Are you more interested in current gen right now or next gen?

  • My attention is still largely on what this gen is doing.

    Votes: 356 68.1%
  • My interest is leaning toward what we will begin seeing for 2020 and it’s new generation.

    Votes: 167 31.9%

  • Total voters


Oct 25, 2017
I stopped buying most games in 2018. I skipped stuff I'd normally buy like God of War 2018 or Detroit or Death Stranding. Tech demos ruined my life. I have only beaten Resident Evil 2 this year (which was actually excellent). I don't think there's any games I want left on this gen besides The Last of Us 2 and Cyberpunk 2077 (for Xbox One X), and even those I know will get better ports later in the year so I kind of wish they had just built them to never run on base consoles from 2013 in the first place. Granted, me being the desperate person I am, have both the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X and will replace them next gen with Scarlett and PS5.

I've been playing Red Dead 2 for most of 2019. I got it on Xbox One X since it was easily the best version to play when I started. It's stunning and I love it. But I'd be lying if I didn't say I was distracted by thinking about what will be next from the kings of open world gaming at Rockstar. Imagine.

But it does kind of suck to be losing interest in current games because of their predominantly visual limitations.

There's just something about knowing that many studios, especially the first party teams, were already working on next gen exclusives. Moved on from the limits of this gen. Meanwhile third parties and 343 Industries will likely murder my happiness for the first year or so making stuff like a cross gen Halo Infinite and such.

And before you tell me cross gen games are just as good and beautiful and unlimited as current gen only titles, maybe google around a bit. It's just not the case. Base consoles will hold as back for a while for business reasons.

I'm very much over what tech on this gen can do. And sounds like Stadia is a bust for bumping up my experiences as a stopgap.

Say what you will about AC Unity but bless Ubisoft for ditching cross gen just a year in and serving me a silver platter of global illumination in an open world. There were issues, but that was a moment for graphics. It wasn't until Spider-Man we got to see that level of open world lighting come back.

The powerful look that Battlefield 1 has over the cross gen Battlefield 4. The leap Titanfall 2 made from Titanfall 1.

It burned to hear BioWare talk about losing elements of Dragon Age Inquisition due to cross gen. I look forward deeply to the next version that doesn't have to be on 360/PS3.

But alas, there's nothing I can do but wait for the last couple of big games this gen, tragically close to being next gen but instead confined to this one. I look forward to the early 2020 games reveals we are expecting for next gen when the consoles get unveiled finally.

I love looking back at Tech Demos and enjoying when we've largely surpassed them in actual games.

Here's hoping for the next ride of consoles to thrill as much as this one did for me for a while.

Some beloved series skipped this gen entirely. Can't wait to see the next Elder Scrolls, GTA, and BioShock.

For dreaming purposes:


Oct 25, 2017
To say I'm excited about new consoles would be lying. I'm excited to see new games though. I have a current problem where I'm so behind on all the games I want to finish and play and there is still so much good stuff coming for this gen.
Oct 30, 2017
I've got too much to play.
very focused on current gen.

Im also completely willing to wait a year or however long to play the next gen version of cyber punk. Whether that exists in the form of a patch, or a full re release.


User requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Im honestly at the point where im buying less new games, im pretty much done buying ps4/xbox one games with the exception of ff7 remake. Games like doom eternal and cyber punk im anticipating ill be able to play enhanced on ps5 or scarlet. I have plenty in my back log to play
To pass the time. Still havent decided which box im going for year one, still need to see the official reveal for power/launch games which will probably be the deciding factor for me


Oct 25, 2017
I have little interest in the next gen of consoles right now. Got plenty of stuff to play.

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
By the end of the generation I almost feel the opposite: I know next-gen is looming, I'm excited about the new tech and all, but I also understand that once the new shiny games arrive, the less chances there are for me to catch up on some of that backlog I accumulated. Right now with Game Pass and the likes I have so many great things to play that the idea of next-gen, per se, is almost moot. I am waiting for truly revolutionary games, sure, but the mere fact or more powerful hardware or better graphics isn't reason enough to make me feel numb about playing all the great games from 2019. I'll be there next-gen, probably day 1, but if for some absurd reason it were to be delayed I wouldn't be too bothered - there's too many great games to play as is.
Oct 30, 2017
Some of the best games releases in the last two years of the the generation... it always excites me.

Next gen will arrive when it's arrive.. so why not just enjoying the current one to the maximum?


Dec 14, 2018
Rio de Janeiro
Next gen is worth it only after two years it has begun.
It has always been like this, so I care little for what will happen until 2022, when I'm taking the jump.
The best thing about this two year period is how cheap the previous gen games and accessories become, it's gaming heaven.


Alt account banned
Oct 2, 2019
For now I'm still very deep into the games I'm excited about and playing from this fall, but I'm very much looking forward to next year, and I'm curious to know more about backwards compatibility on the PS5 and it's launch lineup.


Aug 9, 2018
I'll never understand that fixation on graphics really. I can respect it, but i don't understand it.


Oct 30, 2017
I've missed so much this gen... didn't touch a Tomb Raider or Red Dead 2... didn't play any Hitman or Crash Team Racing yet. I also really like the GUI for PS4 and the general snappy user experience, so maybe I'm just easily pleased.

I look back at the PS3/360 with some rose-tinted glasses over how much free time I had & how long the generation sustained. 5-6 years is probably the right amount of time, plus the hardware refreshes we got with the Pro and Xbox 1 X. Games look so damn good right now that I'm never wanting much more, but I can see an argument being made for better VR performance, quieter hardware, SSD perks, etc.

That being said, I'll be there day one for the next gen, I bet.


Oct 31, 2017
I want to play my current game library in higher res and frame-rates. Monster hunter world, destiny 2 etc. Hoping ps5 offers this on day 1


Oct 27, 2017
I have a ton of PS4 games I still wanna play, I just got a Switch and am super excited into it, so no, I'm still pretty much 100% focused on current gen and very happy about it.


Oct 25, 2017
I'll never understand that fixation on graphics really. I can respect it, but i don't understand it.
Same. I can play uncharted 4 on my base ps4 on my standard 1080p vizio and it looks incredible. I could play it in 4k on a pro and it would look even more incredible, but it doesn't make that difference to me.


Oct 27, 2017
I haven't bought a single game for PS4 since last year's holiday. Even though lots of great exclusive have been released I rather wait and play them on PS5 with backward compatibility or eventual remaster. I can't stand playing 30fps games anymore tbh. Next gen should hurry up. Until then I'll keep playing on PC.


Oct 30, 2017
This gen has been much better with its late gen games than last gen. Late gen games for the PS3 were horrible on a technical level.


Oct 25, 2017
Tech advancements and graphics are a very small part of what I enjoy in gaming so I never look forward to new generations as they tend to be a time for games high on technical ambition but low in substance.

I love the part of the cycle we're on now, late gen always has the most exciting content rich games that focus on the things I care more about.


Oct 27, 2017
This is the best time to be a gamer, in the last few years of a console cycle. Its the time when developers have mastered the hardware and looking to cash in on big installed user bases. There are usually a ton of good games. Look at next year, FFVII remake, CyberPunk, TLOU2, Doom, just first half of the year.

And traditionally most launch games are not that great - save 1 or 2 killer app launch titles - and undercooked, often rushed.

Missing out on God of War because you're waiting for something better seems silly to me.

T002 Tyrant

Nov 8, 2018
Every game next year not coming to Switch I'm pretty much waiting out until I know if there's a deluxe GOTY edition for next-gen systems.

Then again I probably won't buy a next-gen system for another three years (unless backwards compatibility is a full-on thing, then I'll trade in my PS4 for a PS5 and unplug my PS2 and 3 from my TV and either trade them in or keep them in a loft or give them to charity). I'm a huge fan of having a minimal amount of black boxes in front of my telly.

Deleted member 51789

User requested account closure
Jan 9, 2019
I find it better to enjoy the now, otherwise you're always going to be waiting for what's just up the road and you'll just keep on driving forever. There's always the potential of an upgraded version, a GoTY edition, another nice looking game or whatnot to distract you and at the end of the day I just want to have fun when I want to have fun.


Oct 13, 2019
Same here. I have a total moratorium on PS4 games purchases now just in case there are PS5 versions of any upcoming games. The next 12 months needs to go. And go quickly.


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017
Tech advancements and graphics are a very small part of what I enjoy in gaming so I never look forward to new generations as they tend to be a time for games high on technical ambition but low in substance.

I love the part of the cycle we're on now, late gen always has the most exciting content rich games that focus on the things I care more about.

Yeah I agree with this, things like The Last of Us Part 2, FFVII: Remake, and Cyberpunk will probably be more fulfilling than whatever next-gen has around launch, though I imagine there'll be less of a discrepency in quality compared to the last generational switch, simply because the lines in hardware are getting blurrier. I'm expecting most games I buy over the next year to be backwards compatible on PS5, for example - no "definitive edition" double dipping nonsense.

That's not to say to say I'm lacking hype, I just have a hard time weighing my options re: next consoles when we don't even know what they look like yet.

Deleted member 21709

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Maybe you should get a gaming PC?

Yeah I agree with this, things like The Last of Us Part 2, FFVII: Remake, and Cyberpunk will probably be more fulfilling than whatever next-gen has around launch, though I imagine there'll be less of a discrepency in quality compared to the last generational switch, simply because the lines in hardware are getting blurrier. I'm expecting most games I buy over the next year to be backwards compatible on PS5, for example - no "definitive edition" double dipping nonsense.

That's not to say to say I'm lacking hype, I just have a hard time weighing my options re: next consoles when we don't even know what they look like yet.

All of those games you mentioned will be better on next-gen (4k60 on console at least for TLOU2 and FFVII). And will be available on next-gen in the first year (at least for TLOU2 and Cyberpunk).


Dec 6, 2018
I don't generally pick games to play based on their tech/graphics so this isn't really an issue for me....I am going to hold out for Cyberpunk on PS5 though.
Oct 26, 2017
I'm all for the advancement of game tech and mechanics. I am always thinking about how we can make games more "lifelike", not just in the sense of graphics but AI, physics, and more. Monster Hunter World, for example, showed me what a 'next-gen' game can really be like and I'm excited to see what's in the horizon for gaming over the next decade.

But at the same time, I also realise (well, realized at some point) that games are primarily made to be fun. Yes I want new tech, yes I was to see one-million troops, but even the most basic gameplay premises can have me hooked for months and even years.

I am excited for the future, but the past and present have a lot of stuff I never want to miss out on; the building blocks of next-gen gaming.


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017
All of those games you mentioned will be better on next-gen (4k60 on console at least for TLOU2 and FFVII). And will be available on next-gen in the first year (at least for TLOU2 and Cyberpunk).

I could always replay them there, is my thinking. I can't imagine holding off on something I'm really excited for simply because it might get a graphical upgrade, personally.


Oct 30, 2017
You should switch to PC, where you will be able to buy the most advanced chips for around 3000$ every year and play the games on max.

Also, question: does switch exclusives give you any kind of anxiety?


Oct 25, 2017
where you will be able to buy the most advanced chips for around 3000$ every year

Not sure if this is a serious post.


Oct 26, 2017
I mean I get curious about next gen about 18 months out but that ain't gonna stop me playing good games still before the generation is even over. Then you get the people saying they'll wait for the inevitable port for the new personally, I couldn't put myself through that, when you look forward to a game a lot why put it on hold for another year to get a few more bells and whistles. The Last Of Us is a great example for me, I'm glad I got to experience that game when I did and share it with everyone else on release. I loved it so much I bought it again but I wasnt missing it first time round, fuck that.


Nov 16, 2017
I play what's in front of me. Next gen will be cool when it gets here, but it's not here yet, and I have plenty to play already.


Oct 27, 2017
Seattle WA
I think Nintendo will stay out of sync with the power box consoles and thus give that mid gen fresh experience. Switch 2 is probably a 2022 launch. Go play Ring Fit Adventure


Oct 25, 2017
Nope, early adoption isn't worth it for consoles anymore since an updated model is to be expected now. Plus the first year or so of the next generation won't have that much of a leap anyway since most developers will still be getting used to the new technology.

Besides on PC there are no generations and you can just play games as they come out at whatever spec your hardware can support.


Oct 27, 2017
Your mistake is buying next gen consoles on day one. Next you'll be wondering why the PS5/XB4 have no games.

FOMO is a hell of a drug.


Oct 26, 2017
It feels like the OP is shallow. Is the main reason you play games is for graphics fidelity? Because that's what sounds like. Also if you care about no graphics compromises, then you are choosing the wrong plaforms. You should invest in PC gaming where you can play on high resolutions and framerate. In fact, you can build a PC now that has much better hardware then whatever Sony or MS put in their gen consoles.


Oct 28, 2017
Can't relate. This is the best generation of games ever. And honestly from what we know about next gen consoles I'm not really seeing anything that would excite me to leave this one. As others have stated if graphics are all you care about go get a PC and then you never have to wait for next gen consoles.


Dec 14, 2017
I dont see myself getting a PS5 earlier than 2021 so no, I dont care about next gen. My backlog is huge and there are dozens of games I still need to buy this gen.


Nov 15, 2017
It really comes down to how well the game runs on my base ps4. Most games still look and run fantastic. Only notable games that come to my mind that had severe performance issues were Just Cause 3 and AC Unity.
Jedi fallen order and Control have some issues too but nothing too bad, love both games.

Talking about Control, that's a game that made me want next-gen to come sooner so I could experience it in all its RTX glory.

So yeah I have a base ps4, and am due to an upgrade asap. May hold off with Cyberpunk and TLOU2.


Oct 27, 2017
And honesty once you get into PC gaming all of this generation stuff feels asinine. You just play what you want to play, and upgrade when you feel like you need to.