Oct 26, 2017
Don't hate the game it's just not up to par with what Legend of Zelda games usually aim for.
Had it contained actual LOZ dungeons, bosses and equipment on top of everything BOTW has to offer it would have been godlike.
Hopefully in BOTW 2 they'll remember to include the main game.
Sure sounds like you do, considering that your arguments are flat out incorrect and downplaying the game like crazy, seeing as there are dungeons, bosses, and equipment within the game. They may not have been what you wanted out of a Zelda game but they're in there. It's a more meaty game than just about every Zelda game that came before it. They didn't "forget to include the main game". That's just trolling and you know it


Feb 12, 2018
I wonder how much of people's bad experiences can be put down to stuff like being too frugal cause your stuff breaks. Personally I think the game is most fun when you're just straight up using everything and throwing weapons right in enemies faces, then picking up their weapons while they're stunned on the floor. Then you get to see lots of different enemy behaviours emerge, like the one where they throw each other at you.

If you play it frugal like it's Skyrim then you're going to find that it plays like a worse Skyrim. But use all the toys and the game is full of surprises.

Like what I think BOTW really is is a really great game about stumbling onto weirdness. Weird locations, weird secrets. Weird properties of the physics governing the world itself. Embrace the weird, do weird things and see weird shit. imo

This happened by pure accident to me. I didn't even know the fire worked like this


Oct 27, 2017
Sure sounds like you do, considering that your arguments are flat out incorrect, seeing as there are dungeons, bosses, and equipment within the game. They may not have been what you wanted out of a Zelda game but they're in there. It's a more meaty game than just about every Zelda game that came before it. They didn't "forget to include the main game"
If you want to take the literal route then you're correct but if you played any famous zelda games you should know exactly what I'm talking about.
It's no Link to the past or Ocarina of time.
BOTW's "dungeons" and "bosses" are a far cry from what LOZ is known for.


Oct 27, 2017
Sure sounds like you do, considering that your arguments are flat out incorrect and downplaying the game like crazy, seeing as there are dungeons, bosses, and equipment within the game. They may not have been what you wanted out of a Zelda game but they're in there. It's a more meaty game than just about every Zelda game that came before it. They didn't "forget to include the main game". That's just trolling and you know it

No it's pretty accurate if you were expecting an actual Zelda game and not a tech demo for a Zelda open overworld. There are no dungeons in the game. Trying to count the shrines as dungeons is nonsense and the four animals add up to maybe one full dungeon if you combined them. I don't know where you get "meaty" from in BotW unless you think stamina management and transit time is super deep gameplay. It's a good game that's enjoyable, no doubt, but people who are disappointed in it as a Zelda game are absolutely not wrong or trolling. Accept criticism of your sacred cow already, it's been a year and a half.


Oct 30, 2017
Ive been the same with Dark Souls.

Tried to play it about 10 times due to people hailing it a classic. Put about 10 hours in total and realised

"This isnt fun"


Oct 30, 2017
I think the issue with BotW is that, besides those that simply love it or at least like it as a new game, whatever came before in the series, and can look past that, BotW to me sort of marks a divide in the fanbase between which definition of "Real Zelda" we go by. I know "real [insert franchise]" is a moronic kind of thinking but welp, can't help it, a lot of us think that way internally I think and you have to grant that.

It marks the divide of our definition of "Real Zelda" in the sense that to a LOT of people here I think Ocarina of Time marks the peak definition of what Zelda can be and should be, but to others it's definitely Zelda 1 on NES and BotW is clearly more harkening back to Zelda 1 than it harkens back to Ocarina of Time, even if there are a lot of elements of each.

For one, presentationally there's the scene at the end of each Divine Beast that is very similar to the scenes in OoT when you say goodbye to one of the seven sages and it closes with a fadeout and the sage saying something solemn to mark the importance of the moment. But presentation aside, the game-design structure of BotW is very much using Zelda 1's blueprint. It's about traversing a world in which you can go anywhere you want granted that you have unlocked the tools and strength to handle it, and the enemy variety is split into a couple of types of enemies where the horsemen people are definitely the most dangerous, critters like bats (keys) are really weak but annoying and Mobilns are the main foes.

I think this emphasis on the original Zelda has thrown off a lot of "Big Zelda fans" myself included because while I love Zelda 1 as the progenitor that planted the seeds which eventually became ALttP and later became OoT when the series peaked IMO I'm not really of a "big fan" status of Zelda 1 to be quite frank. And that makes BotW less interesting to me becuase it seems to take steps backwards when it comes to the evolution of narrative and "moments" in Zelda which OoT wrote the rulebook for.


Sep 11, 2018
OP, you have been deemed unworthy of the sacred hobby of video games, prepare to be banished.

Dr. Mario

Oct 27, 2017
What's good about Zelda dungeons? The kishotenketsu? This is much better in BotW, with many more surprise twists in the puzzles and less traversal time. The use of items? The puzzles in BotW are much more open-ended. The size? Can't beat the size of the divine beasts. The thematic styling? Yeah that's the only thing missing, but then the outside scenery and the battle towards the divine beast lends the thematic frame.
3-1 for BotW when it comes to dungeons really.
Oct 26, 2017
No it's pretty accurate if you were expecting an actual Zelda game and not a tech demo for a Zelda open overworld. There are no dungeons in the game. Trying to count the shrines as dungeons is nonsense and the four animals add up to maybe one full dungeon if you combined them. I don't know where you get "meaty" from in BotW unless you think stamina management and transit time is super deep gameplay. It's a good game that's enjoyable, no doubt, but people who are disappointed in it as a Zelda game are absolutely not wrong or trolling. Accept criticism of your sacred cow already, it's been a year and a half.
I more than accept criticism if the criticism actually makes sense and isn't flat out trolling. I've given plenty myself so don't try to paint me as some blind fanboy. It's the people who can't accept that most others love this game that need to accept it because they have an axe to grind against the game simply because they don't love a game that most others do. Calling it a tech demo or flat out pretending that elements of this game don't exist or don't count is, if not trolling, then at least disingenuous. The dungeons and shrines don't count or are "fake" just because you don't like them. The game has plenty of content, hence why I used the term "meaty". Its something most can attest to

If you want to take the literal route then you're correct but if you played any famous zelda games you should know exactly what I'm talking about.
It's no Link to the past or Ocarina of time.
BOTW's "dungeons" and "bosses" are a far cry from what LOZ is known for.
I have played them and I know what you're trying to get at, in that they don't count, simply because you don't like them or feel that they dont measure up to previous games. That's now how arguments work. You can't pretend something doesn't exist because you don't like it


Oct 29, 2017
Glasgow, Scotland
I loved the world but the weapon thing really put me off. Just give me a sword that doesn't break or at least a sword that degrades incredibly slowly but can be "sharpened up" for a nominal in game resource usage or something. Having equipment that lasted like 3 enemies was just ridiculous and really tainted the game for me. It finally looked like a Zelda game I could really get into but this hyper survival element really did ruin it for me.


Oct 27, 2017
I more than accept criticism if the criticism actually makes sense and isn't flat out trolling. I've given plenty myself so don't try to paint me as some blind fanboy. It's the people who can't accept that most others love this game that need to accept it because they have an axe to grind against the game simply because they don't love a game that most others do. Calling it a tech demo or flat out pretending that elements of this game don't exist or don't count is, if not trolling, then at least disingenuous. The dungeons and shrines don't count or are "fake" just because you don't like them. The game has plenty of content, hence why I used the term "meaty". Its something most can attest to

I have played them and I know what you're trying to get at, in that they don't count, simply because you don't like them or feel that they dont measure up to previous games. That's now how arguments work. You can't pretend something doesn't exist because you don't like it
Are we even on the same page?
Older zelda games don't count because I don't like them even though I literally stated they were better? what?
Please clarify.

Cup O' Tea?

Nov 2, 2017
I wonder how much of people's bad experiences can be put down to stuff like being too frugal cause your stuff breaks. Personally I think the game is most fun when you're just straight up using everything and throwing weapons right in enemies faces, then picking up their weapons while they're stunned on the floor. Then you get to see lots of different enemy behaviours emerge, like the one where they throw each other at you.

If you play it frugal like it's Skyrim then you're going to find that it plays like a worse Skyrim. But use all the toys and the game is full of surprises.

Like what I think BOTW really is is a really great game about stumbling onto weirdness. Weird locations, weird secrets. Weird properties of the physics governing the world itself. Embrace the weird, do weird things and see weird shit. imo

This happened by pure accident to me. I didn't even know the fire worked like this

Shit like this is why I still think BOTW is an all-time classic. The open world, exploration and sand-box mechanics were top notch. I rag on the weapon degradation because I hate it, but most of this game hit the mark with me. I didn't even mind the shrines or shallow dungeons. I didn't feel cheated by that because the rest of the world was so fun to explore.


Oct 30, 2017
I am not the biggest fan, the lack of proper dungeons spoilt it for me, as did the traversal and weapon breaking mechanics, it never felt like a Zelda game for me. I reached the end but never completed as I got bored and moved on.
Bought a 3ds the other month as wanted to play a Link between Worlds and loved it and was hooked, so I am obviously an old school Zelda fan.


Oct 25, 2017
Why people keep trying to play games they don't like? Do your own thing, don't bother with what other people think

loved botw but i sure don't care if people don't like it! It's so different that what most fans are used to that it was obvious lots of people wouldn't like it, and that's okay


Oct 27, 2017
No, I'm referring to you discounting BotW's dungeons, bosses, and equipment. I don't think my word choice was confusing there
BOTW's dungeons, bosses, and equipment are definitely not as memorable as older games.
I'm more than sure many feel the same.

If you don't include multiple boss forms you can find more bosses in 1 dungeon on NES then the entirety of dungeon bosses found in BOTW.

Deleted member 10726

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Same boat as some others in this thread. Loved every Zelda game up to this point but BotW just felt like a chore to get through. It's "not gonna hold your hand" approach on the Great Plateau where you have to find the shrines yourself is really cool, but I found it jarring how quickly that philosophy is ejected in the 4 great dungeons of the game. The first thing that happens when you enter is the game telling you exactly where to go.

Would have been cool to find that stuff yourself but I guess exactly here the game just decides to go against it's open approach by instantly showing you where to go instead of letting you search yourself.

Overall, dungeons and bosses are two things I really like about Zelda and both of them were disappointing to me. I just didn't have any fun doing that stuff especially without any new gadget or items to get in these that the puzzles of the dungeons would be designed around, and all of the bosses just felt very similiar with them only having a few original moves while the rest is being shared across all dungeon bosses, including the final boss.

I beat the game hoping at some point I'll see the light and its brilliance will shine onto me, but that never came. People like Zelda games for different reasons and I guess my preferences got the short stick for BotW, and you know, that's okay.

No game is something for everyone, and it's okay not to be enjoying something. Don't be dumb like me and force yourself through the game, instead just accept it ain't for you and move on to play something that you find entertaining. I went on to play Wind Waker afterwards and had a great time with it.
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Oct 25, 2017
Ive restarted it probably 20 times... Currently done the elephant shrine and working on the bird one. Done probably 40 small shrines... I hate this game. I feel like it's a chore to do anything.

The weapon breaking system is legit broken for gaming, traversing anywhere takes what feels like years and it's never fun getting there. The stanima system is absolutely stupid. The difficulty doesn't make sense, the ancient enemies are unfair and confusing on how to counter or kill.

I legitimately hate this game.. and I'm the biggest Zelda fan.. Zelda collectables, Zelda clothing, Zelda wallet (obviously I don't wear these), Zelda backgrounds.. hell my notification sound is the Zelda secret sound. But I find absolutely nothing enjoyable about this game and I feel like Nintendo let me down.

I get it's crazy popular for others, and it's got great reviews... But I hate it and I don't know what to do to like it.. being a Zelda fan I should like this right??? Am I doing something wrong? I don't have a horse and no idea how to get one.. though I feel it's pointless at this point. Cooking is a chore and I have a bazillion monster parts that I don't know what to do with. Trying to get somewhere and oh it starts raining so I either wait forever for it to stop so I can spend a half hour climbing a mountain and falling to my death anyways or go around and maybe shield slide... Until my shield breaks... And I gotta walk now anyways...

Someone help me like this game lol

Nothing and no one can help you like this game. Just pass on it. :)
Oct 26, 2017
BOTW's dungeons, bosses, and equipment are definitely not as memorable as older games.
I'm more than sure many feel the same.

If you don't include multiple boss forms you can find more bosses in 1 dungeon on NES then the entirety of dungeon bosses found in BOTW.
I'm sure plenty will...and plenty will also disagree. It also helps that BotW thankfully also has more going for it than just dungeons and bosses. As for equipment, BotW has more than just about every other Zelda game before it and, unlike previously, they actually remain useful throughout the game or are involved with more than just puzzle solving as opposed to just being limited one lone dungeon or two, from elemental weapons to clothing with various uses to Rune abilities

If you ignore the bosses in the open world and I guess if the NES Zelda games had several boss battles in one dungeon, then sure. You can downplay anything if you set a stringent enough set of criteria :P
Stealth X Hawk
Oct 27, 2017
I think OP is exaggerating when he says he had restarted the game 20 times. I'm guessing it's like five times max.

But anyway, just give it up. There are a million other games to play, and there will undoubtedly be a classic LTTP style '2D' Zelda released in a few years to give you that fanboy comfort.

Mix between restarting and retrying. I guess restarting is a bad word. Start it, get an hour in, stop. Come back, play a half hour, stop, come back a month later, try again, get bored, come back a month later, actually restart the whole thing, and do the same process over

Deleted member 37739

User requested account closure
Jan 8, 2018
Played it for the first time very recently - I've gotten about 30ish hours in and it's been fun, but not quite the transformative experience that I'd been expecting. It's very clever in a lot of ways and if you enjoy being surprised by unexpected little things - that emergent gameplay effect - it'll keep you interested for much longer. If like me, you enjoy like a more linear, directional experience it might wear on you much faster - you've experienced it, that's what matters, how it made you feel and what you take away from it will be your own and that's the same with anything in life: you gave it a fair shake, you know what it's about and what you're in for - you didn't love it and that's cool.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm sure plenty will...and plenty will also disagree. It also helps that BotW thankfully also has more going for it than just dungeons and bosses. As for equipment, BotW has more than just about every other Zelda game before it and, unlike previously, they actually remain useful throughout the game or are involved with more than just puzzle solving as opposed to just being limited one lone dungeon or two, from elemental weapons to clothing with various uses to Rune abilities

If you ignore the bosses in the open world and I guess if the NES Zelda games had several boss battles in one dungeon, then sure. You can downplay anything if you set a stringent enough set of criteria :P

That's if you want to call them overworld "bosses" to begin with.
The boss to dungeon ratio is still better and that alone holds more weight.
It's clear you and I are very different kind of zelda fans.
Me being old school.

That's fine.


Oct 29, 2017
I've got some friends who hate Ubi open world Tower games and they despised the game. To each his own.


Alt account
Aug 7, 2018
The weapon system is the exact opposite of legit broken.

Use strategy... that's the point you seem to be missing here...


Oct 28, 2017
I have seen a fair amount of people who initially didn't like the game but later got it, and loved it. Doesn't sound like this is OP though. I think a lot of people who played handheld only also liked it a lot more when they moved to docked. A lot of the atmosphere and ambiance is missed playing in handheld mode.


May 19, 2018
you know you don't need to like it. if it's not for you then don't play it.

for example the other day i was reading a book because it's a classic "must read" and "genre-defining" but i just really didn't enjoy it so gave up on it. i felt like i had to read it but i don't see the point of doing something if i get no enjoyment from it.

find another game to play if BOTW isn't doing it for you.

I have seen a fair amount of people who initially didn't like the game but later got it, and loved it. Doesn't sound like this is OP though. I think a lot of people who played handheld only also liked it a lot more when they moved to docked. A lot of the atmosphere and ambiance is missed playing in handheld mode.
what does that even mean? it's exactly the same graphics and controls no matter if you're playing in handheld or docked.
Oct 26, 2017
That's if you want to call them overworld "bosses" to begin with.
The boss to dungeon ratio is still better and that alone holds more weight.

It's clear you and I are very different kind of zelda fans.
Me being old school.
They're major enemies with health bars that take quite sometime to beat. Not sure why they wouldn't count as bosses

If those are the only major factors to all Zelda games, than I suppose so but that's not the case here

We are different kinds of Zelda fans but I wasn't ever really concerned with that
Nov 1, 2017
I'm a huge Zelda fan, and the franchise has a very special place in my heart, but i don;t like BotW either. And that's ok. Just because almost everyone got their knickers in a bunch about this game doesn't mean it has to appeal to everyone. Personally, i think it's extremely overrated and i think a lot of the praise comes from the sheer surprise that Nintendo, famously conservative at the best of times, actually released a sequel in a long running series that fundamentally changed things up. Did these things change for the better? Well, that's down to personal preference, but in my mind it did not. Sadly for people like me and the OP BotW was such a success that this is what the blueprint will be for Zelda for probably the next 20 odd games until they decide to mix it up again, which does make me sad as it feels like a beloved franchise of mine is suddenly on ice.

The things i expect from a good Zelda game seem to be missing in BotW and i suspect this may also be what the OP takes issue with. Dungeons, obviously, is a big one. I can appreciate what they tried to do but i did not enjoy my experience in any of the dungeons in BotW and that's one of the main draws of a Zelda game for me. Items, as well, are extremely lacking. You get all your tools in the first 30 mins and it's a miserly selection. That limit in available tools means less variety in puzzles and combat, the the fact that they are so frontloaded robs the game of the kind of progression that a gradually increasing toolkit used to offer. Speaking of which, the progression is all over the place, mostly because the game is designed in such a way that the game can be ended whenever you choose..

Zelda games aren't known for their complex stories/plots but pretty much all the Zelda games that came before trump BotW in this regard. The difficulty curve is bizarre as well, i seemingly spent the first half of the game being one shot by random enemies where i made the mistake of wandering into the wrong area. Then at some point after beating one or two dungeons and getting a few upgrades i went from more fragile than a wet paper towel to basically unkillable which, again, weird. Doesnt help that food unbalances the shit out of gameplay. Even if there is a difficult bit you can brute force your way through it by grinding ingredients for food and having a never ending supply of health and stat boosting options that can be used without penalty at any time.

Enough has been said about the weapon breaking, combined with the tediousness of the UI making combats a chore of stop/start nonsense rather than the free flowing idea they were probably going for. Weapon fragility makes exploring the world pointless. There are no more heart pieces in the wild, the only benefit to exploring is to find Korok seeds and they are so plentiful you dont even need to do this, you can make do with what you stumble upon. The developers built this huge and admittedly technically impressive world to traverse and get lost in but make it a chore to navigate (yay for rain when trying to climb, let me put the controller down and wait 5 mins for it to stop so i can carry on playing) and gave zero reason to bother. Why explore every nook and cranny when the only reward for doing so is materials for things that are plentiful anyway and weapon that will break 30 seconds into a fight?

Anyway i could go on but the point is that no one should feel like they have to play a game that is flawed in many ways because a lot of people looks past those flaws and find GotY material. I had a similar experience with Bloodborne. I played and loved (and fully completed as in got all achievements) all 3 Dark Souls games and came to Bloodborne expecting to be blown away as it's so often be referred to as the best Soulsborne game but came away after a few hours of playing the game entirely unimpressed and with zero desire to every play it again. And that's fine, God knows there are so many superb games out there vying for my limited gaming time, I'm not gonna waste mine on a game I don't like.
Stealth X Hawk
Oct 27, 2017
I'm a huge Zelda fan, and the franchise has a very special place in my heart, but i don;t like BotW either. And that's ok. Just because almost everyone got their knickers in a bunch about this game doesn't mean it has to appeal to everyone. Personally, i think it's extremely overrated and i think a lot of the praise comes from the sheer surprise that Nintendo, famously conservative at the best of times, actually released a sequel in a long running series that fundamentally changed things up. Did these things change for the better? Well, that's down to personal preference, but in my mind it did not. Sadly for people like me and the OP BotW was such a success that this is what the blueprint will be for Zelda for probably the next 20 odd games until they decide to mix it up again, which does make me sad as it feels like a beloved franchise of mine is suddenly on ice.

The things i expect from a good Zelda game seem to be missing in BotW and i suspect this may also be what the OP takes issue with. Dungeons, obviously, is a big one. I can appreciate what they tried to do but i did not enjoy my experience in any of the dungeons in BotW and that's one of the main draws of a Zelda game for me. Items, as well, are extremely lacking. You get all your tools in the first 30 mins and it's a miserly selection. That limit in available tools means less variety in puzzles and combat, the the fact that they are so frontloaded robs the game of the kind of progression that a gradually increasing toolkit used to offer. Speaking of which, the progression is all over the place, mostly because the game is designed in such a way that the game can be ended whenever you choose..

Zelda games aren't known for their complex stories/plots but pretty much all the Zelda games that came before trump BotW in this regard. The difficulty curve is bizarre as well, i seemingly spent the first half of the game being one shot by random enemies where i made the mistake of wandering into the wrong area. Then at some point after beating one or two dungeons and getting a few upgrades i went from more fragile than a wet paper towel to basically unkillable which, again, weird. Doesnt help that food unbalances the shit out of gameplay. Even if there is a difficult bit you can brute force your way through it by grinding ingredients for food and having a never ending supply of health and stat boosting options that can be used without penalty at any time.

Enough has been said about the weapon breaking, combined with the tediousness of the UI making combats a chore of stop/start nonsense rather than the free flowing idea they were probably going for. Weapon fragility makes exploring the world pointless. There are no more heart pieces in the wild, the only benefit to exploring is to find Korok seeds and they are so plentiful you dont even need to do this, you can make do with what you stumble upon. The developers built this huge and admittedly technically impressive world to traverse and get lost in but make it a chore to navigate (yay for rain when trying to climb, let me put the controller down and wait 5 mins for it to stop so i can carry on playing) and gave zero reason to bother. Why explore every nook and cranny when the only reward for doing so is materials for things that are plentiful anyway and weapon that will break 30 seconds into a fight?

Anyway i could go on but the point is that no one should feel like they have to play a game that is flawed in many ways because a lot of people looks past those flaws and find GotY material. I had a similar experience with Bloodborne. I played and loved (and fully completed as in got all achievements) all 3 Dark Souls games and came to Bloodborne expecting to be blown away as it's so often be referred to as the best Soulsborne game but came away after a few hours of playing the game entirely unimpressed and with zero desire to every play it again. And that's fine, God knows there are so many superb games out there vying for my limited gaming time, I'm not gonna waste mine on a game I don't like.

This is exactly the way im feeling, which funny enough I felt the same way about bloodborne being a huge souls fan as well. However I started with Kings field, so demons and dark souls are more up my alley as spiritual successors rather than blood


Oct 27, 2017
Don't force yourself to play something you're not enjoying. You're only going to hate it more.

Walk away and play something else. If you bought a physical copy sell/trade it for something different.
Oct 25, 2017
I get it but I think it's acceptable for people who are big fans of a series to discuss drastic changes in their enjoyment of a series. It's like when I went from devil may cry 1 to 2. Granted 2 was a terrible game, it's important to discuss changes that deter long term fans right?
Sure but these changes have been discussed to death and it seems as though we get a topic on it at least once every week or two. I understand the frustration for long time fans if this game hasn't clicked with them, but at some point they need to realize that the game went in a different direction that may not be for them.
Oct 27, 2017
Why do people feel the need to everyone else how much they hate something? I mean, having an opinion is fine, but why not just post in an existing BotW thread? Why is your opinion threadworthy? The hundreds of people on here who love the game didn't each rush to post new threads. Just reeks of trying to be contrarian to be honest.

Deleted member 30151

User requested account closure
Nov 2, 2017
Ive restarted it probably 20 times

I guess that's the biggest problem here. The game is simply not for you, as hard as it sounds, just deal with it. You can try it another 20 times and you end up hating the game even more. This is not your average Zelda formula and this will not change, no matter how many times you try to play through the game.


Nov 6, 2017
was the same with me, 2 50h+ on both consoles, and i cannot force myself to enjoy it, i really hope that they drop this format for the next zelda, otherwise I'll probably skip it ... it would be my first zelda to skip


Oct 31, 2017
Just because other people like it doesn't mean you *have* to like it, three times is more than enough to get a feeling if you like it or not and you've given a fair chance. Put it behind you and do something you enjoy!


Oct 26, 2017
Lake Titicaca
Sounds like you gave it a fair shake, so if you don't like it by now then stop and play something else. No matter how critically acclaimed a game is, there's no point forcing yourself through it if you're having a bad time.

I really enjoyed my time spent with BotW, but boy did it not leave a good first impression on me. I forget the name of it, but the starting area left me so cold for some reason. It felt too aimless, too inactive, the robots pissed me off and I didn't know how to deal with them, so on and so forth. Once I got past that and ventured out into the world proper, the game improved immeasurably for me.


Aug 21, 2018
Seeing more and more of these baffling threads... Its ok not to like something, why would you friggin force yourself?? I am a huge Zelda fan but that doesnt mean I should love and enjoy every one of them.


Oct 30, 2017
These threads are like a stereotypical movie male therapy session.. Fight Club or Wreckit Ralph etc.. An excruciating need for validation of ownership over something that isn't yours...


No one gives a shit .. Nintendo decide what a Zelda game is not you.. I couldn't stand Skyward Sword.. It made me sad but I dropped the game and moved on.. They've now made a Zelda that is one of the greatest games of all time . Critical and popular reception proves that.. You not being able to accept it and continuously posting so is your problem.


Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, Florida
I hacked my game to get rid of the weapon breaking bullshit. Once I did that, game became ...somewhat enjoyable?


Oct 28, 2017
I never got into it either. I tend to not like games with limited direction or find you direction and ended up trading in. I'm the same way with Fallout and skyrim games.

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
You can be a perfectly acceptable gamer even if you don't finish or appreciate all the classics, don't worry.


Oct 25, 2017
Not every game is for everyone. For me, the weapon breaking was an essential component of the game, and it wouldnt be as good without it. Picking up everything from tree branches to bones and hurling them at enemies, experimenting and seeing how they react is incredibly fun.

But generally speaking, if you have to start something 5 times, it aint for you. Life's too short. Move on.
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Oct 30, 2017
This game is a regression of everything that made Zelda
No, cuz as I've said it's just Zelda 1 in a "back to basics" fashion.
But yes, I agree still because it's a regression from how Zelda evolved. The issues people had was the overt formulaicness and increasingly narrow campaign structures of the 3D Zeldas. Letting the player loose could've come without taking away the sense of meaningful adventure as opposed to making a recreational sandbox.


Mar 15, 2018
I didn't hook with Into the Breach. But I don't understand why.
Don't feel bad for disliking a high rated game.