How well are you ageing?

  • I am immortal. Time has no power over me

    Votes: 102 12.6%
  • Pretty good. I get carded all the time

    Votes: 281 34.6%
  • About average for my age

    Votes: 210 25.9%
  • Oof, did getting up off the couch always hurt a little?

    Votes: 156 19.2%
  • I look like Ganon in the BotW2 trailer

    Votes: 63 7.8%

  • Total voters


Apr 5, 2018
Doing pretty good at 33. I always get told that I look five years younger or so. I have almost no wrinkles, got some grey hair but it's not really getting any thinner yet which would freak me out a lot more. Don't usually get sick much if at all. I have gained a bit of weight over PhD stress and family-related health worries these past few years. Need to get rid of it and eat better! I'm not really overweight though, and I don't drink either. I'm also looking forward to play tennis again soon in the summer, should be possible even with Covid-19 around. The one issue I do have is teeth grinding and TMD. They're not advising me corrective jaw surgery though the final word will be spoken on this once they look into the joint with a camera. Does anyone else deal with that? I do have headaches and a sore neck as a result, but this is not really new and I can live with it and physiotherapy. I also get tired hands from all the computer typing and console gaming, but what can you do! I did recover from a runner's knee pretty well 1 1/2 years or so ago.


Oct 25, 2017
I look younger than I am. I still get IDed sometimes despite being old enough to have kids who are old enough to drink.

Still reasonably fit and healthy, though my knees are older than the rest of me thanks to years of running. They're quite creaky and I need ibuprofen to recover from what was a daily run five years ago.


One Winged Slayer
Jan 19, 2018
I'm only in my early 30s and I've long had issues with psoriasis and my thyroid, but now I'm on meds for my blood pressure and my bloodwork showed potential problems with my liver which I'll need to follow up on in a week and a half.
Nov 7, 2017
I'm gonna be 38

Still have all my hair....very minimal grays
Getting rid of the dadbod
No back or knee pain whatsoever
Can still drink like a fish and not get hung over


Nov 2, 2017
I am 30, when I let my -nonexisting top hair- and beard grow I look 45, when I shave off my hair I am 30, when I shave my hair and beard I look 13.


Oct 25, 2017
People typically think that I am 5-10 years younger than I am so I would say pretty decently.


Oct 26, 2017
I'll be 31 in June and look 16.

I'm short (I teach 3rd graders taller than me!), scrawny, and suffer from the horrible disease known as eternal babyface and the curse of seemingly not being able to grow facial hair outside of pencil mustaches (and those take weeks!).

One man's trash is another man's treasure and all that - some people would give anything to look like a teenager, while I've spent most of my life desperately trying to not look like one.

I feel that.
Last edited:


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
I don't look too bad for 44, but I did snap the tendon connecting my bicep to my forearm last year by raising a garage door, so it's hard to say.


Feb 28, 2018
I look my age most of the time, but after a clean shave, I revert to looking 15.

It's annoying (which is why I don't shave regularly) but it is what it is.


Nov 5, 2017
New Zealand
I'm doing well. People regularly guess my age as 10-12 years younger than I am. A couple of weeks ago somebody guessed 20 years younger.

Oddly, when I was in my early 20s people guessed my age as 5-6 years older than I was for a bit.


Oct 27, 2017
35 and tried to buy a bottle of Merlot the other week and got asked for ID. Full head of hair and no greys as far as I can see. Had stress in life but always try and avoid it.


Oct 28, 2017
51. Aging kicked into overdrive about 4-5 years ago. Before that I was carded frequently. Some hair loss and accelerated graying, more difficulty keeping weight down, pronounced eyesight deterioration, more random pains, etc. Pandemic hasn't helped either. Yeah, the grim reaper is rubbing his hands.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm 28 and could probably reasonably pass for a college student still. I have always had a bit of baby face.

My only issue with aging so far has been the increased need for sleep and my hangovers can extend into two-day hangovers.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
Going great. Blessed with good Mediterranean skin and a full head of hair. Wife dyes it or it would be a bit grey

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
I'm 44 years old. I'm often taken for 12-15 years younger. Thank heaven, my youthful looks is one of the few valued assets I have.

(That said, getting some bad hand pain nowadays. Thanks, carpal tunnel and possibly rheumatoid arthritis.)


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
I'm 37 and so far i'm aging fine.

If i grow my beard out people think i'm older. If i shave people think i'm younger.

The thinning hair doesn't help...
Oct 12, 2020
I am 36 and some kids asked me, on which school i go (properly helps, that i still have a lot of hair and big eyes). My wife with 35 needs to show here ID, when she buys wine.
We still look young for our age. I guess, we just got enough sleep and don't have much stress in our jobs and life. We also have one infant (15 months old) and she is very easy going, so we don't see us aging much in the future =D


Oct 26, 2017
I am 30 and without my beard I still get asked for my ID. Only thing that really has changed in the past few years is me now having crow's feet from too much laughing. I have some friends that could already be 50, but it's the same friends that never used sun lotion outside or that still drink.

手加減 TG

Dec 11, 2019
I remember being young.

Almost everything is broken now or in the process of breaking down. Eyes, ears, skin, joints, feet and my back have all seen better days. I've still a full head of hair though, so that's something.


Nov 14, 2017
Nearing my 40s. Asides from a receding hairline and a few gray strands even on my facial hair, I've still been mistaken to be in my 20s.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
Apart from wear and tear in my feet, pretty happy with my fitness, body except hair is out of control, namely ears, nose, eyebrows, that's constant maintenance.


The Fallen
Nov 1, 2017
When I saw the thread title, I figured this would be another thread where people with more positive news to report are overrepresented because they're more likely to want to answer the question and I think that seems to be bearing out. That being the case, I am one of those people. I turned 40 a couple years ago and when people in the office found out it was my birthday, several of them thought I was turning 30. I have all my hair and my skin is in good condition because I avoid the sun like the plague. I also don't have kids or the years of stress from having them that have ruined my friends, and I firmly believe that helps. I've developed a lot more gray hair in the past couple years, though, so we'll how long people continue to underestimate my age.


Oct 25, 2017
Good enough that my supervisor stared at my ID for like 5 minutes in disbelief when I pulled it out to prove that I'm 28 and not a high schooler.

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
I don't get carded that much any more, but I also look far younger than most people my age. Some people just either aged poorly and others just stopped trying to keep it together.


Oct 29, 2017
Looks wise? Eh, okish. But I'm 32 and have had body pain for 5 or 6 years now. I've had to take a 3 week break from the gym because I pulled my back out lifting a tiny dumbell.


Oct 28, 2017
Pretty good I think, I'm thirty-eight and was carded buying a six-pack of beer two weeks ago in my local Tesco's. Curse these boyish good looks!


Oct 28, 2017
Cute poll choice. OP forgets old ERA exists.
I'm 50 but was recently told "I thought you were 35".
I guess the hair transplant and cargo shorts throw them off.

Deleted member 9241

Oct 26, 2017
At 46 I'm getting a little gray in my beard and at my temples.


Mar 1, 2021
At 26 my back is already giving me serious problems. Appearance wise I look decent I guess.


Oct 25, 2017
If I shave and don't have my kids with me I still get carded despite having the Salt and Pepper hair thing on lock. I'm nearly 38...

I don't mind it but it's weird. I've lived a pretty clean life though, no drugs, smoking, heavy drinking, etc so I figure that plays a part.


Sep 16, 2020
My beard keeps me from getting carded.

But I rarely drink, I don't smoke, I sip on water all day, I wear moisturizer and sunscreen so I'm hoping that will pay dividends in the future.


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
Generally when i tell people my age they're shocked. Even when i tell people i'm married i've often been told i'm too young to be married. My grey hairs are starting to come through so that may be changing.


Gotham's Finest
Oct 28, 2017
Everything hurts in my 30s. Had to see a physiotherapist this year for the first time ever because I was in so much pain.

Don't get old and/or don't get a job lifting heavy things every day.


Oct 25, 2017
I think I am doing well. Most people think I am about 10 years younger than I am. However, my body is starting to feel old.


Oct 25, 2017
I used to look older than I actually was growing up. Now, for the past ten plus years, it's as if time has stood still.


I love pineapple on pizza!
Oct 28, 2017
Earth, 21st Century
People say I look young for my age but I don't think they mean like, super young. I'm in my early 30s and I look maybe mid-late 20s?

I'm losing some hair in front and have put on ten or fifteen (fluctuates) pounds, but I actually look younger now than I did for my entire late 20s. Once I quit drinking I bounced back and de-aged like ten years.


Oct 30, 2017
28 but look younger especially when I shave all my facial hair off lol, I look like a teenager. I'm fairly small in my frame too. I kinda enjoy how unassuming I look though, people are always surprised at my strength.

When I was in college one person thought I was their age though I was really like 6 years older. And when I was buying some alcohol with a friend (who is a petite woman and younger), I was the one carded.

Though I think I'm starting to age and getting deeper wrinkles, and I'll probably have the hairline of my dad once I'm late 40s (the top middle thinning). I'll probably have greys in my late 40s as well which I'm fine with because I think it looks distinguishable and like I'm full of wisdom hehe.