
Oct 30, 2017
Demon Souls. I hate the game. But I will beat it so I can complain about how much I hate it.


Oct 27, 2017
For example, I finished Metroid Prime 2 Echoes, which is universally hated by the Metroid fanbase because I felt that if I didn't beat it, I would be accepting defeat.

Some more examples of games that I felt weren't very good but finished them anyway

Assassins Creed 2
Uncharted 3
Fallout 4
Doom 2016
Quantum Break
Devil May Cry 2

Which game did you feel the need to finish even if you were so bored that you felt as if you were going to slip into a coma?

More importantly do you feel that you HAVE to beat your games because of a need for closure?

you were like 'look at all of these bad games' and listed a bunch of great games (and dmc2)


Apr 23, 2018

Easy 1000 GS, but, gosh, what a boring game. And it didn't help that the Windows 10 XPA version, which I was forced to use because I was travelling and out of reach of my Xbox One, was bugged as hell and wouldn't pop up its achievements correctly, forcing me to play it for longer than I wanted to.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't even feel compelled to finish good games. I usually do of course, but the odd time I've been distracted by something else and just have never made it back to the game. I actually feel far more compelled to finish other media, in particular books, than games.


Jan 3, 2019
Just did it with KH3. Hated from beginning to end and just wanted to make the 60 dollars worth it

Deleted member 10549

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
When I know Im near the end of the game and I the game starts to bore me, I will force myself to beat it. If game gets boring earlier, like Bravely Default, then I just drop it. BD has an alright combat with pretty cool character building but story is terrible and dungeons design is very bad and repetitive.


Jan 14, 2019
I don't, but I also have a very different understanding of the word "awful" than people on Era it seems....

Remo Williams

Self-requested ban
Jan 13, 2018
I like to finish games, even those that I don't enjoy (besides, sometimes they finally click for me several hours in), but I'm not strict about it. Sometimes I'll get distracted or simply lose interest, even with games that I do like.


Oct 25, 2017
if i really dislike it, ill stop and maybe come back later.

I dont play stuff that doesnt hold my attention, too much to do out there to waste time not enjoying a game.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I'm very much like this, if I invest 60$ in a game or a bunch of time I do like to see it through to the end even if I'm a bit bored with it.

On the flip side I won't hesitate to drop something I dont pay much for it and I realize its not for me after the first few hours and not return but

Deleted member 12867

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I used to feel this way when I was a kid and buying video games was completely out of my control and I had to make them last, but now if it's not worth the time I don't force it.


Oct 25, 2017
I've only done it once (Killzone Shaw Fall) , as I only tend to buy games that really interest me.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
It's different from game to game for me.

Sometimes I finish games I don't like out of sheer tenacity and so I can see the ending. Other times, they're so bad I just give up.

And OTHER times, they're so awful that I give up, put the disc back in the case and IMMEDIATELY trade them in toward something else just to be rid of them. I think I did this with Golden Sun: Dark Dawn and that Natural Doctrine game that came out early in the PS4's lifespan.


Mar 2, 2018
If I'm not having fun with the game or I'm not that engaged with the plot, I don't mind leaving it half way.


Dec 6, 2018
As I got older I thankfully got rid of this bad habit. Final fantasy 8 was a nightmare


Dec 29, 2018
Not me. As soon as I am not having fun I stop playing. Games are supposed to be fun so why bother playing something you don't enjoy? Makes no sense.


Dec 14, 2017
The second half of Wildlands I played just to finish the thing. But I dont do it always, I am midway into Doom and dont really know if I want to keep playing because everytime I play I cant wait for the level to end so I can stop.


Jan 19, 2018
I was a "HAVE to finish the game" kind of person. Then i started work, my time to play is now very limited so i became a "fuck it, next" kind of person.


Oct 25, 2017
Yep I do it. Need to finish something when I start it.

I really really didnt like witcher 3, I found the combat really terrible but I beat it.
Other games include, red read redemption 2, didnt hate it or anything just found the story so slow pace and the gameplay loop stared to wear thin by halfway through.


Oct 27, 2017
Horizon Zero Dawn was terrible and a drag all around, so I went through that with it. I'm trying to avoid this habit tho.

i gave up on that right after the prologue, just wasn't very interesting

i don't think i can beat a game that i find truly awful, there needs to be at least some element that will make me want to continue. the new tomb raider and uc4 were two games i thought were mediocre, but they both had good qualities that kept me engaged until the end (exploration and shooting mechanics/writing respectively)


Oct 25, 2017
I usually won't finish bad games, but sometimes they are just so absolutely awful and irredeemable in every way that I need to see them to the end. Like Star Ocean 5.

Just the curiosity in seeing how low something can really go.
Oct 25, 2017
I finished Xenoblade Chronicles 1 despite it being one of the most terrible games I've ever played. At least the story and characters I found interesting. MOre than I could say for my time with the first red dead redemption...

Thats just calling out highly regarded games I thought were terrible though. Ive also finished the garbage that is FFXV and Infinite Undiscovery

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
If I'm not having fun, but I'm interested in seeing where the story goes, I'll likely push through it. If it's just boring, and has a weak story, I have no problems dropping it after the first hour. I don't have time anymore to wait for games to get good.


Nov 27, 2017
I would do this more so when I was younger, but as I grow older I find myself valuing my time more than the completion of media I don't care for.


Oct 27, 2017
Hell no! My gaming time's too precious to be wasted slogging through something I'm not into.

Nobody's going to care if you didn't finish a particular game.


Oct 26, 2017
I typically don't get that feeling. If I'm not enjoying a game then I'm willing to power through a little bit before just giving up.

Recently, the one game I did power through was Red Dead Redemption 2. I hated it but I just had the urge to rush through the latter part of the game just to see where the story went.

I kind of regret that decision because it was A LOT of time wasted.


Oct 30, 2017
A lot of times I only start liking games in the last 2 stages (case in point, pid), so I can't really feel I can make a fair judgement in the game if I don't play till the bitter end.

So, I play bad games to completion so I can call it bad with authority. That's why Alan wake isn't good, and neither is okamiden.

I also like to enjoy the progression of a series, to see how each game improved or not something of the franchise. For example, final fantasy III is a horrible game, that failed spectacularly at the job system. At least on the Nintendo DS remake. Made me appreciate final fantasy IV even more.

But of course, nowdays even start good games is a struggle. So I don't consciously stop playing bad games, I just start other games and let it sit there by the sidelines forever.


Oct 27, 2017
Most of the list in the OP not being anywhere close to "awful" aside, nah, if I'm not liking something, I'll stop. That's what makes physical good. You can always sell it and make some money back on purchases that just don't click.

Deleted member 6263

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'm this way as well. I slogged through Killzone Shadow Fall, muttering under my breath the entire time. It's almost like, if I don't finish it..then it'll be time wasted up to that point and me feeling guilty about it. Obviously I'm wasting even more time by finishing it...but I never said my reasoning made sense lol

Also, there's always a hope that the game will turn around and get better. Sometimes it's the case, sometimes it isn't, and it's a gamble I always take.


Oct 29, 2017
Dropped KH3 and Anthem right at the end. No regrets. I enjoyed KH3 for the most but I mainly played for Disney. Anthem was putting me to sleep, not even playing with 3 friends could salvage that.


One Winged Slayer
Jan 11, 2019
London, United Kingdom
I finished Metroid Prime 2 Echoes, which is universally hated by the Metroid fanbase because I felt that if I didn't beat it, I would be accepting defeat.
Maybe not held in the same regard as the first, but "hated" is just plain wrong. Personally it was the only Metroid game that offered any real challenge consistently.

As for the topic, it doesn't happen often, the only two that I can remember off hand are Sonic Forces and Arkham Origins. If I don't particularly like a game I will, more often than not, finish it; if only to be able to judge it fairly as a complete game. I rarely if ever do it out of stubbornness/getting my money's worth.
It's only if the game is truly painful to play (Sonic Boom on Wii U etc...) that I wont finish it.

There's also a handful of games that I didn't like at first that grew on me massively by the end and looking back I'm so glad I didn't give up on them.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Never. I don't even have time to finish games I enjoy at a decent rate, let alone something I hate. I've been in the tutorial of FFXII for two years and I think the game is decent and will never finish it.


RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
United States
I'm not 100% sure what compels me to do so, but I can't remember the last game I've started that I haven't also chosen to finish. Sometimes I do the bare minimum, but always have to at least see the credits. So it usually means I play a smaller raw number of games than most people I know within the hobby, lol.


Oct 25, 2017
I used to. But when I got older I felt like if I didn't enjoy the experience, I should learn to walk away from it. Time is too precious to spend doing things you don't enjoy.


Nov 8, 2017
I finished up Shadow Warrior last night because it was leaving Game Pass. It's not a bad game, just repetitive and probably five hours too long. I think the deadline made me blast through it because I am notorious for starting games, playing them for an hour, then coming back a year (or three) later.
I share that habit. When I drop a game, it must be super duper broken, otherwise I can hardly quit. D:

There was this strange Point n Click Adventure The Apotheosis Project. I got it borrowed and had no idea, what I was getting myself into.
It's so goddamn bad! After a while, it turned into a strange sensation, like watching a car crash – how worse can this game still become?
I needed a walkthrough to finish it, but because it's so unknown, I couldn't really find any and ended up with one written in Dutch! It's not so far away from German, so I was able to understand enough. But boy, that sure was a wild journey. .__.


Oct 27, 2017
I never finished GTA 5 lmao. I always got bored and started police chases and stuff. Maybe I'll finish it one day.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I have to finish anything I put money down on.
Staring at incomplete games on my shelves is not a good feeling.


Oct 25, 2017
I did it once to get a Platinum, that Terminator Salvation game, but otherwise my answer is never. Life is far too short to fuck about with things you aren't enjoying assuming you have free will and ability to do something else.