How concerned are you about Trump running in 2024?

  • Not concerned. He will be dead of health problems or in jail by then.

    Votes: 343 26.8%
  • Not concerned. Even if he survives and doesn't go to jail, the GOP hates losers.

    Votes: 356 27.8%
  • A litte concerned. It's far away from now, so I'm not going to dwell on it.

    Votes: 350 27.3%
  • Legit concerned. Even if the chances of it happening are low, 4 more years of Trump is terrifying.

    Votes: 189 14.8%
  • Undecided at this point.

    Votes: 42 3.3%

  • Total voters

Deleted member 31923

User requested account closure
Nov 8, 2017
With talk of Trump reportedly considering a 2024 run and maybe launching it on Biden's inauguration day, how concerned are you about a Trump run in 2024? I'm mildly to moderately concerned. 4 years is a long way out, and hopefully Trump is in jail by then, but he got 74 million votes in 2020, 74 million than he should have got. His cult is so in love with him that I feel any other candidate won't cut it for them. And I don't know if our country could last 4 more years of Trump. Since the President's party almost always loses seats in the midterms, Democrats could lose the House in 2022 and either lose or fail to gain the Senate based on how the special elections go. A revenge tour with Trump in charge and the Republicans running Congress? That's a scary thought, however remote it may be.

Your thoughts?
Oct 25, 2017
No worries. Four years will be brutal to him and he may be looking at jail time. Health will get him if the law won't.


Charitable King
Oct 27, 2017
The bigger concern is always the groundswell of grifters and suckers that powers the right wing cancers like Trump in the first place tbh

You were lucky with Trump. The next one will be competent.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I think he'll start a campaign soon after he gets booted out of the White House. There are so many things that can happen between then and 2024 that I'm not worried. It'll just fracture the party.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
We have no idea how things will look by then. No reason to worry until it comes to pass. More pressing things to concern ourselves with.


Oct 25, 2017
The much bigger concern is a red wave with someone who is actually competent and intelligent at the helm.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
We have no idea how things will look by then. No reason to worry until it comes to pass. No pressing things to concern ourselves with.
I can't see the next 3 months, no use stressing myself out 4 years down the line. Cause no one in 2019 thought 2020 was going to be like this


Mod of the Year 2006
Oct 25, 2017
I think it's mostly a front to play the victim card for 4 years as he faces a tidal wave of legal battles. He's going to claim Biden's DOJ is going after him.

The downside is, if he stays in the spotlight, he will control the GOP. He will give the orders on what the Senate is willing to do/not do.


Oct 25, 2017
We're gonna fucking hear from his from his fucking family for the rest of our fucking lives

Sorry for the French


Mar 9, 2018
Nah I think he's gonna sit back and love all of the attention that the clown car of candidates in the primary give him. They'll all be sucking up to him hardcore in an attempt to get his endorsement.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, a dementia-riddled, neck-deep-in-litigation Trump running against an even slightly likable incumbent, or non-Clinton newcomer, should be an easier win than most Republican candidates. So I'm kind of hoping he can either sweep the 2024 primaries, or get close enough to fuck over whoever does end up winning.

Of course, saying this with the knowledge we had the exact same logic in 2016 and it, uhh, didn't go so well.


Oct 25, 2017
It's pretty well documented that he's been miserable as president. Even if he's able, I don't think he will want it.


Oct 25, 2017
anyone who thinks Trump is going to jail is wildly naive. Trump will live a life of luxury with excellent health care, so he is probably not going to die in 4 years either.
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Oct 25, 2017
I feel like he will enjoy the power he has over the GOP and just tease a run until it's time for the primary and back out..if he's still alive.

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
Concerned? I'm excited. He's gonna be another four years older, and the moment he shows up on the ticket, we're going to have galvanized voters again. If he runs as a Republican, it's a W. If he runs as an Independent, he tears apart the GOP. The level of involvement Trump has following the day that Biden is sworn in will be directly proportional to the damage he'll do the GOP.


Oct 26, 2017
NY AG is waiting until the orange clown leaves office. He will definitely be fighting some legal battles. Who knows what kind of other shit he has done we have no idea about. He certainly will be busy. Also 4 years from now, Trump will be 78 or something. He might die before then.


Oct 25, 2017
Trump is a double edged sword because he increases turnout for both sides.

I'd be just as concerned about a piece of toast running if it had an (R) next to it on the ballot, there's so many anti-democratic institutions in our government that literally anyone can win as a republican. Biden had to win by 6 million votes just to scrape by.


Oct 28, 2017
With the caveat that politics changes so fast these days that forecasting even 4 years out is very difficult...I say that if both candidates are in good enough health to actually run in 2024, Biden wins re-election by comparable, maybe even slightly better margins vs 2020. Incumbency advantage + economic recovery from COVID should be enough for Biden to take it.


Jul 25, 2018
Not worried at all. He'll announce his 2024 run on Biden's inauguration day just because he is a spiteful loser, and the goal of his run will be to give cover for his many legal issues, to raise funds to help with his money problems, and so he can do his rallies he loves (needs) so much. He'll be crying "Witch hunt! Politically motivated! Donate to help me fight the swamp!"

He won't actually run the in the primary. It's all a grift, and the money will disappear.


The Pyramids? That's nothing compared to RDR2
Oct 27, 2017
I think he will and he will have a good chance of winning. Especially if Kamala runs, allowing the GOP can pull the racism and sexism cards at the same time.


Oct 25, 2017
Definitely concerned, both with Trump running again and with the greater grift/conspiracy/scam universe continuing its assault on reality.


Oct 27, 2017
Supposing that Twitter does eventually ban after he's out of office, I wonder how likely it is he creates an alt account just to read tweets. I imagine he'd not have the self control needed to avoid actually tweeting and getting multiple alt accounts banned over time, but I feel like him reading all the stuff against him without being able to ramble on and on about it will probably put him in an early grave.

Deleted member 44129

User requested account closure
May 29, 2018
I dont think I agree with those that think he'll die. I think a lot of his stress will vanish,. He'll get all the benefits of people around him telling he's brilliant, but without the pressures of having to pretend to be working. He's going to be a mouthpiece. He's going to continue with his cult following, he's going to be a powerful tool in winding up racist motherfuckers who will try and get the GoP back in in 4years time, except this time the GoP know what works and what doesn't in taking the power grab.

Let's hope he goes to prison first, then... But his legacy remains.
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Mar Tuuk

Oct 31, 2017
He won't be in jail and if he is it's going to make more of his people turn out for whoever the R nominee is.
"Look they're doing to me what I said I'd do to Crooked Hillary!"
Trump has 95% approval in the republican party. They will have a major issue on their hands if New York does go after him and then Republican voters will want their reps/ Senators to do something to save him.

For people saying he's having money issues, Trump is the king of the Grift. He will make so much money off the title "former president". Also if you thought the media was focused on trump before just wait till he starts tweeting as a former president.
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Oct 26, 2017
Not sure he can win but if he runs it will be another year of miserable over-exposure in the media so I hope not.

Deleted member 31923

User requested account closure
Nov 8, 2017
yeah he's going to jail. Right next to George Bush and Dick Cheney.

In fairness, they committed war crimes, and sadly we let our Presidents/VP's get away with those. Otherwise, most Presidents would have been arrested at some point. Trump committed tax/financial crimes (along with war crimes, but not as bad as W), and it's harder to get away with those. Just like how they could only get Capone on tax evasion when he did much worse.


Oct 25, 2017
In fairness, they committed war crimes, and sadly we let our Presidents/VP's get away with those. Otherwise, most Presidents would have been arrested at some point. Trump committed tax/financial crimes (along with war crimes, but not as bad as W), and it's harder to get away with those. Just like how they could only get Capone on tax evasion when he did much worse.
Google 'Dick Cheney Halliburton'

No president in US history has ever served jail time and many have done far far worse than Trump could ever dream of.


May 1, 2018
I'm firmly in the "he's not going to get arrested" camp, but his talk about running in 2024 and his base being loyal to him and not the GOP makes me think maybe there could be a bipartisan effort to lock him up. If his conspiracy theories cost them the senate seats in Georgia, and they lose the senate because of it, he'll be more than a liability than he's worth to the Republicans. Plus he's a constant risk of splitting the party if he ever decides to run independent.