
Oct 25, 2017
There are some deluded people out there that think that they can make Biden step down and somehow magically Bernie Sanders will become president.


Dec 14, 2018
Some people aren't capable of thinking in gradients/greyscale, especially in ethics and morality; their brain just goes straight to black and white absolutes. You see it here a lot.

Also white privilege; politics is like console wars or sports and not something that affects their actual lives on a daily basis

Yep. Hold onto those morals as the world burns, and people die. At least you'll be unsullied.

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
After yesterday's tweet, anyone unironically trying to both-sides Trump and Biden at this point has to be

A.)Privileged as fuck


C.)Still butthurt about the primaries

C.)All of the above


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
How many people here say they are the same? I've seen it mostly saying they're both bad options, just of different degrees.

Honestly if Biden loses what may be possibly the easiest electoral layup in years, it won't be because a few extremely online angry people decided to not vote.

He will lose because of the 'I am not voting, they are the same' crowd like Hilldawg.

Like, I GET the apathy. But at the same time, if you can't be motivated to vote against the racist fascist, it says less about the candidate and more about the populace.


Well, Tosca isn't for everyone
Oct 31, 2017
I mean, I don't think many see that it's a 1:1 situation. Perhaps it's more something about thinking that Biden will not solve the problems that led to Trump winning, or what he represents. That the democratic party will just keep the status quo.

You may get better tweets if that's what you want, but in the deeper political spectrum, they really aren't much of a change.

It's still better than GOP or Trump because of how delicate situations with minority is right now.
Oct 27, 2017
How many people here say they are the same? I've seen it mostly saying they're both bad options, just of different degrees.

Honestly if Biden loses what may be possibly the easiest electoral layup in years, it won't be because a few extremely online angry people decided to not vote.

There been a few...mostly along the lines of...'There are two rapists to vote for now..I can't decide' remarks/
Oct 25, 2017
i'm tired of this forum swinging around to the same shaming tactics to traumatized and abused members. just leave people alone, like oh my god.

GoldenEye 007

Roll Tide, Y'all!
Oct 25, 2017
it's not about trump. yes i understand the american system is a 2 candidate system, but at the end of the day, there are a myriad of legitimate reasons to not vote for either and accusing people of voting for the bad guy by abstaining is not helpful.
And that's fine. Like I said, Biden has clear issues and wasn't my first choice. But this is just about among those reasons, one of them being that Trump and Biden are actually the same. That's the question brought up here.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
He will lose because of the 'I am not voting, they are the same' crowd like Hilldawg.

Like, I GET the apathy. But at the same time, if you can't be motivated to vote against the racist fascist, it says less about the candidate and more about the populace.

Hillary lost because of less than 100 thousand votes spread across a few swing states. All data indicates Biden is polling well in the states and demographics Hillary lost in. Biden is not the same candidate Hillary is, and Hillary didn't lose because a few angry Bernie Bros said "fuck the system" and didn't vote.

There been a few...mostly along the lines of...'There are two rapists to vote for now..I can't decide' remarks/

lmao okay then so we're doing this now


Nov 8, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Selfish assholes with tunnel vision. Especially beautiful are the ones that love saying their vote doesn't matter cause they live in CA anyways (I do too). Well golly gee, you're privileged to live in a very blue state. goodforyou.gifs

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
He will lose because of the 'I am not voting, they are the same' crowd like Hilldawg.

Like, I GET the apathy. But at the same time, if you can't be motivated to vote against the racist fascist, it says less about the candidate and more about the populace.

There is FAR less antipathy for Biden than there ever was for Hillary.

Don't believe me? Just look at the state primaries where Biden absolutely STOMPED Bernie in states where he had beaten Hillary in 2016.

People didn't like Bernie in 2016, they just hated Hillary THAT much...
Apr 21, 2018
Even if Biden isn't great, he'll tow the party line and he isn't a tyrannical monster. He and his cabinet will make far better decisions for what's best for people.

If you are from a swing state, voting for him is the responsible thing to do.
Oct 26, 2017
Mushroom Kingdom
I just had some internal struggles with this in Trudeau thread

The levels between bad/destructive and good leadership are becoming pretty apparent these days.

One thing is clear to me, this isn't South Park's satire of choosing between a turd sandwich and a douche anymore. lol


Sep 21, 2018
Adults are aware that voting is always picking the least worst of the bunch, even if you do it pinching your nose, in order to slowly steer the incredibly heavy, high inertia cruise ship that is society in the direction you prefer, or at least limit the damage.
Kids, idiots, and the self eating left that would rather wrap itself in holier than thou purity in a burning world than vote for a non perfect candidate are not.
That is pretty much it.
Mar 7, 2020
If people are not willing or motivated to vote for your candidate, that says more about your candidate then the voters.

Also, no candidate is guaranteed votes, they need to earn the vote. Just because your a democrat doesn't mean minorities have to vote for you. The excuse of but the republicans are worse won't work, because what will voting for you do for me? If you can't even put in any effort to earn my vote, I am not going to put in the effort to vote for you.

As for the sky is falling narrative. Have you not been paying attention to what live has been like for minorities under both democrats and republicans? Here's a hint...they both suck. Just because one is worse doesn't invalidate that democrats are sometimes just as bad as the republicans.


Oct 25, 2017
Cool so were still shaming people if they have a personal reason for not voting for Biden? Great stuff. Way to win people over to your side on that one.
I mean after the last few days, it's only going to happen more and more. Trump going full on facist and racist, people will do everything at all costs to get trump out.
Oct 27, 2017
lmao okay then so we're doing this now

What are we doing?

In the light of Biden's assault accusations proving false, more dead from COVID than Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, 9/11, Afghanistan, and Iraq combined, and his actions in the last week, i do begrudge people for not voting for Biden.

Voting is a personal decision, if you can't find it within yourself to vote for him, I mean that is for them to decide. You just can't compare the two and say they are the same, thats factually wrong, I'm just going based off of the OP.

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
If people are not willing or motivated to vote for your candidate, that says more about your candidate then the voters.

Also, no candidate is guaranteed votes, they need to earn the vote. Just because your a democrat doesn't mean minorities have to vote for you. The excuse of but the republicans are worse won't work, because what will voting for you do for me? If you can't even put in any effort to earn my vote, I am not going to put in the effort to vote for you.

As for the sky is falling narrative. Have you not been paying attention to what live has been like for minorities under both democrats and republicans? Here's a hint...they both suck. Just because one is worse doesn't invalidate that democrats are sometimes just as bad as the republicans.

The president literally tweeted yesterday for rioters and protesters to be shot.

Deleted member 2761

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
It's less about "he's worse than Trump" and more about "a perpetuation of circumstances that allowed for someone like Trump to take office in the first place".
Oct 25, 2017
Biden was VP to a guy who similarly called protesters in Baltimore thugs in 2015

And I'm not sure it is "worse than Trump" just another status quo keeping candidate who will stifle any real change that is needed for a better society.

He's promised to veto M4A if it ever reaches his desk. Maybe the pandemic and how 40+ million people are now out of work has changed him a little bit, but I'm not sure I'll ever trust someone who says things like that


Oct 25, 2017
Biden was VP to a guy who similarly called protesters in Baltimore thugs in 2015

And I'm not sure it is "worse than Trump" just another status quo keeping candidate who will stifle any real change that is needed for a better society.

He's promised to veto M4A if it ever reaches his desk. Maybe the pandemic and how 40+ million people are now out of work has changed him a little bit, but I'm not sure I'll ever trust someone who says things like that
And yet he never once called for them to be shot down and annihilated in the streets by the military.


Oct 25, 2017
If people are not willing or motivated to vote for your candidate, that says more about your candidate then the voters.

Also, no candidate is guaranteed votes, they need to earn the vote. Just because your a democrat doesn't mean minorities have to vote for you. The excuse of but the republicans are worse won't work, because what will voting for you do for me? If you can't even put in any effort to earn my vote, I am not going to put in the effort to vote for you.

As for the sky is falling narrative. Have you not been paying attention to what live has been like for minorities under both democrats and republicans? Here's a hint...they both suck. Just because one is worse doesn't invalidate that democrats are sometimes just as bad as the republicans.
Incredible. Just incredible. After all the shit Trump has said and done and you have the fucking nerve to say "they both suck?" Goddamn, what the fuck is the matter with you?

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
How dare you shame me from making false equivalencies, OP!!!

That's what the "Biden and Trump are the same" or "Biden and Trump are two sides of the same coin" or "BIden and Trump a choice between two rapists" or any number of the ways it's put has devolved to for a specific, radical set. It stopped being "How dare you shame me into voting for Joe Biden!" into this "How dare you rebuke any assinine false equivalency I may make -- I SHALL NOT BE SHAMED!" As if there is something to be proud of in making brainless false statements.

There are still people who will resort to the kneejerk "Well then it's the DNC's fault for not picking a better candidate for me," which is assinine and detached from reality, but I think people really hold onto their tribalistic pride, and because their candidate lost -- even if their candidate wholesale endorses Biden -- there's a stinging feeling from that, and they'll never let it go, and so rather than engage with reality they stick their head in the sand and repeat the same mantra-like chant... "DNC. DNC. DNC."


Genuinely though, I do think that a lot of people who had their pride damaged after the results of the Democratic primary have pulled back from the absolutism and false equivalencies. 100,000+ people have died, millions have been sickened, 40million Americans are out of work, Trump is rage tweeting about sending the military into shoot Americans, and a billion other things have happened since Super Tuesday and the days and weeks that followed. At the same time, the Biden campaign has clearly built a coalition that Hillary Clinton was unable to really build in 2016. Biden got support by reaching out, compromising, and adding the ideas of his primary opponents to his ticket, and so that's how he so quickly built a liberal and progressive coalition. As the COVID crisis has set in, there is a real interest in persuing progressive policy, and where as even Bernie Sanders admitted he'd likely have to win with a minority, there's a growing likelihood that Biden leads with a majority if he becomes president... And could potentially pull along the senate with him... Something that seemed far less likely even in December and January.

Double 0

Nov 5, 2017
If people are not willing or motivated to vote for your candidate, that says more about your candidate then the voters.

Also, no candidate is guaranteed votes, they need to earn the vote. Just because your a democrat doesn't mean minorities have to vote for you. The excuse of but the republicans are worse won't work, because what will voting for you do for me? If you can't even put in any effort to earn my vote, I am not going to put in the effort to vote for you.

As for the sky is falling narrative. Have you not been paying attention to what live has been like for minorities under both democrats and republicans? Here's a hint...they both suck. Just because one is worse doesn't invalidate that democrats are sometimes just as bad as the republicans.

One sucks more. We'd like things to suck less, or perhaps not suck.

Letting Trump win leads to more suck.

This is simple shit if you stop letting ego get in the way.


▲ Legend ▲
Sep 23, 2018
Like legit, you have to be literal blind to not see how Trump is a hundred times worse and his actions this week cement it, he is having a literal children tantrum against twitter for marking his hateful rhetoric


Jun 28, 2018
I understand why people are frustrated, seeing a Biden nomination as an indicator that none of the progress they pushed for on health care, student debt, income inequality, etc. will be realized. The idea that "nothing will change" for the richest among us. I get that.

But I'm never going to buy the suggestion that Biden is "just as bad" as Trump. It's not true. There are plenty of legitimate reasons to criticize Biden, but putting him next to Trump and thinking "these things look the same to me" is just not true. Maybe it's hyperbole, maybe it's frustration, maybe it's something else. But it flies in the face of everything we've learned about Trump over the last half decade.

(And this is excluding the statements from genuinely bad actors/bots on social media who are purposefully looking to drive down turnout specifically to help Trump. I'm not equating people here to those, not saying "If you don't vote Biden, you're a bot." Just noting that those accounts do exist.)


2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017
Even if certain people have reasons to not vote for Biden please vote down ticket. Thank you. I'd rather have a wholly blue senate and House more than anything. I still think Biden wins end of the day the white majority in this country decides elections. And as long as the burbs go blue it's over for trump. On top of swing states doing mail in ballots. Like PA and Michigan

Deleted member 12352

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
As someone who thinks Biden is trash... anyone who everseriously tried to make this claim is either a dishonest pos or utterly fucking delusional.

Deleted member 6230

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Haven't met a soul who thinks Biden is as bad as Trump and I don't really see this sentiment expressed anywhere.

Tophat Jones

Alt Account
Oct 26, 2017
No comparison in my eyes. Biden isn't great but he's SO much better.

The opportunity to go and vote down ballot is hopefully enough to get everyone out on voting day. We can flip everything blue and come out of this shit show with hope for some legitimate change.