
Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly how I would play it lol. There is a lot of things that interests me about Sekiro, but I likely won't have much patience for the difficulty. Maybe I will keep it in mind later on.


Oct 31, 2017
It's very obviously not the oppressive fight everyone else endured, but it's not like I just blindly mashed my way through it either.
The boss hit you more or less double the time you hit him, and you even allowed some very telegraphed attacks in the third phase.
If you feel you got the experience and you enjoyed the game for what is worth for you that's good and all but I don't think that is how the final boss was meant to be (even in an easier difficulty), I get the easier part, but this honestly seems like Covetous Demon kind of easy.


Oct 27, 2017
Glad you enjoyed it OP, more options is never a bad thing.

For me I feel like Souls type games get easier anyway through knowledge, skill and experience gained via playing.


Oct 25, 2017
Imagine wasting your experience with Sekiro by not installing the Thomas the Tank Engine mod.


Oct 29, 2017
You brave soul, opening this can of worms in this forum.

Good, play the game the way you find it the most fun.


May 12, 2018
The difficulty is part of the experience.

You have played a tech demo.

But anyway I'm glad you enjoyed it.


GOTY Tracking Thread Master
Oct 26, 2017
I with you OP. I actually gave the game a legit go on PS4 when it first came out but I raged quit with Butterfly. Unfortunately, I didn't realized that part was optional.

Felt bad that I wasn't going to add it to my GOTY list so I got the game in Dec for PC and decided to give it a 2nd stress-free go with that mod. Honestly, I really enjoyed my time with it. The last couple of hours got somewhat difficult towards the end but I actually ended up learning the proper counters. Honestly the game was so good, I'm actually going to give a legit go again, the game design and combat really is amazing.

BTW I have actually beat the Souls and BB legit, I just couldn't get in the rhythm of Sekiro, I was never really with blocking and countering in any type of game even the Souls.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
One time I was discussing on reddit how I beat dark souls 1 with a character that was level 1 (a level 1 pyromancer, or "onebro.") and I mentioned that I used pyromancy as part of my build. Some Internet random harassed me for hundreds of words because "using pyromancy isn't truly beating the game at level 1."

The truth is, no matter what you do in life, someone is going to be trying to feel better about themself by criticizing your choices. Other people are insecure, and a large portion of unkindness in the world can be best understood as insecurity.
For me, I always find it pathetic when someone gets a game early, and streams it and people complain about the way you're playing. Dude they're giving you a free preview there and are you're still complaining. You can deal with them not being a pro player lol.


Dec 13, 2019
You go op. You played sekiro. You beat sekiro. Fuck everyone who tries to detract from that and belittle you by telling you otherwise


Dec 9, 2017
If from soft focus on a Easy mode then theyll lose focus on making a good balance game. Games are revolved around a budget and like always I prefer from software to focus all their budget on a balance difficult mode than splitting the game with an easy mode.

Sekiro was a perfectly balance game that felt fair with almost all it's boss battles.

Good for you for modding the game to enjoy the game and people should mess with Mods for a better experience. I'd actually prefer if all games can be modded and mess around in an easier way for console gaming.


Oct 27, 2017
yeah, i understand that they intend for you to play it a specific way. when from easy mode discourse always pops up there are always people who say that an easy mode would just not work and would be hard, if not impossible, to implement. my experience showed that not only is that not true, but an easy mode has it's own merits

i'm not going to say that i finished sekiro the way other people finished sekiro, but i still finished sekiro and i wouldn't have done that any other way

if i'm going down you all have to come with me

I'm convinced it can be a great experience. What I think is that if From wants you to bang your head against a wall while fighting a boss they should be allowed to do it, it's their creation and they don't owe you the experience you want (imo).

I'm glad you can do things like this on PC because it made you play the game and as I said, I'm convinced it can be an enjoyable ride but if From doesn't want that I personally respect their stance and it kinda bothers me when occasionaly read people mad at them because they don't add the option.


Oct 25, 2017
Straya M8
You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that you don't know the difference.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm serious. Even watching that video shows that he didn't even be bothered to learn simple mechanics like the mikiri counter. It just takes out the learning aspect of the game.

But to each their own, I suppose.
But if the learning aspect didn't engage him, then what?
I think an easy mode could be fun. Although I played through the game to the final stage of the final boss, I never beat him. I just lost interest after dying so much. Plus I felt like I got the main experience. I didn't find the game super satisfying, but I did enjoy it. An easy mode mod sounds really interesting and I can imagine it still allows for the rhythm feel of the game.


Apr 18, 2018
How dare you ruin Sekiro!

All jokes aside Sekiro is the first From game I have not played since Demon's souls and I don't see myself playing their future game because the difficulty. It's not that I don't think I could finish the games (I platinumed Darksouls 2, 3 and Bloodbourne) I just don't have the energy to throw myself against the wall that is their games until I figure out the present boss fight/ area over and over again.


Dec 13, 2019
You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that you don't know the difference.
Unless this is sarcasm, youre sad for shitting on someone for enjoying the game a different way.


Oct 25, 2017
the difficulty didn't entirely rob me of what the Sekiro experience has to offer.
people discussing the difficulty and satisfaction of learning to get through the final boss encounter. I beat the final boss on my first time (though I came very close to dying) just sort of bumbling my way through.

It's still cool that you enjoyed it however you wanted without insisting From undercut their own vision.


Oct 25, 2017
It will be fun if something like this is included with Elden Ring, thoughs reviews...


GOTY Tracking Thread Master
Oct 26, 2017
Unless this is sarcasm, youre sad for shitting on someone for enjoying the game a different way.
Its a meme.


Oct 25, 2017
Good! Glad you enjoyed it. Ignore the self righteous trolls that will tell you you're trash for not sweating over a video game.


Nov 17, 2017
Next step, mod dark souls to have a pause button and watch people squirm how you are ruining those games.

Seriously though, people have the right to enjoy games in any way they wan't. And if it translates to more sales for From, i don't see why they would be complaining.

(I modded the voice acting from Freedom planet, for the same reason btw)


Oct 25, 2017
I will point to this thread whenever somebody goes "dude it's obviously sarcasm, how can you not tell?". This thread has both sarcastic posts and serious posts that are near indistinguishable.


Jul 22, 2019
IMO that Isshin fight makes it look so boring. Could basically just spam R1 and tank hits.

But you if enjoyed it, that is all that matters.


Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia

It's still cool that you enjoyed it however you wanted without insisting From undercut their own vision.
but i don't think it is undercutting their vision. i'm not saying this should exist in place of sekiro, just that adding the option officially wouldn't hurt, and even without it getting to add it unofficially was still a lot of fun

it has nothing to do with dictating how from should handle their vision

I prefer grapekeeping. True grape fans only eat purple ones, screw the green ones
hell yeah, this i can get behind


Oct 25, 2017
I always thought there's a weird inner contradiction in From games' refusal for options. People say that the reason is that From wants to give a specific "vision" which will be compromised with customized difficulty, but that's missing the point that each person has different attributes that affect his experience like reaction time, hand-eye coordination, experience with action games, ability to focus for long periods, or whatever. If From truly wanted everyone to have the same experience then they would have to tailor the game for people who have a slower reaction time by slowing down animations slightly, allow colorblind options, allow to pause, etc.

Say two people (let's say neither has major disabilities, because that's a different argument) beat Sekiro, one of them had a super difficult time due to slower cognitive abilities, trying every fight over and over and grinding for drops and cheesing everything he could cheese slowly and thoroughly. And the other just breezed through the game by being innately talented with action games. Is it intentional that they had such different experiences? Are both of their experiences "correct Sekiro experiences" of From's "vision"? If so why can't the first person access the second person's experience?
Oct 28, 2017
How DARE you!

The authorities are notified, your gamer ID will be revoked!

Seriously though, good for you friend. Lord knows I was close to using something like that my first time with Isshin.
Cool that you enjoyed it but from aims for a certain kind of experience and the experience you had isn't the one they want to provide even if they could do it in a way that isn't half assed like a mod that's basically just cheats, creatively it's not what they want. They are purposely excluding people from their games and outside of people trying to be slick with the accessibility for people that really need it Trojan horse, that's fine I guess. Not all games need to be for everybody, especially when you can make bank while doing the obscure artsy stuff you do.


Nov 3, 2017
Alcalá de Henares, Spain
You're mistaken, OP. The Souls experience does not refer exclusively to the games' innate challenges, but also to the scrutiny you'll be subjected to by Souls fans after the fact.

This is far from over.

On a more serious note: this is awesome and I wish more games gave you the ability to alter certain mechanics a la Celeste. For example, your mod feels fine, but I feel completely eliminating the Terror mechanic breaks certain encounters. I actually feel the mechanic wasn't well implemented in the game, but I don't want to eliminate it entirely, just to diminish its effects or consequences.

It turns out there's no perfect balanced difficulty level for everyone, so might as well allow the player to customize their own. You can even do it organically by interacting with items or NPCs and who knows, and I even think it is reasonable to introduce incentives to go for a higher degree of challenge without forcing people to play that way. Sekiro actually has multiple difficulty choices, which is something that is conveniently ignored every time someone brings up the "balance argument" (that From Software would have to take time to balance every difficulty and would probably resort in an overall worse experience). In Sekiro you can ring a bell that makes the game harder in exchange of better drops. Why you are not be able to have a similar thing where you can make the game easier in exchange of worse drops is beyond me. And this is not even mentioning Kuro's charm and NG+. In Sekiro you actually have multiple difficulty levels, but only to make the game harder, not to make it easier.

All in all, I'm glad you enjoyed it and thanks for telling us, OP. We could do with more voices in the community telling us how much fun you can have with an easy mode, so that From may take it into consideration more in the future.
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Oct 25, 2017
The only thing that gets me about mods like these is that it feels like they could be more straightforward.
- It does not die by Terror.
- Strong attack power, high defense strength, and stamina.
- High Drop item Rate.
- Weapon buff time increase.
- Infinite Spirit Emblem.
- Prevents Damage from falling.
- Infinite Time of Puppeteer Ninjustsu
Like, couldn't you just turn on infinite health instead? Wouldn't that give more or less the same experience? Would that really be less fun, and if so, why? Maybe it's just me, but if I'm going to mess with a game in that way it feels better to just break it the whole way.