
Oct 27, 2017
Halifax, NS
I mean let's be real, he should've lost his job after dropping the N word on TV. If that wasn't going to do it, then nothing will at this point.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
Oh and he still has a job because he's good at what he does. He says things I agree with, things I disagree with and things I feel he's totally out of line on.. but that's ok. We can't be afraid or prevent people from voicing an opinion we disagree with out from saying things that offend.
Why are you cool with bigots


Aug 22, 2018
Correct answer.

We can't be afraid of opinion or be afraid of getting offended. More important things to worry about.

Like why the fuck are we NOT talking about these wet markets? It is a huge problem.

Is it just his opinion that "the Muslim world has too much in common with Isis" and that Palestine "is perpetually hostile, a coiled snake" and is it the viewers' fault if they're offended?

Oh and he still has a job because he's good at what he does. He says things I agree with, things I disagree with and things I feel he's totally out of line on.. but that's ok. We can't be afraid or prevent people from voicing an opinion we disagree with out from saying things that offend.

How do you feel about Milo being banned from social media?


Oct 29, 2017
i really don't see it.
Bro, the entire rant starts by whitewashing Trump's attempt to racially charge the virus by naming it the Chinese Virus/Wuhan Flu(liberal scientists have named it by place forever he says), segued into critiquing liberals for focusing on this issue(even bringing back his islamphobic fights to discredit and broad brush liberals by claiming they are in favor of Islamic extremism), then moving onto the wet markets as if liberals are ignoring it(they arent), and wrapping it all up with a reactionary xenophobic rant.

It's classic Maher bullshit
Oct 25, 2017
"We should name it based on where it originated because that's how we've always done it!"

Preserving outdated, tradition-centric racism-fueling behavior is pure conservatism, regardless of what he thinks his arguments for it are.


Oct 25, 2017
Wet market thing is dumb as the picture he uses is literally a picture of a standard market. The wet markets that people are protesting are the ones that keep all sorts of live animals in cages. Selling meat out like that is not what this is all about.

Also, Spanish flu probably originated in a feed lot in the States so that point is lost as well.


Nov 13, 2017
Do people think here really think Bill Maher is some kind right ring hack or apologist? He has lots of bad takes, but if you were to actually watch his show, 80% of what he says is more closely aligned with Resetera than anything resembling right wing. The points constantly mentioned here are the only differences.

His "New Rule" segments are mostly stuff like this, him going all in on republicans and their hatred of democracy, never the "both sides" nonsense.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
Bill Maher has a lot of overlap with anti-vax and hippie natural cures stuff.

And no, he's not a Republican at all. Come on, guys.


Oct 25, 2017
Do people think here really think Bill Maher is some kind right ring hack or apologist? He has lots of bad takes, but if you were to actually watch his show, 80% of what he says is more closely aligned with Resetera than anything resembling right wing. The points constantly mentioned here are the only differences.

His "New Rule" segments are mostly stuff like this, him going all in on republicans and their hate of democracy

"If you ignore all the times he isn't the same as us, he is exactly the same as us"

He isn't a republican, but fuck no does he represent us.


Oct 25, 2017
Bro, the entire rant starts by whitewashing Trump's attempt to racially charge the virus by naming it the Chinese Virus/Wuhan Flu(liberal scientists have named it by place forever), segued into critiquing liberals for focusing on it too much, then moving onto the wet markets as if liberals are ignoring it(they arent), and wrapping it all up with a reactionary xenophobic rant.
he calls out the racism targeted at chinese americans and clearly abhors it. however, he's definitely arguing for linking the virus to china as much as possible, but it doesn't seem to me like it's coming from a place of racism toward chinese people but rather a hatred for the chinese government's inaction.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account.
Oct 31, 2017
well they probably are disproportionately involved in sex crimes, milo is just conveniently leaving out that they're the victims lol

right... that's the point. Maher just shrugs it off. like "sunlight" doesn't disinfect if you don't have facts or rebuttals.


Nov 28, 2018
Is it just his opinion that "the Muslim world has too much in common with Isis" and that Palestine "is perpetually hostile, a coiled snake" and is it the viewers' fault if they're offended?

How do you feel about Milo being banned from social media?
This is not the same thing. Milo is not equal to Maher. Come on, seriously? Milo advocates dangerous beliefs and uses his platform to promote hate. This is not the same thing.


Nov 13, 2017
"If you ignore all the times he isn't the same, he is exactly the same"
No one is the same. Your stance is a logically fallacy.
The point and fact of the matter, is the picture painted on era of Bill, is one that does not pass muster in relation to reality. I am all for people not liking him and his views and there are valid reasons to take these stances. There are countless other avenues to get infotainment. But the diminishment of meaningful evaluations, into drive by hit pieces, are intellectually weak positions.
Last edited:


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
"If you ignore all the times he isn't the same, he is exactly the same"
But he is.

He's pro choice
He's pro environment
He's very anti-gun and pro gun regulation
He's for higher taxes
And on and on.

He has said many terrible things. That I won't disagree, but Maher is a Democrat, through and through. At the same time, I have no issue with ppl attacking some of his more dumb takes, which he has plenty.

You can attack and critique Maher's opinions fine without saying he's a secret Republican, which craters that point.

Again, you can say he has very shit opinions, attack those opinions, and not question his allegiance to liberal stances. He can be both! Have shit opinions and still espouse Democratic party line positions.


Feb 22, 2019
"We should name it based on where it originated because that's how we've always done it!"

Preserving outdated, tradition-centric racism-fueling behavior is pure conservatism, regardless of what he thinks his arguments for it are.
I agree that it shouldnt be called the Chinese virus. Wuhan maybe. But this whole name changing scheme has WHO corruption written all over it. The WHO decided to not name the disease SARS because in their own words it would have 'unintended consequences in terms of creating unnecessary fear for some populations.' I mean yeah, people should fear it. But Im sure the real reason is because SARS is already associated with China and they didnt want this new outbreak to be associated with them as well.


Oct 25, 2017
But he is.

He's pro choice
He's pro environment
He's very anti-gun and pro gun regulation
He's for higher taxes
And on and on.

He has said many terrible things. That I won't disagree, but Maher is a Democrat, through and through. At the same time, I have no issue with ppl attacking some of his more dumb takes, which he has plenty.

He is also Transphobic, Misogynist, and virulently islamaphobic.

You can add even more racism to the list now.

So he represents Era just like that poster says right?


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
He is also Transphobic, Misogynist, and virulently islamaphobic.

You can add even more racism to the list now.

So he represents Era just like that poster says right?
I have no disagreement here. I wouldn't say he represents ERA. But he will vote with ERA if that makes sense.

But when ppl say he's a libertarian or republican they lose credibility since his political views are well documented--he has thousands of hours of televised programming on the topic.

Deleted member 48897

User requested account closure
Oct 22, 2018
Bill Maher has mocked sexual harrassment victims, defended Brett Kavanaugh, thrown the fried chicken epithet at a black guest, blamed Palestinians for the Israeli occupation, said it's OK to annex land you win in a war, mocked dead people for not being culturally significant enough, defended whitewashing of LGBT representation in biopics of famously gay people, given Milo a platform and gone full-on Islamophobic by comparing all Muslims to ISIS and saying they will kill you if you say the wrong thing.

Which part of that don't you have a problem with?

Straight up, dude is worse than Rogan and I thought Rogan was deplatformed here.

He is also Transphobic, Misogynist, and virulently islamaphobic.

You can add even more racism to the list now.

So he represents Era just like that poster says right?

Sadly I've been here long enough now to say that yes, he does.


You look 40
Oct 25, 2017
New York
Maher might be on the "correct" side of certain issues, but he's still the epitome of a selfish, conceited and racist/xenophobic rich white guy who doesn't really give a fuck about anyone else and just wast to secure his place of power and privilege.


The Fallen
Mar 13, 2018
For those who don't want to give him any views:

Bill Maher Questions Naming of Coronavirus: “Why Should China Get a Pass?”

In a new episode of HBO's 'Real Time With Bill Maher' on Friday, the late-night host explored the history of diseases being named after countries in which they originated.

In a new episode of Real Time With Bill Maher on Friday, host Maher questioned why the novel coronavirus isn't named after the country in which it derived from. The late-night host used his "New Rule" segment to explore the issue, specifically titling it "Virus Shaming."

"Scientists, who are generally pretty liberal, have been naming diseases after the places they came from for a very long time," Maher began. "Zika is from the Zika forest; Ebola from the Ebola river. Hantavirus from the Hantan river. There is the West Nile virus and Guinea Worm and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and of course, the Spanish flu. MERS stands for Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome, it's plastered all over airports and no one blogs about it."

Referring to the coronavirus, which originated in Wuhan, China, Maher then asked, "So why should China get a pass?" He referenced a tweet from Congressman Ted Lieu, where he said "The virus is not constrained by country or race. Be just as stupid to call it the Milan virus." Maher said in response, "No, that would be way stupider because it didn't come from Milan. And if it did, I guarantee we'd be calling it the Milan Virus. Jesus fucking Christ, can't we even have a pandemic without getting offended? When they named Lyme Disease after a town in Connecticut, the locals didn't get all ticked off."

Never mind the fact that scientists are not referring it as the Chines virus (SARS 2 is probably a good nickname since it's from a similar strain). Scientists don't use names to vilify a people. That's what right-wingers are doing by referring to it as the 'Chinese virus'. Hell, it's called the Spanish flu because Spain had the audacity to accurately count the number of infected.

Look, China shares a good amount of blame for not informing the rest of the world of the extent of the disease in time (even now). But I don't for the love of me understand why calling it the Chinese virus helps anyone when anyone can find out about the origin with a quick Google search and that there's a decent chance the disease will be endemic around the world. The real question is why is Bill Maher is so insistent in calling it the 'Chinese virus' in the first place.


Nov 18, 2018
I'm confused, didn't he back Bernie in 2016 and basically begged people to vote for Hillary on his show every week because he knew Trump actually had a chance? I know Maher is a douche but this seems like a huge switch up for him. Must've finally gotten tired of the left telling him to not be a bigoted asshole.

Maher was always closely aligned with parts of the new atheist/skeptic community (like, for example, Sam Harris) who broke away from that movement during the early 2010s(and who, along with Gamer Gate, was pivotal in creating the "anti-SJW" online sentiment at the time) and eventually joined up with Jordan Peterson, Rubin and the like to become the alt-lite/intellectual dark web.

To sum it up, Maher and his ilk consciously made the decision to join right-wing grifters and have essentially have been radicalizing themselves further to the right since at least the mid-2010s.


Oct 27, 2017
Halifax, NS
This is not the same thing. Milo is not equal to Maher. Come on, seriously? Milo advocates dangerous beliefs and uses his platform to promote hate. This is not the same thing.

Maher brought Milo on to advocate dangerous beliefs and let him use his platform to promote hate.

And did literally nothing to counteract it.

Not to mention Maher does this all by himself the moment Muslims are involved.


Aug 22, 2018
This is not the same thing. Milo is not equal to Maher. Come on, seriously? Milo advocates dangerous beliefs.

You said

We can't be afraid or prevent people from voicing an opinion we disagree with out from saying things that offend.

I don't want to live in a society that is afraid of being offended. If he or anyone says something that upsets you or offends you or you feel is outrageous, then voice your opinion and discuss the subject and why he or that person is wrong. Choosing to instead believe someone shouldn't have a job is not the answer.

Why have you suddenly gone back on "Marketplace of Ideas" and now agree with deplatforming? Why do your comments about never preventing voicing an opinion apply to Maher but not Milo? Why is Maher's bigotry acceptable, but Milo's isn't? If Milo is where the line is then why do you support Maher when he's had Milo on his show and said he found "common ground" with him?



Oct 29, 2017
Do people think here really think Bill Maher is some kind right ring hack or apologist? He has lots of bad takes, but if you were to actually watch his show, 80% of what he says is more closely aligned with Resetera than anything resembling right wing. The points constantly mentioned here are the only differences.

His "New Rule" segments are mostly stuff like this, him going all in on republicans and their hatred of democracy, never the "both sides" nonsense.

Hack, yes, apologist, yes(see OP).

Hating Mitch does not make up for turning around and carrying water for Bush's Islamaphobia, Trump's racism, and a chunk of the Republican's culture wars to get his both sides points up and propping up this emerging Democratic social conservatism red-pilling and stalling social progress.

This is not the same thing. Milo is not equal to Maher. Come on, seriously? Milo advocates dangerous beliefs.
Maher has basically called Muslims incomparable with America and indistinguishable from Isis. That all Arab men abuse their significant others.


Oct 25, 2017
For those who don't want to give him any views:

Bill Maher Questions Naming of Coronavirus: “Why Should China Get a Pass?”

In a new episode of HBO's 'Real Time With Bill Maher' on Friday, the late-night host explored the history of diseases being named after countries in which they originated.

Never mind the fact that scientists are not referring it as the Chines virus (SARS 2 is probably a good nickname since it's from a similar strain). Scientists don't use names to vilify a people. That's what right-wingers are doing by referring to it as the 'Chinese virus'. Hell, it's called the Spanish flu because Spain had the audacity to accurately count the number of infected.

Look, China shares a good amount of blame for not informing the rest of the world of the extent of the disease in time (even now). But I don't for the love of me understand why calling it the Chinese virus helps anyone when anyone can find out about the origin with a quick Google search and that there's a decent chance the disease will be endemic around the world. The real question is why is Bill Maher is so insistent in calling it the 'Chinese virus' in the first place.

Yes, The Spanish Flu, if you want to actually use the naming system that people are trying to apply to Corvid as the "Chinese or Wuhan" virus, should be called the US Flu or Chicago flu, because that is where virologists have traced the origin of that pandemic.


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly, he has a job because a lot of folks agree with him. I'd say more Americans agree with his political ideas than say, this forums. I don't mean that as a knock against this forum either. I post here lol.


Oct 26, 2017
Berating idiots who see fit to assign blame for the virus a people (billion plus human beings) and by extension anyone of Chinese heritage / anyone who these idiots perceive to be Chinese is apparently worse than just looking the other way. Fantastic, level-headed take.


Oct 25, 2017
He is also Transphobic, Misogynist, and islamaphobic.

You can add even more racism to the list now.

So he represents Era just like that poster says right?

first, wow what a moving goal post. the quote thread started with a poster declaring he wasn't a "right wing hack or apologist" not a resetera representative.

second, no one on the planet could live up to era's standards.


Oct 27, 2017
Do people think here really think Bill Maher is some kind right ring hack or apologist? He has lots of bad takes, but if you were to actually watch his show, 80% of what he says is more closely aligned with Resetera than anything resembling right wing. The points constantly mentioned here are the only differences.

His "New Rule" segments are mostly stuff like this, him going all in on republicans and their hatred of democracy, never the "both sides" nonsense.

His New Rule segments, like most anything he says that's even remotely funny or prescient, are written by his writers. When he's speaking top-of-head, it's often hot bullshit.


Oct 25, 2017
Bill Maher is one of the few liberal takesman out there

I will never watch his show, but that's the reason why he's still in tv


Oct 25, 2017
first, wow what a moving goal post. the quote thread started with a poster declaring he wasn't a "right wing hack or apologist" not a resetera representative.

second, no one on the planet could live up to era's standards.

You could follow my posts and see what argument i was having with someone, the poster i responded to, literally said 80% of the time Maher would represent Era.

Im not the person that brought Era into this conversation. im arguing against it.

This is all literally on the same page of this thread.


May 10, 2018
User Banned (2 Weeks): Dismissive Commentary Surrounding Gender Identity
Not going to go into this minefield but I just want to say:
real tough pushback here...


The right better look out with a leftist advocate this strong...
Literally a 2-second gif out of probably 25 minutes of content between the two. Milo's career crashed and burned after going on that show and his Pedo CPAC speech.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 26, 2017
Maher was always closely aligned with parts of the new atheist/skeptic community (like, for example, Sam Harris) who broke away from that movement during the early 2010s(and who, along with Gamer Gate, was pivotal in creating the "anti-SJW" online sentiment at the time) and eventually joined up with Jordan Peterson, Rubin and the like to become the alt-lite/intellectual dark web.

To sum it up, Maher and his ilk consciously made the decision to join right-wing grifters and have essentially have been radicalizing themselves further to the right since at least the mid-2010s.

He must've jumped off the deep end shortly after the 2016 elections though? I remember a lot of his content was still being posted when most of ERA was still on NGAF at the time. He was bitching about the people who didn't vote and was salty when Bernie lost and even saltier when Hillary lost.

I think he doubled down on the "anti-SJW" stuff after being so resentful of it for so long and those guys you mentioned above gave him the pass to do so, so seamlessly. Such a shame because he could've still done more with his platform but instead to be a salty old man. Perhaps I am conflating his stance there with his intentions but he didn't always come off that way, at least to me, it seemed sincere.


Oct 25, 2017
Not going to go into this minefield but I just want to say:

Literally a 2-second gif out of probably 25 minutes of content between the two. Milo's career crashed and burned after going on that show and his Pedo CPAC speech.

Milo's career crashed after a Right-Wing Reganite group reported on Milo defending pedophilia on Joe Rogan's podcast, every right-wing group that Milo was trying to cosy up to dumped him immediately.

Not anything to do with his appearance with Maher. Maher if anything, gave him more a plateform that ended up him being invited to CPAC.

Nigel Tufnel

Mar 5, 2019
I wouldn't want to claim a dude like Maher, and I certainly don't want anyone as trash as him advocating for my beliefs.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
Do people think here really think Bill Maher is some kind right ring hack or apologist? He has lots of bad takes, but if you were to actually watch his show, 80% of what he says is more closely aligned with Resetera than anything resembling right wing. The points constantly mentioned here are the only differences.
We don't give a shit about the times he agrees with progressive values when he spouts bigoted shit. Nobody wants or should want "allies" like that.


Oct 25, 2017
You could follow my posts and see what argument i was having with someone, the poster i responded to, literally said 80% of mahe would represent Era.

Im not the person that brought Era into this conversation. im arguing against it.

This is all literally on the same page of this thread.
i read the whole post. he's right, 80% of maher's political opinions align with progressives. so saying he aligns with 80% of era is absolutely correct, it doesn't mean he's saying he's a representative of era either. but anyone calling him a right wing hack is either ignorant or lying.