
Nov 26, 2017
I see it as something like devil sticks, pogs or beanie babies. It's just a fun way to extract cash from young people and the young at heart, but you might look a little silly doing it.


Oct 25, 2017
Never used tiktok in my life, never will, but this stuff seems actually fun? Having any strong reactions about this is probably a good sign you are turning into an angry grandpa/grandma screaming at kids to leave your lawn

Lord Fanny

Apr 25, 2020
While this style of streaming doesn't have any appeal to me I get WHY it has appeal. You get a direct cause and effect to happen with the streamer. Its the same reason people pay for super chats on YouTube streams and stuff. And honestly being able to do this and stay in character for a long period of time takes some actual skill as a performer.

Yeah, between that and the larping aspect of the first video, this stuff is not that hard to understand at all lol. It's not something I would have the patience to sit through for more than a few minutes or spend money on, but I get it. I hate how people in their late 20s/30s act like they're fucking ancient. Like people who say they don't get TikTok as a thing. You don't get watching videos for entertainment? Were you shocked when you heard about the Hindenburg going down in flames on the radio? Then you're not that old to be unable to get it


Oct 25, 2017
Richmond, VA
Ya'll can get lost with saying we're too old. Stupid is timeless.

Show me this at 22 and I would have still said it was stupid.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Boomers were right when they said video games rot people's brains
May 29, 2023
This is like the most literal embodiment of the society of spectacle in it's absolute truest form. People standing in front of a camera performing nonsensical, repetitive, rote actions, directed to them by an algorithm, acting as inhuman as possible under the guise of social interaction to passify kids so a corporation can steal money directly from their pockets. It's amazing, like someone thought the book was a manual.

That said I do find the feeling it exudes interesting, and I'd imagine its exhausting to perform. It's a shame these people's talents are being wasted and I hope some of them find a way to utilize how uncanny this can feel in a more creative way.
This post needs more love. I understand most people don't want to be in the career they are. However, I doubt many people want to beg for money on the internet by pretending to be an object while reacting ad nauseam to old men feeding them virtual hot dogs. Getting paid doesn't somehow exalt the hustle. It is interesting to see what people are doing to try surviving. It's more like a sad reflection of modern society.


Oct 25, 2017
Maybe you feel like you've seen her before but can't put a finger on it.



Nov 11, 2017
Thank you for the likes
Thank you for the follow
Thank you for the tier 3 gifted sub
Thabk you for 19 gifted subs

This is really just an extreme logical extension of paying for a Streamers attention

Props to people making money on this. Fucking exhausting to keep up
Jan 20, 2023
the number of people asking me if that obviously fake video is real, context aside why would zizek be doing that, i mean, visually its incredibly obviously fake

is very worrying


Oct 25, 2017
I swear some of y'all have let Era threads about niche and cringe TikTok trends color your entire perception of the app and modern teenagers in general and it's fast-tracked you into early boomerism


Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019
I think I might have slipped to some alt reality where I don't understand half the shit that is going on.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
This isn't even new, no one remembers the subservient chicken?

Or the creepier but more limited version from Bret Easton Ellis "The Devil in You"
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Prophet of Truth
Sep 22, 2020
This is just normal GMod humor.
People were doing this stuff with TF2 over a decade ago.

This TikTok stuff is on another level.
for real. This isn't "duh Gen Alpha is ok??" this shit is millennial and at 'worst' early gen z humor. youtube poop and GMod stuff like this been around for well over 10 years.

agreed on the tiktok stuff lmao this is weird and uncomforting. especially because of the money involved.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Ya'll can get lost with saying we're too old. Stupid is timeless.

Show me this at 22 and I would have still said it was stupid.

Being a boomer has nothing to do with physical age. It's the mental mindset of thinking people are weird or stupid for liking things that you don't understand.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm...fine with it?
Seems like harmless fun (for weirdos). But I was a weird kid too. Let's be honest: If you're posting on Era regularly you're probably a weirdo. Why y'all trying to pretend like you don't have a weirdo badge?

yeah that's what makes the "actually this is completely normal, you're just weird and out of touch for thinking this is weird!!!" posts so funny, it's like no honey, this is actually extremely weird, you're just extremely online.


Oct 25, 2017
Richmond, VA
Being a boomer has nothing to do with physical age. It's the mental mindset of thinking people are weird or stupid for liking things that you don't understand.

Oh come on. It's stupid and it's fine to think something is stupid or weird or whatever. I'm not saying they should stop, they should have fun doing whatever they want, but I can still call it what it is and doesn't make me a boomer.

I said earlier this is no different than weirdo street performance, like mimes or living statues. Well, I think mimes and living statues are kind of stupid too!

Jugglers are awesome though. We should all agree on that.


Oct 26, 2017
I think one point of universality among generations is the idea of making millions of dollars for doing basically nothing. I'm honestly too scared to get on a video and do anything, and even if I wasn't, you wouldn't want to see me because I'm not attractive or talented.

So like with anything, even something stupidly weird, you gotta be good at it. There's millions of dollars in weird young people money to be made.


Dec 25, 2017
PG version ( sometimes 80's pg-13) of myfreecam type sites. It's not even a new trend.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Ok good, I didn't think it was stupid, but charming.
Guess I'm not old yet.

John Rabbit

Oct 25, 2017
Millennials 5 years ago: OK boomer
Millennials now: These fuckin kids and their tickingtocks

This is literally no different than when olds didn't understand livestreaming, or podcasts, or smartphones, or the internet...

These people are probably making bank too.
Oct 28, 2017
Millennials 5 years ago: OK boomer
Millennials now: These fuckin kids and their tickingtocks

This is literally no different than when olds didn't understand livestreaming, or podcasts, or smartphones, or the internet...

These people are probably making bank too.
I dunno, man. Livestreaming, it's like a stand-in for friends in an age where people are lonely. Podcasts are like radio shows. The others are technological advancements.

This is a human deliberately acting like a Disneyland animatronic for what I assume is fetish content. This is some Paul Verhoeven shit.

I don't think these are comparable things.
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The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
so glad i'm still not yet at the stage of boomerism where i cant at least look at the weirdest stuff that the zoomers are doing and relate to it in even the most tangential way.

like okay that isn't at all for me, but i can understand the appeal, on a basic human level, or totally in the abstract

i dont think i've yet seen or encountered something from a generation below me that completely and utterly mystefies me, and i really dont look forward to the day when i do tbh

You never will. People are purposefully obtuse so they can squeeze into the circle jerk of smug generational cynicism; just like their parents did when Tom Green was yelling DING DONG while squatting on a conveyor belt in a cheese sandwich factory and holding a huge salami up to his crotch and the salami sometimes touched other assembly line workers on the face.

Deleted member 4614

Oct 25, 2017
It's not a "boomer" thing to think this is strange


Oct 25, 2017
Its dumb but its not a big leap from people doing twitch hype trains and bombarding with gifs and sound clips with the streamer barely able to get a word in, to this which is just the streamer reading/acting the reaction messages.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
I saw kids selling that stupid energy drink on the street like a lemonade stand. Are kids still falling for that shit, I thought that was many months ago.