
Feb 3, 2018
Best? How? You mean "Best if you use it portable for a significant amount of time"? Plenty of people NEVER undock-so how is it the defacto "best"?

They cost more, often have performance issues, and often look worse than their counterparts.
None of the indie games I bought perform or look worse. In fact the art-style of many of these games make the games look better on a tiny screen than on a big TV.

This can be said of games like Shovel Knight, Steamworld Dig 2, Steamworld Heist, Splasher, Sonic Mania, Enter the Gungeon, Owlboy, Stardew Valley, Darkest Dungeon, Celeste, etc.

Options are good man and Switch gives you those options.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm generally not loving the start to 2018 for Switch, honestly. In my assessment, there were several reasons the wiiu didn't take off, and it's games should be considered a factor. So, with all of the re-releases of several wiiu games so far this year on Switch, it has left me feeling a bit flat... and I've purchased all of them...again.

So far, the highlight of 2018 for me has been Celeste.

I completely understand why Nintendo are porting wiiu games, but to me, the most exciting aspects are the new titles, indie titles, and that will hopefully keep me interested in the remainder of 2018. C'mon E3 Direct!


Oct 29, 2017
Problem with Indies is they are a lot. I really have a hard time in finding something in the eshop. When I found something I always double check the price on other platforms. Portability is an added value but more often than not it's not worth the higher price.
I think for a lot of us portability has been a huge game changer and makes the higher r cost worth it.

For example, I just finished steamworld heist today after weeks of picking up and playing for 15 or 20 min. I probably could have bought it for cheaper on pc but it's not as easy to sit at my computer and play in short spurts like that.
Oct 25, 2017
This is basically the situation i found myself in with the Vita. I love it as a handheld, hell i love it in general, snappy UI, feels great to hold and everything. But I feel like i have played every thing worth playing on it.


Nov 25, 2017
Honestly I went through a similar thing with the switch, but didn't think making a thread was necessarily a good idea. Not a criticism of OP, just my POV.

This thread does get me thinking of games I've loved on PC/PS4 the past 5 years or so, as well as those I've enjoyed enough to complete. Although I sold my Switch very quickly after launch, and borrowed one to play the excellent SMO, I can't really think of a single game in the library that really appeals to me in even remotely a way that would get me to spend $360+tax again. I haven't cared about portability in twenty years, so it has to be intrinsic. The closest would be an exclusive 2d Metroid or Castlevania, but one of those is 3DS, and the other is MP.

I kind of preferred my experience with the WiiU tbqh.


Oct 27, 2017
Yes, there is no game worthwhile getting a switch for if you had a wiiu.
I have to disagree.
I'm a Wii U owner (and played a lot)

I don't regret so far :
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Mario Odyssey
Fire Emblem Warriors
Attack on Titans 2
Splatoon 2 (OP didn't like it tho)
Dragon Quest Builders
(I don't list the ports from Wii U or Zelda since it's available on it too)

Indies (ok, some of them are on other platforms, but due to the Switch itself, you can like to double dip) :
Galaxy on Fire : Manticore
Nine Parchments
Spelunker Party
Death Square
Masters of Anima

Upcoming I won't regret :
Hyrule Warriors (and I had the Wii U + 3DS with all DLC but this all in one is dope when you like musou games)
Octopath Traveler

I'm not sure about other I preordered atm.

Should I list the hyped upcoming ones ? (Pokemon, Fire Emblem, Metroid, Bayonetta 3...)

I just miss one game to have an absolute love for this console.
I won't do port begging
I won't do port begging
I won't do port begging
I won't do port begging
I won't do port begging
I won't do port begging
I won't do port begging
... :P


Nov 25, 2017
Killer feature idea :

Nintendo should not only release the Virtual Console, but a DS/3ds joycon pack that lets you buy and play DS/3ds games in a vertical configuration. It would give those interested 3 generations of titles as well as the VC stuff to choose from.

Not as profitable as reselling ports for sure, but would be a nice option, and not unprecedented (see Super Gameboy and GC Gameboy Player).

Engineering would have to be on point for sure.


Oct 25, 2017
It's the Vita argument all over again, ie. only exclusives count as real games.

If I can play the same game in a (often considerably) better state elsewhere, I'm going to do that. I also don't feel like taking the risk of making digital purchases on a Nintendo system when all my previous ones have been marooned on their respective systems because Nintendo are bad at DRM and accounts.

The Switch is my last choice for indie games because of all that so yes, if it's not an exclusive it may as well not exist for me.
Oct 25, 2017
Same issue, I have the thing but coming off the Wii U, particularly someone who used it a lot last year it feels like there's barely anything to play that's fully exclusive and if there is, it's all $60 with about 4 exceptions.


Oct 25, 2017
I got the switch for my son (and me) for Christmas and I haven't used it that much. It's only used portable once in awhile when my son goes to his grandmas or something. So most third parties I buy on Xbox because they run better,plus I don't have the pro controller so using joycons are not preferred. I know the library will get better but I can say I'm a little dissapointed with it so far. Not for me, but for the fact my son plays with his Wii-U more. I have like every first party games on the wiiU so a lot of the games everyone is hyped about, I already own. The wiiU was loved in my family :(

Fuckin still waiting for hollow knight. Hyped for that big time


Oct 31, 2017
I think it's a pretty great first year line up. Sounds like you bought the console too early. Which is a common sentiment among first year buyers of all platforms.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm just glad Hyrule Warriors is coming soon so I have a reason to turn my switch on in 2018. All these people saying "but indies!", I wonder if they realize most are on every other platform and often cheaper too. Not to mention they can have things the switch can't have like support for higher res than 1080p, higher framerates than 60fps, and achievements. It's really hard to justify buying a non exclusive indie on Switch.

It's not hard. I play indies exclusively on the Switch now, instead of on Steam. The easy portability/hybrid form factor, dual joycons, snappy boot time, HD Rumble support, no need for constant Steam updates, occasional Tate mode support, are QoL things that makes a lot of difference for me. Old-school bitmap games also looks really good on the Switch portable screen. For me personally, the price is really secondary, compared to having Stardew Valley portable, or playing Rocket League portable or on the big screen, or playing Pinball FX3 portably in Tate mode, or playing Overcooked co-op on a trip, and so on. And achievements are useless to me (even though some indie devs include them directly into Switch games too).


Jan 22, 2018
I love the games. The problem I have is that there just isn't enough of them. Zelda, Mario, Splat, Arms, m+r, xenoblade - I've loved all of them. Even Kirby and Labo has been fun because of playing with my daughter.

I feel like they've just missed something here at the beginning of the year. Too bad something like Animal Crossing couldn't have hit. Seems like a game you'd want to drop early in a console life and feb or March would have been perfect for it.

I'm sure things will pick up. The indies are good here and there but I just want Nintendo games, I really enjoy them. The little ones like the weird Kirby spin-offs and Ever Oasis and miitopia - those would be cool to have just to play here and there.


Oct 28, 2017
Only interested in a handful of Nintendo games, and have the money to splash on the console for that purpose. Really to me Nintendo games (or at least the handful I know I'd like) have been on a return to form.
Apart from that, the combination of crap pricing, lack of perpetuity, a bunch of games I have no interest in and all the good games being more worthwhile to get on another platform, Switch is not to great from me personally.

If a portable system supporting perpetuity shows up, I'm always interested. Since most of my games are on PC, something that works there would be a more ideal solution

Deleted member 3017

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'm just glad Hyrule Warriors is coming soon so I have a reason to turn my switch on in 2018. All these people saying "but indies!", I wonder if they realize most are on every other platform and often cheaper too. Not to mention they can have things the switch can't have like support for higher res than 1080p, higher framerates than 60fps, and achievements. It's really hard to justify buying a non exclusive indie on Switch.

That's totally fair. Play multiplats / indies on another system or PC.

But that gets to a point I don't understand with a lot of you. If you have other platforms to play many of these games on......who cares if your Switch takes a break for a few months? My XB1 got turned on for one weekend last year (for Cuphead). But I didn't really care, because I had other systems to play games on.


Oct 25, 2017
That's totally fair. Play multiplats / indies on another system or PC.

But that gets to a point I don't understand with a lot of you. If you have other platforms to play many of these games on......who cares if your Switch takes a break for a few months? My XB1 got turned on for one weekend last year (for Cuphead). But I didn't really care, because I had other systems to play games on.
Entitlement. "I bought the hardware and now they MUST make games that cater to me" without realizing that that's not how it works.

Also, all these posts about collecting dust aren't serious I hope. Dust in electronics is a terrible thing and not a badge of honour.


Oct 27, 2017
It's definitely been a weak year for the Switch. Especially after last year. It would be hard to say otherwise. Most people would realize that duplicating 2017 would be impossible, but so far we have labor and Kirby as the only two new first party games. Neither appeals to me, personally. All we can do is wait and play our other systems.


Oct 25, 2017
Same here, only put good time into mario Kart and XBC2. But like any new system I don't expect it be on full blast with brand new stuff yet. Mainly keeping it for Metroid


Nov 10, 2017
I don't know when or if I will have a game on the Switch that I think is more than just 'okay', but I hope it's not too long because I love the platform. I'm not supporting it in buying any more games that I don't particularly care for though...

main reason i've yet to get a switch - love the concept, but the games just aren't there yet, imo. almost, but not quite :) ...
Oct 28, 2017
Personally the Switch almost perfectly lines up with my taste in games.

Like if I only had a PS4 I would be buying Fractured But Whole, Crash Trilogy and Mega Man Collections over FarCry 5, or God of War or Call of Duty. Plus I am more excited about Octopath than any exclusive console game in two generations, and Mario Rabbids is a perfect game for what I want out of games.

But I can understand what it would be like to want something different than what is there.


Oct 26, 2017
We seem to go through this with every console. It seems like PS4 had it probably until Bloodborne came out, that people said it didn't have enough games, there were too many ports etc. At some point you have to weigh up whether you want to be an early adopter or wait for a library to build. Obviously people who buy this Xmas will have a better choice of software.

I haven't played my Switch for a while but I got significant hours and value out of their big games so I don't regret it yet.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Personally even as a Wii U owner I've enjoyed playing through a lot of the re-releases and have loved most of the first party releases but I could totally get being a disappointed at the moment, it's been a bit light from Nintendo recently and third parties still haven't really hopped on board yet. I do strongly feel that Nintendo has a crazy second half of 2018 planned that will be shown off at E3 though in order to hit that 20M sales goal, so hopefully you can find something in that window to enjoy. Also if you're into RPGs Octopath Traveler is coming up and looks fantastic so maybe try that out.


Oct 25, 2017
brazil, unfortunately
So, some of you guys don't care for portability, don't care for indie, don't care for Nintendo games that are not Zelda or Mario, don't care for 3rd party games that are not AAA.

So.. . why did you guys get a Switch in first place?

Did you guys expected it to have big budget AAA games like Far Cry 5? Or an amazing 3rd party support like PS4? Sorry but, since N64, Nintendo consoles have been mainly for Nintendo games.

And although I agree that 2018 so far hasn't been that good, when you keep saying that there's nothing to play on this console, makes me think that 1) maybe some of you guys don't like videogames that much or, maybe you don't like Nintendo games.

Both situations are fine, but you should've thought about it before getting it.

In my honest opinion, Nintendo has been doing an amazing job providing good games for the system, but there's just no way the company will be able to release one big game every single month. 3rd party must step up and that would be the case this month if Dark Souls hasn't been delayed. If that didn't happen the system would have DS in May, Crash in June, Octopath in July.

August must be the month of Smash Bros.

For the other 4 months there's a bunch of scheduled games like Yoshi, Fire Emblem, Captain Toad, Mario Tenis and Pokemon that shall make 2018 a great year. And I' not even talking about games like Travis Strikes Again, The World Ends With You, Wolfenstein 2, and a bunch of games that we don't even know they exist, or that are scheduled for this year.

I don't know, maybe I'm being just too optimistic here, but being a long time Nintendo fan, I trully think there are a lot of good stuff coming in the near future.

Deleted member 12833

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I was disappointed with mine as well but that is my own fault as I let the hype on these forums get to me. I've come to terms with it and am glad I have it now but it's laregly a secondary platform. Nintendo really does need to ramp up the features and user is so damn barebones and dry.


Feb 12, 2018
I feel like switch kinda blew its load early with Mario and Zelda. Which it had to do imo, since Wii U was such a failure.


Oct 29, 2017
Entitlement. "I bought the hardware and now they MUST make games that cater to me" without realizing that that's not how it works.

Also, all these posts about collecting dust aren't serious I hope. Dust in electronics is a terrible thing and not a badge of honour.
Probably are serious posts. Why do you think we get so many threads about how loud the PS4 is? Because their houses are dirty and dusty!


Oct 27, 2017
Let me start by saying that I never owned a Wii U and owned a Wii for less than two months. Beat NSMB and DKCR for it and then sold it on ebay at the time. Outside of those two months, I haven't given a shit about Nintendo since Gamecube.

Anyway, I purchased a Switch this past December with Zelda BOTW and quit it after 20+ hours. Coming off of The Witcher 3, Horizon Zero Dawn and AC Origins, Zelda is simply is far outdated and obsolete to me. I can easily see why it's loved and whatnot but for someone like me, not so much. Haven't played SMO yet. Will eventually as a co-worker will let me borrow it whenever I ask him for it. I did buy, play and complete Mario & Rabbids. What a great game. Excellent gameplay and combat system. Great boss battles. Beautiful visuals and worlds. Good audio as well. Story and characters was even better than I was expecting. Even more amazingly, it was the first ever strategy RPG that I have ever completed and the first one that I played since Guardian War on 3DO. So much fun to play. I had a few negatives though. I wish that the camera wasn't fixed especially when plat-forming and exploring. Wanted to see the worlds that Ubisoft built for the game and couldn't see as much as I wanted to. Also, only two or three characters having the "heal" ability was a pain in the ass early on. Other than those two negatives, game was great and a lot of fun to play. Enjoyed it a shit ton more than the 20+ hours I put into Zelda.

For 2018, I just received Bayonetta 2 from GameFly. Also expecting DKC TF this coming week as GameFly shipped it out yesterday afternoon. Woohoo!!! Not sure if I'll play through Bayonetta 2 as I didn't like the original but figured, what the hell, I'll give the sequel a shot. After these two games, I'll be renting Kirby, Hyrule Warriors, Mario Tennis Aces and Captain Toad. Want to play them all and if I get into them like I did Mario & Rabbids, then I'll definitely end up finishing them. No way am I buying these games as I simply don't think that they're worth the $60 price tag (or $40 in regards to Captain Toad). The only game that im buying as of now will be Octopath Traveler as this game is worth $60 to me because it's not a Wii U port, not a sports game or Mario spin off and it's a new IP in a genre I haven't cared much about since the SNES/PS days. Expecting Octopath to be an easy 9/10 for me and very much hyped for it. In fact, it's why I bought a Switch. Everything else is just a bonus.

It seems that you buy too many games that you're not really interested in and simply looking for games that appeal to you. If nothing appeals to you by year's end, I would say to sell the Switch and move on as it may not be for you. Add in the fact that you don't seem to love Nintendo games like the majority that buy Nintendo consoles normally do and yeah, you may not love any games for a while. I don't love Nintendo games either but I haven't played Nintendo games in six years when I owned Wii for two months and there seems to be a good future lineup that may appeal to me. Just have to wait and see.

Switch has become my secondary console (behind PS4 Pro but ahead of Xbox One) because it will fill a gap for me between God of War and Spider Man on PS4 (as I have nothing else to play including multi-platform games) and give me a few good or better Wii U ports that I always wanted to play but wasn't going to spend $300 on that console to do so while also giving me my most anticipated Switch game and the reason why I purchased the console to begin with - Octopath Traveler in July.

It's all about what appeals and interests you. You could take a wait and see approach, rent games if possible, be more selective in what you buy (this is what im doing this year) or if you're just "out of it" in regards to Switch, maybe you would be better off selling it and simply moving on.


Oct 25, 2017
Same here, I got BotW, M+R, Xenoblade 2, and Stardew Valley. I haven't finished one of them and disappointed personally with both Xenoblade 2 and BotW. Great handheld though and a significant step up from 3ds


Oct 27, 2017
Another Wii U owner thread. You guys don't represent the market well.

After seeing what is probably the 4th iteration of this tired argument I would at this point prefer seeing a thread by someone who only buys xbox or ps4 consoles and why they can't be interested in the Switch.

Not only would it be a change of pace it would represent a sizable audience instead of the most niche group second to Gameboy VR fans.

If you bought a Wii U aren't you pretty unlikely to have bought the Switch? Or was that your point?


Oct 25, 2017
I have a bit of a backlog actually, I don't have that much time to game. I'm sorry to hear that OP, a lot of those games I really like, so if you're not feeling it, that sucks.

If you owned a Wii U, then this half of the year is port-mania. I am looking forward to Aces and Octopath, personally.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Switch software is definitely weak, I'm still playing my Vita more. Zelda, Mario Odyssey, Fire Emblem Warriors, and Xenoblade 2 were all really disappointing. Of the games that I have, the only ones that I feel I got my money's worth are:
Mario Rabbids
Puyo Puyo
Phantom Breaker
Naruto Collection
Oct 29, 2017
Yeah, if I actually had a Wii U the Switch so far this year would be pretty damn terrible. Luckily I didn't, so Bayonetta + Bayonetta 2 and Tropical Freeze have been keeping me busy.

It's funny, the Wii U has always sucked, but the Switch manages to makes it worse even after it's been dead.


I don't know why you keep bringing other consoles like a measuring contest. Regardless of the state of the PS4 half a decade ago, now the Switch is definitely on more of a slump, thus the problem OP has is completely valid. No one is arguing if four years from now how the console looks overall, and no one is saying there's absolutely no games at all. But it's pretty clear that releases have diminished pretty significantly, thus now this complaint is more than valid.

As me about Switch's fall season once we get there. The fact of the matter is that we aren't there yet, so there is room to critique the current situation.

Pretty clear maybe to you. That doesn't speak for all of us.


Oct 25, 2017
Speaking for myself (obviously), I'd remove all the ports, because I've played them on PS3 or PS4. Which leaves a smattering of new games.

It's bonkers because it works on the assumption that a person has an interest in videogames and has completely dodged these various significant titles. There are people who I am sure that applies to, but I doubt it's that many.
I would look at it the opposite way. I think you're the exception, not the norm, if you've played every multiplatform game/port on the Switch. Lots of people haven't played these games on other platforms, especially the Wii U titles considering the Switch has already surpassed the Wii U's total install base by a large margin -- and not every Wii U owner has purchased a Switch yet. Even for people who have played games like DOOM or Skyrim elsewhere, the portability is an appeal.

Obviously not for you, I get that, but I think if you really played every game then you're simply a power user that will be hard to satiated with any platform or amount of releases. My advice is to try giving the titles you have dropped a further chance. Stuff like Xenoblade 2, Mario and Rabbids, and Zelda. Xenoblade and Zelda especially can both easily last someone 100+ hours.


Nov 4, 2017
Yeah, thinking of finally selling mine off. I've bought pretty much all the big releases and it's been nothing but mediocrity/disappointment. The hype and defense some of its games receive is genuinely fucking weird.
Oct 29, 2017
haha totally

As a Wii U owner, I can tell you that playing many of these ports on Switch is just....better. And they're the same flippin' games!

Mhmm. Poor Wii U...


Creepy Woody

Nov 11, 2017
Yeah I'm waiting for news at E3 before I make a decision on what to do. I never use my switch.

I can get the revision down the road if good shit comes in year 3+.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel you. I played Zelda. Disappointed. I played Mario. Disappointed. However, Mario Kart and Donkey Kong are super awesome.

So basically I like the Wii U games more than Switch games.


Oct 28, 2017
There's a lot of great indie titles on Switch, in fact that's probably been my favorite thing about Switch. Playing Shantae, Celeste, Rocket League, and Stardew Valley has been more than worth it to me, and the list keeps growing. Add ACA Neo Geo titles and you have plenty of good stuff. Also Runner 3 this month is going to be absolutely awesome.

I understand these aren't your big Nintendo titles but there's honestly plenty to play if you look outside your comfort zone a little bit.