
volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I agree with this. Magneto's motivation is based on the evils and bigotry and genocide of this world. Having him teleport in from elsewhere would just cheapen it when there's already multiple characters still hanging around from WWII for one fantasy reason or another.

Really. Why would Magneto have a vested stake in this world if he came from another universe? The first thing he'd do here is try to force Strange or someone to send him home. It's just not a good way to establish a mutant foothold imo.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017

The first Xmen Movie should just be chapters 2-5 of House of X. The creation and bolstering of the mutant state under the command of Charles Xavier, Magneto and Moira Kinross.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
Ywh sure. A huge part is him seeing his people, mutants, again treated like his people were in the holocaust when he was powerless and could do nothing.

He can't have just aged slowly as the idea him and all other mutants just weren't noticed doesn't work.

Him being frozen or whatever means all other mutants weren't noticed still which doesn't work.

Having them all cross from another timeline is not only perfectly set up by the recent films, but allows everything about them to remain intact.

It's the most obvious answer and, imo, it's clearly where they're headed.
That's not how mutants are being set up in the MCU. Ms. Marvel should've made that clear. Mutants will be from the main MCU, not from another timeline (Deadpool aside). Some would've been around the whole time, like Magneto/Wolverine/Xavier. But most will begin to pop up more recently.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
No you can't, because if he existed so did all mutants and the idea they all stayed under the radar just doesn't work.

All they need to do is multi-verse it and they can merge them in with all their origins intact.

Not sure why people are against that, it literally solves every issue and they have set it up perfectly.

Because it's much more important you don't pussyfoot around the backstory of arguably the most famous fictional Jewish character in media, or whitewash it as something else, because some people wouldn't like just adding "he aged slowly" to his arbitrary secondary power list.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I agree with this. Magneto's motivation is based on the evils and bigotry and genocide of this world. Having him teleport in from elsewhere would just cheapen it when there's already multiple characters still hanging around from WWII for one fantasy reason or another.
It wouldn't at all though.

He would have existed through all if that, and we simply show that mutants are immediately feared and treated poorly in the current MCU universe and it perfectly blends in.

We have everything we need for this

The accords in Civil War show the government and people already fear super powered beings. Having mutants arrive, some from another timeline and some already here, would easily click in with that and extend the fears already there into new legislations where mutants are hounded and feared.

The multiverse solution I'd already set up.

It all clicks in, nothing is lost because it happened in a other universe. The same people in those universes who hounded mutants could exist here, to the mutants who crossed it could be set up to not even be a stumble in the persecution they faced or any of their motivations.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
People need to stop suggesting "multiverse" with Magneto. It's not going to happen.


Oct 25, 2017
That's not how mutants are being set up in the MCU. Ms. Marvel should've made that clear.
All that showed was mutants exist hers already. We literally saw Charles in another universe in Dr Strange. Imo rhey are both setting up mutants here and will use multi-verse to solve all the issues.

Perfect solution.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I don't like the idea of the MCU overdoing it with frozen characters from the past waking up today, honestly with cap/buck that well feels dry to me. Feels lazy, feels like "just grab him from the multiverse." I'm all for a reimagined origin for a modern Magneto, if we want to align it with ethnic cleansings there are plenty to pick from.


Oct 25, 2017
Because it's much more important you don't pussyfoot around the backstory of arguably the most famous fictional Jewish character in media, or whitewash it as something else, because some people wouldn't like just adding "he aged slowly" to his arbitrary secondary power list.
Did you quote the wrong person? I seem to be saying the sme thing you are.

His backstory is too important imo, and that includes all.the moments in history he lived through as he rose to prominence as a villain.


Nov 22, 2019
It wouldn't at all though.

He would have existed through all if that, and we simply show that mutants are immediately feared and treated poorly in the current MCU universe and it perfectly blends in.

We have everything we need for this

The accords in Civil War show the government and people already fear super powered beings. Having mutants arrive, some from another timeline and some already here, would easily click in with that and extend the fears already there into new legislations where mutants are hounded and feared.

The multiverse solution I'd already set up.

It all clicks in, nothing is lost because it happened in a other universe. The same people in those universes who hounded mutants could exist here, to the mutants who crossed it could be set up to not even be a stumble in the persecution they faced or any of their motivations.
I just don't get why you'd have a character whose motivation is entirely rooted in the Holocaust and not have it be the Holocaust that happened in the same universe the story is set in. Anything else weakens his case, as his argument isn't just 'this genocide was inflicted on Jewish people and is now happening to mutants', it's also 'this was done to me, I remember, I was there'.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
All that showed was mutants exist hers already. We literally saw Charles in another universe in Dr Strange. Imo rhey are both setting up mutants here and will use multi-verse to solve all the issues.

Perfect solution.
I don't see why you need to do multiverse for everything. There are ways to have the X-Men as we know them be in our main continuity with little issue. MoM having Xavier was mainly an easter egg, like the rest of the Illuminati.
Oct 27, 2017
Option 1 is to do what the comics have done for years to explain why he's still young (ish) and in good physical shape- vague comic shenanigans with mutant genes.

Option 2, and the more likely, is altering his origins. As for how, not sure. There's a lot of real world things to draw from but I'm not sure it can be done in good taste considering those genocides are still ongoing.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I've suggested making him Palestinian but they don't have the balls.

Never gonna happen. I think it's worth noting that the usual types will get pissed that Magneto's a Holocaust survivor anyway. The usual types got pissed at the existence of She-Hulk. They don't know anything.


Oct 25, 2017
I just don't get why you'd have a character whose motivation is entirely rooted in the Holocaust and not have it be the Holocaust that happened in the same universe the story is set in.
It would still the same holocaust? That doesn't change it just because one universe had mutants existing during it, it doesn't lessen into jmpact.

In fact, having it be a constant in multiverse timeliness, a constant element of human history, makes it even more impactful imo.

I don't see why you need to do multiverse for everything. There are ways to have the X-Men as we know them be in our main continuity with little issue. MoM having Xavier was mainly an easter egg, like the rest of the Illuminati.
You don't need to do it for everything at all.

It is simply a perfect solution for this situation.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Some of y'all really trying to make this complicated by bringing the multiverse into this.


Oct 25, 2017
In a world where a person controls metal at will and another person can look into people's minds, slow aging seems pretty unspectacular feat, and can be added to his origin in one sentence without changing anything about the character. Don't make it complicated.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
For real though "grab them from the multiverse" is an awful idea for virtually any character, their character becomes at that point about being from another universe. It's a needless over-complication, it's a permanent fish out of water story, it's hard to sell a personal connection to the events of the world they're in now. Especially a villain like magneto, he has an intensely personal relationship with his villainy and I'm just not going to believe it if he's some guy plopped in a universe that isn't his own.

America Chavez is ABOUT the multiverse, works fine. Other characters without that hook? No thanks.


Dec 5, 2021
They aren't going to change Magneto's origin or ethnicity. Just say he ages slowly due to the experiments performed on him or whatever.


Oct 25, 2017
The irony here is it is the simplest solution, and others are trying to complicate it.

The simplest solution is telepathic mutants were wiping the memories of mutants from peoples minds to conceal and keep themselves safe. Fits in universe and doesn't need a 'oh they call suddenly appeared from a multiverse' angle.


Nov 22, 2019
The irony here is it is the simplest solution, and others are trying to complicate it.
Anything involving multiverses and removing the personal connection to the history of the main universe the story is set in is way more complex than 'turns out Magneto has a mutant power that slows his aging slightly because something something magnetic field or something something nazi super-science experiment'.

Multiverse stuff works better when it's rare, when it's used for a purpose that's vital to the story or character (like America Chavez, Dr Strange, Into the Spiderverse). Not when it's just wheeled out whenever to solve a small plothole that can be addressed with a single offhand sentence.

For me Magneto's ties to the evils of WWII in the main Marvel Universe are even stronger than Captain America. It's the thing that makes the character interesting in the whole mutant bigotry scenario that leads to Days of Future Past, the thing that allows the character to be anything from evil supervillain in some Avengers stories to a mentor figure in some of the Xmen ones and anywhere in between given the actions of the state in constantly making weapons and policies to purge mutants. If you wouldnt have Rogers teleport in from a random alternate America because it's vital he grew up in New York in the main reality, I'd be even less inclined to do it to Magneto to solve the 'age' or 'where was he up to now' plot hole that can be answered in seconds with a few words, he's too good a multi-faceted character to weaken the connection to the world he's fighting in.

Maybe he ages slowly and has been acting carefully to keep a 'brotherhood' of mutants a secret as he is pretty sure what's coming, and then a big reveal of 'if you thought superheroes were bad re: Sovakia, anyone can turn out to be a mutant one' forces his hand.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
I don't see how that simpler compared to just saying they've been around the whole time, but in smaller numbers until now.
Them existing for this entire time brings in too many other issues you need to resolve like Magnetos origins and placement in history as he rose to prominence, Professor X whose establishment of the X-Men was tied to the exact events that causes Magnetos rise through history, and long lived characters like Wolverine who are also tied to specific parts of history.

Trying to untangle and resolve all of thay us far, far more complex than the simplicity of multi-verse which has been perfectly set up.


Oct 28, 2017
There are a few ways to have him be a Holocaust survivor.

1) He ages slow due to his mutation.
2) Frozen like Cap or Bucky.
3) Aliens + space technology kept him off Earth and looking young.
4)Time Travel.
5) Another mutant keeps him young and healthy.
Magneto as a holocaust survivor is too iconic to get rid of imo. It would also reduce jewish representation, even if in comics Mags hasn't often made a lot out of feeling connected to the contemporary jewish people.

Multiverse is not required - personally I think it would be cool to introduce Asteroid M wholesale, just flat out reveal it having always been there but cloaked. It would represent a statement of Magneto's raw power that he casually pulled an asteroid into orbit and slapped a metallic base into it with a thought. It would also provide a scientific background to explain his lifespan with a single line. Just say he is utterly devoted to his cause and has used every means necessary, including the scientific, to extend his life.


Oct 25, 2017
I definitely think merging universes is a bit much this early in the multiverse story
I really don't. The MCU has already sped through a bunch of comic stories that were far more long lived in original print.

It matches their pacing of adapted stories they've already done.


Ugly, Queer, Gender-Fluid, Drive-In Mutant, yes?
Apr 22, 2018
Tampa, Fl
So in the first X-Men film Magneto's origin is shown at the beginning. He then did nothing until the year 2000. He just recruited a few mutants and stayed hidden.

I don't see how this would really be a problem at all in the MCU either. Charles and Magneto have been recruiting and keeping mutants hidden because they know they won't be accepted.

No complex story, no multiverse shinanigans, just "based on what we know, we know we will be feared and hated so we stayed hidden"


Oct 25, 2017
The simplest solution is telepathic mutants were wiping the memories of mutants from peoples minds to conceal and keep themselves safe. Fits in universe and doesn't need a 'oh they call suddenly appeared from a multiverse' angle.
They ca not be concealed. Their entire point t is fighting a world that fears and hates them. That us core to the very foundation of both Magneto and Charle's character, the formation of the X-men.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Did you quote the wrong person? I seem to be saying the sme thing you are.

His backstory is too important imo, and that includes all.the moments in history he lived through as he rose to prominence as a villain.

No, I quoted you, because "oh actually he's not from here" is practically the definition of pussyfooting around his backstory. Don't pretend he wasn't involved in the very real incidents that make up his backstory, or pretend they're actually the cause of some other reality.

Fuck that, he aged slowly, and he took part in events. Saying "oohhh noo, he can't have done that, they would have mentioned him by now!" like they didn't have superhero aliens fighting a small part of a war on Earth added in Captain Marvel, or timetravelling Kamala, or giant space planet aliens visiting in disguise and knocking the locals up while planting planet destruction seeds, or Captain america travelling back in time and living his life with Peggy or other supersoliders than Cap/Bucky existing and running around actively, or any other of hundreds of things that just went unmentioned until they mentioned it as a thing that happened.

There's no stretch at all to say magnetos backstory happened as is in the main universe, and nobody but you and a tiny handful of people will care at all in the slightest.


Oct 25, 2017
No, I quoted you, because "oh actually he's not from here" is practically the definition of pussyfooting around his backstory. Don't pretend he wasn't involved in the very real incidents that make up his backstory, or pretend they're actually the cause of some other reality.

Fuck that, he aged slowly, and he took part in events. Saying "oohhh noo, he can't have done that, they would have mentioned him by now!" like they didn't have superhero aliens fighting a small part of a war on Earth added in Captain Marvel, or timetravelling Kamala, or giant space planet aliens visiting in disguise and knocking the locals up while planting planet destruction seeds, or Captain america travelling back in time and living his life with Peggy or other supersoliders than Cap/Bucky existing and running around actively, or any other of hundreds of things that just went unmentioned until they mentioned it as a thing that happened.

There's no stretch at all to say magnetos backstory happened as is in the main universe, and nobody but you and a tiny handful of people will care at all in the slightest.
It's reall not that at all, see myreply below.

The last part of your comment is true for the multi-verae solution too and avoids ap the other issues.

Right now, Fiege has put a lot of thought into adapting the spruce material. It's not a case of "just do anything and people will lime it", a big reason he and the teams behind these films have been so successful is because he considers a lot of the core stuff very carefully.

Anything involving multiverses and removing the personal connection to the history of the main universe the story is set in is way more complex than 'turns out Magneto has a mutant power that slows his aging slightly because something something magnetic field or something something nazi super-science experiment'.

Multiverse stuff works better when it's rare, when it's used for a purpose that's vital to the story or character (like America Chavez, Dr Strange, Into the Spiderverse). Not when it's just wheeled out whenever to solve a small plothole that can be addressed with a single offhand sentence.

For me Magneto's ties to the evils of WWII in the main Marvel Universe are even stronger than Captain America. If you wouldnt have him teleport in from alternate America because it's vital he grew up in New York in the main reality, I'd be even less inclined to do it to Magneto to solve the age plot hole that can be answered in seconds with a few words.
It's really not.

Again, these historic moments being constants in multiverse timeliness as constant blights on humanity's history, as constant evils, almost inevitable key points in timeliness only adds to their impact.

The Holocaust from Magnetos universe could be exactly as it happened in ours simply with mutants in the background. It wouldn't cheapen it, it would only strengthen its impact as an inevitable part of the horror of human history.

The MCU 616 is already not OUR universe, that dowN't make their holocaust any lesser in terms of impact, either.

Multiverse fixes it all, every other solution proposed here causes needless issues.


Oct 25, 2017
Lots of people wanting to get rid of the holocaust thing and also his jewish origin story. Shocking on Era.

Just have him survive the holocaust and be slow aging. Its not that hard.

Change the holocaust origin to an immigrant crossing the boarder and having his parents killed.

Not that it's on the same level but it's what I could see working... or have him be a survivor of one of the more recent genocides in history.
lol I mean come on.


Oct 27, 2017
Get Ian McKellen back. But make him older. Full-on prosthetics and make-up, so Magneto looks ancient. In fact, put him in a wheelchair since you can make him so old that he can't really move too well. But not just any wheelchair, a metal wheelchair that he can magnetize. So not only can he roll around, but he can also use his powers to make the wheelchair fly. See, now you have a reasonable scientific reason for him to be able to fly. So when he goes to fight, you can have this spectacle of him flying in his wheelchair with explosions and lasers all around him as he spins round and round in the air while he zaps things with his magnetic powers. He would be like an evil version of Professor X in a wheelchair.

As for Professor X, go the opposite direction, and make him younger. In fact, instead of a wheelchair, make it a stroller. Make Xavier a baby. So you have this dichotomy of a baby in a helpless physical shell but with a mind so strong that he can do strong mind things. And he's bald because he's a baby!

Also, for Mystique, you can just say that she merged with the MCU from some other multiversal existence. Actually, just explain that she's a mutant shapeshifter from Star Wars.
T002 Tyrant

T002 Tyrant

Nov 8, 2018
Lots of people wanting to get rid of the holocaust thing and also his jewish origin story. Shocking on Era.

Just have him survive the holocaust and be slow aging. Its not that hard.

lol I mean come on.

Slow aging is good even at every two years = 1 year of aging, it'd bring him into his mid 40s, early 50s. Wolverine too could be even be extreme slow aging, because it'd explain why he's still not 12 years old. Like 10 years = 1 year of aging for Logan.


Oct 27, 2017
Some of y'all really trying to make this complicated by bringing the multiverse into this.

Agreed, it's totally unnecessary. Just make mutants really rare, and have them be very secretive. Nobody had an issue with Hank Pym operating as Ant-Man decades ago or Captain Marvel being around before the first Iron Man. It's a complete non-issue.


Oct 25, 2017
Agreed, it's totally unnecessary. Just make mutants really rare, and have them be very secretive. Nobody had an issue with Hank Pym operating as Ant-Man decades ago or Captain Marvel being around before the first Iron Man. It's a complete non-issue.
Multiverse is also a "non-issue" that would just work, so while I honestly wouldn't actually care what they did this, I find people calling multiverse "too complex" (when it is not oy perfecrly set up, but is also the simplest way of just dumping the in with everything intact) pretty strange.

They can do whatever they want, though, as long as they keep important representation intact and execute the stories we see after they arrive well who cares beyond a little nerd arguments on Era.