Oct 25, 2017
Same OP. It's very obvious they became hot commodities so any AAA studio would hire them for whatever role. It was especially tiring seeing stuff like Shadow of Mordor and CoD use Troy's face, or worse when Infamous Second Son cast Troy as a Native American and darkened his eyes and complexion for the model.


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
Human performances in games have only been around about 25 years, give or take. If you look at Hollywood in the 40s and 50s, you will see the same thing you see with VG voice actors today. Give the medium some time to mature and develop some talent.

I agree with this.
There was a time where Karloff, Lugosi, and Chaney were seemingly in every golden age horror film at that time. Same with Christopher Lee, Vincent Price, and Peter Cushing during the Hammer days of the 60s and 70s.
I know... apples and oranges here (as especially the first three I mentioned were theatrical shapeshifters), but I just wanted to mention them. :)


Nov 2, 2017
Nottingham, UK
They're all super talented and frankly I'm stoked that Video Game VA's are getting more attention and fame. A higher bar has been set by these three, as well as many others, which can only have a positive impact on our games.

Not only that but they've helped cement video game acting as a viable medium for an actors career.

There will always be the prolific players at the top of their industries, who get showcased more than others and you're bound to have some fatigue in regards to how much you're exposed to them. There's probably a part of you tired of seeing The Rock or hearing another Ed Sheeran song. I think it's kinda cool that Video Game VA's have their own little superstars of the industry.

Personally i don't know how you guys notice it's them until you see the credits! I never pick up on that stuff.


Oct 25, 2017
I have, and I still don't agree.

Yuri Lowenthal doesn't have a wide range of voices, and when he does try it's embarrassing like in Metro.

Like I said before I don't like Yuri Lowenthal, you may disagree and that's perfectly okay.

Did you know that voice acting isn't a competition to see how many different voices you can make?

Really? A long, detailed, well-thought out opening post and that's all you have to say? You could have just not said anything.

You seem mad.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account.
Oct 31, 2017
if anything this thread makes me appreciate games where you never know its nolan north.



Jan 17, 2018
North and Baker are great and versatile voice actors tho. VO directors tend to ask them to perform in a similar style to their well-known roles and I can see why it can get annoying, but they're usually good to great in most of their roles.


"This guy are sick"
Nov 27, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Totally agree with the intention of this post. While I don't loathe or am annoyed by hearing these same voice actors necessarily , I do feel that the industry could use more diversity in VAs overall.


Oct 27, 2017
Los Alfheim
Sorry you feel this way. These "big 3" are crazy talented and they generally enhance whatever game they play a part in, imo. I personally need more Laura Bailey in the games I play.
Oct 24, 2019
Nah. This is a non-issue.

Just look at a lot of the characters from the biggest games in recent years. Kratos, Jesse Faden, Spider-Man, Claire/Leon, Aloy, Arthur Morgan/Dutch, etc. None of those characters were played by the 3 actors you mentioned, and they were the lead characters in some of the biggest games of their respective years.

Your inexplicable rant is not justified.


Oct 25, 2017
They've definitely been working a lot less these past few years. Most of their recent stuff is just small side characters.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
I tend to agree, though I did love the moment when I realized that

Was played by Nolan North. When they're not typecast as the Nathan Drakes or Booker DeWitts of every video game, and when they really try for different roles, they do a great job.

Same goes for when he did the Penguin,


Jun 22, 2018
They are annoyingly played out.

Just because it's Troy Baker, doesn't make him perfect fit for certain voices. Like Ocelot for instance.

I have no clue why developers would go for these big names, instead of unknowns (if they do their parts better, which I will assume there are a ton of voice actors out there that don't ever get a chance to partake in project like MGS).

I had no clue Nadine wasn't a black woman in UC4 though, but yeah, no surprise there either. A big named voice actor? "Eh who cares if she's white, she can do a good 'black' voice right guys?". Is how I see it happening.

I read a story where Troy was super gung-ho to play someone crazy like Ocelot and he was disappointed that all he did was spout exposition. I'm pretty sure it's fake but imagine playing the other games gearing up to play this madman and then getting MGSV Ocelot


Oct 28, 2017
I couldn't stand Nolan as Desmond (Assassin's Creed), but that's the directors fault for probably telling him "do Drake".


"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Nov 1, 2017
I will always know Troy Baker as Snow and Laura Bailey as Serah


Oct 25, 2017
I think the industry needs more diversity and straight white people like these actors being cast as black or Native American this gen is trash.
Jan 11, 2018
Nolan North sounds like he's totally phoning it in as Tony Stark. I mean, it's literally just his normal voice. It's sad cause he's capable of delivering such memorable performances, such as David in The Last of Us.
Oct 25, 2017
Your problem is not with the voice actors it's with the voice direction. These folk are plenty talented but often just aren't given a chance to show their range.


Oct 25, 2017
Argh, I get this. They're soooo talented, but Im totally exhausted hearing them as heroes half the time.


Oct 27, 2017
I could listen to Laura Bailey all day. After Lust in FMA and Kaine in Nier she could say anything and she'll have my full attention.


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017
I honestly haven't heard any of the three in a long while, at least not in a way that's noticeable. I think it's pretty funny that I still think of Troy Baker as the "Snow and Kanji guy", too.

I think the three being in Avengers will be pretty weird, though.


Dec 14, 2017
I read a story where Troy was super gung-ho to play someone crazy like Ocelot and he was disappointed that all he did was spout exposition. I'm pretty sure it's fake but imagine playing the other games gearing up to play this madman and then getting MGSV Ocelot

He must have been so happy when he read what would be his character in Death Stranding!


Oct 25, 2017
As someone not from america, when i have to hear an american dub I enjoy this voice actors voices (mostly Laura Bailey in games like saints row). Though I have to say that I dont hear them that much becuase on the big games they appear they usually go with spanish dubs, and those spanish dubs, when made by Ubisoft for example, are usually much better than the american ones IMO (except for the fucker there who forces them to always hire a famous spanish person that is NOT a voice actor to do an important character like Napoleon, Cleopatra or Washington, fuck that guy, thank god it didnt happen in ACOddysey finally).
We also have terrible dubs here (the witcher 1 for example, is infamous, thank god CDPR actually went for quality for Thronebreaker), but most of them are good enough and a lot of the times they are excellent. Its true that the dubs in games are usually lesser quality than the ones in the movies and tv, except when you get games from companies like Ubisoft and Blizzard, that usually go for movie voice actor talent. Nintendo has some fun ones right now (except smash, were the narrator is a german voice actor speaking in spanish becuase he was born here), but they repeat voices A LOT becuase they use the same studio in Barcelona always, and that studio dubs kids anime like Yo Kai watch, so you are hearing those voices all the time, even if Nintendo doesnt dub in spanish that much. But hey, at least they are good fun actors.

The thing is, american voice actors are payed A LOT of money, compared of how mistreated are our spanish ones are, even the most famous and excellent ones that are fucking legendary and their voices are loved and rememebered by all. Now THAT is a problem.
Last edited:


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Couldn't the same be said for actors? How do you feel about Leonardo DiCaprio? Scarlett Johansson? Christian Bale? Will Smith? Margot Robbie?


Oct 27, 2017
I haven't heard them in awhile since I usually play games with dual audio now but man back in the day Laura and Troy were in so many JRPGs lol


Oct 25, 2017
Going by your posts in this thread, you should be looking a mirror there champ. Just because you're called out for being an asshole doesn't mean you should double down on it.

It's just getting annoying.

These voice actors have a lot of range. So it sucks to hear people complain about them while in reality all of their complaining should be directed at the people who are directing them.

When Troy Baker, Nolan North, and Laura Bailey end up using their normal voice and doing a performance not unlike other roles, that because they were directed to do that. Many people who played The Last of Us had no idea that David was played by Nolan North until the credits rolled.

Ultimately it's a bunch of misplaced anger towards the wrong people.

Garrod Ran

self-requested ban
Mar 23, 2018
I read a story where Troy was super gung-ho to play someone crazy like Ocelot and he was disappointed that all he did was spout exposition. I'm pretty sure it's fake but imagine playing the other games gearing up to play this madman and then getting MGSV Ocelot
this is also on how fuckin' bad MGSV's writing was sometimes
how Ocelot goes completely placid between his full goober MGS3 self and his jackass old man self is baffling and makes no sense for the character