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Oct 27, 2017
Just 8 users, I only block people who make it their purpose to argue rather than discuss; not much insight you can get from someone like that


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
45 users, a bunch of whom are banned/quit but i don't want to see their old posts so i see no reason to remove them from the list.

540 threads
i put all poop/hygiene threads on ignore immediately because just seeing the words makes me cry for the horror of humanity.
Also all site sponsored voting threads. No, it isn't fun. I don't want them pinned on my screen. I'd love the option to opt out of your notifications.
Plus some that i just don't care about, like random popular anime or sports i don't watch/follow. Not because there's anything wrong with the threads, but I'll never use them and I get tired of scrolling past them.


Shit Shoe Wasp Smasher
Apr 3, 2018
5 users and 166 threads.

I love the customizability of this website. I also have all image options toggled to off to avoid spoilers and such.
Apr 12, 2021
If you're hiding/ignoring threads so you can see more..... 😉


And no, I don't ignore users or threads. That just seems weird.


Oct 25, 2017
Sheffield, UK
0 users
2501 threads

I only started ignoring threads this year, but it's really great and I can't stop clicking it. Anything that doesn't interest me POW gone.
Oct 28, 2017
I will never block a user but Trump threads started to become too much a few years ago So I started blocking them by default.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Users: right now, 4. I can tolerate quite a lot, but some people just want to argue and are frankly insufferable about it. I don't even mean people arguing with me personally. I do reevaluate from time to time and occasionally take people off ignore. I actually take people who I've ignored and later been perma banned off ignore since I'll never have to see their comments again anyway, but it does delight me to see I was a correct judge of character on those accounts.

Threads: 9. I didn't even realize I was ignoring even that many until I checked. It's a combination of one thread that was too gross for me to want to think about, some threads that were made in incredibly bad faith, and a couple on subjects that simply depress me enough I don't want to think about.
Oct 28, 2017
I just decided right now to start ignoring users who come into threads to talk about how horny they are for fictional characters, so two users and no threads, but I am expecting users to skyrocket dramatically.

Actually make that one user, I double checked and the first guy caught a permanent ban, so I guess I don't need him on my ignore list anymore.
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Nov 11, 2017
Users: 0
Threads: 160892

I have limited interests and click that X on the thread list liberally to make the relatively few threads I am interested in more visible. Been doing it for years, lol.


Oct 25, 2017

I've never really felt the need to ignore other threads or members. Even if I roll my eyes at someone's post, I just scroll past it. I don't like the idea of not being able to see things either.


Account pending deletion
Jul 9, 2023
23 users, 63 threads.

I didn't really ignore any threads until FFVII Rebirth released (now I'm ignoring all of them to avoid accidentally opening one and getting spoiled), but since ignoring Rebirth threads I've started to ignore others that don't interest me too.


Oct 25, 2017
Sheffield, UK
The best thing about this thread is learning there's no cap on blocking threads. Or if there is, it's over 160892. No worries for a while yet.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 1, 2017
Ignoring users for making one bad post or thread is so weird to me. Maybe they were having a bad day or just in a bad place mentally, and now you've blocked them from existence forever and are potentially missing out of future great stuff they've posted. Hell, OTs and major news threads for stuff you're into could be made by someone you've blocked lol

I have nothing ignored though, I just scroll past stuff I don't like 🤷‍♂️


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Zero users, 92 threads. I mainly use it to block out the topics that give me anxiety, although I'm pretty sure there are a couple weekend era threads in there as well whose titles particularly icked me out lol.

Mammoth Jones

Oct 25, 2017
New York
50 or so Threads with spoilers in them.

100+ Orange McDoucheFace threads cause that fuck won't rent an apartment to my Black ass so why should I let him live rent free in my head?

Aside: I really wish we could preemptively block keywords for threads.
Oct 27, 2017
10 users 12 threads.

Users who are just overly negative about everything.

The I'm going to kill myself threads. As a chronically sad person I don't need to see that stuff

Yep, I only have one person on ignore and that too is someone who is relentlessly negative.

I've got 12 threads on ignore but most of them seem to be spoiler threads for games I hadn't played at the time. And a thread on Believe by Cher. I loathe the song and every time I read that it puts the song in my head, so that's probably why I put it on ignore!


Graphics Engineer
Oct 27, 2017
74 threads
0 users.

I find that if I ignore a user for a post I don't like, it's thin skin on my part. I work in tech for a giant and read horrible posts weekly about us. A forum user that I don't know or have any effect on my life unless I want them too, is nothing to me.

I also find that we have 98% commonalities and we simply disagree on one topic. You miss out on good conversations because of that one discussion.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Only one user who seems to have caught a permanent ban anyway so I guess none.
Oct 22, 2019
A non-exhaustive list of types of threads that I ignore:
  • Why is it that there is someone on the internet who has a different opinion on this topic than I have? Please explain (OP will proceed to argue with anyone who does)
  • A YouTuber/podcaster/celebrity I have never heard of did something bad
  • Is [thing] worth it? (Everyone's idea of "worth it" is different. This question is meaningless without specific context, which is usually not provided)
  • I have a problem with [drugs/gambling/relationship/life/etc.] - (I'm sorry, I feel for you, but I have stuff going on in my own life and I don't have the emotional capacity to read these)
  • I am angry that a game got a particular review or review score
  • Almost any topic that uses the word "gamer" (unless it is being critical of the term)
  • Transparent console war baiting
  • PCs are so much better than consoles (good for you, have fun. I tried it, it wasn't for me, and I'm tired of hearing about it)
  • Anything that mentions 60fps, 30fps, or frame rates in any way (it is what it is, you're not going to change it by making forum threads, no one has anything new to say about it, I am sick of all the whining)
  • Video games and/or hardware prices are too high (again, it is what it is… there is not much interesting to be said about it. Also, this framing sort of misidentifies the problems in our economy, and as a result, doesn't tend to go in an interesting or useful direction)
  • Anything that references bodily functions in seriousness (I don't need to know this about you, please consult a doctor, that's what they're for)
  • Anything that references bodily functions metaphorically (we have an entire language full of words, please choose different ones)
  • Topics that intentionally mislead you as to what they are about, for "humor", like haha made you click
  • Hero worship threads
  • Yuck threads that are intentionally disgusting for no reason (I guess I will never understand why people do this)
  • Why does this game or series do its own thing, instead of trying to be like every other game? (OP will argue with anyone who tries to explain)
  • Topics that don't in any way communicate what the thread is about
  • Anything related to shipping characters, especially if OP tries to pretend that's not really what their thread is about (I'm glad people are having fun - are they, though? - but I've never been interested in shipping and I never will be. I just want to experience the story the creators made, not some fan's headcanon that they try to force on everyone else)
  • Threads that just make me feel bad for whatever reason, especially if it's not something I feel like I need to know about
Just because I ignore a thread doesn't mean it's "bad" or shouldn't exist. Some of the above definitely fall into that category, but others are just things I'm not interested in, or don't personally want to see. I think it's perfectly fine for people to optimize their time by curating their internet experience on things they're specifically interested in.

P.S., feel free to ignore me if you don't like my list. I understand.
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Nov 4, 2017
0 for all. There's a few that I probably should for being overly negative all the time. I haven't just for the laughs or a rare good point they make.


Oct 25, 2017
Sheffield, UK
Ignoring users for making one bad post or thread is so weird to me. Maybe they were having a bad day or just in a bad place mentally, and now you've blocked them from existence forever and are potentially missing out of future great stuff they've posted. Hell, OTs and major news threads for stuff you're into could be made by someone you've blocked lol

I always worry that I might have a weird growth on my leg and the doctor says it's fine, but I'm not sure so I ask about it here.

And someone knows it's a death sentence unless I deal with it right away, and they tell me exactly how to save my own life.

But I blocked them because they said something a bit weird in 2021. I don't get the advice and die a miserable, drawn-out death.

So I don't block people.


Dec 7, 2018
I have 150 ignored users (probably half of them are banned) and 286 ignored threads.

Sometimes in a thread I'll see a bunch of replies to someone that's on my ignore list, 95% of the time when I go look at see what/who they are replying to I feel justified that they are on my list.


Nov 4, 2017
I only have two people on ignore and that's because they're members of "the cult of Cornette"

Zero threads ignored

Barrel Cannon

It's Pronounced "Aerith"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
0 for users. If someone's a moron, me or someone else will call em out, or they'll get banned. If someone has some opinion I don't agree with then that's fine by me. I don't want to turn my online browsing into a hive mind by putting folks on ignore.

0 threads as well. I just browse the ones I'm interested in


Oct 25, 2017
no ignored. i wa t to see there threads . no threads blocked thru era but i do thru the keyword filter script someone here made


I like the chili style
Oct 26, 2017
it always shocks me when I see people posting that they maxed out their ignore user list, like I consider myself decently active here, but almost never consider blocking users. I just scroll and move on. Isn't the cap quite high?
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