
Mar 1, 2021
lol front and center anyone that has played AC wouldn't had actually expected otherwise

i'm very excited to see how it's mechanics have evolved with froms current talents/experience
Oct 28, 2017
It's hard for me to imagine a big AAA game in 2023 where you are choosing missions from a menu, doing them, then being returned to a menu. At least with games like Monster Hunter you are returned to a home base which is like a big interactive menu area with stuff to do. I'd like to think they'd go for something closer to that style...


Oct 27, 2017
It's hard for me to imagine a big AAA game in 2023 where you are choosing missions from a menu, doing them, then being returned to a menu. At least with games like Monster Hunter you are returned to a home base which is like a big interactive menu area with stuff to do. I'd like to think they'd go for something closer to that style...

Isn't Nioh like that? at least the first one was.

Edit: Not a menu but a 2D map.


Oct 31, 2017
Love the assembly part of mech games. Just make sure that people have to factor in weight, item position etc. I want to be able to build weird stuff 😂😂


Oct 27, 2017
Is it possible to enjoy Armored Core games if I do not play shooters?
I can not aim at all and that diminishes the fun for me a lot.

I do not play shooters at all and I was ok with AC. Each iteration is a little different but AC doesn't ask for the same type of accuracy as far as aiming goes. Quick turning and camera related stuff are also tied to parts so there are pros and cons to turn speed so you can just make something that has strength elsewhere.


Oct 25, 2017
One aspect I do hope they completely overhaul is melee and give you proper close range movesets


Oct 31, 2017
I am ok with missions, as long as those mission maps are varied and give players the chance to wander and find some secrets etc.
May 23, 2020
""Boss battles are the highlight of the game in this title," Yamamura said in a separate statement. "The essence of the battles, in which the player reads the enemy's moves and then plays games with them, is of course provided, as is typical of FromSoftware. In this title, both the enemy and your own machine are aggressive and violent in their attacks. We are developing the game so that players can enjoy the dynamic and intense boss battles that only mechas can offer, along with the unique aspects of AC, such as how to assemble the right parts to take on the strongest enemies.""

This is all I cared about. If they can nail this, i dont mind playing a completely different game.


Mar 1, 2022
Mission based design is just so outdaded and archaic in this day and age and is really not my cup of tea at all. This will be a very niche title. It was shit in Nioh games and others of their ilk as well


Oct 25, 2017
how did this even become a thing? Like why would FromSoft make all games soulslike/sekiro?
People might think their winning formula for the last 10+ years would get shoved into other properties only for them to show that they can do other things.
It's sounding like an Armored Core ass Armored Core game and the leaked screenshot looked like it too. Now it's going to have an uncomparable budget to older games and really cool boss battles.


Oct 25, 2017
I kind of go back and forth on the idea of adding a hub at least. I think there's some cool stuff From could do with a merc hub that had NPCs around that you could talk to and maybe hire, and having a customizable pilot would give a lot of people a constant to latch on to that you lose from a mech that can change so drastically mission to mission (I understand that others may not need that or get that elsewhere though). Not to mention if they have co-op that would give you a place to run around and emote with friends and take a look at each others mechs and stuff if they wanted to go that route.

On the other hand, I get that a physical hub you have to traverse to do things you originally could do quickly within a UI can be frustrating and slow the experience. I do wonder if there is some in between they could reach though. Like the hub is mostly for talking to NPCs/lore/social stuff, while you can access gameplay specific things (customization, mission selection, etc) from the menu at all times.


Nov 20, 2017
Mission based design is just so outdaded and archaic in this day and age and is really not my cup of tea at all. This will be a very niche title. It was shit in Nioh games and others of their ilk as well

Monster Hunter is clear example of how a modern mission based game can work, and with World/Rise the series has never been more popular.


Mar 1, 2022
Monster Hunter is clear example of how a modern mission based game can work, and with World/Rise the series has never been more popular.
At least in MH you get to accept missions from the board. I dont know how From plans to implement it here but it literally sounds like the Nioh template

I feel like the success of ER has literally meant nothing for them
Oct 26, 2017
So glad they're keeping the mission structure and a focus on multiplayer. Missions will certainly allow them to go wild with level design/varied environments, rather than having to build around having a cohesive world/map.

And after ACV I was also expecting a bigger focus on MP, glad that's not the case either lol! Boss battles are gonna be wild, and I do think the granular customization of the mechs will help battles feel more varied depending on your build than in Souls.


Oct 25, 2017
Yes but its not mechs and again almost no one does it nowadays. They should have stuck with ER or DS, BB format. This is just disappointing
"Souls" fans were initially apprehensive of how fast BB looked, like some werewolf game without shields. They've got this far doing what they want and the people not into this can sit this one out.


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
Mission based design is just so outdaded and archaic in this day and age and is really not my cup of tea at all. This will be a very niche title. It was shit in Nioh games and others of their ilk as well

Missions are a design technique like any other, it's not something that can get outdated. And in the case of a game like Armored Core, it makes it easier to replay missions or have big changes between missions. Rather than trying to force all that into a world and have to compromise.


Mar 1, 2022
"Souls" fans were initially apprehensive of how fast BB looked, like some werewolf game without shields. They've got this far doing what they want and the people not into this can sit this one out.
BB had the same DS structure despite these apprehensions. Putting mission list in a modern game though is like going back in time to PS1/PS2 era


Oct 25, 2017
Im sure they know that the Mecha genre is nowhere near as big as fantasy , so I pressume they are viewing this more as a passion project than looking for it to do huge sales. Though the FROM software name has been boosted to a new stratosphere by Elden Ring , so it may sell great from that alone.
Oct 27, 2017
how did this even become a thing? Like why would FromSoft make all games soulslike/sekiro?
For the very same reason you're grouping all their modern games together :p

There is a certain level of irony to people asking why there was an expectation for this to play like their "modern" games while at the same time seemingly grouping together every new game they make into some weird conjoined genre.

Like I'm sure as different as this will play, next it'll be "soulsbourne/sekiro/AC" instead of just acknowledging they're different series with different conventions that just share underlying design philosophies


Oct 25, 2017
BB had the same DS structure despite these apprehensions. Putting mission list in a modern game though is like going back in time to PS1/PS2 era
Mission lists might as well describe most Racing games that aren't open world. How dare these race tracks not be open world, F1, Nascar and the like are inhuman wastes of time according to you.


Oct 27, 2017
People might think their winning formula for the last 10+ years would get shoved into other properties only for them to show that they can do other things.
It's sounding like an Armored Core ass Armored Core game and the leaked screenshot looked like it too. Now it's going to have an uncomparable budget to older games and really cool boss battles.

yes that is the great part. I am happy that From has found such a successfull formular with the souls games but people should be more open to their other ips.


Mar 1, 2022
Mission lists might as well describe most Racing games that aren't open world. How dare these race tracks not be open world, F1, Nascar and the like are inhuman wastes of time according to you.
Racing games dont have storylines so they can do non open world. An AC game in ER or DS/BB format would be juicy. I just feel this is a wrong decision and they already alienated me with this and others like me


Oct 25, 2017
yes that is the great part. I am happy that From has found such a successfull formular with the souls games but people should be more open to their other ips.
Exactly. Some people act like they are going to wither away and die from this as if they didn't have a game that sold more than 17 Million copies this year and aren't letting it get to their heads.


Jun 30, 2021
Demon's Souls is effectively mission based gameplay it's just the levels of the different zones/worlds are interconnected - so that template could work with a hub and say five or six separate sections of Rubicon where missions take place, but i think its pretty likely to be missions taking place in their own set pieces to give them freedom to craft exciting missions and bosses exactly how they want (though it will be interesting to see how much of it is Doom-esque sci-fi factory type environments and what variety is in there) with the story unfolding in those missions. I think being a mercenary taking on jobs - doing it through menus is totally fine in the context but a small hub/garage would help with immersion, walk around, have a few select allies around the hub like Sekiro, see the scale of the armored core in relation to the player character


Oct 25, 2017
Yes but its not mechs and again almost no one does it nowadays. They should have stuck with ER or DS, BB format. This is just disappointing
I honestly don't know how AC would work outside of a mission structure (however you approach that) and still be faithful to the IP. It just wouldn't be the same type of game. As a spin off game or another IP? Sure, but seems like they wanted to do a true AC sequel instead of just using the IP for name recognition.

Racing games dont have storylines so they can do non open world. An AC game in ER or DS/BB format would be juicy. I just feel this is a wrong decision and they already alienated me with this and others like me
As much as I'm sure they'd love to draw in more of their recent audiences, I think they're more interested here in not alienating their AC fans. This is the right decision unless they're only interested in making the most money possible with every game release.


Oct 27, 2017
Demon's Souls is effectively mission based gameplay it's just the levels of the different zones/worlds are interconnected - so that template could work with a hub and say five or six separate sections of Rubicon where missions take place, but i think its pretty likely to be missions taking place in their own set pieces to give them freedom to craft exciting missions and bosses exactly how they want (though it will be interesting to see how much of it is Doom-esque sci-fi factory type environments and what variety is in there) with the story unfolding in those missions. I think being a mercenary taking on jobs - doing it through menus is totally fine in the context but a small hub/garage would help with immersion, walk around, have a few select allies around the hub like Sekiro, see the scale of the armored core in relation to the player character

I mean 5-6 huge zones and a HUB is just Monster Hunter, which would work fine as a template for AC6 that retains mission based and still allow them to flex their map design abilities with more intricate zones instead of small, individual maps per mission. If they just take the Monster Hunter approach to game loop they can put forth all their experience forward. Dedicate mission to unlocking more of each map as well for progression purposes so it gives off a similar feel as older games instead could also be a consideration.


Oct 27, 2017
Can't wait for the obscene amount of customization.

I think from a young age, thats one of the first thing that grabbed me about From Software's games. In their best, you get to mess around with alot of shit.


Oct 25, 2017
Racing games dont have storylines so they can do non open world. An AC game in ER or DS/BB format would be juicy. I just feel this is a wrong decision and they already alienated me with this and others like me
Sounds more like you are trying your hardest to make your tastes in games sound the most narrow as can be. This is gonna be a return of their main game franchise that kept them afloat before souls games were a thing, the fans exist and look how hard of a battle it was to make souls games sound appealing to anyone.


Feb 15, 2018
No soulsbourne gameplay, I'll pass. I'm not into mechs.

I'm genuinely Happy for Armored Core fans though. As I've seen a request for a new game on numerous occasions.🤘🏼


Oct 25, 2017
It's hard for me to imagine a big AAA game in 2023 where you are choosing missions from a menu, doing them, then being returned to a menu. At least with games like Monster Hunter you are returned to a home base which is like a big interactive menu area with stuff to do. I'd like to think they'd go for something closer to that style...

Depends on how they do missions. If it's like Last Raven, mission selection actually impacts the ending you get so mission selection isn't particularly linear. Even in the first Armored Core you were put down a "route" depending on what missions you were completing, though at the time it was a binary "attack a space station or attack a train" kind of decision making.

You could probably have a hub area ala Daemon Ex Machina to interact with characters, look at your mech, and go from there. I can see them making a Raven's "nest" hub area that expands over the campaign, and if it has any cooperative elements as the fifth gen AC titles did, you can probably do them from that base.
Last edited:


Mar 1, 2022
I mean 5-6 huge zones and a HUB is just Monster Hunter, which would work fine as a template for AC6 that retains mission based and still allow them to flex their map design abilities with more intricate zones instead of small, individual maps per mission. If they just take the Monster Hunter approach to game loop they can put forth all their experience forward. Dedicate mission to unlocking more of each map as well for progression purposes so it gives off a similar feel as older games instead could also be a consideration.
That sounds better. I just hope its not just dumb select a mission --> customer your mech --> click start as it sounds like from the interview. Like for it all to be all menu based with no hub or anything like that.


May 20, 2018
Meh, lame. I was expecting some souls like game design in this a new core game after a long haitus.

Can't say that I'm excited for this one compared to their previous entries


Oct 27, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Just by the nature of a mech game and AC games in general too, the size of the level of a mission are far bigger in scale than any foot soldier sized Souls level. The emphasis on the solo campaign means they will be a lot of cool post-apocalyptic landscapes and gigantic structures that can dwarf mountains.


Mar 1, 2022
It's hard for me to imagine a big AAA game in 2023 where you are choosing missions from a menu, doing them, then being returned to a menu. At least with games like Monster Hunter you are returned to a home base which is like a big interactive menu area with stuff to do. I'd like to think they'd go for something closer to that style...
This is exactly what I am saying. Its just outdated. If we look at games that did this, like Nioh series, the storytelling there was weak af and incoherent mess that didn't flow nicely at all. Its sold well because of the good combat system, not because of its mission design. I guess this could also be applied to the new AC game too, but we will see how it goes.


Oct 28, 2017
From the interview, I'm guessing they are still using the in-house engine? Nothing else was mentioned, or if it were a new engine.

They also said you don't have to play previous AC games to enjoy or understand this game... story wise. They are unrelated.


Oct 25, 2017
Sandy Eggo
I think it's funny people are getting their jimmies rustled with conclusions when all we have seen is a trailer and one interview and not any gameplay. These mother fuckers have been hitting grandslams for over a decade. This will be another grand slam. Have faith.


Oct 27, 2017
Just by the nature of a mech game and AC games in general too, the size of the level of a mission are far bigger in scale than any foot soldier sized Souls level. The emphasis on the solo campaign means they will be a lot of cool post-apocalyptic landscapes and gigantic structures that can dwarf mountains.

I'm interested in how they go about designing locations for combat purposes. In Souls games the boss arenas are all very basic, and going through the game it's generally more about being aware of your surroundings in a defensive manner instead of utilizing your surroundings in an offensive manner. Environmental interaction is something I'm really curious as to how much they will take into design considerations. They had some of it just for flavor in ER, so I hope they will explore on this a bit more in a game where environmental destruction can carry a lot more weight in gameplay. Using a foreign planet (in a really messed up section of space no less) as the setting also means there are basically no restrictions what they want to add for the terrain and stuff.