Deleted member 2279

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Ehh...maybe like $30 between Destiny and Destiny 2, including my wife's and stepson's accounts as well as my own. I'm okay with that.


Dec 30, 2018
Close to $0, if anything. I posted on a message board with the dev of some free phone games back in the day and I may have spent $5 on credit to support them. I spent $10 to unlock one season pass for Apex Legends, but if you complete you get enough credit back to get the next one for free. I don't count traditional DLC expansion packs as micro transactions.

Edit: just remembered Pokémon Go. I spent $10 or so on that when raiding was more active for Rayquaza and I had time to play. I don't regret it, but I ended up not even using all the raid passes I got.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
I think I spent like $30-50 on Pokemon Go back in the day, but I don't remember how much exactly.
Around $100 for SINoALICE so far.
And about $85 deep into Genshin.

I don't really feel bad about it, though, considering how much time I've put into and enjoyment I've received out of these games.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
About $80 probably on a game called Graal Classic about 10 years ago. I played that game for 1000's of hours so I think that was ok. Also spent $4 on Pocket Camp back when I played it because I wanted an item and they had an anniversary sale at the time.

Otherwise I avoid it all I can. I play a ton of Dragalia Lost and Mario Kart tour and will never spend a dime on them. The former wouldn't even help if I did pay anyways.


Dec 19, 2019
Probably under $100, thankfully the draw of microtransactions has never really had a strong effect on me. I usually only spend a bit more as a kind of tip.


Oct 27, 2017
Playing gacha games for more than 10 years i must have spent a total of 5€.

I rarely play multiplayer games, so the only dlc i buy are expansions. This gen i only bought The Witcher 3 expansions. So around 30€.


Aug 11, 2020
I think I spent like 100$ one time in a game I was invested in but that was over 7 years ago. Haven't spent since.


Oct 25, 2017
Way too much.

Like with One Piece treasure cruise I'm already in the multiple hundreds, Fortnite and Overwatch also got probably each around 150.

Pokemon Go probably aswell. Hell I'm easily baited by these games


May 29, 2019
If there's an free game I like I'll spend $5 on it just to support the developer.

Around $30 on Marvel Puzzle Quest.

Probably around $100 total.
Oct 25, 2017
Milwaukee, WI
I bought one of those Modern Warfare bundles, does that count?

Otherwise...none? And here's the thing, they don't bug me. If I really think they get in the way, I'll play something else. Others view that as entertainment, more power to them, I wont complain. But not for me.


Prophet of Regret
Nov 1, 2017
Over $200 on Pokémon go and over $200 for Apex legends packs. Honestly thinking about dropping another $100 for Apex packs Just for a chance of getting lifeline heirloom.


Oct 26, 2017
In terms of gacha stuff and lootboxes, nothing.
If you're counting stuff like LBP Sackboy costumes etc. then I'd say maybe £50 over 10 years and countless games?


Dec 1, 2017
Probably around a grand over a few Supercell games, League of Legends, Black Desert Mobile since 2012ish.

I did make around a net grand gain in Diablo 3 RMAH though.

I think I'll spend a couple hundred on Genshin Impact though if a character banner for a 5* character I want comes out (Diluc or Qiqi).

I know the rates are predatory and there's not much to do in the game right now, but I've enjoyed playing so much since release, might as well be walking around in my favorite characters.


Oct 27, 2017
Muncie, IN
Probably close to $1k when I factor in Siege passes and skins, WoW transfers and mounts/toys, Overwatch seasonal chests during it's first year, and PoE stash tabs/mtx/pets.

I think I spent some money on Black Ops 3 to get a skin and a wrench once too.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Umm I think I bought some pro gaming skins as part of a charity event for Halo 5 once. I was very tempted to drop money on REQ packs for the longest while but rarely did.

I also bought a cat and parrot pet in sea of thieves.

Does Horse Armor count? Because I ended up buying a bunch of the Oblivion DLC back in the day.

The only other game that has legimiately tempted me was OVerwatch... Opening those loot crates were incredibly rewarding.

Lord Fanny

Apr 25, 2020
Almost nothing really. I can't even recall the last time I spent anything on MTX at all off the top of my head


Oct 25, 2017
Oh goodness let's see:
Hearthstone has me well over $1000. I treated as a better alternative to MTG which is was in some ways but I got out of that come year 3
Overwatch had me well over $500 before I swore off of it.
Pokémon GO has me probably over $400
Destiny 2 has me drop about $20 in silver a season after they introduced direct purchases and eliminated loot boxes.

That's only some. Didn't even talk about Dragalia, LoL, and a couple others. I've certainly rained it in a bit though as it was obviously unhealthy. It never got in the way of my actual finances but I've just learned these game aren't worth it generally. I don't spend money on the gatcha mechanics anymore as they're the worst. I'll only spend money on things where I get what I want. PkmGO and D2 are my current games while Genshin is certainly coming in to that list as well. Not gonna spend money on the gatcha though, just that 30 day Blessing thing and will drop the gems if I have it. My current team is more than fine.

Deleted member 73264

User requested account closure
Jun 28, 2020
Nothing. Ever since the concept was introduced, I thought it was poison to game design, and I refused to spend any money on them. My position on them hasn't changed either.
Oct 25, 2017
It's a bizarre question, since I made a lot of money hat trading in TF2 and spent some hundreds of that opening crates in that game. If I'm still well in the positive regarding money made vs what was spent on microtransactions, does it really count? At the very least I don't feel guilty about it.

Beth Cyra

Oct 26, 2017
A fair bit.

Honkai Impact 3rd I paid a good few hundred as I needed to always get all of Himeko's stuff.

Genshin Impact : spent about 70 pulling for Jean but sadly didn't get her. Going to try and wait it out and not spend anything till she gets a Banner highlight.

Overwatch: a good 200 or so getting all of MercyMakers stuff (the first Anniversary with Talon Widow and Combat Medic was like a hundred alone).

Thats about it for me.

However if they put Seiros/Rhea as a solo unit in FE Heroes I'd drop as much as I had to in a heartbeat.


Jul 25, 2018

I couldn't care less about spending $$$ on cosmetics.

If the recurring spend is for gameplay functionality of some kind, I'd probably play something else. For instance, if a game says, "You can't play this activity for 24 hours, unless you give me money", how about I just never play it again, solved.


Hero of Bowerstone
Oct 10, 2018
Almost nothing. Paid for a few boosts in mobile games a long time ago. Bought something from Poke'mon GO when it was starting out. So probably like $25 total.

Iori Loco

Nov 10, 2017
I once bought a Fire Emblem Heroes pack with the Black Knight and some orbs for, like, 10 bucks. Never again, though I don't regret it 'cuz it was very cheap and I like the Black Knight.


May 15, 2018
I would say about $300AU.... Hearthstone. Bought a number of those cards packs when they released new sets. I stopped playing the game though, I didn't like spending money on it.


Oct 27, 2017
about 500$. Most of that was in Dragalia Lost, but some of it I put into Arknights.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
All time? Probably $300-ish, mainly on gacha games.

More than half of that was Fire Emblem Heroes trying to get a specific character. Spending that much on one character sort of shell-shocked me into being much more careful with my spending from then on.


A Big Deal
Nov 2, 2017
I got got pretty hard by Overwatch and Fire emblem heroes since they were my first real games i got into that had loot boxes and gatcha. Ended up spending probably 600ish between them but that was 550 more then I was actually comfortable spending with sunken cost falicy and such. Still play both occasionally and while I would like that extra 500 now for a playstation 5 the lesson learned was worth it and I have not got gotten since. About to give Genshin Impact "money" but all my gatcha these days is purely off the back of google play points from surveys.


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
Couple hundred maybe. Mostly just cosmetic stuff in like DotA2, Runeterra, etc. Not gacha or energy reset or stuff like that.


Oct 27, 2017
Estimated but probably accurate from recent years. I mostly buy starter packs or at discounts when I really like a game. I think Chromatic Souls is the only one I dropped quickly. Played the rest over months or even years.

20€ on Paladins, Starter Pack to unlock all champions, played this around 100 hours
40€ on Warframe, 50% on Platinum, played this over 300 hours
15€ on One Piece Treasure Cruise, Starter Pack and some Booster Packs for sma money, played this for 1,5 years
5€ on Kingdom Hearts Mobile, starter pack played this for half a year or so
5€ on Mythgard, Starter Pack, actually never used the currency but played it for around 40 hours
2€ on Chromatic Souls, don't know why, played this only a few days lol
5€ on Epic 7, Starter Pack, played for some months
2€ on Final Fantasy XIV for extra retainer
30€ on TESO to buy the first DLCs chapters,so this aren't really MTX but you had to buy the I game currency so it kinda qualifies?
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
Depends on where you draw the line between cosmetic DLC and MTX. I've bought my fair share of costumes (SFV), pendants, stickers and room decorations (MHW) and more like that. But if it's just lootboxes and other gacha crap... I'd say around €100.