
Oct 25, 2017
Are writers no no longer allowed to write racist, sexist and homophobic characters? Is this a reflection on them, or literally them trying to write a character?
I think the argument falls apart when you start complain about characters walking away from a another, trying to speak another language, someone turning really evil, despite it being so obviously a corruption of power that we've been seeing for seasons. I mean, what are you supposed to say to that?

Are you quite serious? Try reading the threadmarks for actual explanations of how their transgressions aren't mere "writing of racist or sexist or homophobic characters," but racist and sexist and homophobic writing.

Musing on whether it's acceptable to write in-universe misdeeds is a silly strawman. There's a reason A Song of Ice and Fire has such a progressive following despite taking place in a misogynistic feudal patriarchy — because Martin is a progressive writer despite having characters who are quite the opposite.

People are quite capable of separating the writer from their fiction, but sometimes the writing choices inform on the character of the writer.


Oct 25, 2017
If they're at the helm, then in all likelihood based on precedence, they're writing and directing. If that changes, that'll be a new discussion, but until such a time the supposition that they're the writer-directors is not unreasonable. The press release said they're "writing and producing their own series" and praised their "storytelling."

The fact of the matter is that they've demonstrated a consistent propensity for misogyny, racism, and homophobia, which should be incompatible with a LucasFilms whose commitment to diversity has any truth to it. That they're poor screenwriters is bitter icing on the pile of shit (to borrow their colloquial style), and especially disappointing for what'll probably be Old Republic-related.
So it's not ridiculous to boycott their SW movies before we know who will be writing and directing each movie? Not even RJ is going to write and direct all of his films. For all we know, Ava DuVernay could be largely responsible for one or more of these projects.

I think it's completely absurd to throw something away before knowing what it even is. Rian Johnson is reportedly working closely with D&D, and I can tell you that he wouldn't be on board if they were doing racist and sexist shit, or at least he would keep their shit in check. So we may have to agree to disagree here.

Not to mention that KK wouldn't let that shit fly.
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Oct 25, 2017
My exact reactions.

Y'all aren't missing any new Star Wars movies.

Can't speak for anyone else, but I haven't watched any of the new SW movies except Rogue One. Not because I hate them or anything, I'm just apathetic when it comes to seeing films in theaters (even ones I'd want to see) and don't mind reading spoilers so in some cases, that's like seeing it for me. Haven't watched Age of Ultron or Civil War either lol.

So yeah, I very much can avoid them if I want to. And I probably will given what I know about the people handling it.
Last edited:


Oct 29, 2017
Are you quite serious? Try reading the threadmarks for actual explanations of how their transgressions aren't mere "writing of racist or sexist or homophobic characters," but racist and sexist and homophobic writing.

Musing on whether it's acceptable to write in-universe misdeeds is a silly strawman. There's a reason A Song of Ice and Fire has such a progressive following despite taking place in a misogynistic feudal patriarchy — because Martin is a progressive writer despite having characters who are quite the opposite.

People are quite capable of separating the writer from their fiction, but sometimes the writing choices inform on the character of the writer.

Honestly for me I think it comes down to too much media, I don't specifically follow, or know about the writers for the dozens and dozens of shows I watch, even their names and don't catch on to things they might keep doing over and over. On the outset it does seem a lot of the arguments are a bit over the top.

I guess if I were to look closer maybe you're on to something.
I just....don't have that drive or time and tend to take things at face value all the time, unless someone so blatantly goes out of the way to be a racist prick etc and gets picked up by the media. Endless names upon endless name.

So, I'm sorry.


Oct 25, 2017
I guarantee you will see their movies.
I didn't watch any GoT after season 3. The only reason I watched the last few episodes is because everyone is shitting on them and I figured I'm gonna get spoiled anyway and the books will almost 100% be better. Ironically, if GoT was good, I'd have just continued to not see it and patiently waited for the books.

Avoiding stuff isn't that hard once you get over the initial FOMO.


"This guy are sick" of the One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Just watched the latest episode of Game of Thrones and fuck it signed this change.org petition to get them off Star Wars.
These guys coasted on the books general outline and when they sailed past it it really showed. They are fucking hacks and I really think Lucasfilm should re-evaluate. Just look at EA, just because someone is top of their market now doesn't mean they are going to do your brand justice, maybe even hurt it in the long run.



Oct 25, 2017
So it's not ridiculous to boycott their SW movies before we know who will be writing and directing each movie? Not even RJ is going to write and direct all of his films. For all we know, Ava DuVernay could be largely responsible for one or more of these projects.

I think it's completely absurd to throw something away before knowing what it even is. Rian Johnson is reportedly working closely with D&D, and I can tell you that he wouldn't be on board if they were doing racist and sexist shit, or at least he would keep their shit in check. So we may have to agree to disagree here.

Look to the very series they're coming from for an answer to your question. Game of Thrones has had various writers and directors besides D&D, but their problematic writing choices have consistently prevailed, because they're "at the helm."

Do I think they're going to suddenly turn Star Wars into alt right paradise, with tits and sexposition galore? No. Do I think they're grievously ignorant people who shouldn't have the job — its responsibilities, or its limelight — in the first place, per LucasFilms' ostensible diversity commitment (despite hiring yet more straight white guys in the most powerful positions)? Yes.

I'm not the one who's made the personal choice to disavow their films. I'm undecided on that. But for you to sit here and condescend about their choice which was made for rather serious reasons, reasons that consciously and unconsciously affect marginalized groups every day — especially when they come in the vein of pop culture hits — is a bit daft. Someone can not like a choice related to Star Wars, friend; it ain't the end of the world.

The Last Laugh

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Dec 31, 2018
Just watched the latest episode of Game of Thrones and fuck it signed this change.org petition to get them off Star Wars.
These guys coasted on the books general outline and when they sailed past it it really showed. They are fucking hacks and I really think Lucasfilm should re-evaluate. Just look at EA, just because someone is top of their market now doesn't mean they are going to do your brand justice, maybe even hurt it in the long run.


Please edit with /s

jon bones

Oct 25, 2017
got admitting that dany is a warmongering imperialist is like... the one good thing this show is doing at the moment


Oct 25, 2017
Look to the very series they're coming from for an answer to your question. Game of Thrones has had various writers and directors besides D&D, but their problematic writing choices have consistently prevailed, because they're "at the helm."

Do I think they're going to suddenly turn Star Wars into alt right paradise, with tits and sexposition galore? No. Do I think they're grievously ignorant people who shouldn't have the job — its responsibilities, or its limelight — in the first place, per LucasFilms' ostensible diversity commitment (despite hiring yet more straight white guys in the most powerful positions)? Yes.

I'm not the one who's made the personal choice to disavow their films. I'm undecided on that. But for you to sit here and condescend about their choice which was made for rather serious reasons, reasons that consciously and unconsciously affect marginalized groups every day — especially when they come in the vein of pop culture hits — is a bit daft. Someone can not like a choice related to Star Wars, friend; it ain't the end of the world.
It has nothing to do with liking SW. My point from the beginning was and is that: boycotting an entire series of movies before knowing anything about them, while every movie that has been released post Disney sale has been progressive, and even stands as groundbreaking in its representation and depiction of women (RJ's TLJ) in modern blockbusters, it's foolish to write something off completely while KK and RJ are heavily involved (and who knows who else). KK has shown that she will drop your ass like a hat if you're failing to accomplish basic goals, and there's no doubt in my mind that she wouldn't stand for any bullshit. This ain't HBO anymore.

Again, I'm not thrilled with the constant selection of white males in these positions, but blanket cancelling an entire series of films in this context is ridiculous.

And again, agree to disagree.

Deleted member 1698

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
If you are still watching star wars after the prequel movies you know how absurd this stance is.

Even if you hated the end of game of thrones, and you probably didn't, that has no correlation to the future quality of anything.


Oct 25, 2017
Look, D&D's writing is racist and homophobic and sexist, we've been over this, but it's also just really bad regardless. There are plotholes so big you could fly a star destroyer through them, multiple times per episode. Characters behave in totally bizarre and unrealistic fashion on a regular basis. Their writing makes the Star Wars prequels look like Citizen Kane before you get to any of the bigotry.

The Last Laugh

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Dec 31, 2018
Look, D&D's writing is racist and homophobic and sexist, we've been over this, but it's also just really bad regardless. There are plotholes so big you could fly a star destroyer through them, multiple times per episode. Characters behave in totally bizarre and unrealistic fashion on a regular basis. Their writing makes the Star Wars prequels look like Citizen Kane before you get to any of the bigotry.

You got a Khaleesi tattoo didn't you. Otherwise this vitriol is outside of my understanding. I will say if you stand by your beliefs though they do not match mine you have my respect.
Dec 8, 2018
I didn't realize D&D were getting actual movies, that is hilarious. Lol at anyone thinking avoiding them is such an overreaction. Like everyone deserves infinity chances for their shit to taste good this time.

That new trailer for Star Wars Nine left me very cold already though, I don't think not seeing even more is going to be much their fault. Also the bizarre obnoxious sjw joke character in Solo was already an insane thing to exist. Expecting better is probably a silly thing.

jon bones

Oct 25, 2017
I didn't realize D&D were getting actual movies, that is hilarious. Lol at anyone thinking avoiding them is such an overreaction. Like everyone deserves infinity chances for their shit to taste good this time.

That new trailer for Star Wars Nine left me very cold already though, I don't think not seeing even more is going to be much their fault. Also the bizarre obnoxious sjw joke character in Solo was already an insane thing to exist. Expecting better is probably a silly thing.

wait, who was the sjw character in solo?


Oct 25, 2017
boycotting an entire series of movies before knowing anything about them, while every movie that has been released post Disney sale has been progressive, and even stands as groundbreaking in its representation and depiction of women (RJ's TLJ) in modern blockbusters, it's foolish to write something off completely while KK and RJ are heavily involved (and who knows who else). KK has shown that she will drop your ass like a hat if you're failing to accomplish basic goals, and there's no doubt in my mind that she wouldn't stand for any bullshit. This ain't HBO anymore.

Again, I'm not thrilled with the constant selection of white males in these positions, but blanket cancelling an entire series of films in this context is ridiculous.

And again, agree to disagree.

Look, I don't mean to be combative. I would be fine with agreeing to disagree. I just fundamentally don't understand the hand-wringing over a person choosing to not watch something because of its creators.

When does it cease being "absurd" / "foolish" / "ridiculous" to boycott (a choice of word only you have used; as has been said, simply not consuming something is not inherently a boycott) something, and why is that point not allowed to be "these people have widely propagated misogynistic and racist and homophobic writing for a decade"?

Why is that point not even "their previous original screenwriting, without the crutch of source material, has been catastrophically bad" (and I'm not just talking Game of Thrones *cough* X-Men Origins: Wolverine *cough*)?

Yeah, Kennedy et al. might be mitigating and perhaps even controlling factors. So? They also weren't hired with effusive praise to be the writers and producers and likely directors of these films — D&D were. It'd be one thing if you were like, "I disagree and will watch them," but you've consistently employed condescending language.

It isn't like BDS is calling off Star Wars entirely. Just D&D's project(s).
Oct 26, 2017
At least Rain Johnson is talented and a good guy, he just needs to learn to pump the breaks a little bit on all that 'subversion.' D&D strike me as hacks who rode off of the storytelling talents of George R. R. Martin up until they couldn't anymore.

jon bones

Oct 25, 2017
Look, D&D's writing is racist and homophobic and sexist, we've been over this, but it's also just really bad regardless. There are plotholes so big you could fly a star destroyer through them, multiple times per episode. Characters behave in totally bizarre and unrealistic fashion on a regular basis. Their writing makes the Star Wars prequels look like Citizen Kane before you get to any of the bigotry.

i mean, dany has been a warmongering imperialist white savior from the jump - makes sense she'd go inbred nutso at this point


Oct 25, 2017
Look, I don't mean to be combative. I would be fine with agreeing to disagree. I just fundamentally don't understand the hand-wringing over a person choosing to not watch something because of its creators.

When does it cease being "absurd" / "foolish" / "ridiculous" to boycott (a choice of word only you have used; as has been said, simply not consuming something is not inherently a boycott) something, and why is that point not allowed to be "these people have widely propagated misogynistic and racist and homophobic writing for a decade"?

Why is that point not even "their previous original screenwriting, without the crutch of source material, has been catastrophically bad" (and I'm not just talking Game of Thrones *cough* X-Men Origins: Wolverine *cough*)?

Yeah, Kennedy et al. might be mitigating and perhaps even controlling factors. So? They also weren't hired with effusive praise to be the writers and producers and likely directors of these films — D&D were. It'd be one thing if you were like, "I disagree and will watch them," but you've consistently employed condescending language.

It isn't like BDS is calling off Star Wars entirely. Just D&D's project(s).
I mean, cutting off social ties completely (in this case, refusing to watch any of their work), is by definition, from what I can see, a boycott (this isn't just "I wouldn't watch their stuff" it's "I love SW but am actively going to avoid what they're associated with), but the semantics aren't really that important so I think going further into it is pointless.

How is expressing the opinion that refusing to watch something you know literally nothing about other than having these two guys involved, is inherently ridiculous hand wringing.. when, again, we have no clue who will ultimately be writing and directing each film, especially when KK has said they're next goal is to get non-white males involved with the writing and directorial process?

I'm not sure where exactly I've been condescending, and I've explained my position and reasoning in good faith.

But we're going in circles and I'm not sure how much more there is left to say.


Oct 25, 2017
How is expressing the opinion that refusing to watch something you know literally nothing about other than having these two guys involved, is inherently ridiculous hand wringing.. when, again, we have no clue who will ultimately be writing and directing each film, especially when KK has said they're next goal is to get non-white males involved with the writing and directorial process?

They were hired as the writers and producers. And they will likely be the directors. We don't have "no idea." They're leading the production on "their" movies.

That Kennedy touted a diversification goal — which they've yet to actually practice — is not necessarily relevant to this particular project. It seems more likely to me she was referring to future ones, which don't have already announced writer-producer(-director)s.

I'm not sure where exactly I've been condescending, and I've explained my position and reasoning in good faith.

"Absurd." "Foolish." "Ridiculous." Words you've used to describe BDS's personal decision. That's condescending, yo.

Deleted member 224

Oct 25, 2017
Dany has been a racist character from the get go. So it's odd that it's her heel turn that gets the fandom so upset. I'm not even talking about Era either. IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, Reddit, YouTube. Everyone was fine looking forward to and speculating about the show when she was just a white savior using former slaves to do her dirty work, but now that she's turned evil it's too far. GoT has been a mess for a while.


Oct 30, 2017
I've always hated these type of fan boycotts, especially as a fan of The Last Jedi, but gad damn if I'm not tempted to add my drop of gasoline to the fire. Character assassination after character assassination, and without even getting into some of the Dany stuff.

The hate has been intense lately and especially today online, from everywhere. And it will only get worse if the leaks about the finale are to be believed.


Oct 25, 2017
Some of the posts in this thread are embarrassing. At least address the criticism put forth in the OP. D&D may not be racists, homophobic, or sexist but when you look at the changes they specifically made and the portrayals of characters I have no faith in them to ever write compelling PoC characters

jon bones

Oct 25, 2017
Dany has been a racist character from the get go. So it's odd that it's her heel turn that gets the fandom so upset. I'm not even talking about Era either. IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, Reddit, YouTube. Everyone was fine looking forward to and speculating about the show when she was just a white savior using former slaves to do her dirty work, but now that she's turned evil it's too far. GoT has been a mess for a while.

it is mad funny they had to remove all subtly for white twitter to get it


Oct 26, 2017
Earth 616
Dany has been a racist character from the get go. So it's odd that it's her heel turn that gets the fandom so upset. I'm not even talking about Era either. IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, Reddit, YouTube. Everyone was fine looking forward to and speculating about the show when she was just a white savior using former slaves to do her dirty work, but now that she's turned evil it's too far. GoT has been a mess for a while.
In my defense, I'm not a fan of the show, neither I've been watching since the last ep of the 2nd season.

I don't really care about "Dany", but after last night I gave in getting into spoil territory and this added to the fact that these are the X-Men Origins dudes is enough for me to not want them anywhere near the Skywalker Ranch, let alone directing the films.


Nov 16, 2017
Let's do a show about black people being enslaved in 2019 while we have an oppressive racist right wing government in power and a rising white supremacist mainstream culture bubbling!!! It's a passion project!!

D&D don't even have to write or make anything for me not to fuck with them off break.


Oct 25, 2017
They were hired as the writers and producers. And they will likely be the directors. We don't have "no idea." They're leading the production on "their" movies.

That Kennedy touted a diversification goal — which they've yet to actually practice — is not necessarily relevant to this particular project. It seems more likely to me she was referring to future ones, which don't have already announced writer-producer(-director)s.

"Absurd." "Foolish." "Ridiculous." Words you've used to describe BDS's personal decision. That's condescending, yo.
We don't know what that entails, as I've said. We don't even know if RJ's and D&D's projects are being combined, which one is coming first, how much control D&D even have anymore. RJ, as I've said, is apparently super involved with their production, and no doubt KK is as well.

All I've said up until this point is that deciding to drop movies that aren't even officially announced is foolish and ridiculous, I mean.. based on the context that we have I do think that. It wasn't my intention to be condescending, but I'm just criticizing the position being taken.

And yes, diversity at higher levels has been abysmal, and something KK needs to rectify and frankly should have planned it that way from the beginning. Easily her greatest mistake thus far. But, again, the productions we've received themselves have been progressive in their storytelling and casting. It's not like all the sudden they've got free reign to make the same mistakes they made with GoT; that's an entirely different type of production with a different management style.

Sweeney Swift

User Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
Hum that's a great OP, especially with the edits and uhhhhh what the actual fuck at everything else in this thread. Fucking hell.

This is probably the most obvious, gigantic, and embarrassing thread about posters dismissing concerns about sexism, racism et al. Holy shit.

No words.

Thank you

Don't ever let these people fool you. There's been reasons why threads about what happens to minorities never even stands a chance at being on the first page for long (see the trans military ban going into effect a month ago, you didn't even see that shit talked about here a full 20 hours that day, let alone since)

This ain't even close to the first time they haven't cared about us. Blatantly obvious this time, at least. The facade is gone


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
User Banned (3 Days): Antagonistic behavior, avatar shaming
Talentless hacks? What an embarrassing thread and OP. Exemplary of the kind of toxic ineptitude and hyperpole that so often permeates this forum. Pathetic.

I'd laugh if the Star Wars work they produce ends up being incredible, then you'll only end up looking even more silly for your pre-emptive condemnation, criticisms and hyperbole.

And of course the thread is made by someone with a Daenerys avatar, of course. When blind and misplaced adoration for a character supercedes understanding the nuances and moral ambiguities in characterisation laid out for the said character, along with logic, foreshadowing and subtleties of narrative build up. The warmongering, power hungry, colonising imperialist finally snaps after hitting rock bottom, and does good on stuff she's wanted to do in the past (burn cities and armies to the dust), and people are genuinely completely shocked and surprised.

This post is pertinent.

According to r/gameofthrones, apparently GRRM responded to this blog post from 2013 with "This guy gets it" regarding Dany:
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/gameofthrones/comments/bo1ast/spoilers_found_on_twitter_apparently_grrm/

Last edited:


Oct 31, 2017
They'll fit right in with instant 180 heel turns. Just look at Anakin. Went from Justice for Palpatine by preventing him from being murdered by mace to executing kids at the Jedi temple. You sure they weren't writers for the prequels?


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
Considering how thorough the OP is, including the very informative edits, this thread is super embarrassing with the aggressive replies.

The Last Laugh

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Dec 31, 2018
Thank you

Don't ever let these people fool you. There's been reasons why threads about what happens to minorities never even stands a chance at being on the first page for long (see the trans military ban going into effect a month ago, you didn't even see that shit talked about here a full 20 hours that day, let alone s

This ain't even close to the first time they haven't cared about us. Blatantly obvious this time, at least. The facade is gone

Let me make sure I understand this right because it has been a long day. You are implying,, well not implying straight up saying that ResetEra is somehow against Transgender LGBT and minorities .


Oct 25, 2017
No lies detected OP. Also good posts by Persephone.

D&D are hack shits.

Nerd-rage is just so.. pointless? Is this really worth anyone elses time?

You dislike series/creator very much?

Ok then - dont watch but please dont whine either

The irony of whining about others whining never ceases to amuse me.

jon bones

Oct 25, 2017
They'll fit right in with instant 180 heel turns. Just look at Anakin. Went from Justice for Palpatine by preventing him from being murdered by mace to executing kids at the Jedi temple. You sure they aren't writers for SW prequels?

star wars also has like... 2 black characters in the entire universe, one of whom they tried their hardest to sideline last time

it's a match made in heaven

Let me make sure I understand this right because it has been a long day. You are implying,, well not implying straight up saying that ResetEra is somehow against Transgender LGBT and minorities .

it's pretty wild


Oct 25, 2017
Let me make sure I understand this right because it has been a long day. You are implying,, well not implying straight up saying that ResetEra is somehow against Transgender LGBT and minorities .

Take a stroll through this thread. Look at the dozens upon dozens upon dozens of posters who blanketly dismiss any concerns about sexism, racism, or homophobia out of hand, often with mockery like "u mad ur waifu didn win."

Yes, I'd say there's a loud portion of Era — despite its reputation — that makes life here as any given minority a bit uncomfortable at times. And they persist unactioned.


Nov 24, 2018
i hate this season (and last) of got as much as the next guy, but 90% of these arguments are "bad guy did bad thing in their story, so they're bad'


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Maybe they should adapt someone else's Star Wars story, because they were doing a good job of that until they had to fill in the blanks themselves.


Oct 25, 2017
First, BDS I want to praise for being calm and rational in this OP and in your posts in this thread. As someone who has stopped watching GOT since season 5 (the episode where Sansa was raped yet in focused entirely on her husband whose name I can't even remember), it saddens me that the misogynistic, racist, and homophobic writing continues loudly and proudly after I stopped and given the deluge of people determined to make you out as a "mad Dany fangirl" so they can dismiss your opinion is heartbreaking so I applaud your ability to scoff at them.

I, however, have the fuse in the length of nanometers and as such...

JESUS FUCKING SHIT the responses in this thread are some of the most misogynistic I have seen on Era! The sheer disgusting, dismissive, vile deluge of shitposts, accusations, name-calling, and purposeful ignorance just so you can dismiss her completely valid criticism and pretend the OP is just the insane ramblings of a dumb fangirl! The blatant ignoring of her actual points while loudly accusing her of being a Dany stain. The loud dismissals of any accusation of sexism from the writers as "not getting the ending you want".

This thread has been nothing but proof of the sheer crime it is to be a women in fandom. Evidence of why women are quiet in nerd circles, why they don't want to be associated with them. Why they are afraid to speak up. Because when they do speak up, at best they are ignored. At worst entire hate campaigns are geared up solely because a women DARED to criticize something a popular show, or comic, or movie, or video game. Because the ego of nerdom is so fucking fragile a single nudge is taking as a personal attack on the soul.

I'm just disgusted man. I'm just disgusted. I was hoping, perhaps blindly, that we were better than this.


Alt Account
Oct 27, 2017
Dany has been a racist character from the get go. So it's odd that it's her heel turn that gets the fandom so upset. I'm not even talking about Era either. IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, Reddit, YouTube. Everyone was fine looking forward to and speculating about the show when she was just a white savior using former slaves to do her dirty work, but now that she's turned evil it's too far. GoT has been a mess for a while.
PoC have been criticizing the white saviour stuff for a while tho.


Oct 28, 2017
Look, D&D's writing is racist and homophobic and sexist, we've been over this, but it's also just really bad regardless. There are plotholes so big you could fly a star destroyer through them, multiple times per episode. Characters behave in totally bizarre and unrealistic fashion on a regular basis. Their writing makes the Star Wars prequels look like Citizen Kane before you get to any of the bigotry.
THis is the main thing for me. GoT is terrible for all the reasons you listed, but Disney will remove the majority of problematic elements. Then we'll just be left with two guys who've had years upon years to make up their own fan fiction ending from an excellent beginning and STILL managed to fuck every character arc up in every single way possible.


The Fallen
Jan 11, 2018
I'm about to fall asleep so I don't want to make it seem like I've read the entire list of rampant isms and such so this isn't a flat defense of D&D - maybe there is troubling stuff in the writing my tired brain isn't remembering.

However, I feel it's a disingenuous list. Like, Essos is a culturally and ethnically rich continent with people of color as slaves...owned by people of color. And I understand the issues of pure white medieval depictions in media, but it's an unfortunate genre shorthand and to the best of my knowledge feudal Europe (especially Anglosaxan) was very white. Also, Dorn is a country that exists. Even still, don't lay the fault of this ya D&D if you DO think it's a problem.

Again I'm not saying the entire list is wrong. In fact there is almost certainly some questionable choices. However, in my surface reading of the complaints it feels more like a Game of Thrones salt thread than anything.

If the next Star Wars trilogy is good I'll go see it.


Oct 25, 2017
Wait, are there people who genuinely think current GoT is quality writing or are all the "lul Dany stans" posts just pure shitposting and gloating?