
Oct 25, 2017
I mean I'd be fine with it and obviously there are a lot of people who'd like that.

But personally I like Sora/Kairi. Give Terra a boyfriend.
how does one measure that?


Oct 27, 2017
Why do people keep saying this? I have yet to see any official indication of this. Sora was 15 in KH2 and KH3 is not much longer after KH2. In fact, based on when he first arrives in Twilight Town in KH3, it sounds like he was last there very recently.
To be honest I looked it up to be sure before posting that and it says so in a wiki but if I think hard I feel like it's true. The next bit may be a spoiler to some so I'mma put it in a spoiler tag.
If Sora was 15 in KH2 then I think it makes sense that he is 16 because of the conversation Ansem the Wise has with Aqua in the realm of darkness. He mentions that he caused trouble about year ago and in kingdom hearts 3 it is revealed that that conversation happen during the events of three since Ansem Seeker of Darkness kidnaps him.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I would be annoyed that Square caved to shipping garbage tbh

Two dudes can be close without their relationship being romantic, just let it stay that way.

I mean, people are going to see romantic undertones in scenes, and KH series pretty much went full Shonen form 2-onwards with the whole "male friendships are the most powerful bonds in the universe."

Can I get examples of their "subtle romantic chemistry?"


Gold Arsene

Oct 27, 2017
I'm sure there's countless more on other websites , not to mention a bunch of fancomics and stuff.

If they actually went the whole way and did all that other stuff, that's a lot of work
For their project it's based pretty much only on Yeah it'd be a lot of work and probably different if they tried to cover everything but I think they only do this for fun.

Though Sora/Riku is still obviously the most popular.

To give another example Sora/Kairi is tagged on 410 fics on archive of our own.

Sora/Riku is on 1375.

Deleted member 5127

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Would be awesome honestly, I think it would make a more interesting story than Sora and Kairi(who is kinda boring anyway). Also, it would be the first main gay relationship in gaming, which would be a big deal.

But let's face it, main gay protagonists in a big game or movie franchise isn't going to happen anytime soon.

Deleted member 2669

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Claims that Sora x Riku would be forced are ironic when they have the most intimate relationship in the series whereas Sora x Kairi is based on not much more than one character being a boy and the other being a girl.
Last edited:

FF Seraphim

Oct 26, 2017
I would shudder at the fact they would even try considering how messed up they would do it. Have you played the KH games? It would make no god damn sense and they would probably botch the whole thing and make it somehow toxic. I love the KH games I do not want SE touching LGBT relationships with a 100 foot pole though because I do not think they would do it any justice.


Oct 27, 2017
Would be awesome honestly, I think it would make a more interesting story than Sora and Kairi(who is kinda boring anyway). Also, it would be the first main gay relationship in gaming, which would be a big deal.

But let's face it, main gay protagonists in a big game or movie franchise isn't going to happen anytime soon.



One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Would be better than setting him up with a non character who only exists for that purpose and thus consistently gets kidnapped or worse to "motivate" him, that's for sure.


Feb 28, 2018
Wouldnt make sense given their relationship thus far. Although they need to put Sora up with basically anyone else besides Kairi.


Oct 25, 2017
For their project it's based pretty much only on Yeah it'd be a lot of work and probably different if they tried to cover everything but I think they only do this for fun.

Though Sora/Riku is still obviously the most popular.

To give another example Sora/Kairi is tagged on 410 fics on archive of our own.

Sora/Riku is on 1375.

I'm not denying that

I support this ship, i'm just saying if anyone did do all that... its alot of work


Nov 3, 2017
It would be a genuinely interesting direction to take their relationship considering how it began in KH1.

I'd take it.


Oct 25, 2017
Or...or, if we go by the reactions in this thread, they're just really good friends.

Fair's fair. If Riku and Sora are just good friends, then why does the Kairi/Sora relationship have to be romantic?
Because in KH3 Sora and Kairi
practically exchange rings (fruit) and do their vows already, and I think they hold hands too, basically anime equivalent of doing it
Can't get anymore clear cut than that other than raising the rating.


Oct 30, 2017
Why do people always want characters to have a romantic ending? That most of the times ruins a lot of the characters.


Oct 27, 2017
This was me throughout my entire play through of Dream Drop Distance:

Symphony of Sorcery may have been the peak: Sora and Riku affectionately reminiscing about each other as 'Dearly Beloved' became the musical embodiment of their relationship sure was something.

atomsk eater

Oct 25, 2017
Still making my way through KHIII so I'm not clicking any of those spoiler tags, but up until now they've at least had a ton more interaction and Sora and Kairi's scenes are almost always Sora just being like "wow nice to see you, how ya been, anyway I'm gonna go find Riku, later." I've come to not expect major publishers to put male gay leads in their games, especially to unequivocally show they're in a relationship. For example In Zesteria it seemed like they were angling for a Sorey/Mikleo thing and apparently someone who worked on the game said they're basically destined lovers but hell if they come out and say it in the actual game.

I always thought they were setting up a threeway relationship between Sora/Riku/Kairi.

And Aqua/Terra/Ventus.

And Roxas/Axel/Xion.

And Hayner/Pence/Olette.

I am so thirsty for quality poly content. Probably going to be waiting a looooooong time.


Dec 5, 2017
Neither opposed nor for I guess? Depends on how they contextualized it. I feel like up until this point in the story their care for each other has been portrayed as brotherly so as it's currently written it might come off wrong. But if they tweaked some things in the story so far I could see it working.


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
I'm 110% for it

It's one of the most earned romances in video game history

I haven't beaten KH3 but I've always assumed the secret ending would be them finally kissing. Listen to Don't Think Twice. They spell it out.

Deleted member 5535

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Personally I wouldn't care if it happened but Sora is clearly for Kairi since the first game.
Even more with KH3 which makes that even clear with their scenes in the game as something romantic for both

atomsk eater

Oct 25, 2017
Saying Sora and Riku would be forced but Sora and Kairi aren't causes me to make a thinking emoji face.

Two guys can just be good bros, sure, but why are male main character and secondary female character never extended that same "they're just good friends" courtesy. Man the developments in KHIII better be wild.


Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017
I'm good on that. It'd be different if there wasn't already a history of these characters that portray something different. If they just randomly put them together it would feel/look forced.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't see it happening, but if it does I wouldn't mind.

I didn't play KH3 yet but from what I've seen so far, Axel and Saix are more likely imo.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
You mean this isn't what KH has obviously been building up to?

Deleted member 5535

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
No, it doesn't. Kingdom Hearts was never about pairing and related anime fandom stuff. It was always a magical quest about... something... related to growing up and the fight against the darkness and inner demons. Considering that some kind of friendship, even being Sora x Kairi, Riku x Kairi, Sora x Riku, Riku x Naminé, Roxas x Naminé, Terra x Aqua, Ven x Aqua, Terra x Ven, and the whole myriad of FF characters, has some sexual context, is to limit a lot of their experience and their relationship over their lives. Also, that kind of thing is totally subjetive ando completely argumentative from any point of view observed.

There's no mistery that the ending of this stories generally let a lot of people pissed, like how it was the end of Naruto, and Kingdom Hearts doesn't fail on that, and I'm forseeing how Boku no Hero Academia will suffer of this bad sooner or later.

But I don't care at all, people that generally pair that shitty character called Bakugou with that lovely character called Uraraka deserves to eat a dick in the end

Shipping and pairings are a thing on pretty much every entertainment media. It's way outside of anime. You see it on comics, movies, games, series and many others lol