
Oct 28, 2017
Who you're being shamed by? Difficulty never even comes up no matter who I talk to about games, be it colleagues at work or friends at the pub.
That's not the point of games unless that's what you yourself are concentrating on and feeling some kind of complex for? The only time we're mentioning it is when we play Bloodborne or Sekiro. But that's kinda the focal point of From Software games.

Relax and forget about it, and just maybe, find new friends.


Oct 25, 2017
I get shamed by some friends for playing on Normal. FFS. Shit works JUST fine for me.


Oct 27, 2017
Same here. I have a full time job, no interest in "proving" myself by wasting time on higher diff. I did that when I was in college over 20 years ago, now I just want to play and enjoy games in the most chill way possible.


Oct 26, 2017
Fully agree OP.

I have nothing to prove to anyone so I play games in a way that suits me best. I know I can beat hard games if I keep trying, but I don't care enough to bother wasting my time like that when I could just play more of something else than waste 100 hours trying over and over on one.

Using my options that I can has made it better too. I appreciate the Final Fantasy Remasters for having built in trainers. I appreciate using trainers to turn off all damage in Souls games now to see the content. Playing in easy or safety modes in games is more fun for me since I can see mote content. And that's totally fine!

Keep doing you, OP.


Oct 26, 2017
I want to get into their games.
But you don't. You already said you don't have the time for high difficulty games. From Software games aren't hard as fuck like some of these indie platformers, but you also can't just run in yolo no scoping. If you want to see the art or music, Twitch and youtube are great for that.

I'm way too shit at games to experience all of Super Meat Boy's OST, so I just got the OST :P


Sep 7, 2018
Sounds like you have anger management issues if a game like bloodborne sends you into a fit of rage
Don't belittle a person because they don't react to something the way you do or the way you want them to.

I play on hard usually but i got no problems with people enjoying games how they want to and not playing games that frustrate or annoy them


Dec 27, 2017
It's ok to play on easy. But using cheats and trainers to beat Bloodborne, Hollow Knight or Super Meat Boy is like reading a quick summary or abstract of Moby Dick or any complex work and saying you know it well. You don't.

Ah, yes, the high intellectual bar that can only be cleared by [checks notes] dodging into enemy attacks.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel normal difficulty is the way the developers intended the game to be played so I usually stick with that. Don't think I've ever completed a game on easy. I'll occasionally replay a game on hard if I really enjoyed it and want that platinum.


Oct 27, 2017
Ever since I started gaming, I've always played games on the easiest difficulty setting. My reason for doing this is two fold:

1) I value my sanity. The repetitiveness of playing and replaying the same section over and over again drives me crazy. The "sense of accomplishment" that games like Dark Souls or Bloodbourne (or as I like to call them, Aneurysm Simulators), is completely lost on me. I tried playing Bloodbourne once and only got like 90 minutes, maybe two hours in before I got to the point of almost breaking my controller. There was one enemy I couldn't get past. But I stayed patient. I kept at it, getting a little better each time and eventually I finally made it past him. And I felt... Nothing. There was no great sense of triumph or achievement. Just an overwhelming sense of dred at the prospect of having to do that again for 30+ more hours. It felt like getting my teeth pulled. It was this horrible, painful experience. And when it was over, I didn't feel pride or accomplishment. I just felt relief, and thought "thank God that's over. Hope I never have to do it again".

2) I like narrative immersion. Single player, story driven games are my bread and butter. Nothing beats getting fully invested in a world and it's characters. So it royally pisses me off when I'm in the climatic chapter of a game, a great cutscene just finished, my heart's pumping I'm all amped. And then bam. You're dead. Start over. Now I've been completely sucked out of that moment. All tension that had been raised is now gone and I'm just trying to push through. This happened to me repeatedly towards the end of Red Dead Redemption 2. A spine tingling, chill inducing moment would occur, only to immediately be interupted by that slow motion death screen. Playing games on easy difficulties allows me to progress the story without fear of breaking immersion. It also allows me to walk in the shoes of the character. Master Chief is a galactic badass. He doesn't back down from anything. Yet play on Legendary and all of a sudden you're crouching down behind rocks hiding from some grunts. Playing it on easy let's your steamrole through enemies the way Chief would.

Naturally, this puts me off multiplayer gaming. In addition to being inherently repetitive, multiplayer games often have a large learning curve that requires a lengthy humbling period before you can actually compete. This is among the biggest turn off for me as a gamer. Gaming is my hobby. I'm not a journalist or an MLG (er?), I don't make a living off this. It's just something I do in my free time for enjoyment. I don't want to log into Gears 4 and get smacked around for an hour in hopes of one day being good enough to not be greeted with an audible groan when I get placed in your team.

It's like, I love basketball, it's probably my favorite sport. But I'm not about to get up every day, go hit some layup lines and dribble drills, just so I can smoke some kids in a game of 21 at the Y.

"Why even play games then? Just watch a Let's Play". Because I love playing video games. The actual gameplay part isn't what bothers me. It's just the dying over and over again part that bugs me. I still enjoy controlling the character, completing quests, making decisions and inhabiting the world. I just don't want to break up the flow of the game with respawning.

Point is, I'm not the only one. There are plenty like me, and we are people do. #CasualGamersUnite
(not casual in the sense that I only play games casually [I'm on a video game internet forum for Christ sake] but like, I play games on casual difficulty)

You go! As I get older I have started to pick games that I can complete and feel accomplishment in. Making games hard for no reason but to piss you off so that when you win you feel better than others is silly and cost sales. I won't play dark souls, blood borne, or sheik0 because of this "l33t" mindset.

If they hate on you F em I got your back!! I try normal all the time but if it's stupid I go easy without a care!!


Visited by Knack - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I like challenge in my games, but I don't think I'm trying to prove anything. I just had access to a NES growing up.

I don't usually bother touching the difficulty settings unless I have a particular reason to.
Yeah I don't get why people go straight to people playing hard to only prove something. I just find it more fun. Anything on easy just feels mindless.


Nov 2, 2017
Where is this 'shame' coming from? It's all up to the person. I play games for the challenge and don't even bother with stories and cinematics since it bores me, and that's ok! What you do is ok too!


Oct 27, 2017
Damn right OP.
Gonna pick up hollow knight on pc too so i can use the trainer and actually experience the game. :)


Nov 6, 2017
The being immersed in the world and character I'm playing as is actually the reason I like Souls/Bloodborne so much. Most games have you defeat giant god demons that terrify every NPC/fellow fighter like it's nothing. That really kills it for me. This loser is what's giving you guys trouble? Is it a power fantasy thing? Having everything freak other characters out but you do it with little effort?

At least with Souls games if someone walks up to me and says "be careful that fucker over there is pretty tough" I'll believe them and not talk behind their backs on video game forums.

To be fair Souls/BB are the only games that do this for me. Going out of my way to play hard legendary whatever mode in other games so that enemies hit 8 times harder and take 3% damage has no appeal to me whatsoever.

Bob White

Oct 27, 2017
Difficulty sometimes makes a game way better. Vanilla Fallout 4 is a bland and boring game. Fallout 4 on surival mode (no fast travel, can only save in beds) is a fucking AMAZING experience that I'm really glad to have played.

But it's not for everyone. I find playing on hard modes makes me learn the game better. There's nothing cooler than being Bill Murray in a game like Dark Souls or Megaman, playing through sections that kicked you ass but now walking through them like it's nothing to you because of experience.


Rap Genius
Oct 27, 2017
Dark Space
Has anyone every literally said something directly to you about gaming on easy, or does your ego feel pings of pain every time some random person on the internet makes their own personal, indirect comment about playing on easy?


Oct 27, 2017
Lol scrub.

Lol noob.

Lol small e peen.

Lol git gewd kid.

Also I play whatever I want. Easy or hard. Depends on game and time I want to spend.


Oct 25, 2017
San Diego, CA
I do the same. I don't care anymore about difficulty, i'd rather just enjoy the story and de-stress. Same reason I love musou games, I just want some mindless fun.


Oct 27, 2017
No need to feel shame. From people being judgemental dicks on the internet? Their opinion is worth nothing (as is mine, logically).


Nov 16, 2017
I am playing Mass Effect for the first time. Started on normal and then realised you needed 3 hands to play on that. Switched to casual and haven't looked back. I generally play AAA games on easy only. You do you, OP.


Nov 6, 2017
You go! As I get older I have started to pick games that I can complete and feel accomplishment in. Making games hard for no reason but to piss you off so that when you win you feel better than others is silly and cost sales. I won't play dark souls, blood borne, or sheik0 because of this "l33t" mindset.

If they hate on you F em I got your back!! I try normal all the time but if it's stupid I go easy without a care!!
They are absolutely nothing like that. At least souls and BB. Haven't heard of that other game.

Like they're challenging games but they're not unfair and the difficulty isn't there for "no reason but to piss you off"


Oct 28, 2017
I don't give a crap what other people think especially when it comes to enjoying something that I paid for with my own money.


Oct 29, 2017
But you don't. You already said you don't have the time for high difficulty games. From Software games aren't hard as fuck like some of these indie platformers, but you also can't just run in yolo no scoping. If you want to see the art or music, Twitch and youtube are great for that.

I'm way too shit at games to experience all of Super Meat Boy's OST, so I just got the OST :P
So my assumption is correct that they require a lot of time?


Oct 31, 2017
If this game has an easy mode, have fun friend!


if you use cheats to beat game that doesn't have an easy mode, then tell me that you "beat" the game - I'm gonna laugh at you.


Nov 6, 2017
Jan 21, 2019
I have no problem with people playing on easy, but my personal problem is that most of the times, easy feels like most of the mechanics are left behind. So the way the game is supposed to be played to get a certain experience is ruined (maybe too harsh of a word but it's late). This is not true for all games and I also enjoy games for multiple reasons (immersion and exploration) but anything but normal usually feels out of whack, be it too hard or too easy. That's why I like to have no options, this way I get the experience the devs want me to have and not something that might be an afterthought that just raises some numbers and Multipliers in the game's code (I just finished Bayonetta on normal and thought it was a tad too easy, so now I am thinking, would hard have been more enjoyable or too hard, how would I know, why do I have to chose? Just give me the cake that you made without asking me to fuck with the icing).

Also, difficulty can be a great tool to teach you something that you are uncomfortable with. For example the mikiri counter in Sekiro. I am terrible at countering an enemies attack, in most games, I never bothered with parrying in Dark Souls either or MGS Revengence. But the last boss really made me learn that move, because otherwise, I couldn't beat him and even though I was seething, I still loved the idea that I had to improve the way I interacted with a game to overcome the challenge. That is great, but this does not have to be the case for every game. I don't think I could take that kind of beating from every game. It's a nice change of pace from most AAA games that have a mellow enjoyable difficulty.

Another reason while I appreciate difficulty is the setback when it is paired with options. Like yeah, repeating the same stuff can suck, but it can also force you to reevaluate the situation trying out new strategies. For example the last boss of Hollow Knight: She was driving me insane and I was mixing and matching all my charms, trying out new builds that might be more effective until I reached a point where I just gave up and decided to go on a hunt for a better charm. So I left, defeated an optional boss and his quest, leveled up my charm and went back in to fight the last boss again. This time, my strategy worked and I was winning. It felt like I outsmarted the boss, not by learning something new and improving as a player but by entering the fight prepared and using strategy. Again this feeling would not exist if I went in toasting her ass first try.

That's my two cents. Play what makes you happy, it's your short time on earth.


Oct 25, 2017
I work about 50 hours a week. Games like Bloodborne and Sekiro are a very unfun way for me to spend my precious free time.

You do you OP, one of the coolest things about video games is that everyone can experience them through different lenses and get different things out of them.


Oct 29, 2017
I think it's fine. The issue comes when people that want your type of experience desire that same experience in every game. Not every genre can cater to that mindset.


Oct 27, 2017
People can play on whatever difficulty they like especially in a world with many poorly designed difficulty modes. But, there are also many games that are made more meaningful in terms of relevant decisions within them by playing on higher difficulties and I think it's always worth pushing people to try those experiences at least a little bit.


Oct 27, 2017
You shouldn't feel ashamed about it, but I'm definitely not passing out high5's for ninjadog mode.


Nov 6, 2017
Are there actually lots if people shaming people for playing on easy mode to the point where it's a cultural norm vs three people on reddit?
I work about 50 hours a week. Games like Bloodborne and Sekiro are a very unfun way for me to spend my precious free time.

You do you OP, one of the coolest things about video games is that everyone can experience them through different lenses and get different things out of them.
i mean yeah absolutely if you have no interest in something, feel free to do something you actually enjoy with your free time instead. Still kind of weird how common the "i have a job and little free time so I don't like souls" thing is when it could be applied to anything.

"I have very little free time so watching the lord of the rings on marathon is an unfun way for me to spend my limited free time"
Oct 25, 2017
Once I gave up trying to get trophies and just play the games I want to play on the easiest settings possible, my gaming life became so much more pleasant. Love a good FromSoftware game (for all kinds of reasons), but for the most part, easy is where I live.


Top Mog
Oct 27, 2017
I usually play on normal except some special cases like survival horror games - but for example I could live without ever seeing another "if you didn't play KH on critical, you didn't really play it" remark. Asinine gatekeeping is all it is. If the people who played on standard or proud feel they had a good experience, who is to say otherwise? 'Easy mode' is not solely for kids, but pissing contests sure shouldn't be following you into adulthood.


Oct 26, 2017
So my assumption is correct that they require a lot of time?
Eh, not really. I beat Dark Souls 3 and Dark Souls Remastered quicker than I was able to beat an easy game like Final Fantasy XV or Kingdom Hearts 3. But I knew the Souls game rules by that point. RPGs in general take like 20+ hours anyway so it sounds like RPGs just aren't your thing.

rusty chrome

Oct 25, 2017
Sometimes challenge is part of the atmosphere. I find no enjoyment in playing anything on easy because I'll just be left with the cursed, "that's it?" feeling. No thanks. I don't buy a game so that it can basically play itself.


Oct 27, 2017
Just a thought, and I tried this about 25-30 years ago, stop caring about what others think or say. Just do you and be you. I stopped caring about what others may think and it was very liberating.


Oct 30, 2017
I honestly don't care how people play games, whether easy or hard.

I prefer games that are more mechanically challenging rather than narrative in nature. To me, playing Link in BOTW on hard mode is more cinematic than a game like Uncharted 4. The emergent gameplay and impacting the gameplay is what I love. Something like New Vegas is narrative done well, it's narrow and targeted but it's also open and varied. Bloodborne (which you torched in the OP) is interesting because of the weapon variety, the path variety, the experience variety.

For instance, I am a huuuuuuuuge Spider-man fan and I didn't hate, but was truly unimpressed by Spider-man PS4 because it was "game that has a track to fill out and you go and fill it out and story happens." I didn't feel like Spider-man, and it left a very poor taste in my mouth. I made the same Spider-man that everybody else did. Yuck.

>> Does that mean everyone needs to like that?

In closing, I don't think "easy setting" gamers are persecuted, in fact I think they are often catered to: Mario golden leaf for instance, or "narrative modes", etc. So I'm very confused by the premise of the thread, but hey.


Jun 6, 2018
As long as you aren't shitting on people for liking and wanting difficult games and practicing for multiplayer games you're fine. Have fun however you like.


Oct 29, 2017
Eh, not really. I beat Dark Souls 3 and Dark Souls Remastered quicker than I was able to beat an easy game like Final Fantasy XV or Kingdom Hearts 3. But I knew the Souls game rules by that point. RPGs in general take like 20+ hours anyway so it sounds like RPGs just aren't your thing.
I like RPGs. I dont like wasting my time trying to the same thing over and over. I have very little time to play games, so I definitely dont want to spend my time stuck repeating something.