
Oct 25, 2017
True and this absolutely needs to be challenged in court because it's insane. If a President can commit genuine crimes and pardon himself, that's a pretty big fucking loophole that needs to be addressed.

The "loophole" is supposed to be addressed by Congress by way of impeachment and trial. Only impeachment occurred, Senate shielded him from trial.


Oct 25, 2017
Nah. Sorry - infinite lack of liability is also the thing ruining peoples lives via business rights. Fuck Trump, his entire family, every businessperson associated with them, and every corrupt person that touched them. And for every illegal thing done put them in jail.


Mod of the Year 2006
Oct 25, 2017
Setting aside the moral issues of letting a trump go without punishment.

What unity would letting him off bring? What idiot thinks trump's cult would be any less fanatical through this gesture?


Oct 25, 2017
Fuck you Comey.
A large part of the shit we've been through in the past 4 years is on you.


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
That entire 2017-2018 period of politics produced so much material that aged badly.



You look 40
Oct 25, 2017
New York
Comey is one dumb mother fucker. Really shows how stupid and incompetent you can be and still reach great heights.


Oct 27, 2017
Lets be honest with ourselves, nothing is going to happen to him regardless of james saying something.
Oct 25, 2017
This dude is legit clueless as fuck if he thinks that showing that the President is above the law is the way to regain the peoples' trust in government.


Mambo Number PS5
Oct 27, 2017
Ha, by his own argument, the way to build the trust of the American people is to ensure that no one is above the law. If the evidence is there, lay it out and prosecute.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Sounds good Jim. It's not Biden's call, it's the DOJs and the federal attorneys.

I also wonder whether Comey would reconsider. This was written in his book before the last 2 months of Trump literally trying a coup to become president for life, including committing a felony by soliciting election fraud from an election official... on tape.


2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017
If white collar crime was prosecuted with as much veracity as violent crime we would all have a way better country.


Nov 27, 2017
Sounds more like a veiled threat to trump/bring it on to the next guy to me. I mean admitting there's piles of evidence isn't doing trump favors


Oct 25, 2017
People will keep putting this on Comey, but the reality is that that's the sentiment of the President elect, his surrounding team, the Congress leaders, and likely most Senators too.
So, you can expect more side people to carry water for Biden in the next months (and we shouldn't be surprised when people in this forum also start to argue in favor too).

Which, I personally feel is unnecessary at this point, because they can just go for the classic Democrat approach, which is to postpone decisions for "a better" time, in the nebulous future.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
If white collar crime was prosecuted with as much veracity as violent crime we would all have a way better country.


He would be speaking different if Trump was running a heroin ring. What's fascinating is people like Comey absolutely believed in that affluent white men pinkie handshake promises to not break the norms would hold and it didn't*...but wants to go back to that same system as opposed to I dunno...maybe putting in safeguards and actual punishment for trying to destroy democracy.

*and to be honest, of course he would think this way. Dude has two books, presumably a nice huge house for his grandchildren to play in, and has enough connects to make sure his life and the people around him will be comfortable until he dies. So of course he wants to go back to the old days because even when they were looking dark for 99% of the country, dude was sitting pretty.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
People will keep putting this on Comey, but the reality is that that's the sentiment of the President elect, his surrounding team, the Congress leaders, and likely most Senators too.
So, you can expect more side people to carry water for Biden in the next months.

Which, I personally feel is unnecessary at this point, because they can just go for the classic Democrat approach, which is to postpone decisions for "a better" time, in the nebulous future.

I understand it politically; you want Trump to go away since there might not even be enough oxygen in the room to also deal with prosecuting Trump in addition to all the other balls in the air. I want blood from him and all of his family down to his grandkids who will most likely have trust funds based on these ill gotten gains, but I get it.

My beef is you can't sell letting treason slide as a 'greater good', particularly from someone who got us in this mess by also letting shit slide because they believed Trump would do the right thing. Something that he would have called bullshit on if it was a drug smuggler. It should be a holding your nose, feeling dirty about it, apologetic all along the way move...not some shit which is sold as proof of the stability of our republic when you let a dude you knew was horrible go ham because of 'appearances'


Oct 25, 2017
I understand it politically; you want Trump to go away since there might not even be enough oxygen in the room to also deal with prosecuting Trump in addition to all the other balls in the air. I want blood from him and all of his family down to his grandkids who will most likely have trust funds based on these ill gotten gains, but I get it.

My beef is you can't sell letting treason slide as a 'greater good', particularly from someone who got us in this mess by also letting shit slide because they believed Trump would do the right thing. Something that he would have called bullshit on if it was a drug smuggler.
The problem is, that old Democrats are still clinging to the idea that supported the GOP too: Pretense of Law and Order, to keep stability.

That's one of the reasons of why Trump's message resonated so strongly; because of the inaction to change and improve.
So, it does not take too much to understand that if Biden does not seize the moment now.. that everyone (GOP, Leftists and general Public) are expecting justice for Trump and his enablers, then the pendule will swing in the other direction, and the whole administration will get drowned from every possible side (some to take advantage, others from disillusion) and we will innevitably get another Obama 2.0

Not doing what they were elected to do, is not only abdicating their own responsibilities, it's trading expedience (to calm the waters early on), for long term damage.
Because really, if negative consequences are palatable for traitors, then there is no reason to not keep trying.


Oct 25, 2017
I guess we can applaud Comey for his investigation, but he is likely the reason we got Trump in the first place. For all his criticism, he put party over country and led to this complete erosion of democracy. He can fuck right off. He is responsible for the fall of the republic.


Oct 25, 2017
We saw how that went after W Bush, so no thanks. It's long past time we ignore the misdeeds and crimes of previous presidents because it's politically convenient.


Oct 27, 2017
If white collar crime was prosecuted with as much veracity as violent crime we would all have a way better country.
If it was prosecuted with the same vigor as minor drug crimes even.

People will keep putting this on Comey, but the reality is that that's the sentiment of the President elect, his surrounding team, the Congress leaders, and likely most Senators too.
So, you can expect more side people to carry water for Biden in the next months (and we shouldn't be surprised when people in this forum also start to argue in favor too).

Which, I personally feel is unnecessary at this point, because they can just go for the classic Democrat approach, which is to postpone decisions for "a better" time, in the nebulous future.
But also, this too.

I fully expect Trump to get away with absolutely everything, I don't think anybody is going to prosecute him for anything because everyone with the power to do so will have this same fucked up mentality as Comey. The absolute most I expect is a mild fine on some low hanging state charges, and even that I'm skeptical about.

If they actually were interested in restoring my faith in the system and institutions, they'd start by prosecuting and then jailing Trump. You know, actual accountability.


Mar 3, 2018
The only good thing we ever got from this fucker was that story about Trump inviting him to dinner and promising that others would be there, only for him to show up and be the only guest.

That was funny.

But aside from that SHUT UUUUUUUUP!


Oct 29, 2017
On the one hand, I somewhat agree with there being some need to foster trust with some of the more sane elements. On the other hand, this would means that any Republican politician in the future will know they can do anything (and I do mean anything) and get away with it, no matter what they do. And so they will do that. So no.
The sane position is that allowing corruption and criminality to go unpunished is the far greater risk to long-term democratic stability than triggering the partisans and galaxy brain centrists of the moment consumed by loyalty or a warped concept of civility politics

Appeasing it simply does exactly what you said, normalizes this behavior and provides a roadmap for how to perpetually get away with abuses of power and make our road out of this period of democratic backsliding that much harder.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Wonder if Coney's dumbass still feels this way given what's currently happening


Oct 26, 2017
James Comey is a massive piece of shit and he has always have been, people should read a bit about his tenure in the FBI and in Bush's DOJ. Like people remember the emails bullshit with Hilary, but he did waaaaaaaaaaay worse in his career.


Oct 30, 2017
I think most people saying the justice dept. shouldn't pursue charges against Trump are only saying it because they're 100% confident New York will be doing it instead.
Exactly. I don't want Biden and the Fed Justice Dept to go forward with anything. Rather leave it to the states. Last thing we need is something misconstrued as a "coup" by the left that our allies/enemies will bring up. Even if Trump is attempting and failing on the right.