Deleted member 16365

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Just filled half a tank, should be good for ten days or so. Curious how long it'll take for prices to settle again.
It'll be waves. There's the initial "oh shit let's take advantage" price bump we might see this week. Then the actual price bump in a month or two if inventory is actually low. Keep in mind that it takes a while to refine oil into gas so volume won't be affected for a bit.

I do. Appearance matters. I don't want to run into someone I may know looking homeless.
I'm with you, my dude. I always get comments when I change into actual clothes to run quick errands. I don't like going out in house clothes. I look like a hobo.


Oct 25, 2017
About three episodes into "Years and Years", and yeah, the future's only going to get wilder and wilder.

oil needs to go, the sooner the better


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Wait. So was there more attacks? This happened yesterday or the day before. The articles I read said it affected about 10% of the output.


Oct 25, 2017
i've seen people barefoot with a sidearm grocery shopping in SWGA

getting gas in 'inside clothes" is nothing.


May 20, 2019
Analysts are predicting oil prices opening up $5 to $10 on Sunday evening. Gasoline will probably go up another $.25 per gallon almost immediately after the open.

Ziltoidia 9

Oct 25, 2017
Just put on same damn pants and a shirt and a hat and get out. That's what I did. Took me 5 minutes to go and get back.

Deleted member 8561

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Is this the trigger? Iran hawks must be gleeful right now

Yemen is an Iran - Saudi proxy war. The entire reason why the Saudis wanted to start a conflict with Yemen was to reduce Iranian influence and prevent it, but "SHOCKINGLY" turning a next door neighbors into a pile of rubble makes them want to be much closer to your enemies, which is why Yemen has much deeper ties to Iran now.

Deleted member 8561

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
People were always laughing at what Iran could do in a conflict with the US.

There isn't even a formal war and a bunch of Iran backed rebels with drones just knocked out half of Saudi Arabias oil production. Iran is very capable of launching a massive asymmetric war on it's enemies with it's backed rebels, sleeper cells and general major disruption of the entire region.


Aug 30, 2019
Yemen is an Iran - Saudi proxy war. The entire reason why the Saudis wanted to start a conflict with Yemen was to reduce Iranian influence and prevent it, but "SHOCKINGLY" turning a next door neighbors into a pile of rubble makes them want to be much closer to your enemies, which is why Yemen has much deeper ties to Iran now.
Oh I'm aware. I'm wondering if America's hawks'll let a good crisis go to waste so to speak


Oct 29, 2017
People were always laughing at what Iran could do in a conflict with the US.

There isn't even a formal war and a bunch of Iran backed rebels with drones just knocked out half of Saudi Arabias oil production. Iran is very capable of launching a massive asymmetric war on it's enemies with it's backed rebels, sleeper cells and general major disruption of the entire region.

SA has been getting embarrassed in Yemen for a minute now.

From back in May:
Is Saudi Arabia losing its military campaign in Yemen despite being the stronger party enjoying the support of its many allies? The Saudi-led coalition includes countries like Egypt, Bahrain, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Sudan, Jordan and Morocco, as well as Qatar before it fell out with Riyadh. Major countries like France and Italy help by providing arms while the US supplies arms, intelligence and technical assistance such as in-flight refuelling, although this was suspended recently.

The coalition is fighting a loose cluster of groups headed by the disciplined and battle-hardened Houthi rebels who are, allegedly, supported by Iran. It is a very asymmetrical conflict.

However, despite its military strength, available firepower and air supremacy, Saudi Arabia is actually losing the war. To understand this seemingly paradoxical analysis, we have to ask two important questions: what goals did Mohammad Bin Salman, Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince and de facto ruler, set for his war in Yemen; and is it possible to lose the war despite winning the battle?
Another sign that Riyadh is losing the war is the fact that the Houthi rebels have managed to fire missiles into Saudi Arabia. They have thus moved the war inside Saudi territory despite being the weaker party. The Saudis accuse Iran of supplying these missiles, but how is this possible if the coalition is really controlling Yemeni airspace and territorial waters? Is this not a major failure?

The strongest indication of this came on 14 May when the Houthis used drones to attack two oil pumping stations deep inside Saudi Arabia. This was just a day after Riyadh said that two of the country's oil tankers were "sabotaged" off the UAE coast. Again, the Saudis are pushing the narrative that Iranian proxies were behind the attack on the ships.

The drone attacks might have been limited in scope but they are another sign that Saudi Arabia not only miscalculated its enemy's capabilities but also failed to see how destructive the war could be for its own economy. Oil exports are the main revenue source for the Saudi government; they may not have been affected on this occasion but the Houthis have shown that they can launch precision attacks that can hurt.

lmao. Fuck Saudi Arabia and their ongoing genocide and the USA for assisting them for so many years.

Lucky Forward

Oct 27, 2017
I promise you no one gives a shit how you look when you're pumping gas.


Oct 29, 2017
I dunno about where you live but in my area the price of gas is about 5-15 cents cheaper after 8pm. Always. I'm about a 2/3 empty but will wait till then to fill up.

Rocket Man

Oct 25, 2017
The Saudis are so arrogant and incompetent. Getting clowned by the Houthis is hilarious, fuck MBS.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Holy shit. Half of the biggest oil producing country's oil gone in an instant. That's insane.
Oct 25, 2017
Oh shit son, its incredible how Iran has been able to support the houthis in yemen when so many countries in the region and around the world have move against them.


Oct 27, 2017
What about defensive drones patrolling that intercept the attacking ones
There's plenty of thought being put into drone defense (and probably more in the wake of this attack), and that might be one possibility, but defensive drones have the difficulty of having to be flying around all the time and having to generate dynamic takedown vectors.

Static defenses might end up being easier and cheaper. Some kind of mounted gun that detects drones and automatically downs them would probably be the simplest way (although as with any new system, "simplest" might still need a lot of work before being a real field-worthy solution).


Oct 29, 2017
I'm not really sure how to feel about this. It feels weird cheering for a war but lmao fuck SA.

Trust me, I laugh through gritted teeth. Yemen is probably THE reason why I'm not on speaking terms with Obama today...

And despite Yemen being the biggest humanitarian crisis in the world for the last 4 years, folks can still barely give a fuck.

Fuck Saudi Arabia.