
Oct 25, 2017
Don't worry Souls fans. You can always mod Gundam into Elden Ring.



2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017
Linear AAA action game with boss battles being the highlight sounds absolutely perfect to me. I hope this succeeds so more publishers make more linear style action games.
Not totally linear, more you woudl have gates where you have choices of missions that show up. So you would do certain missions in whatever order you want as they come up.

Dr. Ludwig

Oct 31, 2017
IGN: Is it fair to say that Armored Core VI will be closer to the Soulsborne games than the series has been in the past?

Hidetaka Miyazaki: No, we've not been making a conscious effort to try to direct it towards more Soulsborne type gameplay. First of all, let me just make that clear.

LMAO Vaatividya

Straight to the point and no BS. Respect to Miyazaki.


Oct 25, 2017
As soon as I saw the "VI" I knew this wouldn't be the Armoured Souls people were expecting. If they were to turn it into a Souls game, they 100% would have rebooted it.

It's cool to see FromSoft stick to their guts even if I personally may not like it. I don't remember exactly why I couldn't get into AC but it had something to do with the customisation.

Son of Sparda

"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Max in shambles.

He was jumping up and down during the reveal screaming Mecha Souls.


Oct 26, 2017
Atlanta, GA
I mean, I'm glad Miyazaki said it so plainly. Way too many reactions on Youtube and elsewhere were like "oh my god! They're making robot souls!"

No, dude, they're making Armored Core 6.


Oct 27, 2017
The problem with an AC "interconnected world" is that it's just not well suited for the mecha genre. Battles in AC can take place over several miles. How do you build a world that's A) actually fun to explore and B) full of things to do when you can blaze across it in seconds, completely missing details because you're moving too fast? How do you restrict player movement when the player can boost through walls and fly?

The kind of world design people got in Elden Ring just does not work for giant robots.

I believe you just need to think in a (much) larger scale. You can't build Elden Ring with robots because castles, dungeons and tombs do not fit a mech game but you can have canyons, mountain passes, huge alien structures, underground complexes, enemy bases, etc. It would feel very different from Elden Ring but that's just the point cause we don't really want Elden Ring with robots. But you can still have a cohesive world, you can have exploration.

The premise in a souls game is not so far detached from your average AC game, you're an independent agent in both and have a choice of npcs and covenants/factions to align yourself with by way of completing quests/missions. So why not have your mercenary actually discover these factions via exploration of the planet's surface in order to accept those missions?

I saw a playthrough of AC 1 the other day. Even with the ps1 limitations and the mech scale constraints there was a nice exploration component to
the missions, with the game's best weapons (one of them ACs version of Moonlight Greatsword btw) cleverly hidden in the levels. I can't even imagine what From could come up with in terms of level design with today's hardware, not everything has to be arena battles across miles of barren landscape. It could be a lot more without it becoming 'mech souls'.


Oct 27, 2017
I hope there's more interviews coming from other outlets. I'd love to hear more about it being cross gen, how they're hoping to appeal to OG AC fans and what their expectations in terms of reception+sales are now they're considered a powerhouse studio, instead of all this 'yeah but how is it soulsy tho' stuff


Oct 25, 2017
I don't need it to be Souls, but what the old ACs were like certainly doesn't interest me. So... we'll see I guess.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I believe you just need to think in a (much) larger scale. You can't build Elden Ring with robots because castles, dungeons and tombs do not fit a mech game but you can have canyons, mountain passes, huge alien structures, underground complexes, enemy bases, etc. It would feel very different from Elden Ring but that's just the point cause don't really want Elden Ring with robots. But you can still have a cohesive world, you can have exploration.

The premise in a souls game is not so far detached from your average AC game, you're an independent agent in both and have a choice of npcs and covenants/factions to align yourself with by way of completing quests/missions. So why not have your mercenary actually discover these factions via exploration of the planet's surface in order to accept those missions?

I saw a playthrough of AC 1 the other day. Even with the ps1 limitations and the mech scale constraints there was a nice exploration component to
the missions, with the game's best weapons (one of them ACs version of Moonlight Greatsword btw) cleverly hidden in the levels. I can't even imagine what From could come up with in terms of level design with today's hardware, not everything has to be arena battles across miles of barren landscape. It could be a lot more without it becoming 'mech souls'.

I think the issue there is that you'd need to build hundreds of miles of open world for that. It would be extremely, extremely expensive, or the open world would have to be mostly unpopulated empty space, and as we all know reviews LOVE to hammer on open worlds for being barren and empty. I just feel like the benefits of building a world like that are outweighed by the costs and drawbacks of scaling the design out that wide.


Fallen Guardian Corrupted by Vengeance
Dec 18, 2021
After this Interview, I can get hyped.
I didn't believed it would become a 'Mecha-souls' but a little bit fear was there. Thank God it's not.


This guy are sick of the unshakeable slayer
Nov 11, 2017
One thing is clear, Bamco needs to publish an "Armored Core Collection" asap to make the older titles more accessible. I had to bust out my PS3 in order play AC1 this weekend, lol.


Jun 26, 2020
Glad FromSoft's breathing new life in their older properties. Wish the older AC games were on PS Store, or any of their older non-Souls FromSoft games for that matter.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Glad FromSoft's breathing new life in their older properties. Wish the older AC games were on PS Store, or any of their older non-Souls FromSoft games for that matter.

Did 3D Dot Game Heroes ever get a Steam release?

Where did the idea that AC6 was going to be a souls game come from?

People like Max and Vaati speculating about it while the game was a rumor and then overreacting to the announcement as if "mecha souls" was a done deal.


Oct 27, 2017
the bonfire mechanic is the only thing thats a souls game uniquely a souls game to me. This can have everything else, but if no bonfire, no souls game


Oct 25, 2017
People have literally been getting non stop souls games for more than a decade, I'm happy theres gonna be a big mecha game again and not just a mecha skinned souls game.


Oct 25, 2017
We have avoided "Armoredeldensoulsbornekiro" timeline, praise be to Yevon!


Oct 25, 2017
The interview was edited for clarity - this can mean cutting and changing what they say to make it clearer, or, given it is said in response to the interviewer who is saying soulsbourne repeatedly trying desperately to wish armored souls into existence, it can be taken to be in inverted commas, as a response to the interviewers question. I wouldn't exactly take it seriously.
Gotcha I was referring to the interviewer using it
Did 3D Dot Game Heroes ever get a Steam release?
No, it didn't, and I'm not sure how likely it is with Silicon Studio having since transitioned into being more of a middleware developer after their work on the first two Bravely games. Honestly, From could stand to do more with their back catalog in terms of re-releases, even for the games that they themselves didn't work on like that one or the Tenchu series.

Deleted member 41651

User-requested account closure
Apr 3, 2018
What a relief to see From putting this out. I'm not a diehard fan of AC but I've got serious Soulfatigue after like almost 13 years.

Game is gonna bomb hard though. ER brought in a whole fuckload of new people who expect only Souls games. Add in FOMO boosted by social media which caters to people's need to "be a part of the conversation," general accessibility due to open world approach etc.

I'll never understand why except for Gundam, mechs and Mecha don't capture people's imagination yet real life war machines, cars, planes etc do. Either way, can't wait to experience a big budget mecha game that isn't some jankfest whose shipping tracking number doesn't involve going thru customs lol.


Oct 27, 2017
Glad it's mission based, honestly I think Sekiro would have been better that way.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
What a relief to see From putting this out. I'm not a diehard fan of AC but I've got serious Soulfatigue after like almost 13 years.

Game is gonna bomb hard though. ER brought in a whole fuckload of new people who expect only Souls games. Add in FOMO boosted by social media which caters to people's need to "be a part of the conversation," general accessibility due to open world approach etc.

I'll never understand why except for Gundam, mechs and Mecha don't capture people's imagination yet real life war machines, cars, planes etc do. Either way, can't wait to experience a big budget mecha game that isn't some jankfest whose shipping tracking number doesn't involve going thru customs lol.

Realistically I think From just won't expect the game to sell as well as Elden Ring did and I don't think they think that's a problem. They're making this game because they want to, not because they think it'll be their best-selling game ever.

No, it didn't, and I'm not sure how likely it is with Silicon Studio having since transitioned into being more of a middleware developer after their work on the first two Bravely games. Honestly, From could stand to do more with their back catalog in terms of re-releases, even for the games that they themselves didn't work on like that one or the Tenchu series.

For real. They could do a lot better with their legacy content. Imagine a Shadow Tower Abyss HD Remaster, lol. That stupid fucking game.


Jan 27, 2018
One thing is clear, Bamco needs to publish an "Armored Core Collection" asap to make the older titles more accessible. I had to bust out my PS3 in order play AC1 this weekend, lol.
The IP isn't theirs. That's what sucks with AC is that it went through a million publishers some not even in business today. They sign up publishing deals with From for each entry. How many of them did Bandai Namco publish?