Deleted member 2172

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Oct 25, 2017
You should instead be thankful that they have brought life to so many characters you know and love.

"They're too good at their job!"


Sep 21, 2018
You made this thread 7 years too late, none of those actors do a fraction of the work in games anymore.

V has come to

Dec 4, 2019
what has Nolan North been in since Uncharted 4? i can't think of anything between that and Avengers

Troy and Laura are still in a lot but they aren't in everything like they were last gen and into the early parts of this gen


Oct 25, 2017
This is how I feel with Yuri Lowenthal.
It's gotten to the point where I can't stand his voice anymore and flat out refuse to buy any games that doesn't have at least dual audio.
Thank fuck Star Ocean First Departure has dual audio.

He does an amazing Peter Parker. His performance at the end of Spider-Man was phenomenal. Probably best acting of his career.

Lukemia SL

Jan 30, 2018
I semi am in agreement, like I think they're all really talented and get surprised when I find out a character is them. Like with Hades, Joel, Mary Jane and David.

But it really is jarring when you know it is them so obviously doing their regular voices.


When I saw this on whatever event that I forgot it was at, I then knew I couldn't stand them.
We need more voice talent in the industry, it's all getting too familiar.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
I'm sure they can't stand you either

Garrod Ran

self-requested ban
Mar 23, 2018
what has Nolan North been in since Uncharted 4? i can't think of anything between that and Avengers

Troy and Laura are still in a lot but they aren't in everything like they were last gen and into the early parts of this gen
imdb tells me he's doing a lot of VO for TV series more than video games lately
might be better money for him or something
Oct 27, 2017
I wouldn't say I can't stand them but I'm always for more diversity in gaming VO. When Troy, Nolan, Laura, and Travis were all cast for Avengers I kinda chuckled because that's like the who's who of PS360 gen video game VO haha.

Shining Star

May 14, 2019
There really needs to be more diversity in voice acting. Unfortunately, it's a very small field over here.


Dec 4, 2017
Yeah I don't understand, is voice acting a game a speedy thing? How can they fit so many jobs in? Or do they not get paid enough so they have to take up loads of roles, or is there just a lack of voice actors in the industry?
Oct 27, 2017
Imagine if they cast the same dude in every big action blockbuster movie. It gets tiring for sure. Especially Troy Baker who just freaking uses his own voice in the majority of his work. Over rated my guy. Charisma carries you far I guess. I can only thing of twice where he killed it, Joel and the Joker but even the Joker he was just doing a Mark Hamill imitation.

Garrod Ran

self-requested ban
Mar 23, 2018
I semi am in agreement, like I think they're all really talented and get surprised when I find out a character is them. Like with Hades, Joel, Mary Jane and David.

But it really is jarring when you know it is them so obviously doing their regular voices.


When I saw this on whatever event that I forgot it was at, I then knew I couldn't stand them.
We need more voice talent in the industry, it's all getting too familiar.
in the case of Avengers, most of them had been in those roles for some time

Travis and Laura have been the regular VAs for Thor and Widow for a number of years already


Dec 14, 2017
So you're suggesting the french dub is more diverse? Bwahahaha.

Oh god no. Every old guy is played by Benoît Allemane, every 54 years old guy is played by José Luccioni and every fat guy is played by Christophe Lemoine.
But, sometimes, the French dub is great, if not better than the original one. Some of the voices in Spec Ops: The Line are pretty incredible. Same for the Bioshock series (although the original ones are still better I think). It depends.
Oct 26, 2017
Ya know, sometimes it's not the actor. But a director and writer who only know how to borrow ideas.

That said, I get what you're going for and agree.
There was a video with Troy and Nolan where they were talking about their performances and when it came to Prince of Persia (2008) Nolan said that when he saw the character design he wanted to do something different but he was specifically told to do the classic cocky hero voice that he's known for.
These people keep getting hired because they're known quantities and can deliver what the companies want from them, but they're generally given very little scope in how they do their performances.
So many issues players have when it comes to voice acting in games are often really problems with voice direction.


Oct 25, 2017
Pacific North West


Prophet of Regret Corrupted by Vengeance
Nov 7, 2019
Nolan North is an incredible actor so I'm fine with him. Laura Bailey I don't really have a voice in my head tbh, but I know the name and probably played a bunch of games with her. Troy Baker was really tiring a couple years ago but that has calmed down a bit, though I do think he lacks a bit of range - he does what he does well but you usually can instantly tell its him.


Nov 1, 2017
I didn't really notice voice actors until I started watching Critical Role (which Laura Bailey is on). Now I hear her everywhere, as well as some of the other VAs on the show.

I don't mind it though because I like them all.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Ugh, agreed. To be more precise, I'm so tired of directors wanting them to use their regular voices.

Hearing the same VOs over and over again is tiring, and I'm envious of people who don't notice.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I don't know why the fuck they were cast for Avengers, ruins an already disappointing-looking game for me.
I love them as VAs, they do great work, but plenty of times I guess directors keep telling telling them to use their usual voices and we end up with several sound alikes, I wish they were let to use more of their range as Nolan has proven he can be quite versatile, Troy too to some degree.

BuBu Jenkins

Oct 27, 2017
You know what they say "don't hate the player hate the game" Those doing the hiring are the ones to blame for always defaulting to these same overused actors instead of actually taking time to find other lesser known ones who can do an equally if not better job.

Garrod Ran

self-requested ban
Mar 23, 2018
Nolan North is an incredible actor so I'm fine with him. Laura Bailey I don't really have a voice in my head tbh, but I know the name and probably played a bunch of games with her. Troy Baker was really tiring a couple years ago but that has calmed down a bit, though I do think he lacks a bit of range - he does what he does well but you usually can instantly tell its him.
Troy definitely does have range, he just doesn't get hired to use it very often
as said before, these actors are often hired to basically "Do The Voice" that got them famous, and you have to look a bit more to find the examples of their range

Deleted member 29682

User requested account closure
Nov 1, 2017
Yeah I don't understand, is voice acting a game a speedy thing? How can they fit so many jobs in? Or do they not get paid enough so they have to take up loads of roles, or is there just a lack of voice actors in the industry?

From what I've heard, it's more that it was a full time job for them, and they had the consistency, experience and reliability to make the whole process go smoothly and both the audio people and the VAs know exactly what to expect. There's a million and one people on the likes of Twitter who are trying to get into the VA scene but struggle to get roles, so it ends up needing to be a side-gig to something else for a little while. But this can backfire: anecdotally, I know Sungwon Cho (ProZD) has mentioned being turned down for roles because he was popular on Youtube and presumably they didn't want to be seen as hiring social media personalities for cheap marketing.


Dec 14, 2017
Don't blame them for getting work, blame the people doing the casting

You are right. Although I would add one thing.

The fact that Troy Baker made this joke at the Game Awards really is bad taste imo.
He's probably not directly responsible for the lack of diversity in video game acting, but he's absolutely part of the problem. When the most popular actor of the industry makes 5 different additional voices for a game, the least he can do is not making fun of the fact that the acting industry is hard to get into...


Alt account
Feb 5, 2020
Because they liked the design the best? I mean UC4 is game where a white women is voiced by a black actor.

I'm not discounting times where a white actor was cast in a PoC role that they shouldn't have gotten but this whole thing is nuanced. Not often, but it's not that simple.

I'm not saying it's not nuanced, because more often than not, there are various nuanced circumstances why choices are made. Not a black/white thing at all.

But I just found it strange, and I agree with the OP in that I'm kind of annoyed the same three voice actors get the biggest roles.

It's like Tom Cruise bagging every action movie

And I have a lot of respect for these actors, don't get me wrong. As an aspiring voice actor myself, I think the world of them. They are amongst the greatest out there. But I'm pretty sure that there are 100's of voice actors out there who never even get a role.


"This guy are sick"
Dec 16, 2017
How about we just boost minority voice actors and give them more chances and opportunities to audition for roles?
Please play Indivisble. Other than it being a fantastic game, it's loaded with inclusive roles and character types. I have some super minor issues with the combat flow but it's minor enough that I just don't care. It was my second platinum trophy ever.

Dr Pears

Sep 9, 2018
I like when Yuri Lowenthal voices pervy characters in Japanese games.

He straight up asks for sexy time with the main character as Dito in Drakengard 3.

And he creeps over the female characters in swimming suits as Yosuke in Persona 4.

I want someone to take these voice clips and put them in Spiderman PS4 where he voices spiderman lol.


May 10, 2018
Yeah, nowadays you hear the same damn voice actors over and over and over again.
That's a reason why I love what Capcom did wtih Resident Evil 2 Remake. Claire and Leon both have excellent VA that were basically unknown before the game.


Oct 29, 2017
Quite the opposite for me, there are games I've played or have a deeper appreciation for only because of them. Some of the best talent in the business, I do hope they keep getting as much work.


Oct 27, 2017
Troy Baker is the one that annoys me the most because he doesn't know how to talk like a normal person in any of his roles.
The others are just over-used, and don't always fit the character they're playing.

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
From what I've heard, it's more that it was a full time job for them, and they had the consistency, experience and reliability to make the whole process go smoothly and both the audio people and the VAs know exactly what to expect. There's a million and one people on the likes of Twitter who are trying to get into the VA scene but struggle to get roles, so it ends up needing to be a side-gig to something else for a little while. But this can backfire: anecdotally, I know Sungwon Cho (ProZD) has mentioned being turned down for roles because he was popular on Youtube and they didn't want to be seen as hiring social media personalities for cheap marketing.
That's a shame because ProZD is extremely talented.