Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
If you take the time to read his argument instead of jumping on the thread title, he's not wrong, though, it's not about Democrats and Republicans but the precedent it sets. Hahaha, I can't, fuck off into the sun, you piece of shit.


Oct 27, 2017
And we are done here.

Video Kojima

Apr 5, 2020
What a piece of shit.
This is also why Muller never did anything either.
They're worried about the precedent it sets. They don't care about justice. They're OK with the precedent already set. The one where rich white people can break the law without consequences, and black, poor, and brown people being killed for no reason, and without even being given due process.

I hope they jail that motherfucker Trump, and his whole fucking family. Along with whatever accomplices he had.


Feb 28, 2018
Hm, was he concerned with fostering the trust of the American people when he dropped that Hillary letter a week before the election?


Oct 27, 2017
I get the concept but why would you specifically say "no matter the evidence?" That's absurd. My dad says the same shit, that he should pardon himself for "all crimes real or imagined" and I get it because the idea in some people's minds is that it'd be some witch hunt case but "all crimes?" Like if he killed a hooker and dumped her in the Hudson and the NYAG found out it should be ok because you can't go after an ex-President?

People are off their rockers. If he did some real shit I want him in jail. If they can't prove anything but maybe a little bit of tax fraud the level likely most rich people do, ok, maybe whatever, but I sure as fuck wouldn't give him some kind of blanket immunity for whatever he's done.

Deleted member 9241

Oct 26, 2017
Republicans who never cared about what Comey had to say concerning how troubling Trump was: "We should listen to what Comey has to say about this"


Nov 25, 2017
Why don't you walk your ass over to the corner and face the wall and just shut the fuck up forever Comey, how about that?


Oct 29, 2017
Get the fuck outta here

Edit: He wrote this before the bullshittery that was the Sunday phone call, but still after EVERYTHING Trump has done you think not going after Trump will somehow reunify the American people? What the actual fuck? That is the whitest bullshit I have ever heard. Hold public officials accountable every single time.
It's almost comical how contemporary centrists have managed to contort their bodies into such a shape that they arrogantly seethe with self-righteous indignation prescriptions they claim to be in the spirit of our supposed infallible founding fathers and their document, yet, what they prescribe is in utter opposition to the spirit and letter they inscribed.

The founders fucking made Ben Franklin give up a harmless locket from the French king because they thought it could both personally corrupt and erode the confidence of the people in government, they rooted their entire document based on the notion that branch would check branch and that adversarial posture would ensure representative democracy would always incentivize and pursue wrongdoing of the other branches in a way that would send a clear message that bribery and corruption would be punished. Giving executive autonomy while in office but removing it when vacated.

Ignoring criminality and corruption from the highest office would never be seen as a virtue by the framers, it would be seen as dangerous precedent and a failure of the system....Yet dumbfucks like Comey somehow think that to be the moral high road for the country.


Oct 25, 2017
Any public figure who says something like this has something to hide and should probably be looked at themselves tbh


Chicken Chaser
Nov 16, 2017
He should be... and all his collaborators, and all the people who made him possible.
He, and they, won't be however. The democrats aren't like that unfortunately... and no one wants to set the precedent of prosecuting an outgoing president.


Oct 26, 2017
This motherfucker and his nothing letter is one of the reasons why Trump got into office.

He can fuck off to the moon and back.


Oct 25, 2017
I wish there was enough will, backbone, and justice in this world to see the people who have done such horrific damage prosecuted. But I don't think we live in that world. I sincerely doubt that Biden will pursue any charges against Trump. I hope I am wrong.


Oct 27, 2017
Comey is just a grifter now. He has to say something a bit shocking to get interest in his new book.

Of course it's wrong and he can fuck right off. You break trust by not prosecuting someone merely because they are privileged. You undermine the rule of law. You reinforce inequality and cement division.

Investigate impartiality; charge and prosecute for actionable crimes; convict where found guilty. No matter who it is. That's building trust.

And fuck Comey again. He needs to go away for ever.


Oct 25, 2017
This fucker being in charge of a major arm of federal law enforcement tells you how corrupt and politically malleable criminal punishment is in this country.


Oct 25, 2017
Comey comes out of the woodwork to remind everyone that he's a Republican.
Hopefully that officially puts an end to the embarrassing lionizing the media and liberals were doing for him, Mueller, and the Lincoln Project. Enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friend.


Nov 14, 2017
Not content with holding one of the biggest Ls of 2016 and 2017, Comey is hoping to make it a 3 ring circus in 2021.

Lost Lemurian

Nov 30, 2019
Opinion: James Comey should be investigated for possible collusion and sedition during the 2016 election, during which he held an uncalled-for press conference to make false and defamatory statements about one candidate and not the other.

Put this Frankenstein-looking mother fucker in jail for intentionally using his position to tip the election for Trump. There's gotta be something you can fucking charge him with.


Oct 26, 2017
He's kinda running out of time to pardon himself. Like he only has a week. He can't do it retroactively. Once he's out hes out.


Oct 27, 2017
I agree with Biden's stance of letting the DA go back to acting independent of the president. If the DoJ decides on its own that persuing a criminal case is a worthwhile use of its resources then go for it. I wouldn't want a new president going after the previous to be a thing either. Ideally the DA let's it go and Trump is locked up by the cases the states have against him.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Shut the fuck up, Comey.
Trump has broken law after law. That deserves prosecution.


Oct 27, 2017
He's kinda running out of time to pardon himself. Like he only has a week. He can't do it retroactively. Once he's out hes out.
The week the news was hardcore talking about this the experts pretty much all said he can't pardon himself. He'd have to step down and have Pence pardon him. Imagine him actually doing this. Scared into a corner because the accumulated filth of his corruption and sedition has foamed up about his waist and in his final hour looks up and shouts "Save me!"... and Pence looks down, and whispers "No."


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I mean, sure James, Biden isn't gonna do shit to prosecute Trump...

...because he won't have to. The SDNY has been frothing at the mouth to go after the guy for his multitude of financial crimes for years.


Oct 27, 2017
He couldn't abide by Dick Cheney's surveillance program, almost resigned because of it, and fought it all the way to the President (who was unaware of the full extent of his VP's machinations), who then scaled back the program to fit within the confines of the law because of Comey's actions.

Yet, investigating Trump, or anyone connected to him is a bridge too far. He was willing to go against the Vice President for spying on American citizens, but is ready to sweep this President's innumerous, far graver crimes under the rug. Despite the fact that he seems to feel that Trump, Flynn, and Barr are all guilty as sin, he still argues that it's time to move on.
Right? It's also a pretty odd opinion coming from a former head of the FBI, who saw exactly how neck deep in criminal shit Trump is, to the point where he had to leak info to the press so people would know what was happening behind the scenes.


User requested ban
Dec 13, 2019
A former head of the premier investigation department in the country argues against prosecution no matter the evidence. Doesn't seem like he's approaching this without bias. Maybe I should write a letter to him.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't understand how letting the country's biggest criminal and mass murderer go free would restore trust in the system.


Oct 28, 2017
On the one hand, I somewhat agree with there being some need to foster trust with some of the more sane elements. On the other hand, this would means that any Republican politician in the future will know they can do anything (and I do mean anything) and get away with it, no matter what they do. And so they will do that. So no.


Oct 27, 2017
He won't be. Not by the Federal Government, man's going to pardon himself.

States will go after him and Comey can't say a damn thing about that.

I think most people saying the justice dept. shouldn't pursue charges against Trump are only saying it because they're 100% confident New York will be doing it instead.