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Barrel Cannon

It's Pronounced "Aerith"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Hmm everyone's reasoning behind ignoring threads makes sense. Maybe I'm missing out on something by not partaking in that

Nigel Tufnel

Mar 5, 2019
0 users, 3 threads.

1 was a spoiler thread for Zelda, 2 were pet loss threads that popped up at a time that I just wasn't in the headspace to handle it and needed to not see them.


Oct 25, 2017


Apr 7, 2021
3 threads; xenoblade 3 spoiler thread, totk spoiler thread and uh something i have phobia of that had to poof


Nov 11, 2017
The best thing about this thread is learning there's no cap on blocking threads. Or if there is, it's over 160892. No worries for a while yet.
There was a time a year or two ago where I thought I broke the site for myself, because everything loaded slowly and the script I was using to more quickly ignore threads stopped working (this was back before they put the X on the thread list, so someone had made a script that did it). But it didn't last and it's been smooth sailing since.

Ashes of Dreams

Fallen Guardian of Unshakable Resolve
May 22, 2020
0 Users
25 Threads

Some of yall are wild. Legitimately don't get the point of being in a discussion forum if you try and block every single person you disagree with once or thread that isn't to your exact taste. It's like the people who put threads on Watch and then get annoyed when people talk in it rather than it just being updated for news.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
9 users 13 threads

I typically dont mind when people are argumentative you can typically pick up something from them in some shape or form but I dont got time for people that are a one note play
it always shocks me when I see people posting that they maxed out their ignore user list, like I consider myself decently active here, but almost never consider blocking users. I just scroll and move on. Isn't the cap quite high?


Oct 25, 2017
Sheffield, UK
0 Users
25 Threads

Some of yall are wild. Legitimately don't get the point of being in a discussion forum if you try and block every single person you disagree with once or thread that isn't to your exact taste. It's like the people who put threads on Watch and then get annoyed when people talk in it rather than it just being updated for news.

I agree with you about blocking people, but threads are different. I still see every new thread, and then I decide if I want it on my bookshelf. Wrestling? Never gonna read it, pow gone. X game sold Y copies? Never gonna care, pow gone. I don't even know what Naruto is, pow gone. Formula One? lol bye. Etc.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Zero. I actually had one person ignored but when I checked it seems their account has been nuked, so I unignored them.

There just isn't that much reason to ignore people on a heavily moderated platform. I'd have such a small sliver of people remaining if I tried to cut it down even further than what is already default. Plus - the whole reason IMO to engage on a large platform is to view some dissenting opinions.

The worst type of thread is OP posting a news story of someone doing something bad, and then 100 people reply "that's bad". I don't want to see a bunch of boring dunks, I want to talk with people who have interesting things to say.

Ignoring threads I can kind of get, but none of them are really causing enough visual clutter to go to the effort of clicking ignore.


Oct 25, 2017
Users 206 Threads 420

Yeah there are a lot there already banned and/or deleted their profiles.


Oct 25, 2017
None. I am mature enough to understand not everyone shares my opinions. If anything I like reading their thought process and trying to perhaps make sense of it. Blocking out all the stuff I disagree on would probably box me into a single mindset.


Oct 25, 2017
329 threads, because sometimes I just don't want to be bummed out by certain things.

Only 1 user though, because they have chosen 'putting spoilers in thread titles' as their #1 forum poster trait and primary hill to die on.


Nov 11, 2017
Legitimately don't get the point of being in a discussion forum if you try and block every single person you disagree with once or thread that isn't to your exact taste.
I do plenty of discussion in the threads I am interested in, and it's easier to see them when the thread list is unclogged.


Oct 26, 2017
Good point, oddly enough I'm annoyed having to ignore topics/threads cause it's tedious yet I guess worth it to not see them cause I don't care about a lot of topics.

It's funny enough ignoring doesn't always work. If something is the flavor of the week or month or whatever, there's going to be multiple threads on some game or movie for every little thing , sales/news, etc etc.


Dec 20, 2017
0 for both.

I just scroll past threads I don't care about. Though maybe I should ignore threads that don't interest me. Like some games/platforms I don't care about. Or political threads (I'm not American and most stuff here is internal US shit, my own countries politics are annoying enough and it's a US election year)

For ignoring people I'll just ignore their post or tell them that I think they're wrong (wonder how many ignore me because of this). Era is pretty ban happy as is, so any user I'd really not like will be banned pretty fast.


Oct 25, 2017
Just 2, and looking at it now, one of them has been banned, so I guess just one lol.

I broadly agree with the approach of keeping your ignore list as small as possible. I'm looking to read things I disagree with. I think the only time I've felt inclined to put someone on ignore is if I feel like every time I see them in a thread, they're actively making the discourse in that thread more toxic and miserable. Which really is very few posters in my experience.

I should probably try ignoring threads I know I have no interest in, but I never think about it.

Loud Wrong

Feb 24, 2020
1 user 46 threads. Mostly the threads are of the "Give you a million dollars if you….." variety.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
0 Users, 50 threads. There are some community threads I'm not really interested in and so I make the thread list a little more uncluttered.


Dec 10, 2017
8 users and 13 threads. I hated having to do the former. The latter is not for threads that make me angry or anything, more for the petty reason of hating having to see the same titles every time I visit the forum.

I'm weird like that.

Ashes of Dreams

Fallen Guardian of Unshakable Resolve
May 22, 2020
I agree with you about blocking people, but threads are different. I still see every new thread, and then I decide if I want it on my bookshelf. Wrestling? Never gonna read it, pow gone. X game sold Y copies? Never gonna care, pow gone. I don't even know what Naruto is, pow gone. Formula One? lol bye. Etc.
I do plenty of discussion in the threads I am interested in, and it's easier to see them when the thread list is unclogged.

I approach threads from the opposite direction. Blocking threads just because it's about something that doesn't interest me seems like a much worse time than just curating my Watch list of threads I follow.

But I also think this forum would be a much less interesting place if all I saw were things I was already interested in. I'm here to talk to people and see what others have to say about stuff. I'm not here to just post my opinion on something I already know all about and then move on.

But this is also the forum where I was dogpiled for saying I hadn't seen a show before in a thread about it that was interesting, because people felt it wasn't worth me saying that. So I do think there is some fundamental disconnect between why I'm here and why some others are here.


Nov 11, 2017
For the record, it takes like 2 seconds to ignore a thread on mobile. In no way is there any real effort in doing so


Oct 25, 2017
Sheffield, UK
I just scroll past threads I don't care about. Though maybe I should ignore threads that don't interest me. Like some games/platforms I don't care about. Or political threads (I'm not American and most stuff here is internal US shit, my own countries politics are annoying enough and it's a US election year)

Ignore them. It's great. There were threads I scrolled past for years, never once opening them because they're utterly irrelevant to me. I must have scrolled like 50km because of those threads.

Like right now there's a thread about two US restaurant chains doing a business partnership or something. I'm sure it's a fine thread for the people it's relevant to, but I'm not one of them.


Oct 27, 2017
I ignore console warriors and folks who can only respond with sarcasm rather than discussion. But there are not many.

I mute lots of threads, either because they are dumb or because they are upsetting in some way.


Living the Dreams
Oct 29, 2017
Amazingly zero for both.

Either I have high tolerance and/or mentally block those like I didn't see them altogether.

Or maybe I'm just lazy no matter how idiot some users/thread I've encountered.


Oct 25, 2017
No users and no recent threads it seems. I ignore some spoiler threads on and off to avoid misclicking before I've watched/played/read that piece of media. Also, Star Wars threads because they are annoying.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Let's just say less than I would like to have on ignore =P

As an aside I wish you could still see threads posted from ignored users. Just because I don't want to see what a certain person "contributes" to discussion doesn't necessarily mean I want to miss an entire one just cause they're the OP.


Mar 1, 2022
I wonder if anyone has poor Rose on ignore 😢.

I have zero people and zero threads on ignore personally.


Died as he lived: wrong about Doritos
Oct 25, 2017
Richmond, VA
Zero and zero.

I don't feel strongly about this one way or the other. Just never bothered ignoring anything. 🤷‍♂️


Oct 27, 2017
Depends, how many NFL and Star Wars movie debate threads have there been?

I'd ignore way more threads if they disappeared immediately and not on refresh.
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