
Jun 15, 2018
So, Genshin Impact has made 100m big ones in less than two weeks. That is a crazy amount of money, and glancing through the subreddit and the OT here I've seen people who've spent hundreds, if not thousands, on that one game alone.

It got me thinking - how much have I spent on microtransactions over the years? I've never spent money on mobile or gacha games, but I've bought battle passes in DOTA and BR games, and would estimate the total to be $200-300 over the past 5 years or so.

I think I've gotten my money's worth for the most part, but I like to think I'm relatively savvy with my cash, and won't spend on a game if I think the monetisation model is too exploitative.

How much have you spent over the years? Are you at peace with the amount, do you feel any guilt over it? Have you ever spent money that you couldn't really afford on MTX or lootboxes?


Oct 29, 2017
I bought OW lootboxes a couple times and the D.Va Pacific skin (more or less 8€ in total) and bought some gems on Pokemon Masters on mobile, like 7€ in a year in packs of 1€ per 300 gems. Also spent 1€ on Brawl Stars once. I usually consider these microtransactions as a way to thank the developers, of a F2P game, more than trying to speed up my progress.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 27, 2017
I think in total around £20 £5 on Genshin Impact and a few cosmetic items on FFXIV


Nov 13, 2017
$100s on the Diablo 3 auction house... Not proud of that. Other than that, I've spent $0 on these types of purchases.


Oct 27, 2017
Of my money, $30. Money gained from those stupid ass Google surveys, maybe $100-$150, if that. I'm just high balling it just to have my bases covered.


Oct 29, 2017
Just looked it up:

620€ - Final Fantasy Brave Exvius (over the span of 3 years)
300€ - Pokémon Masters (didn't get what I wanted and never spent any money again lol)
20€ - Pokémon GO

Seems okay'ish to me, esp. FFBE although that game is perfectly fine as a F2P, too.


Oct 25, 2017
Ever? Probably about $300-400 total. My worst was Crash Royale when that was a thing, I probably spent about $100 on that. I still get annoyed at myself thinking about it. The rest would be tiny little things for individual titles.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 30, 2017
Most f2p games i really like ill drop $50-100. I haven't spend much since i had to force myself to stop playing Marvel Heroes. I dropped at least 3 grand on it and i hate myself for it.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Thankfully, almost nothing.

I bought Silver in Destiny 2 twice, for some tasty emotes, but that's it.


Oct 27, 2017
i think when you pare spending of an average whale with an actual "gamer" who spends ~$2k every year on hardware and games it about evens out.

but that venn diagram darkly fluctuates
Oct 25, 2017
I spent a couple hundred bucks on req packs in Halo 5 just to clear out aesthetic options.

edit: Oh wait, it was to get the hunter armor and helmet!

Never before, and never again though will I spend money on this kind of stuff.


Oct 25, 2017
MTX as in consumables and not DLC right?

If it is like that , then thankfully $0

And I have been playing a a mobile gacha since it's release in 2015 (FFRK)


Into the Woods
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Parts Unknown
Rough estimates:

$50 - FFXIV cash shop
$50 - PSO2 (in gift cards, I still could have bought something else though)
$20 - FGO (see above)
$30 - Pokemon Go (see above)
$25 - FEH (mostly Google Survey money)

There's probably some other ones that I'm forgetting about that are small amounts, but that's basically it unless we count subscriptions

Only stuff I regret is FEH, probably. FGO was for GSSR and the rest were directly for items and I knew what I was getting, I don't ususally throw real money at gacha/lootboxes without a guarantee


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Way to much, but did manage to sell my account where I spend the most so actually managed to end up with more money in the end. Haven't bought anything since then.


Mar 2, 2020
$15-30. I think the only ones I've bought were a few loot crates back on Mass Effect 3 with whatever spare credit I had left after I bought some DLC I wanted.

Cipher Peon

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
If Rock Band counts... good lord. Definitely thousands.

If Rock Band does not count, not quite sure. I've been subbed to FEH Pass since that's been a thing and thrown money at it every now and then.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 30, 2017
Hmm.. hard to say. Excluding expansions/content packs etc... Just like on cosmetic loot boxes and the like

Maybe a few hundred total over the last 10 years


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Bought a character in Marvel Heroes, so like 10-15 bucks? Like 20 bucks on Warframe.

Might spend 3 dollars on one of the Among Us DLCs.


The Fallen
Dec 5, 2018
$5 on Pokemon Go a couple years ago, I don't think anything else beyond that


Oct 25, 2017
5 dollars on Genshin for the monthly.

Uhm... 50-100 over 3 years for Final Fantasy Record Keeper. I spent money on big guaranteed banners that were rare. I also did some discounted pulls.

Around 50 dollars for Bang Dream, maybe a bit more, over a few years. I did the monthly gem package and bought a bigger bundle before.

100+ in Warframe. I bought the maximum platinum with a 70% discount, also bought a few of the unvaulting packs.


Jun 4, 2018
If we're not counting DLC expansions, then nothing. Not that big into multiplayer games though


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
$60 on Overwatch (Got the game free tho)
$5 on Fortnite
$5 on Spellbreak

So definitely under $100.
Typically if I do buy MTX it's for one of those "Start Costume Bundles" where I get more than one thing.
I've never spent money on getting more "gems" or anything.


RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
United States
Not counting more traditional DLC Packs/Episodes/Expansions

I've spent money on premium currency in Guild Wars 2 (a fair bit, but over 8 years...) and Phantasy Star Online 2 (probably too much in less than one year...).

Only in very rare cases do I buy costumes, emotes, little 1 to 5 dollar cosmetic bundles. I bought the FFCC ones....which I regret, lol .


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
Over £500 on Apex Legends over a 12 month period.

I've stopped playing.
Oct 25, 2017
I paid for Tibia Premium Account for a couple of months, don't quite remember how much that was. I enjoyed that game without spending a coin for many many years, though, only got premium much later when revisiting it while waiting for Bloodborne to come out. DIdn't feel bad about it at all.

If cosmetics in any game also count, then I bought the alt costumes for SF IV last gen, really liked those as well.


One Winged Slayer
Mar 7, 2018
2 € on Valkyrie Anatomia only to support the game, no specific purchase in mind. The western version was disontinued a few months later. Never again.
Oct 25, 2017
$30 on Overwatch ($20 on the breast cancer fundraiser pink mercy skin, $10 on Reinhardt all stars skin)
An ungodly amount on FFXIV
$20 on Fortnite
$100+ in TF2

I don't think ive bought any other micro transactions

Captain of Outer Space

Come Sale Away With Me
Oct 28, 2017
Maybe $100 at most. Bought keys for Rocket League on occasion as a tip for making such a good game that I got via PS+, but now the Rocket Passes keep me in good shape on credits so that I don't need to spend cash there anymore. Maybe $10 on Fortnite back in the early days for a season pass that I eventually fell off on. There's the ~$32 needed to get rid of the timers in Pokemon Picross. Some stuff in Gems of War that had some good ways of supporting the devs for good rewards and the same for Warframe. Maybe the rest are a couple of mobile games I got into while using Google survey reward credit to get rid of ads or whatever. Not that much with all things considered and seeing other replies here. It's usually to support games I enjoy as a tip for those that are free-to-play.


Oct 25, 2017
The Netherlands
A little less than €100 on Fortnite including Save the World which was €40, 2x ~€10 on Pokémon GO and some minor stuff in Rocket League since I got that game for free with PS+ and I liked it so much that I wanted to support the devs. So probably less than €150 in total.


Oct 25, 2017
ever? thats hard to say. Between skins, dlc, lootboxes probably 1000s over the course of the past decade? Off the top of my head, about a hundred in ME3, few hundred in planetside 2 and warframe each (have hundreds of hours in each when they launched). Skins and dlc over the decade, prob at least 500. gacha games, maybe 200-300 total? Does MMO subs count? Cash shop stuff counts as MTX too right? probably 200-300 there too

Don't see much of an issue with mtx for f2p, how else are they paying devs and recouping costs without MTX? paid games are another story though, i dont usually fuck with boxes on paid games. DLC and skins maybe if i spend a ton of time in those games

im the type that used to by a game or 2 a month (even if i never finish them) when i had gcu so yeah, if i wasn't buying a game, i don't mind spending money on a game I'm spending a lot of time on, especially if its f2p
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