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Nov 4, 2018
Tales of Phantasia
Final Fantasy VI
Star Ocean: The Second Story

Three worlds I would love to see remade with modern graphics.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
NieR, Valkyria Chronicles, and Persona 3 - with an honorary shout out to Advanced Wars Days of Ruin.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
CT is a game I don't really see need for a remake for. It isn't like Xenogears in your list in that it has a verbose script that desperately needs a new translation. It's battle system is solid, quick, and lacks RNG elements so you don't even get that "ugh another random battle" feeling a lot of older games give you.


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Oct 28, 2017
1- Chrono Trigger
2- Chrono Cross
3- Breath of Fire IV

Chrono really could use a remake like the Mana series.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
If Beyond Oasis counts, that, though it's probably more adventure/action than RPG. I don't think it has to be remade, but I really loved that game on the Genesis. I never had an SNES and so I didn't play any SNES Zeldas at the time, so I was really impressed with it.


Fallen Guardian
Oct 27, 2017
1. Dragon Force II
2. Panzer Dragoon Saga
3. Shining in the Holy Ark

sega saturn games need more love
Nov 1, 2017
CT is a game I don't really see need for a remake for. It isn't like Xenogears in your list in that it has a verbose script that desperately needs a new translation. It's battle system is solid, quick, and lacks RNG elements so you don't even get that "ugh another random battle" feeling a lot of older games give you.
The main selling point of a remake isn't to fix issues of the base game though.


Oct 31, 2017
AD&D Pool of Radiance,
Curse of the Azure Bonds, and
Pools of Darkness

I'd also love a remake of FF VI, VIII, and IX

And single player XI


Oct 25, 2017
Ideal or monkey paw?

Your number 2 (xenogears) would be my number one for ideal, but it's one I wouldn't want to hear news of it happening in the real world tomorrow since I don't think it would be done well.

Wait, this is just a thread for people to post 3 things and not read anyone else's post, right


Oct 25, 2017
OP, you really should start out your own thread by not making it a list without explanations.

With that said, my dream "All FF" list would be:
  • FFVI - It's my favorite game ever and the mobile remaster was garbage (from a visual standpoint). I doubt it gets the FFVII-esque remake but something with Octopath-like visuals would be awesome
  • FFXIII - I really just want the three games in one package with some updated visuals and some minor sidequest additions
  • FFT - Update the visuals, add some QoL features and have realistic cutscenes and BOOM


Mar 3, 2018
The topic poster named three of my favourite RPGs (all of them are games in my top six of all time). I don't want to see modern remakes of any of those games. Generally, the more I like the game, the less I want it to be remade.

Here are some I want:

1. Panzer Dragoon Saga. I've never played this game, and it costs an insane amount of money and is apparently difficult to emulate. The only way I can see myself playing it is if it gets remade.

2. Shin Megami Tensei I and II. Atlus keeps porting these games, but I'd rather see them remade with some of the modern games' quality of life features. If they remade them with Nocturne-level graphics and atmosphere, that would be amazing.

3. Fire Emblem 4: Genealogy of the Holy War. It seems like the obvious choice for Nintendo to remake this Fire Emblem next, and I'd certainly appreciate playing this game with some streamlined menus and modern Fire Emblem conveniences. It gets bonus points for having no prior official English release, too.

Honorable Mention: Xenoblade Chronicles. In many ways, this game is one of my dream remakes. However, we already know that it's being remade and released next year, so there's no need to dream.


Jun 8, 2018
1. SaGa Frontier
2. Ogre Battle
3. Breath of Fire 2

SaGa Frontier is a great game that needs a bit more polish and content. Ogre Battle is an epic that needs a better interface. Both could use a more accessible release. And a BoF2 with a new translation and a decent battle mechanic overhaul (make dragons fun, add BoF 3/4 enemy skill/master system and camps, better townbuilding) would be a great game.


Nov 3, 2017
Portland, OR
FFX because I realized while watching a playthrough recently that the biggest issues it has are about the janky cinematic aspects.

Xenogears but unless it had an unlimited budget it would turn out horribly.

I mean, part of the consideration here is would a remake make the game better or worse, and I'm having trouble thinking of cases where the former is likely.

edit: Nier 1 is a great choice.


Oct 25, 2017
FFV in the vain of Bravely Default or FFIX
FFVI the same way
Fire Emblem Genealogy of the Holy War


Dec 19, 2017
1. Kotor
2. Kotor
3. Kotor

If there is a KOTOR I'd prefer Kotor 2 -
Kotor 1 had the twist but aside from that I think 2 did everything better, it was just unfinished. I like the idea of having a padawan, the morally ambigious storytelling etc. to 1, where the dark side path was cartoonish villainy


Mar 14, 2019
1 Arcanum: of Steam and Magick Obscura
2 Shadowrun (the Sega Genesis one)
3 Deus Ex: Invisible War


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
I don't see any old SE RPG being remade in a manner that would satisfying to me, so I'm going to go with SMT1, SMT2 and SMT if


Oct 27, 2017
If there is a KOTOR I'd prefer Kotor 2 -
Kotor 1 had the twist but aside from that I think 2 did everything better, it was just unfinished. I like the idea of having a padawan, the morally ambigious storytelling etc. to 1, where the dark side path was cartoonish villainy
I completely see where you are coming from, the lack of finish and completely missing where it should have been clouds my opinion, I'll admit it


Jan 3, 2018
For something to need a remake, it'd have to be improved or reimagined in some worthwhile way. For that reason, I think Chrono Trigger is a bad candidate, but Valkyrie Profile is a great one, as a remake would be able to rethink the asinine, arbitrary requirements for the true ending, if not the entire time gating dynamic while still keeping it in place.
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