerience a slight, slight delay/lag when firing and until the projectiles actually reaches the enemies? Its weird to me, I fire, and by the time the bullets are coming out the enemies already moved

Deleted member 16136

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Game is basically my wish come true. With all the indie Mega Drive/SNES type platformers being made I always wondered why nobody had attempted making a new game using an old (but updated) engine like Doom/Duke Nukem 3D, well here we are it finally happened and its absolutely fookin' brilliant.


Oct 27, 2017
I just recently discovered that Blood exists, and had a shit ton of fun on it, i will be picking this up down the road.
It seems to be a rare treat.


Oct 27, 2017
Managed to find the Crossbow in the level with all the fans toward the end, was pretty cool. Liking that most of the weapons have alt fires. No idea how you were supposed to get the armour off that pillar in the first level's second area though.

Game could use a little more feedback when you're getting shot, sometimes half my health is gone without me noticing on the third difficulty setting.


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
Played a little under an hour and I'm really enjoying it so far. My Nieces (6 and 8) both seemed really enamored with it too. It's so cool to see kids reacting to games with these 'retro' art styles and being accepting of them.


Oct 25, 2017
You want context, let me just get on 3D realm's discord and share how wonderful this looks with context.

Conversation was sparked by this:

Followed by one of the lead developers posting a laughing emoji in response to someone sarcastically saying "How patriarchal of you to assume SJWs are men" :

Followed by the screenshot in my first post then finally with this:


I was going to buy this later today, I was so hyped.

Aaron D.

Oct 25, 2017

Sooo....Soundtrack release when, guys?

Seriously. I'm throwing my money at the screen and nothing's happening.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
I am loving this game. It's difficult in a good way, and exploring the levels is just the right level of difficult to find the right path. We need more games built in the engines of old. Sonic Mania and this prove that great products can still be made from older engines.

Deleted member 25870

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
Are there any plans for a Mac release? Or am I just not looking hard enough?

Edit: Got my answer, thanks.
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Oct 25, 2017
Will be keeping an eye out on this game, get it for the Switch if it runs well there.

EDIT: Well, nevermind after the latest news.
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Oct 28, 2017
Played for about an hour and a half last night and this is probably my favorite shooter since Doom 2016. Its just super cool and feels great to play.


Oct 25, 2017
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
I finished the first zone last night, and it was quite fun! The secrets are so well hidden. Actually I'll admit that they are TOO well hidden for me to give a shit about trying to find them. I watched an all-secret runthrough of 1-1 and after seeing some of that shit I decided to just run and gun through without breaking up the pacing too much to press e on everything and try to jump on random pixels multiple screens away from the secret lol. Also I wish the game would have mentioned alt-fire modes. I saw the option in key binding but it didnt let me bind it to my mouse button, so I thought it would be something I unlock later? Turns out that's wrong and you have to bind it in the mouse binding section. This game is definitely solid so far. Not having quite as much fun as I did with Dusk, but it's close. Man, what a great time to be a fast paced, oldschool fps fan.


Oct 25, 2017
The secrets in this game are a lot more, well, secret that is Duke, where you generally just had to look behind the scenery to find a hugeass button or a destructible wall. In Ion Fury you have to often pull stupid crap like jumping on electric wires half a map away to get to the secret. Not really fun, at least to me.


Oct 25, 2017
Twenty5Thousand Would you be willing to make a new thread about the devs of the game saying what they have? Personally, I was super interested in this game until I saw your images. I think more people should know before they pull the trigger.
Oct 25, 2017
Man, I can't stop gushing over the level design. Legit, some of these levels are better than even DN3D. Some of them are worse, too, but to achieve that kind of high? The devs should be proud of this.

Also, both the pistol and shotgun are some of the most satisfying guns in a shooter period. The shotgun less so, but fanning the hammer, or getting a one-tap HS manual aim just feels fucking right.


Oct 26, 2017
Man, I can't stop gushing over the level design. Legit, some of these levels are better than even DN3D. Some of them are worse, too, but to achieve that kind of high? The devs should be proud of this.

Also, both the pistol and shotgun are some of the most satisfying guns in a shooter period. The shotgun less so, but fanning the hammer, or getting a one-tap HS manual aim just feels fucking right.
It's the opposite for me, scoring headshots with the shotgun feels so good in this game that I'd use it all the time if I could.

Fully agree on the level design as well, it's pretty amazing that they're as expansive as they are and I've only really gotten lost once or twice. There are definitely one or two duds but it's not like Duke, Blood and Shadow Warrior were flawless in that regard either.

Deleted member 28523

User requested account closure
Oct 31, 2017
this game really demonstrates some of the major pitfalls of the build engine games. so it seems pretty authentic so far.

DUSK seems a fair bit better. although that game also has some big problems. we're so close yet so far.


Oct 27, 2017
I just switched from gamepad to K+M and it's a world of difference. It's still far from ideal though as my PC is hooked up to my TV and I'm playing on the couch, so my keyboard is on my lap and the mouse on the couch next to me. This works fine for browsing the internet and such, but playing games wreaks havoc on my left wrist, but even so, the game plays so much better now.

Maybe I should set a little table in front of me.


Oct 28, 2017
São Paulo - Brazil
Look at these junk food voxels! So gorgeous. I feel this is a rare skillset we would be hard pressed to see practiced anywhere else.

Also, are people aware that you can pull props in the environment? Just line up your crosshair, hold use, and move backwards! This can help you reach inaccessible areas.

It took me a while to realize you actually have to press 'e' to eat those. I thought just moving over them did the job. And I wish you could actually pick objects rather than pulling them, it would make moving them around much easier.


Jan 20, 2019
Is anyone else having issues with screentearing or fps stuttering depending on vsync settings?

If any type of vsync is on screen tearing is fixed but the frame rate isnt smooth, if its off the frame rate remains smooth but I get screen tearing.

Deleted member 28523

User requested account closure
Oct 31, 2017

I can 100% make this jump but there's a dumb invisible wall blocking me. I know I'm the only one in the world but I fucking despise invisible walls. I believe that's a secret area that I missed as well. I don't know how I'm actually suppose to get there.


I can make this jump since there is no invisible wall but I'm not suppose to be there and my only option is to reload my save. Both of these are from Level 3. You can't have these super obscure secrets and have stuff like this in it. They needed some really skilled playtesters and it seems they didn't have any.

I also really hate the spider and drone enemies. shooting things with small hitboxes is never enjoyable. one of the reasons I bounced off Prey reboot. big chunky enemies please.

And finally the fall damage is insane. You take so much for how little you fall and it completely stops your momentum for a second. There are tons of climbing and platforming sections and even jumping off a staircase completely fucks you over if there are enemies near by. It's incredibly unfun to have your movement fucked up like that. remove the fall damage completely.

I'm probably considered nitpicking but these things are destroying the game for me. I've played for an hour and I'm not too happy so far. Blood Remaster was the better build engine game this year.


Oct 28, 2017
São Paulo - Brazil
I also really hate the spider and drone enemies. shooting things with small hitboxes is never enjoyable. one of the reasons I bounced off Prey reboot. big chunky enemies please.

And finally the fall damage is insane. You take so much for how little you fall and it completely stops your momentum for a second. There are tons of climbing and platforming sections and even jumping off a staircase completely fucks you over if there are enemies near by. It's incredibly unfun to have your movement fucked up like that. remove the fall damage completely.

The pistol secundary fire mode is very good to get those flying drones, and the ion bow seems to hit them easily for some reason. I think the problem is how many of them sometimes there are. Dealing with one or two is one thing, dealing with 5 or 6 is another. Same thing for the spiders, dealing with one large group is ok, but not every 2 minutes.

And I 100% agree with the fall damage, games like this shouldn't have fall damage at all.


Oct 26, 2017
I feel like the SMGs should be more of your bread and butter and not a here and there item to burn through enemies with. They run through ammo so fast and if you aren't super thorough, you're gonna miss a fair amount of secrets and, in particular, SMG ammo. Even just using one instead of dual-wielding them, that shit can go fast lol. You already have the minigun and explosives as weapons with comparatively limited ammo, I don't know why the SMG had to be there too.


Visited by Knack
Oct 25, 2017
While I'm enjoying the game so far (I'm only an hour or so in), there's definitely some things that are bugging me. For all its authenticity to the older build games, something that really sticks out to me is how incredibly precise you need to be with your targeting. I jumped back to Duke 3D to compare, and it's much, much easier to actually hit enemies at any range. It feels as if your targeting "hitbox" is more like this:


...whereas in Fury, it feels closer to this:


It also seems like the enemies in Fury are regularly much further away and much faster moving than their DN3D counterparts, which means that (for me at least), running and gunning is far less viable here. Especially when using Loverboy, I find myself frequently slowing or completely stopping to line up shots, rather than doing what feels more natural, i.e. mashing that mouse button while sprinting across rooms.

The other major quibble I have is with the reloading. Reload animations feel incredibly long and slow, not to mention super frequent. Realism be damned, I want big clips in these guns!

Is anyone else having issues with screentearing or fps stuttering depending on vsync settings?

If any type of vsync is on screen tearing is fixed but the frame rate isnt smooth, if its off the frame rate remains smooth but I get screen tearing.

Yep, many reports both here and on the Steam forums of this. I've found some success running windowed with vsync off and an 120fps cap in-game. It ain't ideal, but it's the best way to play that I've found.