Oct 27, 2017
On dating apps I frequently see profiles listed saying "must be 6" or something similar.

What gets me is that isn't the average male only about 5'8" or 5'9"? I'm referring to the US by the way. I think a lot of people have a preference but I don't think many would seriously dismiss a partner for height unless the difference in height was something egregious.

I think 5'9"-6' is US average, yes.

Some people are just picky.

As a short guy, in my experience it definitely matters to the majority of women.

It's called, "TALL, dark and handsome" for a reason.

You just have to find the rare woman who will look past that.

They're not that rare. Height is one part of a package, you just accept yourself,and be your best self. That's attractive and can easily override height for a lot of partners. Unless you're online I guess.


Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
It definitely matters...for some people. I'm 5'11 and lucky enough to be "average guy" height, but I have people verbally confirm to me the wouldn't have been interested in me if I was shorter than 5'10. Shallow people exist, it sucks.

On the flip-side, people who don't care also exist. Find one of them.

I kind of wonder if the height requirements scale up as the height of the opposite potential partner increases. E.g. a 6 ft woman wants to date 6ft+ men.


Jun 10, 2018
I kind of wonder if the height requirements scale up as the height of the opposite potential partner increases. E.g. a 6 ft woman wants to date 6ft+ men.

In my experience, not at all. Even a 5'0" woman wants a minimum six footer around here. Just being taller - or even significantly taller - isn't enough. There's magic in that number.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Sadly, it matters in online dating. I'm 5'6 and I see profiles saying if you're not 5'8, 5'10 or 6'+ then swipe left.

For me, it matters somewhat, but its not a dealbreaker.


Oct 24, 2017
Depends on the person I guess, it does and it doesn't. I've met girls that don't care one bit about it, and others that have a preference for taller men. I'm about 6'2" and my wife is around 5'3, she very much likes the fact that I'm tall. Everyone's different.


Sep 9, 2018
It's a statistically proven advantage for many forms of success in life basically - academic, dating, finacial. So yeah, it matters, to some degree. I don't remember the ideal height but there has to be a limit though lol.


Oct 25, 2017
It matters to some people and doesn't to others.

It's an unfortunate disadvantage that is totally out of our control.

That being said, your attitude/confidence/how much you're insecure about it also matter and that you can control.

Deleted member 48897

User requested account closure
Oct 22, 2018
I'm surprised it's a preference to anyone, but I'm right there at five foot eleven...point, uh, seven-five? I dunno. (Apparently people think you're insecure if you say you're six feet tall when you're not)
Oct 30, 2017
As a 6'3 dude, it sure made dating life very easy.. like very easy. I'll take it.

I had my own preferences too, I am not attracted to taller women at all. I wouldn't write anyone off mind you, but I put a little effort into dating women under 5'7 for sure. Hard to explain why, no real reason other than some chemical balance in my brain that contributed to attraction. And by attraction I mean, I've slept with tall women and it wasn't sexy so to speak. Whereas naked shorter women were bonerific.


Oct 27, 2017
Miami, FL
My brother struggles with this. He has told women after tons of great convo, just before meeting and they ghost him.

Or he goes on first dates and then they ghost him. He's about 5'7''.

Now when he says it up front, they just ghost him (mostly). So he's always going back to the few women he's had in the past that don't care. It really fucks with his ego and it's sad.

Gaf Zombie

The Fallen
Dec 13, 2017
I think it matters quite a bit frankly. As a heterosexual male I would have paid good money to be 3 inches taller while dating, and I'm 5'11. But hey, physical attraction is inherently superficial. What can you do?

Dead Guy

Oct 25, 2017
Saskatchewan, Canada
Seems to matter a ton to women on dating apps based on the responses I've seen but like everything there are gonna be people that don't care about it either.

It is definately a detriment for guys in the dating game but it's not the complete end of the world.

The Argus

Oct 28, 2017
At 6'4" all I'm gonna say is that my height has been a total blessing in the dating game.

Meanwhile, for me, I really don't care about the height of a girl. Tall or short, it doesn't affect me much.


Oct 27, 2017
I know you think its bad but.....



Oct 26, 2017
I once had a girl straight up tell me I'd be the perfect partner if only I was taller. She and her friend who was also present went on to try and soften the blow with the reassuring justification that it's about wanting strong genes for your kids. There really wasn't any way I could react other than to burst into laughter at witnessing the manlet meme come to life.

I feel for people who get really down about the whole thing, and maybe it would start to wear on me if I ever became bothered with dating and shit, but whatever, I generally don't care. I'm sure height is a big deal to a sizeable group of people and that sucks, I guess, but I'm not going to change their mind so I don't concern myself about it. There will be plenty of people it isn't an issue for.


Oct 27, 2017
It definitely matters...for some people. I'm 5'11 and lucky enough to be "average guy" height, but I have people verbally confirm to me the wouldn't have been interested in me if I was shorter than 5'10. Shallow people exist, it sucks.

Dude, I'm assuming you're an American, and the average height for an American male is 5'9".

It's a weird pattern I'm seeing in this thread the amount of posts from guys who are between 5'10" to 6' expressing utmost frustration that they aren't taller. I don't really even know how to categorize this kind of inadequacy issue in the presence of posters here who are actually under the height average and have more legitimate self-esteem issues because of it.

Now, if you were living in the Netherlands or Norway or something that'd be another discussion. Folks are built like giants there.


Oct 25, 2017
Sheffield, UK
I'm very tall, so seeking someone of a similar height would severely limit my options. It doesn't matter anyway, except that 69 becomes 6⁹.


Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
Dude, I'm assuming you're an American, and the average height for an American male is 5'9".

It's a weird pattern I'm seeing in this thread the amount of posts from guys who are between 5'10" to 6' expressing utmost frustration that they aren't taller. I don't really even know how to categorize this kind of inadequacy issue in the presence of posters here who are actually under the height average and have more legitimate self-esteem issues because of it.

Now, if you were living in the Netherlands or Norway or something that'd be another discussion. Folks are built like giants there.
I'm not frustrated I'm not taller. I'm saying that I feel for shorter people because even at my height standards are so high.
see what I did there


Oct 27, 2017
It doesn't matter at all to me, but it seems to matter a whole lot to some people. I see it a lot on dating sites and don't get people limiting their matches by something like that.


Oct 25, 2017
I always thought it was a non-issue, till like year 2-3 years into my marriage when my wife dropped a "If you were shorter than me I'd probably never have dated you." line. Like damn... I've forgiven her for it (that was almost 8 years ago now) but it was really eye opening.

I'm not super tall by the way, my wife insists I'm 6' though the I think the last time I actually measured I was 5' 10". I never once thought about height requirements when I was dating.


Nov 29, 2017
Last year, I met someone on Tinder who I really dug, but in the back of my mind, I was nervous to confirm my height with her. Eventually, I told her, and when we discovered that she was indeed taller than me she texted me "lol, does it matter?"

So that brings the question. This goes out to anyone. How much does height matter in your preferences?
Find that girl man, find that girl. Once you find that one, you'll never look back. It matters A LOT to girls for some reason or the other, but once you find that one who doesn't care.....oh man.

In reality, it doesn't matter. Your dick is as good as anyone elses. ;)

At work? Never mattered a bit.

Also 5'5".


Oct 25, 2017
It shouldn't matter but it does in ways. I definitely think the generic "confidence is key" is truer than something like height.

Hair and height are probably two of the biggest plus male traits.


Oct 25, 2017
It matters and it sucks for me

There are some cruel people on tinder when it comes to height lol

Being 5'7 and balding makes me have anxiety


Oct 29, 2017
Irvine, CA
5'7" crew checking in. Not even the gym can help you, if height matters to someone it's their thing. Don't fight it, play up other attributes.

Will say, I will mess with girls shorter or taller, I just care about the ratio, lol. Send the Amazonians my way lmao
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Nov 19, 2017
Everybody has preferences. Like how a lot of folk prefer not to date dark skinned people.
And they never question why they have these preferences.


Nov 22, 2017
I'm gay, and I prefer shorter guys/guys around my height, so I guess it does matter lol (tall guys are hot too, I just find them intimidating).
I'm gay and the opposite, preferring guys taller than me. I'm 5'7

If someone's a similar height to myself it's not a deal breaker, but I wouldn't date someone much shorter than myself.

Dunno why and yeah it sucks, but I like what I like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Oct 25, 2017
Being tall is really good for dating. It's always like huge instant plus. Obviously that alone won't be enough and there are plenty of guys who don't need height but yeah it's quite a bonus.


Nov 11, 2017
I'm a fairly tall male. For those of you guys that are concerned about your height, a few things to consider:
- being a taller male means more people will be attracted to you but what if your partner preference is say around 4" shorter than yourself (as it is for me)? While it is sort of nice that more people are attracted to you, at the end of the day, if you prefer people in a certain height range, does it really help you find a partner? Also, that someone might be attracted to me and that my height may be a major reason why, sort of makes me uncomfortable. I'd much prefer if they got to know me and attraction was based on that rather than my height.
- height is just one physical attribute. There are so many other physical factors that will influence your attractiveness to other people (not to mention all the non-physical stuff).
-and just like any positive physical attribute that you have no control over, it's just a matter of luck. Treat people of all appearances the same, and if people don't treat you similarly, well that's on them. See it as an issue that they have, one that they need to work out.


Oct 25, 2017
It's definitely an advantage, but it isn't the end all be all. I'm 6'4", but was always too socially inept and awkward to work that shit.

Now I'm in a great relationship, with a tall woman. I never had much of a height preference before meeting her, but 6' honestly seems like the sweet spot for me. My girlfriend also seems to REALLY like having a man taller than her.


Alt account
Jan 24, 2019
Good read, feelsshortman :(

But yes, height and also bodytype can matter to an extent. Men who are mesomorphs are going to be more wanted overall than men who are endomorphs for example. Finding relationships and sex is just going to be easier. But I personally have NO issue when someone says "I prefer tall, athletic guys" or "I prefer short girls" on their tindr or grindr profile or something. It's honestly preferable to acting like you're a sapiosexual when you aren't, or rejecting someone on the premise that they have shittier character than you without receipts just because you don't want to admit they aren't attractive. You should just admit you have preferences and own it.

Anywho, Both tall and/or short can be sexy to many for a variety of reasons and is a harmless enough preference once you finally find someone who accepts your height (forgetting about short guy woes for a moment, what about really, really tall girls? What are they gonna do exactly? Never date a guy who's shorter? And if your very short you can't just date someone slightly taller?). And having an athletic body is definitely sexy, almost universally, and takes work to maintain, so you gotta respect that. Sometimes, yes, sexy attracts sexy, and that can be completely understandable imo. It's only shitty when someone tries denying it in favor of an unearned ego boost.
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Oct 25, 2017
I'm a bit below average but I've never gotten comments myself. It definitely depends on who you ask - most people I know don't care as long as height is within a very general range, but I do know the odd person who considers it a deal breaker.


Oct 25, 2017
New York City
I'm 5'11 and I like my short girls. However, my GF is like 5'6 so she's average its a nice change of pace. Not really into tall girls though.

My friend is like 5'6 and married a Serbian girl she's like 6'4 but she brushed him off initially. Until she came around mofo was lucky.


Nov 8, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
5'7. A lot of the asian girls I hung around with were so hung up on dating six footers even tho they're all like 5' - 5'6 lol
I never had issues outside of a few outright rejections because I was same height or didn't meet their wanted height requirement. Funny enough it was generally the white and black girls that were more lax about the height thing towards me


Oct 27, 2017
I guess I qualify as shortish in some places (I'm 5'9") but luckily for me, shallowness in a partner is an instant turn-off anyway!


Self-Appointed Godmother of Bruce Wayne's Children
Oct 25, 2017
I don't really care about it. I'm fine with a guy being shorter than me.