
Oct 27, 2017
Lol yeah I guess he can seem that way. Sora is 16 in kh3 believe it or not.

Why do people keep saying this? I have yet to see any official indication of this. Sora was 15 in KH2 and KH3 is not much longer after KH2. In fact, based on when he first arrives in Twilight Town in KH3, it sounds like he was last there very recently.

He's just a Disney + Anime character rolled up into 1 person. He's 14-16 and Riku is 15-17.

Sora is 15 in DDD. As stated in the Memorial Ultimania that released in 2014.


Nomura has stated many times that KH3 begins IMMEDIATELY after 3D/DDD (more specifically 0.2, which is immediately after DDD). He also said Sora's body in KH3 is the same as it was in KH2.

The timeline in the KH series has been shown off multiple times in Famitsu and Dengeki magazines when 2.8 was announced in 2015. The gap between KH2 to Coded to DDD is on par to the gap between the end of KH1 and start of CoM (In the Days Ultimania timeline, it shows Day 16 to Day 24), which was stated as "IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING".

At one point in 'KHII', Ansem the Wise escapes from the world of darkness. This time he has once again descended into the world of darkness. At what point in time does this happen?

Nomura: After 'KHII'. When he stopped the Organisation's plans in 'KHII', he was caught up in an explosion and blown into the world of darkness. The line where he says, "I first met him one year ago," is referring to before 'he' went to sleep - that is, it's referring to the time of 'Chain of Memories'. It doesn't mean this is one year after 'KHII'.

It is still 11 years since BBS.

Lastly, play KH3 and read the character bio's.

PS: In the Japanese version of the 3DS version of DDD, the character bio's regarding Terra, Ven, and Aqua stated "more than a decade ago". In the US version, it stated "a dozen years ago" for one of them, which is incorrect. It was fixed in the 2.8 version of DDD and they have remained consistent with that fix in later games.


Alt Account
Dec 18, 2018
I would bet money they will kill Ellie's girlfriend in some graphic way, knowing Naughty Dog's history with women.

On topic -
They went too hard on the Sora x Kairi angle for me to believe this could ever happen, but it would sure as fuck be more narratively convincing. Granted, that's because you could get a random word generator to do a better arc for Kairi than what she got.

Lunar Wolf

Nov 6, 2017
Los Angeles
Sora is 15 in DDD. As stated in the Memorial Ultimania that released in 2014.


Nomura has stated many times that KH3 begins IMMEDIATELY after 3D/DDD (more specifically 0.2, which is immediately after DDD). He also said Sora's body in KH3 is the same as it was in KH2.

The timeline in the KH series has been shown off multiple times in Famitsu and Dengeki magazines when 2.8 was announced in 2015. The gap between KH2 to Coded to DDD is on par to the gap between the end of KH1 and start of CoM (In the Days Ultimania timeline, it shows Day 16 to Day 24), which was stated as "IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING".

It is still 11 years since BBS.

Lastly, play KH3 and read the character bio's.

PS: In the Japanese version of the 3DS version of DDD, the character bio's regarding Terra, Ven, and Aqua stated "more than a decade ago". In the US version, it stated "a dozen years ago" for one of them, which is incorrect. It was fixed in the 2.8 version of DDD and they have remained consistent with that fix in later games.

Regardless, it doesn't really matter. You can totally headcanon Sora being 16 by the middle of KH3.

It doesn't really stipulate how close to his birthday he is by the beginning of KH 2.

His birthday could be 2 months from when he wakes up and he could be 16 That's what I meant.-shrugs-


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
On topic -
They went too hard on the Sora x Kairi angle for me to believe this could ever happen, but it would sure as fuck be more narratively convincing. Granted, that's because you could get a random word generator to do a better arc for Kairi than what she got.

I haven't seen a "don't worry they're not gay" swerve that fierce since Toriko.


Does not approve of this tag
Oct 25, 2017
It's not enough for Kairi to be useless for the entire series and then get fridged with little to no redemption. She should also get dumped.


Jan 8, 2018
Some of these replies are WILD.

Sora and Riku have had more chemistry in DDD alone than Sora and Kairi have had in literally every single KH game combined.

But okay, sure, guys being dudes, etc.


Oct 27, 2017
Regardless, it doesn't really matter. You can totally headcanon Sora being 16 by the middle of KH3.

It doesn't really stipulate how close to his birthday he is by the beginning of KH 2.

His birthday could be 2 months from when he wakes up and he could be 16 That's what I meant.-shrugs-

People like you are the reason incorrect info keeps spreading. Then when someone with correct info gives it out, it is followed with a dumb response. smh Keep your headcanon to yourself.


Oct 25, 2017
When I was in 4th grade a friend convinced me there was actually a scene in the first game where Riku and Sora lay in bed together and share a kiss.

Make it happen, SE.


Nov 21, 2018
I wish, but:
They obviously split Kairi into two people (Namine) so Sora and Riku can both get with their childhood friend to prevent a love triangle.

you are SO right! when you know who went to get you know who in the end at radiant garden, i could totally feel something there but yep i think that is where the story is going...which is creepy.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
People can't be friends without being in a relationship now? what

I don't see how you can spin their interactions into "subtle romance." Especially when Nomura has been so blatant with pairing Sora with Kairi.

Gold Arsene

Oct 27, 2017
Because theres been over a decade of romantic writing contradicting the first game in the meantime
Look if you think Sora and Riku are into each other fine. There are plenty of parings I like that aren't going to be canon.

But that's clearly not the direction they intend to go.

Like I said if you want something to happen in the actual series canon it's best to hope for some other pairing.

Gold Arsene

Oct 27, 2017
I feel like some of these replies would be very different if riku was female

Its just a feeling I have.
Just a small one.
Do you think the writing would indicate that Sora was less interested in Kairi?

Because all that would happen in this scenario would be Riku would be Rukia and Kairi Orihime. Yeah some people skeptical now would probably think Sora was interested in Riku and that's sad. But who Sora is intended to be with likely wouldn't change.

Anyway I'm bored so some more fanfic charts from Phantom Statistician on tumblr.



Jan 8, 2018
Do you think the writing would indicate that Sora was less interested in Kairi?

Because all that would happen in this scenario would be Riku would be Rukia and Kairi Orihime. Yeah some people skeptical now would probably think Sora was interested in Riku and that's sad. But who Sora is intended to be with likely wouldn't change.
My problem personally is I feel the writing does a horrible job of showing the relationship with Sora and Kairi.

Like sure, every once in a while Sora is like "oh yeah Kairi", but they barely talk, they barely interact. Kairi's barely a character outside of her liking Sora. You're basically being told they super totally like each other, but it BARELY feels that way.

Meanwhile, at least in my opinion, Sora and Riku actually feel like they have a good, well developed relationship. Most everything Riku does is for Sora. The scene in DDD where Sora and Riku's sound ideas blend together to form "Dearly Beloved" while they fondly talk about each other is the closest KH has gotten to romance outside of Sokai's "they totally like each other don't worry about it".

And some people dismiss that because "wow can't guys be friends anymore!!!1!1!1! you can be close without it being romantic!!".

Like, so? Can't a male and female main character exist without being shoved into some halfhearted romance plot? Can't people be close friends without being romantically involved? Just lmao.


Oct 27, 2017
Sora is 15 in DDD. As stated in the Memorial Ultimania that released in 2014.


Nomura has stated many times that KH3 begins IMMEDIATELY after 3D/DDD (more specifically 0.2, which is immediately after DDD). He also said Sora's body in KH3 is the same as it was in KH2.

The timeline in the KH series has been shown off multiple times in Famitsu and Dengeki magazines when 2.8 was announced in 2015. The gap between KH2 to Coded to DDD is on par to the gap between the end of KH1 and start of CoM (In the Days Ultimania timeline, it shows Day 16 to Day 24), which was stated as "IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING".

It is still 11 years since BBS.

Lastly, play KH3 and read the character bio's.

PS: In the Japanese version of the 3DS version of DDD, the character bio's regarding Terra, Ven, and Aqua stated "more than a decade ago". In the US version, it stated "a dozen years ago" for one of them, which is incorrect. It was fixed in the 2.8 version of DDD and they have remained consistent with that fix in later games.
Makes sense. I wasn't really committed to him being 16. I was just spit balling after a quick google search and thinking about that scene of Ansem in the realm of darkness. Still, shipping 15 year olds is a normal thing in fandoms. I mean people were shipping Harry Potter characters in book 1 and they were 11!


The Fallen
Jan 11, 2018
You people give me a migraine sometimes

this is bordering on "no homo"

"You people"

Wanting gay relationships or LGBTQ characters to be properly represented in media rather than attaching subtext to characters that display some feminine or stereotypically "gay" characteristics or interests equates to "no homo"? Especially in a series where the main character has a pretty clear romantic interest in a prominent female character.

Sorry that I don't think people who identify as gay or queer or whatever sexual or self-identity that they are comfortable as should have to stoop to forcing subtext onto heterosexual characters in 2019. A decade ago, or two decades, or whenever there was a severe lack of representation and being anything other than heterosexual was very discriminated against and taboo and there was little art, especially mainstream, for them to see and be inspired by or to feel like they are part of a subculture gaining mainstream acceptance. We definitely aren't there now, but I don't think we have to force ideas of sexuality of characters where it just doesn't fit. I don't know how to say this without sounding like I'm grandstanding because that's not the impression I want to impart, but for a lot of people self-identity and accepting who you are is a very difficult thing to overcome that even a lot of people who are openly gay or trans still struggle with - so I find it kind of offputting for people who struggle with that specific problem to then project onto non-ambiguous characters.

But if you genuinely have a headache I hope you can take some Advil and feel better.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm with the guys shipping Riku x Mickey

You can just see how much he loves that mouse.


Oct 31, 2017
I'm arguing that they were implying something between Saix and Axel during that one cutscene.

True, with Axel/Lea they always have hints that he is into men. That scene with Isa and him always wanting to be close to Roxas is something, you could say it's just friendship but he never shows the same type of feelings for Xion.

Deleted member 35011

User requested account closure
Dec 1, 2017
I think the story is pretty clearly going for Kairi, it's just funny because they do a terrible job at ports trying their romance but a very good job at portraying Sora and Riku's friendship.

So the end result is something along the lines of "...okay I know this isn't what you meant, but holy shit it comes across like it sometimes."


The Fallen
Dec 15, 2017
Guess two guys aren't allowed to be friends without it needing to be more than that?


Oct 27, 2017
Claims that Sora x Riku would be forced are ironic when they have the most intimate relationship in the series whereas Sora x Kairi is based on not much more than one character being a boy and the other being a girl.
Saying Sora and Riku would be forced but Sora and Kairi aren't causes me to make a thinking emoji face.

Two guys can just be good bros, sure, but why are male main character and secondary female character never extended that same "they're just good friends" courtesy. Man the developments in KHIII better be wild.

Thank goodness I'm not the only bringing this up. I thought I'd entered crazy town for a second with some of these replies.

Between the "eww shipping!" And the "can't guys just be friends?" or "forced ideas of sexuality", it's such a doozy.

Deleted member 46429

Self-requested ban
Aug 4, 2018
Sorry that I don't think people who identify as gay or queer or whatever sexual or self-identity that they are comfortable as should have to stoop to forcing subtext onto heterosexual characters in 2019. A decade ago, or two decades, or whenever there was a severe lack of representation and being anything other than heterosexual was very discriminated against and taboo and there was little art, especially mainstream, for them to see and be inspired by or to feel like they are part of a subculture gaining mainstream acceptance.


Please point the game out that has a canon gay m/m couple in the lead. You're either dealing with a couple where one partner is dead or otherwise MIA; a couple where one partner is a player avatar, e.g. Sheppard (which overlaps with playersexuality which itself has issues); or you're going into obscure corners of steam for a indie visual novel or something of similar obscurity. Or to put it succintly: even year 2019, gaming's lgbtq+ representation is still kind of shit.


As for me? I'd be happy if Soriku were canon. As a gay man, I'd actually like to have some canon gay couples in the limelight because, well, I feel they're lacking. That said, with a game like Kingdom Hearts it's hard to tell if any of the ho yay was implied or just a result of the game's titular awkward writing, but I certainly prefer the gay interpretation.
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Oct 24, 2017
I always think about Kingdom Hearts 2, where Sora basically had to awkwardly hug Kairi but fell to his knees and cried while holding Riku's hand when he realized he was there

I don't know if Sora belongs with Riku but the Kairi thing feels incredibly forced. He had better chemistry with Rapunzel.


The Fallen
Jan 11, 2018

Please point the game out that has a canon gay m/m couple in the lead. You're either dealing with a couple where one partner is dead or otherwise MIA; a couple where one partner is a player avatar, e.g. Sheppard (which overlaps with playersexuality which itself has issues); or you're going into obscure corners of steam for a indie visual novel or something of similar obscurity. Or to put it succintly: even year 2019, gaming's lgbtq+ representation is still kind of shit.


As for me? I'd be happy if Soriku were canon. As a gay man, I'd actually like to have some canon gay couples in the limelight because, well, they're I feel they're lacking. That said, with a game like Kingdom Hearts it's hard to tell if any of the ho yay was implied or just a result of the game's titular awkward writing, but I certainly prefer the gay interpretation.

I said there's still a lot of improvement for LGBTQ representation. If anything Kingdom Hearts, as much as I love it, is a pretty regressive representation of women. Look at Kairi. I know people want to minimize the pretty obvious romantic intent behind her relationship with Sora, but that's because she's been relegated to a literal princess that needed to be rescued and then largely forgotten because she was no longer in direct danger and she wasn't actively playing a role in furthering the plot of Kingdom Hearts.

Arguably the most prevalent theme of the series is friendship, and I don't think it's a stretch to imagine why Riku - an interesting counterpoint to Sora - would continue to play a role as Sora's friend and fellow Keyblade weilder while Kairi is sidelined because the series isn't about romance. I know it's simplistic but when you look at the writing in Kingdom Hearts it's about as subtle as fireworks.

Ultimately the reason I'm against this isn't because I don't want gay male relationships in my games - I want the opposite actually. But in a series where the protagonist and the most prominent female character have an intended romantic connection, I think it's does a disservice to the writers and the LGBTQ community to force a homosexual relationship where it was clearly not intended. To me either make genuinely ambiguous characters like Lea and Isa canonically homosexual or what have you, or make new characters and have them be good representatives for gay characters.

If it boils down to make two characters gay that weren't meant to be because it's 2019 and there's still not a good enough representation of that in mainstream fiction versus adhering to the obvious intent of the writer to have a heterosexual relationship, then morally sure, I'm okay with it. There needs to be more LGBTQ representation in all forms of entertainment, especially video games, but I stil think there are better ways than turning existing unambiguous, or at least strongly hinted at and fairly clearly intended heterosexual characters gay. That just flames the conservative people over something that narratively isn't justified.

It's like turning Lara Croft into a black woman. I don't have a problem with it, but I would prefer a new character that can shine on their own terms and strengths. It's not a matter of definitely against or definitely for, but a more nuanced "I don't think the writing supports it and I don't like the message it sends of forcing homosexual characterizations on characters to appease a growing minority but I feel strongly about minorities such as that getting better representation so I wouldn't get upset. I would just prefer a better way."
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Deleted member 35077

Self-requested ban
Dec 1, 2017
Will never happen, but the Data Sora x Data Riku is a ship I can actually see happening. The chemistry is already there, and Data Sora has even went inside Data Riku
Jan 9, 2018
I'd commend them for it since literally every KH thing I've seen, including 3, has done a great job at portraying a caring relationship between Sora and Riku. Whereas the Sora and Kairi romance is about as interesting as stale bread at this point.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
The manga?
What happened?

Toriko and Komatsu have the biggest bromance this side of Shonen Jump for nearly 5 years, then before the final battle, both of them go up to women who like them who they really hadn't shown the time of day to prior, and ask them to marry them. Of course the women say yes, but it's INCREDIBLY left field and was likely done to curb the incredibly high percentage of people shipping Komatsu and Toriko together.

Kind of like Sora and Riku, ESPECIALLY after KH2.

Like, real talk, people who are like "naw, they're just friends" need to go back and watch the scenes in KH2 when Sora finds/rescues Kairi, and then when Sora finds/rescues Riku.

It's like fucking night and day. There is DRAMATICALLY more romantic subtext between Sora and Riku than there ever was between Sora and Kairi, which is really only present at the very beginning of KH1 and towards the end of KH3. Sora and Riku god damn near a full game devoted to their bromance.
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Oct 25, 2017
Toriko and Komatsu have the biggest bromance this side of Shonen Jump for nearly 5 years, then before the final battle, both of them go up to women who like them who they really hadn't shown the time of day to prior, and ask them to marry them. Of course the women say yes, but it's INCREDIBLY left field and was likely done to curb the incredibly high percentage of people shipping Komatsu and Toriko together.

Kind of like Sora and Riku, ESPECIALLY after KH2.


The author wasn't fond of the ship? Maybe an editor decision?


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017

The author wasn't fond of the ship? Maybe an editor decision?

There will never be an openly gay main protagonist in a jump manga in our lifetime. Japan ain't ready for that. Well get more Okama shit, that's as close as it'll get.